How to write  an review article? Definition, structure and step wise Tutorials

Hey guys what’s up. Welcome back to your favorite channel. PHT inch in this episode. Let me talk about how to write a review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample if you have collected research article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample and if you are planning to start your research career then the amount of research article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample what you have collected you can come up with the article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample. Everybody in their research carrier tried to collect a research article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample. Try to refer research article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples and these research article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples give you a roadmap towards your PhD or towards your research career whereas the same research article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample you can use it and come up with a review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample and in today’s video. Let me show you how to write. A review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample and this video is sponsored by a journal called as North American academic research and there is an ongoing call for research paper whether it is a research article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample the review. And as well as your thesis if you are looking to publish then you can easily target this journal. The link of this journal is mentioned in the description box so let us jump onto the video. So what is a review. Article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample is an article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample that summarizes the current state of understanding on a particular topic or a particular problem a review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample surveys and summarizes previously published studies rather than reporting new facts or analysis. So moving on to the structure of a review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample a review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample comprises of abstract introduction summary the content of your review feature prospective and your conclusion. So how do you start first. You need to try to collect article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples to draft your review. You need to search on a particular topic and come up with an idea to write a review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample once you have collected enormous amount of research article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples. Then you can easily go for drafting a review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample. According to my experience you need to have minimum amount of 30 to 50 a research article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample in order to write a review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample so there can be two type of review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples. Where in a general like concept you find a research cap and then you come up with your own idea and the second type is your research you find a gap and come up with an idea.

Your research might be like enormous area of science or domain for example. If you think of nanotechnology nanotechnology is said to be having a different applicative property so nanotechnology is a big field of science. You target a particular application. Find your gap in that particular application and come up with your idea. So how do you start now. Find your co-authors it would be very easy if you have one or two co-authors who can contribute towards drafting your review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples. Try to contact the researcher who are working on the similar field which you are trying to publish as a review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample once you know who all are contributing who all are coming in contribute in your review chapter you know your co-authors then start writing your first draft. No matter how it comes you need to simply just not download chop down the points or the content what you want to published in your review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample so make your draft as simple as possible. The first draft very simple. And as you come up with different drafts you need to refine your draft and make it more compatible towards targeting and research journal. The next big question is how to choose a journal you need to use web resources like Google Scholar web of science research gate etc to see like where you can target this particular draft or this particular research review research area publishing pattern in a type of different types of journals for example if you are working on plant related research or if you are working on secondary metabolites related research to try to see which are the journals which are recently accepting or publishing similar kind of research article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples so which journals have published more research article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples in a particular field which you have chosen to draft your review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample and also see thus this journal requires an invitation to publish your review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples which means in most of the journals you need to have a prior annotation to submit your review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples because an review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples are usually published by a scientific member or sign scientist who is well versed in a particular field and by seeing his contribution in a particular field they will tend to invite him to contribute a review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample but in recent times.

If you are having a good amount of scientific knowledge on a particular area or if you are working on a particular area and if you think that there is lot of research gap then you can try to fill this research gap with your review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample the next big step in your review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples abstract here. You need to start your abstract like the present review provides or describes or you can start your abstract with one or two lines of introduction. Your very important point is there is no methodological aspect in your abstract or in your review content. So you need to give intro introduction and need to present. Your review highlight some of the important findings which are reported till date and highlight the gaps and your vision odd and your input the whole summary should be compiled and drafted within 250 to 350 words. So going on to the introduction like the introduction should comprises of definition or a problem what you are trying to say then a prime researcher research which has already been published in various scientific journals and try to add our cope of with your vision with the existing data. My suggestion is you need to collect a research article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample as a references for your review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample you need to choose the research article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample within 10 years of published like published data so once again. I would like to remind you that there is an ongoing call for submission in northern American academic research. So now let me show you a live example of one of my review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples so that you can get easily idea like how to publish a review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample so moving on to them one of my review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample which was published in environmental toxicology and pharmacology which was published in 2017 so it is one of the repeated journal.

My review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample was mainly focused on use of nanoparticle sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples in agriculture sector. As you all know nanotechnology is an emerging field of science which has a different applicative property but there were scanty reports on use of nanoparticle sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples in agriculture system system. So I came up with an idea I collected my research. I collected my research. I collected the important findings which were already available then. I came up with a review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample so very important step. Is you need to be like very precise very informative. You need to have a very informative and unique title and here. I give name. I gave my title as nano agro particle sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples emerging trends and future prospect in modern agriculture system. I came up with the brief abstract. On what kind of review. I was about to submit then. I started the introduction. Here you can see in my introduction. I gave in like a history with a reference citing 1960. Then if you could see this. Review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample is published in 2017. And if you see my research references they are very. They were very recent references during those that during the time like 2015 16 14 16 12 etc like this. I like referred the research article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample which were published recently within ten years in ten years. So the next part is no matter. How good your review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample is you need to have figures in your review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples and tables. I collected a different. I collect I drafted different like figures. Where a pictorial representation is more attractive and catchy than your writing. So you can see figure number one and table number one and your review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample after your introduction should be light divided into different subheadings so once a journal introduction then physical chemical properties of nano. Agra particle sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples I divided by reviewing various subheadings 10 parameters influencing the activity of nano particle sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples widely used nano particle sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples in agriculture system.

Then I gave the nano particle sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples as a potent antimicrobial agents against fighter pathogens I started with the applicative properties. Then second a table you can see like this. I divided my review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample then I came up with the figure a different for different subheading I had a respective figure which was very important and then I gave the future perspective and conclusion so like this. I drafted my review article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample and I collected enormous amount of published research and I cited them so very important step is you need to have an attractive title along with your figures which are important so guys if you have any doubt then please do contact us contact us on PSD ends at if you are looking for other videos like how to submit research article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review samples on going calls then you can easily watch our videos. Subscribe to our channel so that you can stay tuned and get updated with our upcoming videos but before concluding my video once again. I would like to remind you that there is an ongoing call whose description whose link is in the description below. Please go through this website. Try to target this general because it is one of the emerging jump journal published by North American academic research where you can get a rapid review and get your article sample review paper, sample of paper review, paper review sample accepted so with this let me conclude and remind you to please do subscribe to our channel. PSTN and support us. Thanks for watching. Have a nice day. Good luck bye.

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