Identifying appropriate journals for  research paper

Oh hello I’m dr. Connie Kalitta and I welcome you back to this solution and the research to dress the same trends in research methodology workshop which has been collected by the rest Society for research international. That is the other. Selleck so the young person that I’m going to handle is called identifying appropriate journals for your research paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology so many times it becomes a time constraint for researchers that after writing a paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology that where they should place this paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology or where they should submit newspaper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology or where this particular they first should be published so that they can get the maximum credibility as well as the maximum benefit incomes of citations and it comes on impact particular paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology so a lot of us. Have this question once we finish even when we are going through the research or when we are doing the research we every special in my mind that this particular research that. I’m be well. I’m going to publish it. And many times because of lack of knowledge or because of lack of sufficient amount of time to select the journal for our research paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology we may end up putting it in a place where it should not have been placed for example. Suppose say you are writing a paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology and you are almost near the end of the research paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology and during their time. Suppose say you get a male a male from one of the Prairie journals. You do not know that the journal is predatory you get a mail from this journal and the journal says you that. I this particular database details version of DeSantis and we have in the vector of the sentence. And since you have you are already exhausted while doing the entire inserts and you have devoted so much time to writing the paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology as well as conducting the research. You’re now prime intention will be to put my research paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology in the journal as soon as possible and maybe by saying that we mean by a fake email or they fake generally mean you may believe it to be true just because just maybe a letter. T because you have already invested so much time in writing the paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology and background check of the journal and you send it to them particular journal and your hard work gets published email.

Do me a journal or which you then do not get the credit the necessary credit that you should get and the necessary benefit in terms of citations and in terms of impact that you should read so that is when this particular session is very useful in the current scenario because it tells you because here. I will introduce you to some small tips that you can do or that. You can see as soon as you have finished your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology in fact you know second tips that you can go on to me as you write your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technologys so let us see what are the basic criteria so again. I what I should tell you about this particular strategy depth. I use this is a particular strategy that I am going to share with all of you and this is the strategy that I use while selecting certain suitable journals or my research paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technologys again since I am from an engineering background so the focus will be s will be slightly on the on the engineering sciences. But it doesn’t mean that this rules are not applicable for t other domains like the management or we can make these dirty artisans a human arts and social sciences etcetera. It’s not necessary term. It is not waiting for that it is also very for them and I am NOT claiming that this particular strategy that I am using is the best one there may be some alternate strategy. There may be some additional things that other researchers are doing but this strategy has worked pretty well for me so far barring the instance of if I share any good with you barring the instance of when I was a master student it wasn’t thirteen. That was the only incident when I was treated by journal or a predatory journal by which made me believe which at the time I didn’t have that kind of knowledge in understanding the negatives of the journal and the publishing world so I was also duty to believe in depth and particular fake journal or that particular petitioner he said actually reputable journal and I ended up publishing or I ended up sending my hard work or my research of six seven months into that particular journal which was a freak kind of journal which was a dubious kind of dinner and now I myself am not very pleased with the paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology that is there though.

It is a good paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology in terms of quality of resistance that is there but just because it is in a substandard. Journal it makes me always feel then the work that I have done was also perhaps substandard it kind of downgrades your modem it kinds of is a detrimental to your moral health in terms of the in terms of the publishing so that is why it is important to choose your journals wisely. So that was the only instant instance when I was I was lured into believing a fake several to be a very credible dinner after the since then as soon as I found out it I started reading more and more about the different kinds of criterias that are there and over the years I have been quite successful in navigating away from the territory journals and never getting away from the dubious journals so if I want to share discrediting with yossel. So what is the criteria to choose a journal so the basic criteria to choose a journal which I believe is here. I have color-coded all the options that you can see on your screen. I’ve color-coded them based on the importance level. I list the steps. Also you can think of this as a high record winner. Okay for me. I look at this. In a step-by-step manner for example. The first thing. I look at while selecting a journal to publish my article list. I look at the articles which are similar to my articles. So how can you look at those articles for example when when you were writing your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology you wish the citing some paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technologys in your research your obesity citing some literature internships so when you are citing those literature it means you have probably meet those ministries. Now you have already read those paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technologys so once you read those paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technologys you get a sense of understanding them.

How similar is my work. In terms of the geometric issues not necessarily be a continuance but in terms of team and in terms of the in terms of the quality and in terms of the fee. I mean how similar my paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology is with respect to those because that I’m already reading so who say if the similarity between your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology and the paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technologys that we’re reading is somewhere around you will need to it to be somewhere around higher than eighty percent that it means your particular research paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology that you have written now is also suitable to be published in that particular journal. Okay let me be the case again. I will give a very specific example for example I basically. I’m a mechanical engineer. Who works in the field of structural engineering and during my PhD. I acquainted myself with certain advanced algorithms for the computer science are basically from the computer science an IT domain and I integrated both these fields. I integrated the algorithms from the soft computing field. We deal with the hard problems or with the actual problems of the structural engineering field. So now what happens is that whenever I try to publish a paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology my paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology ends up being interdisciplinary because it contains certain amount of information that is all certain amount of information like algorithms which are basically from the computer science at a soft computing domain whereas my problem that I was solving. Or where is the physical problem that I am trying to solve is from the structural engineering event. Okay so now. I have to make a very conscious decision depending on after I after I write the entire paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology I just look at the paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology and I try to analyze. Then what is the relative percentage of these two teams that are here in this particular ministry for me. Suppose it is two teams for you. It may be three teams or it may be four teams so I try to analyze that. What are the different kinds of things that earlier. What could be the percentage of these teams for example.

Suppose it is paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology that I’ve written does it contains does it contains more information of the structural engineering side or does it convince more information on the stock of meeting cell so if suppose that. I feel them. My paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology has more stronger. Focus on the structural meaning part then. I will try to select a journal. Which is a morning plane because structural engineering part if suppose. I feel that know. My particular journal is my particular paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology that I’ve written has more components from the stock computing one then. I will consciously try to select a channel which publishes this kind of examples from district engineering but it has very strong focus on the algorithm part so based on these kind of decisions you have to take a based on these kinds of criteria or based on this kind of information about your own people you have to take a decision regarding which particular tell them. You can choose this really prospect that you can do in next step that you should do or that. I do is that I go and check the aims and scope of vision so once supposing I have written T paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology I have used certain references in this particular paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology so suppose say from these references. I find there are at least five different journals which are very which Perficient for list articles that are similar to the present article that I’m writing so what I will do. I will short pitch dist:5 journals. Okay so to say it is journalist i ABCDE find once again. I will shortlist the next step that I do is that I go to each of their official websites okay. I go to the official website and I try to read through these instance scope of this journal. Okay so once. I read to me Ames in school. I am. I get a sense of the idea. I get a sense or an idea regarding what this channel is expecting. Okay for example. In some general if they die it in their aims in scope then we strongly focused on the theoretical part. Okay then if my paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology is more on the applied part then I will try to then I try to remove that gel M from – or twisting okay so now suppose after seeing the aims in scopes of a journal from the initial 5 surface type journal ABCDE that I listed for myself I will remove these journals which are not within DM since say one particular journal is not within D.

My paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology is not with indie games and particularly on surface in general. C so I will remove general C for my so distinct now I have four different journals general a B D and E okay so I have to now place my article in one of these for journals the next thing that I try to do is I try to visit this journals websites and Indian websites. A lot of information is regarding the channel restrictions. So what are these restrictions. For example there are certain journals which publishes only review articles. There are certain journals which publishes only researcher because there are certain journals which publishes articles in in appendices. There are certain general specific obvious articles in restricted exists. There are certain journals which publishes the article. But they also want that you should share your data along with the journal. Okay so this. Kind of restrictions are case-by-case. There are different kinds of restrictions that different later channels first example there is another journal in my field which says that in my field it says that the maximum number of pitches that you can have in. Any paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology is eight pages so based on all these restrictions. I try to again map my paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology that I have written with respect to this for journals that are still remaining it one shortest so suppose as I told you I have four different journals still revealing in my stories general a general be generally and generally now based on his restrictions. I found out that my particular paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology that I’ve written is along. Eight thousand words and journal. He says to me that the maximum amount of world in any paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology if for this journal can be maximum. Six thousand words so it means even if I set my paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology there so it is violating one of the rules of the particular journal so I believe that it is.

It is all unnecessary to send my article there if I wished I shouldn’t waste my time as well as the jealous type so I remove the journal d from my list now I have three journals remaining children a general be Jenna II. Okay and on these three journals general a B and E all been fulfilled the first three criterias that I’ve listed here okay. Discreet criteria circuit most important criteria is okay so now all these three journals in my shot list have passed all these three areas now. I look for the fourth criteria before criteria is what is the journals the rejection or acceptance rate. Okay now this criteria may be a little difficult to find out because a lot of journals not you mr. Thomas regarding what is the acceptance percentage. What is the rejection. Pursuit is the determinant heads. So but in certain big publishers. Like if you go for the publishers like and Savior or spin jerk. You’ll find them in their web page itself. They mentioned this rate. They mentioned the acceptance as well as the rejection rate. Okay sometimes this information is not available for us for us and sometimes it is available for us again it depends only on the publisher and it depends on the generals policy again. Sometimes they make it very aware and sometimes they do not making a common knowledge. Okay so based on this criteria if this information is also available to me based on this criteria. I try to rank my general selection supposing as I roll in the shortest Marleen free generals are remaining general a general V and general e so. I try to rank them based on their physics and an acceptance rate. Okay suppose say general. He has 50% acceptance rate whether it’s general a and B has suppose a 25% and 30% so presently. Okay so it means. I have better chances of publishing in general e as compared to on the probabilistic scale it just not necessarily but on a probabilistic scale.

I have more chances of getting published in Journal e as compared to journal a and B okay so maybe I will first give priority to general e. Okay so that is another criteria that I consider the next criteria that I consider is what is the journals prestige level. This is very very important when you are doing quality work. Okay whenever you are doing very good quality one this is very important for you because at the end the quality of your do you know that you have to put a lot of hard work in your research paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology. You have done a very quality work you have done something very noble. You have done something that could be very impactful but if you go and publish it in a low prestige journal then you will end up harming yourself you will end up harming your research career as such what do. I mean by prestige level in my last session. I discussed about different kinds of indexing. I discussed about sei indexing. I discussed about SSA I discussed about eh CI indexing and so on so I determine the prestige level based on the indexes suppose say if from the journals for listing criteria. Let us see you if suppose it in my Jordan general Starr twisting in my journal surface. I have three different genders remaining nominal. He’ll be an e. Eminem Sarkozy Journal II has 50% acceptance rate. But it is next only in this covers where instead of a and B are index attea CM. Okay then I will again. Reorient my list in terms of leap. SCA which s CIA journals first and then D is Cooper seminal because I will put more it no more stress on the co general. It is a give me personal opinion or because. I know that the SCO journals are the best quality standard letters there in the publishing world so I will try to initially. I will try to publish my article. Get my article. Published in d SE a journal. And if suppose say after one or two predictions i find it. Okay the editorial of different genders believe that my article is not up to the mark of a say there then maybe.

I will go and try in scopus level and again if surface a in this first level also I try to get it published and if I feel in this caucus together so then maybe I will go and try something lower like de sel even though it is not necessary that PSA is lower than focus but at this junction of the research level that we are in in 2020. Generally what happens is that most researchers focus on. T mu serious research since they focus multi SEI SSC a and a SCA has been the best indexing and then may considers for us to be the next best and then they consider something somewhat lower or then there is the ESEA. Okay so maybe. I can I also follow them. Same categorizations the next important fact then after which I look at is which is again a list and then gives review so again this information you can get from d-orbitals website as well as if this is information is not explicitly mentioned in the publishers website. Then you should look at 10 to 15 obviously its latest issue and those if the sufficiently Wendy acceptance data mention there from there you can get a sense of people fight then generally for all the big publishers like we figure this will Commission is already mentioned in their website. Also them small public assets. See the biggest volume that they have for this. I mean this is only maybe you can look at five to ten different a person you can see. This is the at this time. So based on this so I generalize came two words everyone can understand so that is why this is a second. The stem is appreciated. Only then he is going to find it useful and only if he finds it useful he is going to save you. He will give you a citation. This citation are also very important from citations in occurrence in order is important. SD publication itself. Because you may produce uttered paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technologys in India but if you do not have any citation they are meaningless because they are not helping other researchers scientific community as a goal so that is right it is important that you focus on the leadership concern but that comes you have the eye well okay so I triple exes now.

I know that I typically access if he charges a fee of around 1.2 legs from the researches of Indian currency complete stretches again since my project is exclusively for temp I find University or since I do not have a sponsor for the for meeting before division cost so I Ghana a lien. I do not want to bail them out of my own pocket and so I will draw that particular again. Generally what happens if that. I mentioned it would be our discussions that will be European Union. One safely is that movie channels and they’re cheaper. There’s a listing all the researchers who publishes or connexes and they’re saying but you publish it on the Nexus T logically then if you need everyone to be and then maybe one can reduce it but I do not know of any scheme which which promotes do researchers operation open exist in India from the government sector from the university perspective for example. I always cut them is when you can go get funding to Commission. Appendices right there. You’re promising many group of annexation explain there. I keep it exists then in that case. University suppose you support your application process but you do which appears the most part this kind of general I know that. Say before second each other because once your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology is getting accepted and if you are not able to pay the cost so they are not thinking what we should get better so you will end up losing as well as you can have convened. It right. Paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology was accepted because of lack of proper from almost not even do every single journal so that could hear kind of demonizing effect on you so you should always consider risk and robbery in the very beginning when sending a dam. Phong’s you caste slightly depressed a scheduler also or dementia then the pristine and aggressive Christianity with the fixings and between vaccines eyes on them. Mr. Purcell poor my journal am mister. So in general though it doesn’t but generally publishing in a higher vector is more advantageous in the current scenario because the universities if they have any kind of reward scheme then for channel setting and characters they give them better so the next thing.

I already mentioned that is the speed. So this scheme can be a speed of reviewing or this can be real time or this can be reproducing them or this can be the time it takes to give me volume number and issue number for example from my own example. I will give you my own example. I have published a very good general. Khan give you well computing in applications. Okay it is a serum by spring their publication and it is somewhere around for when having character but the particular journal after it was accepted it was accepted in roughly say six months of revision of that so he accepted in six month but as of today even today he only is not particular paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology because they have so much of backlog means even after one year their article whereas there is another article there is another similar article that published in another journal on the general of structural engineering. M sorry compose composites instruction meaning something random published in them by a publisher for techno Preston South Korea and the interpreter was again very poor type. And what happens with their particular. Is that as soon as the people will accept that they’re also too roughly around six months to get acceptance and as soon as the paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology was accepted. You meet everybody must publish. It must publish retail issue number. Okay so this kind of flex also you should look at and why you should look at this kind of fact is that for example and again tell you my own example. One of my co-workers in for these paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technologys is from suppose if a particular University where they give monetary incentives or monetary rewards to people but now he has gone be reward for deep or he has got to reward the incentive or T paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology which has been published in the composite because the volume number issue anonymous and for the other journal it is a better ranking neppy composite general.

It is a visitor. He has still not got the reward. Will be incentive from Mississippi strictly because the volume number and issue does not mean. Hello so you can look at this kind of mine. You’ll find points. Also while trying to send your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology there would be a benefit of reliefs when you are submitting your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology to this particular journal the next as I already mentioned is the visibility. Visibility again is basically the leadership you have to because ultimately the readership is going to be okay so unless you have good leadership you are not going together your citation style. You have unless you have four main specific for example in the area network of the see if you do not have usually do not get readers from the same comment that you are trying for this. Then they have known sighting your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology and then you can go. You’re obviously very good general. You may lose citations or you may not get a mission number of citations. So that is when we visibilities effective that you should consider there next factor that on campus and I call. I like to call. It is the particular submission that I’m making whether it is a Hilux or boots. This is again something that I try to look at for example what I define in hynek’s X again this information. I have taken from certain renowned publishers. So based on thinking as well as I saw that is him in line with my thinking. So what basically highly submission is you suppose. Say it is a very big report and I’m trying to condense a very big paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology. So what happens. Is that a lot of information. Gets compressed into a small area means. I have to be hit so many sentences. I have to believe so many figures. I have so many tables so a lot a big report when I’m trying to convert a big report into a single paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology. A lot of information goes missing because of which what happens is there. The rig’s is there then when we various reading it another static and just because he doesn’t understand it she may feel that this paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology is lacking something and that is why it becomes a hybrid solution.

Okay and sometimes the driving solution of all suppose for example. Indy recommended length. There are two kinds of things here can be a recommended work on and there can give strict work on for example if the strip word count is six double then you cannot go beyond. Beth’s column whatever but you suppose she’d be recommended what lens is six thousand then. It is the recommended length. So you can go a little over it. Suppose if the recommended length us suppose the eight thousand words and my paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology is not 50% over the recommended length means. I have another twenty four hundred words additional to do a thousand words that is there so now my paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology this become ten thousand four hundred words long so now when we rearrange it or when we and we edited it he may find it very boring. He may find it very difficult to understand all the ideas that is there in this particular paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology because you are doing the research for you it is a active field for you you are you. I have started from the very basic to is paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology right now so for you it may be you understand. But amazingly amazing. New light of a reviewer who’s trying to read it for the first time who’s trying to make sense of the paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology at the same time he wants to give you some constructive and the same time he has to take a decision whether this is a premier. Rama so imagine this the kind of pressure that he is under okay. So now what happens is that you supposedly won’t like this too much. Then we recommend at length he may end up not recommending it or he may end up recommending for rejection in this case because the paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology has manual some of the criteria in his own way. So this kind of and give me another higher exhibition for example. I remember that I review a paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology for a journal called long back and I will say is this will I from each other the Institute of Engineers Part C published it just published best picture so it is for the Institute of Engineers Part C level so I receive this paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology and as I was trying to read this paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology so generally what happens.

Is that as researchers. You are very curious such things you want to find out things so as I was going to is paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology I have found is paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology to be very beautiful is paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology goes as far as I remember. It was something multi artificial immune systems or algorithm based on the artificial immune systems so as. I was reading his paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology as how to compute aful and I found it to be very good so now I was very intrigued by the paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology then what I did was then I try to. I try to copy the title of their particular paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology and I try to Google. Search it ok. I try to start it indeed indeed in the Google search or the Google Scholar search then. I found a couple of paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technologys which title wise with you similar to this particular paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology. I downloaded them a remnant and then I found them more or less. The contents of this paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology is similar to what it has been published later. I found that actually they already say Motors. But what this author has done is that he s already. He has taken at least idea and he has just a quick tip somewhere means it is not wired in diplomatic goods but he has just clicked it somewhere the same algorithms earlier or the same kind of methodology or the same kind of concepts is there but he’ll just picked it a little bit and he has sent me this error so I ended up. I was in a dilemma whether I should recommend this particular channel or I should recommend this particular item. I recommend this particular type particular rejected since I was also in my early carriers during that time and I was also starting I was just a new reviewer vector so I ended up writing the entire situation that I faced in general religion and the footnote in. I okay then. This is descent. This is for that form. I am unable to make a decision and please on my behalf.

You take a firm position. This is the information of the time you know that this and this is similar this in this particular paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology and it looks similar. I do not think so. The amount of work that has gotten here is completely different than what is only published there. I think only 10% new the time to publish paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technologys and since I’m a new dealer you please take the decision so I recommended the editor like this and eventually I found out that this particular a forestry sector so the entire system this story was that this kind of things can become highly solution. If you want to use this same kind of data all you use you want to use the same kind of algorithm for you still want to use the same kind of analysis that we have already used in another of your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology. Tell try you with you as much new detail as possible. Try to include suppose say at least 50 percent new information try to include more different kind of examples which is not published before trial include more different kind of analysis which should be reported before. Try to present the data in a different kind of visualize if suppose. I the initial paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology. You have used something called a padlock. Now you try something for me pipes if initial paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology you you depicted your data by using something. Public clustered bar now instead of a cluster. Probably use something called a box plug. Basically both of them will be similar things but if you sense them now it doesn’t share the same kind of do it shares the same VNA with your previously published paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology. No it looks like an entirely new species. I hope you got what I’m trying to save you. So these are some of the fine prints that you have to keep in mind and this fine prints if you if you think that is too much for you to digest import workshop you as you research Korea you will go on ramming this small nuances. Will you try acquainted to all these details and if you can read rejections. I myself I published around 24 sts till now and I have tennis which has given different stages of review some have submitted revision some.

I have yet to get initially but believe me I have got equal number of rejections. Okay so don’t be worried by these rejections take each and every one of these rejections. That will careful good journals then delete. X’s that you get from food journals taken in a very constructive way. Because the peer reviewer who is revealed for this kind of which others if the value very good constructive remarks they give you very good kind of remarks that can help you improve your overall not just a particular paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology but your overall people okay. Your research is kind of constructive community generally even so. Don’t be worried if you face rejection one or two times. Try to improve your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology and again we send it to some others. L or maybe to the same referring to them that we sleep they are here and so on there can be multiple ways. You handle it. Okay so this is something that you should do again. There is something that I customized the lure exhibition solo. Resubmission are kind of big good words for example when a class since we most of our teachers. So let me give this exam in a class. There is. There are some good boys and there are some bad person so the bad boys are going to be submissions and be good boys in the class. They’re always obedient. They obviously sent to beat each other. All these are kind of with no reservation. So what are this road. Exhibition historic officials are big paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology which have been specifically written for this particular journal for example. I am writing a paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology and then I have. I have pre decided in my mind based on the quality checks that I have decided that this is a particular journal for which I’m going to for which I’m going to send the paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology. I am intentionally going to format my paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology and present my people in such a way that it is very suitable for this particular level. So how can we. I can do it by reading reading the reading the scope of this particular example.

If this cover musical says them we have a strong focus on deep and mechanical devices. Then maybe in the introduction of the abstract or the maybe the starting line of the effect or the introduction of the starting line you can accept. I will try to add a couple of lines where I touch upon this morning. That this emphasis my research and it is so. I will try to when you try to draw a line between my submission or my article and B and the journal and try to enjoy connecting lying between them so that the editor when he sees this paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology he is up next. You feel them okay. This is a particular paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology which is directly inclined to my channel. Okay then we send it out to you okay. So this kind of things you can do next what you can do in lorries. Submissions the road exhibition circles which engages in debates debates by debates and we which engages in some kind of logic whenever you are given some results you are saying that if we are increasing this particular component this particular response is cells but you should give the underlying data or the underlying phenomenon behind it. Then why this is increasing. You should give you do. You may be wrong though. Your hypothesis may be wrong. You should keep your hypothesis in the sense that if suppose it this is increasing because of this is a few possibilities could be religion so this kind of rankings that you do windy results and discussion is as the debates. Are the logical points that you give so this further improve the quality of a paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology in this paddle mixer submission load exhibition and again if you can refer to a couple of paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technologys which are published in that particular. Jenna it will be very nice for example you suppose say I am trying to submit in a journal called manufacturing technology then what I would like to do in my paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology is that I will try to cite a couple of relevant paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technologys from that particular journal. Okay that is very important again. Another important tip that. I want to share with all of you.

Whenever you are submitting a paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology would specifically be sei journals. Try to keep at least 35 30 to 40 percent of your references from the last figures. Okay this is again a very important tip that I want to share with you. Do not try to always include because not only the references which are kind of all or which you have referred try to diversify give references. Don’t just cite references only from severe or just sign references somebody from Spain and Francis type to diversify okay. Can you take references from all different kinds of publishers. All different kinds of jars and try to give the references which are very new which have published in the last few years okay at least 35 to 40 percentage of the citations or the references. That you give in. Your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology should be from the last feeders again. This is what a hard time would but this is a good policy that you follow why this policy is important or why this particular point is important. Because then the reviewer or the editor who is reading your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology he will feel yes. This is a very calm one. This is a current work because yes he is referred to current journals which other people are also doing. This is a very active kind of research which the research community is big right now so they will also fill them okay. This is a very fine one and this. Publication is also something related with deep current demands of the time. Okay and then they will have a positive mind frame on a positive bias towards your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology is a kind of subtle and subtle and small steps that you can take words. Getting your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology accepted what is increasing. The chances of getting your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology accepted in good gels the next thing as I have already mentioned I will not discuss much about this whenever you are trying to look at the general pristine you try to look at this kind of indexes as I roll. This is the particular difference that I have. I try to look at each other this in this form. If it is in this pot it is best for me and if it is not in peacefull.

I try to look and this if it isn’t is Papa’s evidence couple it runs. It works well good for me and if it is not even in this focus then. I try to look at something called. Yes yeah and if it is not in two years here. I try not published. That paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology is a journal rather. I sent it to some conference. We wait publicidad scoffers proceeding. Okay so in that way also. I will get a Scopus paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology because it’s on page specific but still my paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology would be there in its proper status so I generally do not try to go beyond distri indexing story so I try to publish always represent ESEA impossible if I am NOT successful then I target these purpose and if I am not even successful with this copper I try the es here and if I’m not successful with the ESEA then I go for conferences which are having spoken complications. Okay so maybe this is also something you can try again you can do additionally if suppose say you are from the from some other field that the management of the business maybe you can follow the mist on the ABDC list because they also maintain a separate list where they rank good Charles okay when the a star journals are the best followed by D a followed by DP and follow very C as I mentioned if suppose say your particular paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology or your particular research that we have done is kind of basic facing in the sense means it is not in terms of nobility of effort then it is not even getting except except in DES. Yeah then you can follow my strategy of sending into some Scopus conference or you can what you can do is maybe you can look at something research paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology some kind of why priests journals. Maybe you see care general part one or technical okay. Maybe you can never get the coupons you can target. The mixing is to make sure whether your particular journal if you want to send a paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology to TSCA. The next thing is to make sure and really here particular journal is envious here because we now know that there are so much more emphasis that is going on.

There are so many frauds that is going on all around so you need to be double sure before sending a paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology to a particular index it because we do not want to waste our time as well as our hard work of the research that we have done by publishing with it poor quality said so this is early websites this is the official website of the ACA. So let me click on this and let me show you how you can check. Whether in general is you need a CLE sternum so let me go to his website so as soon as you open his website. You will find this and what you can do. Is that you if you want to search the different kind of journals for example suppose if I won I’m structuring field and why I want to look at channels which have constructed so if I know the exact name of the journal I will paste it here and research you suppose. I don’t know the exact name of a channel will be searched by like this or better. Still let me go to a website so I want to look at whether this particular channel these steel and composite structures ever it is in Sao or did you know that you didn’t s here because it doesn’t cut roughly around for. I want to check whether this particular Journal is in D s here. So what you can do is you can copy the new original you can paste it here. Okay in this search the journal portion. So as soon as you do that you get it list so here it will still incomplete general. This is the same journal that they were searching. I’m going with the publisher is realistic contest from South Korea. And all this kind of consent district it is very busily essayist if I click on the Q profile I have to log in this and you can have also create a free account here if you have already Facebook or LinkedIn or kid you can directly double example. Let me not win with Google. So let me try to login to this website. This is a free kind of account that you cannot say okay so you just registered for the first time and from the next time you can just lock it with your Google ID so now I have logged in to their website and just give me a couple of minutes so now when I look at this now when I look at this I find all the information related to this Dylan control.

In general nowadays saying that when it was first published in 2001 and it shows what is the frequency means it is semi-monthly means twice in a month. This is published. This is kind of a very rapid channel. This is 18 18 issues. Okay so it’s a good journal with good kind of one and it also gives me some important information regarding you watch is the current impact factor and in which it was published so the latest reports of honesty generous additional 2019 and he was complicit in this particular course so you can expect a new import of Channelside. I said before somewhere on the next one in the June or July so generally we do not appear the general citation for this for this so this time Germans officially post-2020 and 2020 you will get the perfect effort because it 90 so this is you can follow me at any better. Mm thank you because you can’t return can be calculated. Only after we have been here is over or the entire calendar live is over only after you can calculate. P okay so that is why for it wasn’t until you are going to get it. In mid of 2020 okay and for different 2020 you are waiting to can think 21 and so on okay so this kind of information. I get it from here this suppose say I want some additional kind of information and there is this free website. This is another website. This is free website okay and this is maintained by independent subjects so this is not an official website. Okay so whenever you refer to this website be a little careful because this is what the official website but most of the time the information that. I find here I find you to be a crater so that we is the same name here so most of the time the information that I find here is also a great so use it with discussion. Here is the name of the journal so I’m going to see it here again. The same kind of missing information is here additional information that.

I have here instead of the free account in the in this particular website or in the favorites website is I get it. I get a graph of the character of this particular cell. Okay so as soon as you see this graph when you come to know this particular term this channel is constantly for example right now would seem perfectly software for roughly around somewhere around put. Yeah misfit by needle next time. I am going to get someone better than this. Maybe this general will get a little better than this will be next year. So from this kind of graph you get their sense of the things already to get their idea about the particulars and then how you just behave in quality wise. Okay how good this journalism. Additionally you get informations you can be same function here in tabular form why this information is useful. This information is useful. Because it tells you that this general chorus pausing perfectly was a pipe and some doesn’t fight till now and from 2005 till now you just constantly be featured in deal as a CEO or these are no certificates means it does not mean I see a list after it was accepted initially. Okay it has never been gone. So what does this tell me about. The journal tells me that this journal is very stable that this general is going to maintain its length as well as it’s as well as its place in the SC at least so I as a researcher I need not be worried okay research I need not be worried. Then what will happen if say my my CA listen so by and large. I need not worry about for this particular journal because this particular journal shows that it’s a very stable banding together and for the last so many years it is constantly featuring enable a series okay for example if I give you another example. What is the difference. What information you can get to show you exactly general this. Is this article for me you you you you you and if they can do. German I want to do show you show you a case.

Study that how you can identify poor quality. It’s one more part actually those channels which have a kind of 50 which are pivoting percent chance that they will talk to mother from the SES so I want to show you one example so I believe it was this for this particular channel because I followed their particular journal for some time I read some okay and try to keep on each other which I wanted to show you as a case study but I could even okayed it maybe I will find it later and share with you. Oh yeah let us continue our discussion so basically you see that this particular list you can use to refer to the SEO journals you can see whether a particular television SEO is Lama or DSS. Here on respectively stoner can sleep from here is the official version. And then maybe you can look at this particular website if you look at the history of a particular journal in a similar kind of website. These coppers also maintains that is called the middle regards focused at work and you can also look in this website for example if you go to this a couple of weeks ago. Yeah so if you go to this website you if you go to this website you can you just use the home page of this website. You’ll find something probably sources here so you can click on the sources and here if you know the title of the journal for example in this case. I know to each other Rick. I’m going to put it here then. I’m going to search her son as soon as I search. It shows that this particular journalist here is listed here and it has a side score of four point five five which is high ordinance in right for in this case and then you can look at the history of this particular journal in terms of. Spago’s database. So here this is the first thing that you should see that from which here it is covered which air so it is showing that from 2004 to present so as you can remember from my discussion that scope was started in 2004. So from that same here is particular journal has been we stayed in this focus database until now it is there in their database.

Okay so it is in depth terms it is a very stable rather because it just never will drop from the scope us database and again we added they will drop and they again. F in again so try to avoid those menus focus elsewhere this is not continuous because it means they can be dropped any time and stay with a stream where they have not maintained. Do all these standards or this kind of jealous where it shows a very stable matter which trip so it means. Chances are they’re high probability is that this is going to maintain its quality standard. So from here you get a lot of additional information like on the other information like you can’t even the homepage from here. If you click here it will take you and you can look at these sites for you can look at the formula for this high school. I have only explained this in class in my previous sessions and this is the total number of citation it has received and total number means it has and based on this it also shows you. This particular website is important because it shows you some people be ranked to relative rank in different kinds of fields for example this particular steel this is listed in different kinds of subfields further when the first field is civil engineering civil structural engineering field. This similar structure is doing field. It is placed on seven encounter and what little 87 differentials means it is placed in a 97 percentile mean which is a q10. I will explain what is q1 data you want remember some people talk 25 kilos in their feel okay in their particular field. Suppose if you consider a business district filled so in this stuff in the top 25 percent journals that are there that are be q10 so this is in the 94th percentile so it means it is if you one. German okay similarly according to pre-screen also it is a q10 and similarly F 1 will give this field. Also it is it you want general okay because it is in D 25 journalist. Okay so you can get this kind of information regarding T in which particular time in which particular this particular general lines and this also tells you the relative prestige of the journal for example you see that this particular journal is in be ninety four quarter in this particular and you can.

You can see that it is covered in history particular limit and you can be ranking for them this kind of additional information you have and it shows you that in which here how many weapons from this website are indexed in this particular scope established and you said early you have this website called. ESC I marcom again. This is an independent website maintained by some university researchers who take the data from focus and they maintain their CI in terms of their own SAR rank and all is the Commission to calculate. So here. Also you get the information regarding the same whatever if you go in if you go in such a general by its name here the same name. Same kind of data here. This is the journal that. I have try to ok so here. You will get some additional information that please focus database. There’s an app or disco. Pers database has their information. But it has that information in terms of raw numbers of citation and citation index smaller. So here it ties to here. It tries to give it in a more meaningful way. For example here you see that. The h-index of this particular journal is 35. The current range index is 35. Okay and here it shows you the relative history of its s here as well as the total number of citations as well as citation countable. So this kind of different measure information that you can get here and here it shows there. It is a part i’ll whatever as I already mentioned it shows that it’s a what L one gender so now it is go back to our slides and now this is the final slide and final discussion of base. This session here. I will show you how you can use some inbuilt boons that are there in the different kinds of websites that you can use them to identify which particular journals you can use or which particular channels you can target okay so for this.

I need a case. Study kind of thing so let me have a paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology let me let me select a paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology which. I can so in a study that we have a paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology which is interviewing which is relatively sub-disciplines okay. I think this because we must you maybe I didn’t move this particular. I know interdisciplinary effort. I want you to show this example. We didn’t introduce mundane paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology so this is an intermission area paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology where one of my mtech student my current net much. Ruben is working in this and this he says his thesis work and I’ve been that in this along with so what you have to do in this kind of in this method is that you have to have the full paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology written with you and you have to have the abstract with you. It is very important that they are scanned. That you’re writing for this method to work the metric that. I am going to show you one for this method. You want your abstracts should be very very carefully. Written means your abstracts should very precisely encapsulate all the information that your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology has or it should be a very good team ethical presentation of your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology only then this particular method with one. You have to be very careful about this particular facts so let me just copy this together and you should also be very careful about selecting the title. Okay all day whenever you are when we used this method so in this method what we are going to do is that first. We are going to look at three limited publishers and sing. This method will again work for any kind of paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technologys. I am saying for engineering paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology when this method is applicable for other domain paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technologys also but specifically only for these three different journals or these three different publishers. So again let me go and you can meet our website so these are the three different publishers. This is the Elsevier’s website this is the sprinters website and this is DVDs website. Okay so what you have to do is then and we’re using some tools.

That are there in their own website. I am just going to. When is the title here in all three of them if you have them. I’m going to paste a title here. It says their ministry pedal it also it says the paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology title. I am going to go and pasty my paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology title there and I am going to go in OPD airstrike and I am going to just paste this abstract also here in all of them I am just going to show them Shia do business with it I can save some time and we can end this session quickly so after you have given me paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology title and after you have given me abstract me you may give the keywords also but I do not find it relevant and you make you specify the research pin also. Let’s see what happens if we go without so just what we will do. Is that search as soon as I search it shows they’re showing 50 paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technologys of solid showing 50 journals. Matching your paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology so these are this particular journal finder tool is a tool from the Elsevier and it tries to map your title of your research paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology as long as the abstract of a research paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology with different kinds of journals. That kind he has so it is showing me that this particular journal. Journal of computation science would be very suitable for my paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology. But here you get a lot of information why. I like this tool. Is that you get a lot of emotion you get the perfecter so basically we can be you get the information about the testes of each other. You gather information about the acceptance rate and the rejection rate so here it is showing you that it has only 8 percent acceptance rate and here in Sioux City. I mean the average time is 3 weeks for the first decision and it’s showing you that the publication time can be as long as 22 weeks though it is getting a first reason very easily but the total publication time for it to appear online may be very long so all this kind of information you can get it from here so if you go on seeing this you you will find it all range of journals which are matching this particular paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology this paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology abstract and this paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology title.

That article is wings from here and here something. It shows them text matches score ok so it is basically making my abstract with only paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technologys that are already published here and based on them in de similarly is file then it is going to show me then. This particular channels you can target and this particular channels are suitable for you so as you cool if you go downwards you will find this text. Imminently goes on goes a little less. For example this particular journal journal or water processing. This is no way related to my field. But maybe in this journal or some company has been published so that is why it is showing me a matching of less than suffice a 50% structure somewhere around 40% it is fitting matching so like this. You can take an informed decision in which particular journal you are going to target so this is for the Xavier similarly if you do this similar thing in sprinter and we have the same information in this finger and here also you get all this kind of question that what is the imperfect er what is the every citizen trying. What is the acceptance it so this is when this kind of websites are very useful so as you know if you have known science engineering or basically from this time mcgraw then. Elsevier ins feature are kind of the largest publishers that you will have for years of it similarly we can go for really we need is again a very other reputed journal publisher or a very reputable so here. It shows me different cancer. Will he also has a similar kind of a pool here. It doesn’t show me the average time or his acceptance rate but it shows me the impact factor and how relevant is with this particular general. So on okay so now these are individual publisher. Center means desire only publisher school so these three websites if you search even get information only related to those publishers but if you want for some overall for all the different mental SES then you can go for this particular site so this particular website is the official website of the ACA.

This you just saw some time ago. So here you have to go in the men’s ministry function and here you can paste your abstract in copy d so and you as soon as I wind up so it is showing me all kinds of journals which aren’t in the Sen database where this journal is mixed okay for example it is showing me journals from Taylor and Francis okay sorry it is not from Taylor it is from Taylor. University it is Frank Magellan from spiritual but it is published by this University. Okay so it is showing me journals from Sage publication so from all the different publication houses based on the similarity will show you only the SCA list okay it will show you all the TSCA or ESC a list for example here. If you want to search only de sel you can go in click here then it will show you only de su a channels. Okay this is a guess here general will show you only BSA then if you want to look at only the journals you can click here it will show you only do a CIE challenge okay so like this you can use this kind of freely available tools which are indeed talent to further pinpoint or further locate different kinds of channels which you can target. Maybe what you can do. Is that after your entire paper journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, international journal of engineering trends and technology after you have beaten you in time pepper. If first thing what you can do is that you can use any of these tools. Maybe it is particular and you can narrow it can make leaves first shortlist. Okay after you may give first shortlist then you can try and go on step by step by using this criteria and then you can pinpoint a particular journal that you have to target okay so. I hope that this particular session was informative and you learned a couple of new things I hope so and I believe that in the upcoming sections that you are going to use some of these tips and tricks that I have shown in this particular session and I wish all of you luck to get published in reputable journals. Thank you from my side.

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