How to Write and Publish your Blockchain Research Paper

Hello my name is Naseem Naqvi and I am the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the British blockchain Association. The JBBA is a scientific peer-reviewed, academic journal devoted to blockchain distributed ledger technologies and cryptocurrencies. One of the questions I get asked quite frequently is how to go about publishing my work – so I have just finished working on my paper publish research paper, research papers published and I think it is ready, so how to get it right the first time when I am submitting my work to the journal. So, what I thought I should do today is give you a quick overview of what is involved in the publication process, some of the key steps and some common pitfalls and how to avoid them, how to improve the chances of acceptance of your paper publish research paper, research papers published. The role of editors, role of reviewers, and some other important considerations when you are submitting your work. So first of all, why publish in an academic journal? so why not just post your article on Medium or some blog post? why why bother publishing in a scientific journal? So, you may have seen this before, the decisions that we make whether they are in a business or whether we are an organization or a government, any decisions that we make are based on, or should be based on, Evidence and not all evidence is the same – there are some good quality evidence and there are some weak evidences so if you look at this chart the key difference is Peer Review, so the higher up you go the more robust it becomes in terms of scientific rigor and review, so right at the bottom there’s no – or very minimal review in a magazine or in a blog post you can pretty much write anything there is no quality control filter to check if the author has made any over exaggerated claims or if there are any inaccuracies. And the further up you go it becomes more and more stringent, because now it gets reviewed by independent experts in the field and so this is really the benchmark in most scientific disciplines and blockchain or distributed Ledger’s are no different so it’s really the bedrock of scientific evidence, so you’ve work is is assessed and evaluated by scholars and examined for literal accuracy, integrity, in some cases validity of the information that you have provided in the paper publish research paper, research papers published ,so it kinds of gives you an authority of approval that the work is recognized as robust and relatively free of bias – you can’t always completely eliminate bias but relatively free of bias – by experts in the field and then obviously peer review also checks for other things such as novelty: is this work being done before? or is this really novel and unique as claimed by the author, so reviewers also ensure that there are no over exaggerated claims, methodology is is is correct and really the basic stuff like conflict of interest declared and references are cited accurately and correctly and so on.

So you have written an article and you have you have now decided to publish it in a journal – few things you should look at when you have made a decision to submit it to a journal. Open Access is an important factor – open access means that the content is available immediately and freely to anyone, anywhere in the world so anyone who has internet access can immediately read and download your article as soon as it is published. Indexing is important, it means that your the article once it’s published gets indexed and abstracted in all the right places for example Google Scholar is one indexing platform. Who is reading the articles published in the journal, so if it’s if the readership is broad and global, then you want as many people to have access to and also to read your articles you want people to cite your work, reference your work, etc. Good idea to look at the Editorial Board, who is on the board, what are their expertise, are they well-known and experts in their field and also who has published the work in the journal, who are the authors, so always a good idea to look at some of the work that is being published by the journal. So publishing in the JBBA, this is the JBBA homepage : website is jbba. JBBA is is fully open access: there is no fee to read or download articles published in the journal. There is no subscription to read the articles online, so as soon as the article is published its available to anyone, anywhere in the world immediately. It is a peer-reviewed journal so all research articles are peer-reviewed. The articles are indexed in Google Scholar, each article receives a unique digital object identifier. The journal is now read in over 150 countries and territories and it is the world’s first journal, blockchain journal, which is available both in print, and online Editorial and review board spans more than 30 countries and the authors that have published their work are from very prestigious and reputable international institutions, such as University College London, European Commission, University of Manchester, University of Chicago etc. We have published two editions and these are the print versions. Journal has worldwide distribution: these are some of the research articles that we have published in the journal and I would advise if you are doing research or planning to do a research for example on supply chains and blockchain, then have a look and read some of the supply chain blockchain research articles that we have published, for example this one from Darcy Allen, Alastair Berg and Brendan Markey Towler. The Journal is really very broad in scope, so publish all things related to Blockchain and distributed ledgers, from quantum computing to security token offerings, to crypto economics. So you have decided to submit your paper publish research paper, research papers published to the JBBA: what are the steps? So few things you have to consider before you plan to submit your work in the journal. What happens at submission, post submission, and the next steps so before you submit your work to the journal, it’s very very important to check the aims and scope of the journal and this information is usually available on the journal website.

It should be available, so you have to make sure that you are sending your paper publish research paper, research papers published to the right journal and the journal accepts those topics. Always advisable to speak to all authors, supervisors professors/ mentors to discuss with them to show them your paper publish research paper, research papers published, make sure it’s absolutely ready in the best possible shape and also to make sure that none of your co-authors has actually submitted the work elsewhere, because it would look a bit embarrassing if you submit to a journal to realize few days later that you colleague has already submitted the paper publish research paper, research papers published elsewhere. Check the word count, so for JBBA it’s 5000 words excluding references. Very important to cite the reference in incorrect style, correct format. Every journal has different guidelines; for the JBBA, we have in IEEE. It is very easy and you don’t actually even have to write the references manually. if you just want to cite an article, there are so many different free softwares and websites available. There are a couple of them here they will cite the reference in the correct IEEE format for you. So the aims and scope the JBBA are quite broad and as I said before, blockchain in economics, law, Tokenomics, Supply chain Bitcoin security, Consensus mechanisms etc. This information is available on the website in the “About” section of the journal. So, what should your paper publish research paper, research papers published look like when it’s ready? when you’re writing the paper publish research paper, research papers published or when you’re just about to conclude your work? so, this is the minimum standard: all paper publish research paper, research papers publisheds should include obviously a Title, and Abstract then an Introduction to your research, which Methods you used, what are the Results and then discuss those results and then conclude your paper publish research paper, research papers published by summarizing and suggesting future research if if that’s what the paper publish research paper, research papers published is about. So here is an example of how to cite the references correctly in IEEE format – it is the reference format that we use for the JBBA so it’s very simple in numerical order – 1, 2 and 3 in brackets and in the reference list they should appear like this so the first initial of the author followed by their last name and then the article title- so this is one of the research we have published recently on Quantum Computing and distributed ledger cryptography – this is what of final finished version of a paper publish research paper, research papers published looks like, so there is a title, details of the author, their institution, and in the left-hand column, you see any acknowledgments, contributions, ethical approval competing interests etc and then in the body of the paper publish research paper, research papers published, you have an abstract, introduction, conclusion and references, in the end.

So what happens at submission? So you submit your paper publish research paper, research papers published, let’s say you have decided to submit your work to the JBBA. It is received in the Editorial Office and then the Managing Editor performs some initial checks there there are 3 main checks that are performed at this stage by the managing editor and if there are any issues or any concerns at this stage then your article will most likely be rejected. So what are the three most important checks? well, the first one is its initial suitability, so if you send an article to the JBBA discussing sports injuries in Africa, with no mention of blockchain or distributed Ledger’s or no relevance to blockchain or distributed Ledger’s or cryptocurrencies, then it’s going to be rejected, so always make sure you check the aims and scope of the journal. Second is Plagiarism – so plagiarism checks are performed very early on and your article is going to be rejected if there is any evidence of plagiarism or fraud. And the the third one is completeness of your article, so we have to make sure that your article is is complete, it includes a title, an abstract, references, and so on so once the Managing Editor is happy that your article is suitable for the journal and it’s it looks okay and complete,your paper publish research paper, research papers published will be sent to the handling editor and the handling editor is usually an Assistant Editor in-Chief sometimes an Associate Editor in Chief, sometimes Editor-in-Chief and their role really is to then invite reviewers and for the JBBA, we have a big pool of reviewers.

The Handling Editor invites reviewers who are from that specialty, making sure that those reviewers are from an area where they have the necessary expertise to review the paper publish research paper, research papers published. and once your paper publish research paper, research papers published has been reviewed, there are 3 possibilities: your paper publish research paper, research papers published is accepted or rejected or the reviewers have advised a revision and then re-submission. So let’s just quickly talk about reasons for immediate rejection. So why would you paper publish research paper, research papers published be immediately rejected? well, as I said before, if the paper publish research paper, research papers published is out of scope and it doesn’t conform to the scope of the journal, plagiarism if detected at any point it’s immediately a course for rejection, your paper publish research paper, research papers published is not novel and what that means is some reviewers are looking for novelty which means that they want a new idea, a new research to be discussed and presented and published, so if you have done a research that has been published already 15 times before in the past on the same topic, exactly the same idea, same issue, then sometimes reviewers won’t accept that paper publish research paper, research papers published, because it’s already written many times before, and doesn’t add anything new to the body of science, so even if it’s a perfectly good article, they might still reject it. Another important reason for immediate rejection is if it’s written in a very, very poor English, very poor structure, poor format, so we tend to although focus more on the quality of the paper publish research paper, research papers published than the text or the format, if it is extremely poorly written then it is going to be rejected because editors don’t want to bother reviewers with really rubbish articles. Reviewers are very busy people, editors are very busy and there is no point and a waste of everybody’s time. If you have submitted your work elsewhere then obviously it’s going to be rejected – we only accept paper publish research paper, research papers publisheds in the JBBA which have not been submitted elsewhere. And obviously look at the other guidelines for submission.

So, review process – what happens at this stage – So, you are one of the lucky ones as your article has not been rejected by the managing editor or the handling editor and it has gone through to the review stage. So we have a pool of reviewers and, the review process is Double-Blind, so what do we mean by that? So we omit all author identifiable information and institution identifiable information, in fact the template that is available for authors to use it specifically mentions to the authors to NOT include any identifiable information in the title or name or institution, and Managing Editor also ensure that that information, if it is inserted in the article by mistake, then it is removed before the article goes to the reviewers. Review process can take time: reviewers are busy people, they’re frequently late, so it often takes several back-and-forth email reminders to them asking them to complete the reviews in time so it’s very variable. So, your paper publish research paper, research papers published has undergone review now, there are really only 3 outcomes: your paper publish research paper, research papers published is accepted which is very rare, it is rejected, or it is for revision. So why would your paper publish research paper, research papers published be rejected? well, if your methodology is flawed, if it is extremely poorly written, and your purpose of research and conclusions don’t make any sense, then it’s going to be rejected. So you have to make sure that you use right method, you analyze the results correctly, and the conclusions that you have drawn from your research are reasonable and they make sense. and the third could be “revise and submit”: and the revision could be major or minor, it depends upon how much work is required I would also advise that you make sure that your paper publish research paper, research papers published has a very clear message, it’s not just a piece of information – there is a very clear message and even if you don’t know the answer to all the questions in fact most of the time we don’t know, we don’t have the answers to all questions that’s why we are doing the research in the first place.

So you signpost the readers in some future direction, for future research, suggests some ideas, some hypotheses, some future roadmap, on okay this is the research that I have done however there is more work that needs to be done and this is what we propose etc. So how to get your paper publish research paper, research papers published accepted in the in the first place? Read the instructions for authors guidelines very carefully. You must make sure that your article is in the best possible shape and when I say best possible, means you really have to spend some time making sure that it’s it’s free of errors as much as possible. You have consulted all authors, supervisors/ professors anyone who is involved in the writing of manuscript, make sure they all read it very carefully. By all means, sell your idea, you research, but don’t oversell it. You want the paper publish research paper, research papers published to speak for itself but you don’t want to really oversell your research. You don’t want to be making any overblown claims and so on, so by all means get excited about your research, but don’t oversell it it should speak for itself. And don’t repeat the same thing again and again in your article, so write very concisely and avoid repetition and make sure your references are in the correct format. So that’s really the key summary of how to write and publish your paper publish research paper, research papers published. if you need any more information you can visit the journal website or email us at editorial at the Thank you.

Where to find great research papers?

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