UGC CARE Vs Scopus Vs SCI Journal | Which Journal is Good ?

Hello friends thanks for calling eye doctor denis welcomes you all today we will discuss about the most important issue. This is the ugc care. Scopus and sa index journal ugc list journal, ugc care list of journals 2022 so before publishing b always seeks the general categories to publish our article or manuscript in these three categories. So first one is the ugcc airlist journal ugc list journal, ugc care list of journals 2022 iscopus index journal ugc list journal, ugc care list of journals 2022 or sci induction. These are the very very important uh journal ugc list journal, ugc care list of journals 2022s or general database that we always look for so there is a big confusion to all the researchers which one journal ugc list journal, ugc care list of journals 2022s type categories should be choose so these are the three categories of the database general data types. First one is the ugcc second one is the scopas and third one is the babe of science or sc index categories database. So first one is the ugcc advice ugc care. Formed so ugc university. Grant commission formed a category. That is a kind of ugc care especially dedicated for look after the quality of the journal ugc list journal, ugc care list of journals 2022 and public publishing quality and the research paper quality so this is the especially dedicated especially purpose of the ugc so the ugc care. Means here ugc consortium for academic and research ethics so in this first category. What is the journal ugc list journal, ugc care list of journals 2022. So the journal ugc list journal, ugc care list of journals 2022 is the only medium or we can say. This is the only one way to publish our research paper or manuscript or article across the globe. So first one is the ugc ugc has formed a ugc care. Body and to look after the quality of the journal ugc list journal, ugc care list of journals 2022 publication ethics and improve the quality of the research paper for the word of the degree like the phd m tech and mpel foreign. So this is the very important thing to all of you so for the word of the degree if you are going to avoid your degree so that it is mandatory to follow the foreign. Just you have to pick the any kind of the journal ugc list journal, ugc care list of journals 2022 that is suitable for your research topic. Next category group two. This particular so is so. In brief scopus is maintained by the lcpr elsewhere kind of work governing body that maintain the scopus index database and it publishes so actually this type of the category of the journal ugc list journal, ugc care list of journals 2022 maintained by the clary weight analytic earlier it was maintained by the thomson reuter butter in at present it is maintained by the clarified analytics.

And so this is the brief summary of the scopus index journal ugc list journal, ugc care list of journals 2022 and sa individual so in the terms of the parameter tabular form so first parameter is the database updating frequency. If we will talk about the kind of the updation means general category copy or not so this is the updation frequency foreign. You can see so it number. This number is not the fix. So don’t go for this number. Just focus on the your journal ugc list journal, ugc care list of journals 2022 categories and your research topic so this is the all about the ugc care. Journal ugc list journal, ugc care list of journals 2022 ugc care. List and a scopus index journal ugc list journal, ugc care list of journals 2022 and sc index general. Which is the very important thing to be familiar with all three kind of the database. Which one is the suitable so as per my suggestion as per my database and sci index so these are the kind of uh different type of the different databases and ugcc and sci so friends. Thank you for watching this video video useful supportive research so please subscribe the channel and also help your friends also so that they should not get the any kind of the mistake for the word of the degree. So thank you friends for watching this video.

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