How to start the research? Propose New and Original Research

Oh in this video we are going to talk about where to start our reasons we all have asked or L feel. We’ve been asked this question where to start our research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research. How do we start. So this is a very pertinent question. That where one should start when I was doing my Master’s annum while ours will lightly HD so I was asked or I was asking this question to myself. Okay where should I start at how do I start what should I do and the same thing happens. There are students who ask us. Where shall we start in this video. I will try my level best to answer or provide a guideline that would help student find an answer to this question. So what is basic research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research now. Basically this has been discussed in one of the other videos as well and but a student a university student our graduate of post graduate student when conducting the research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research is actually doing basic research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research is looking into extending the bounds of knowledge is looking to add something to the literature is looking to add or contribute to what is already known or what is already available but then there is an other question. What is this existing body of knowledge. What is this literature now. In in a very simple simple simple strong we can say abilities is. These are the existing publications that are available to the readers so for now. Let’s say these are our research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research articles that are available to us. So what is a research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and researcher. A recent article reports the results of original research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research if you are conducting a research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research it has to be original it assesses its contribution to the body of knowledge in a given area on instance if I am conducting a research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research in leadership so an article must have clear identification of what are the contribution of this research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research in the body of knowledge in this particular area of research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research. The in this case leadership an esper in peer-reviewed scholarly journals here reviewed they are published are they are reviewed by other people other research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research scholars and then once they are reviewed the changes made they are published into a journal a given again in a in a given academic field will likely have dozens of peer reviewed journals for example.

HR may have hundreds of journals. Finance will have hundreds of journals. Marketing will have hundreds of journals. Any field will have hundreds and thousands of journals. So what are these journals. An academic or scholarly journal is a pure periodical publication in which scholarship relating to a particular academic discipline discipline is published in a journal. One publisher one publishes research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research pertinent to a particular field for example leadership quality publishes research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research related to leadership. Journal of business ethics publishes related early research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research related to business ethics complex social responsibility corporate citizenship. So the journals have specific area in which they publish and then they’ve got specific readership for instance. I as a research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and researcher I am more interested in social responsibility and including and leadership would only go for journals that publish that sort of scholarly a research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research. So these this is what we mean by a research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research article and this is what we refer to as a scholarly journal. Now where are these journals. And where are these articles these articles or where is existing bottle of knowledge. Where is this literature. How do you. I track this how do I find this now. In in in the channel we will find searching research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research databases or one of the videos and you will also find looking for or searching research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research articles. You can look into those videos as well now. These are the databases that one can normally refer to or search to download different articles in the field. So you can search. Emeril Sage Wiley ScienceDirect Springer Taylor and transients EPSCoR or many others. But these are the ones that are normally used in the field of business and management all humanities and arts and others so once you search these databases you will come up with or you will find different articles.

Try to use latest articles to identify your contribution to help you identify the gaps and limitations in existing research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research for instance if you download an article that was published. Maybe ten years ago. There is highly likely that much work has been done on that particular topic in that particular area so your research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research. BOOOM be original. If you base your work on the work of that was published ten years ago try to find latest research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research. Find out what has been done recently and then you can obviously try and add to existing body of knowledge because you know what has been done recently and what is required based on what you study or what you download from these journals or these databases so the next important thing which we normally forget to do this if we don’t we don’t we don’t know them but we don’t record them. It’s very important to keep track of what you have read. If you do not keep track of what you have read you will actually fail in writing. So how do we keep track of what we have downloaded and what we have recorded so or what we have read now. In this particular video we will only focus on a recording of information because our downloading is in the other videos which you can look into. So how do you record this information that you have downloaded put them in a folder. There is another way to record as well. You can use different databases for instance you can use. Mandalay but we will do a detail session on using mentally later but for now. Let’s use an excel sheet record the information as to what we have been reading. This is very important. This is particularly important because it will help you shape your introduction your literature your methodology your analysis your discussion your references and everything so what to record there is too much information in a research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research article so you record this will call. The title of the paper will record the objectives of the study. You record the research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research questions or hypotheses. They have proposed you record the theory that they have used to express or elaborate on the relationship between the variables.

You record their independent dependent control mediator and moderating variables you record what gaps. They have addressed you record. What sample size. They have focused on or taken for their study who are their respondents. What were their results and very important. What were the limitations of their study because this is how you are going to know what you can add to existing body of knowledge and then what are the future research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research directions. They have proposed so you know what or how you can leave this research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research forward now for the sake of this session. I’ve downloaded a few articles pertaining to servant leadership. Now here are these articles. Let’s open them all and let’s see how you can record this information. How can you use these latest articles to draft your own model your own research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research you. I might take a minute to open them all. I should have done already but anyways to yes one two three four five six okay now. I’m going back. Let’s see this is one people and they have obviously talked about the impact of servant leadership on life satisfaction. Now how do you record this information in order to record this information. The first thing that you need to do is you need to go to this. Ok let’s label this number paper as one but is the title of the paper. The title of the paper is examining the effects of servant leadership on life satisfaction. So we put this here. What is the objective of what are the objectives of the paper. The paper explored the effects of servant leadership on employees life satisfaction. In addition it examined the mediating role of work engagement and organizational base self-esteem in this relations. Okay let’s copy this information as well put it in the objectives section. So you know what has been done. Okay what are the research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research questions and hypotheses. Well if you think that you need to report them you should report them otherwise you can draw adi research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research questions or hypotheses from the objectives as well so in order to save time in this video.

We’re not going to put this but what we can do is we can easily go down and look into the paper. Look into the model. We can copy the model as well into the excel sheet. If you want or you can copy these hypotheses there but for now we are not going to copy the hypotheses okay. What duty did they use. Obviously in order to explain the relationship they must have used a 2d but it’s not necessary that every paper has mentioned their TD. Let’s say if they’ve got any theory so what we can easily do is press ctrl. F and search the word theory. Okay now in the present study it is argued that servant leadership will enhance employees engagement with their work. The theoretical link between these two constructs can be explained through the lens of social exchange theory so they have explained the relationship between these variables through social exchange till now. How does this help me as a research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and researcher now for now. I would know that if I am working on servant leadership and employees one theory that I can use to explain the relationship would be social exchange theory so I do not have to wander here and there to look for theories what theories to use in existing papers would always have the theories so we can focus on these theories to help guide our explanation of of relationship or help guide resent our theoretical framework. So this is social exchange theory and what were their independent variables. It was servant leadership as independent variable life satisfaction as dependent. There was no control variable. But still and you want to search at a search okay. Let’s see if there are any control. Variable again they weren’t in control variables but for the mediation they obviously controlled so now control variables and what about to any mediators or moderators. Yes there were mediators. There were two mediators in this study.

And those were if we see in the model work engagement on organization organizational based self-esteem. So you can copy them. Your mediators were working gage menteur ghen ization abased self-esteem okay let’s go further there was no moderator. So what gaps. Did they address in their paper. So if they address two very latest gaps you can use those gaps in identification of your gaps as well in presenting your introduction as well in ID highlighting the need for your study as well. So let’s see what gaps the day address rather then this person will stretch of thigh addressed or dr. Josiah does okay. Where do we find this. You must find this somewhere in the introduction. And we’re in the introduction. Find this most probably in second or third or fourth paragraph. So if you skim through this let’s say if you look at this. However the role of leader in enhancing employees life satisfaction has received scant and medical attention. This is somewhat surprising because previous research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and researchers have shown that leaders are likely to have a significant effect on their followers happiness and wealth love well-being so this shows that there is very little research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research on impact of leadership on life satisfaction. So this is the gap they are addressing and furthermore they have highlighted other gaps as well for now let’s let’s copy one of this or and obviously. I would recommend that you copy most of them. You and their references as well and what was their sample size and who was their respondents. Let’s go down. And in the methodology you will find their respondents and their sample size and everything. Data are for this. Cross-sectional survey study was collected from large vector manufacturing company so manufacturing sector employees from manufacturing sector. 200 questionnaires were distributed and 160 160 useable web sellers so sample size 160 which is significantly low. So obviously this is one of the limitations of this study so employees and what were their results are.

This is easy you can easily copy the results from the abstract. He results so you can easily copy them and this is important because if you keep record of the literature published and if two or three papers have tried to establish similarly similar similar relationship and they found contradicting results. You can use this as a gap as an imitation of existing research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research as well that there is a further need to conduct research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research in this area. Because the there are there is no conclusive evidence now your limitations and future research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research directions and you will find them at the end of the paper here. It is so they have talked about different things but what we are interested in intimidation their future direction is whether or not they have to pose some new relationships to be addressed increasing the sample size. Implementing this into maybe a service sector is very small or very what you call it a gap that might not give you enough contribution to existing research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research so if you want to make a significant contribution you should obviously try to identify a new relationship. Try to have new variables behaviors. That should be studied. Maybe new mediators in this case. So now in this case the fourth and fifth care actually focuses on establishing new relationship. What we do is we just copy this and paste it here or our reference and this is how you record information pertinent to one single paper or a particular paper that has been published recently so now once this is done this is one paper that. I’ve just done. You can do all the papers because all peoples will have this information now once you have this information it gives you a clear idea as to what is what is done. What is available in existing research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research. So let’s see if you’ve got another paper okay here is another. P now similarly you can go for all the information but let’s say we go for and imitations and future is a direction then this paper if we can see here are the limitations and future is a direction and this is what we are looking for because this is what is actually the existing research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research asking us to do.

This is how we can expand existing research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research so based on these in this information we can use this existing research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research to propose our own research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research. Let us do that now. Let’s let’s do this. Let’s say let’s open a Word document and let us propose a new research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research based on what is available to us so what we do. Is we copy this these limitations and teacher resell direction into a Word document and based on their recommendation. Let us build onto a model. Let’s first identify a base model. Maybe your let’s say. B what we are interested in we are interested in servant leadership. And let’s say what existing research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research is asking us to do. How can we expand on the existing research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research in servant leadership because all these six papers are related to thermal leadership. So let’s do that. Let’s let’s make a model from this existing research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research and then once you copy this information this directions from existing research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research. You can use all this text in writing your own introduction as a be witnessed in a gaps address section by the paper dividing first paper that they used existing literature to elaborate on the gaps that they are going to fill to elaborate on what they are going to do in in in their research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research or why was their research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research in necessary. So we are going to do that as well. So let’s build a model first. Let’s make a model out of it. Obviously it’s recommended that six papers are obviously not good enough read as much as possible and maybe a graduate-level they might be enough but at postgraduate level pious or sorry PhD level. It’s always strongly recommended him as much as possible. Okay now let’s say it’s loading you okay. Let’s copy the text from the papers. We copy this text from paper one and we put it in ms word loading now. Let’s base the test so it’s better to arrange it so that it’s more readable. Our guess okay. So this is from one paper that we studied on servant leadership and life satisfaction.

And let’s say let’s copy the limitations from another paper let’s copy this and paste it here. This is from paper too you. This is for. It’s always a good idea to get the reference alternating and you okay. So let’s see and let’s try and get an output from another paper. This is another paper and let’s see what they have done today. This is my paper so okay but what we did was we did the same thing. We had several leadership lights at a second and career satisfaction. And what we what did we recommend. Okay this research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research explored the role of only one mediator. Our future research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research could expand this study and could have could take other leadership styles as well and look at their impact on leadership. So let’s copy this. Okay let’s use only these recommendations for now and similarly you can use different papers to make more recommendations as well and this was okay now but we do this this text to develop our own model now the first gap was gotten into servant leadership and life satisfaction and they asked for more mediators in this study. This third study also asked for impact of servant leadership on life satisfaction and also more mediators in the relationship. So let’s say what we do. Is we take servant leadership as our variable. Let’s say you want to take this research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research. Forward that has recommended the impact of servant leadership on and life satisfaction so now we have our two variables ready. Let’s have our two variables for now. I’m not going to go into the detail of the diagram but what I am going to do is I’m going to do it in table. Insert table and let’s say okay. Our independent variable is servant. Bishop and our dependent variable is light satisfaction. Okay now this paper who are here to tie. 2017 did not identify any mediators or any other medi. It is to be taken into account. Oh sorry yes they did. They did courier satisfaction but actually Latif and Merriman filled that gap but they have asked for mediators to be studied now.

Mr in their study have asked future. Research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research should expand the number of antecedents by including so the future results would like to look into the end dissidents of servant leadership such as self esteem positive and negative affectivity. Okay let’s say if we add that as well and we put servant-leadership as here and then self-steem servant-leadership and then we can add some more mediators. Okay now which one should we select as mediators since the mediation or the role of the mediator is to explain the mechanism of impact of IB on TV. How servant-leadership is affecting life satisfaction so a mediator has to be related to both servant leadership and life satisfaction so any variable that is not related to both cannot serve as a mediator so in this case what they have done is the model should be expanded to include other work attitudes like organizational commitment and employee engagement and job involvement so job involvement can be a significant mediator. Because the more you are involved in your job the more you may get a sort of satisfaction from it life satisfaction from it that you are doing doing something good or maybe if your life has there is work life enrichment. Oh or there is empowerment at work or there is commitment. So let’s say we take career commitment. So what we have done is we have taken gaps from all these three papers. And then based on these three papers we have proposed our model in which we are looking as at self-esteem as an antecedent to servant leadership then job involvement and career commitment as mediators between servant leadership and life satisfaction. So this is our model now. What we have done is based on the recommendations from existing its study we have obviously taken in their recommendation and the limitation of the existing research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research. And we have proposed our own model so we can use this text in writing our own introduction. Obviously this will have to be formatted structure for instance.

Let’s say but how can we do it so we can do it like this existing research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research s for for investigation relationship between servant leadership and okay type s call for more variables into the linkage it. It’s Texas loading up the store on into the linkage between servant leadership and life satisfaction further Latif’s and 2019 is variable between servant leadership and life satisfaction. Emma is an outcome or servant-leadership now in simple obviously this can be further refined but for the sake of this video using these gaps from existing literature. This is how you can write your own identification of limitations and gaps in existing research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research and present them in your introduction obviously. I would recommend that you do a lot of reading. You know how to present and these gaps but this is how more honest they should be written. I hope this video would have helped you understand the identification of gap the process of starting a research international journal of research in engineering and technology, christian institute of health sciences and research looking for the databases and identification of the gaps.

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