How to start ANY research paper (with examples)

Have you been struggling with starting your research paper science hub research paper, research paper template for a long time. Do you sometimes stare at the blank piece of paper science hub research paper, research paper template wondering you know how to get started writing the introduction to the paper science hub research paper, research paper template and what to put in there you know do you find yourself then you know wasting a lot of time and just feeling frustrated that the words aren’t flowing well in this video. I’m going to show you exactly how to start your research paper science hub research paper, research paper template so that you can write it much faster and you know you’re not staring at the blind piece of paper science hub research paper, research paper template so before we dive in and before i show you exactly how to start your research paper science hub research paper, research paper template. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe and the like button so you don’t miss any of my future videos and if you’re new here my name is marek kitschkovic and i run academic english now where i help phd students and researchers write research paper science hub research paper, research paper templates for top journals in the field so starting the introduction can be very tricky to a lot of people in fact for a lot of people writing the introduction is the most difficult part of the research paper science hub research paper, research paper template you know my clients tell me that writing. The methodology is very simple because they kind of already did that and presenting. The results is okay as well because they know what results they’ve got. But how do they start their introduction. You know how do they write the introduction and i’ve got a step-by-step guide as well to writing the whole introduction which you can check out and the link should be somewhere here but the the starting point is very important because sometimes you know we are just kind of staring at a blank piece of paper science hub research paper, research paper template. We don’t know what to put down. And we’re getting more and more frustrated and then our passes and we’ve written like five words and then we read what we’ve written and we just deleted and we start all over again right but this isn’t necessary because there is a very very typical way of starting the introduction that practically all paper science hub research paper, research paper templates in all disciplines use what is it well. It’s either stating the importance of the topic or providing a definition of a key term.

How does that work. Well you want to at the very beginning of the paper science hub research paper, research paper template you want to tell the reader why this paper science hub research paper, research paper template is important. And why should they care at all. After all a reviewer will read hundreds of paper science hub research paper, research paper templates you know so they want to know straight up why they should read your paper science hub research paper, research paper template. And what’s so important about your topic right and there are three different ways in which you can state the importance of the topic. For example you can state the importance of the topic for the society or the world in general. So if you’ve got a topic like related to for example maybe poverty or unemployment right something that affects large groups of people. Then you could talk about in about it in the first paragraph and typically people write things like you know in recent years unemployment has risen by x percent in several different countries right to kind of underscore. The importance of this. Another way of doing this is to state the importance of your topic for your discipline right so not everybody has a topic. That’s like that’s got a really big impact for the society or the world but everybody has a topic you know that’s important for their discipline and typically what researchers then do is they say things like um you know. Various studies have been conducted on or this topic has received increased attention from researchers right. And this just kind of highlights that this is an important topic people are studying it right. So that’s the second way now the third way in which you can state the importance of the topic is to talk about um a big problem that needs resolving and that’s somehow very similar to sometimes excuse me very similar to the importance of the topic for the society right but it’s more framed in terms of a problem right so you basically state a problem like unemployment right and highlight how important solving. This problem is right. So that’s kind of the first big way of starting a paper science hub research paper, research paper template importance of the topic and you can present it in three different ways right.

The second way that is often related to it is to provide a definition of the key term or terms right. Sometimes what people do is they put it straight up. As the first sentence the first paragraph you know and they provide a definition of a key term like a paper science hub research paper, research paper template could could start something like you know. Alzheimer’s disease is a disease. Correct is alzheimer’s disease is characterized by. And then you provide a definition of it right. Sometimes people combine it with the importance of the topic. Right um so they say that you know currently more than i don’t know 300 000 people in the us alone suffer from alzheimer’s disease the disease is characterized by right. So you kind of have the importance of the topic and the definition all in the same go right so these are the two best ways really of starting any research paper science hub research paper, research paper template in any field you either state the importance of the topic or provide a definition or do both at the same time. So if you find yourself struggling to start your introduction next time then follow this approach and it’ll be so much easier to write and you will finish faster and also your introduction will be impactful because the reader will know straight away. Why your topic is important. Now if you found this useful but you would want to work with me. More personally then schedule a free one-to-one consultation with me or a member of my team and the link is right below this video and will try to understand better your current situation your challenges what you want to achieve to see how and if we can help you to achieve your goals and then if it does turn out like it’s a good fit for both of us then we can talk a little bit further about how specifically we could work together and how we could help you. So if you’re interested in that then schedule a free one-to-one consultation and the link is somewhere in the description you.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.



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