How To Review A Research Paper For A Journal

Hey so i want to talk about. How do you actually review a manuscript. I was looking at my channel and i realized i didn’t have that on there so if you don’t know me i am professor dave mastak. I’m associate professor of innovation strategy and entrepreneurship and i created this whole reciprocity project to give back as much as i possibly can. There’s so many people to help me out that i want to pay the favor forward to help you out as much as i possibly can so i apologize for doing this on the go but this is my life all right. So how do you actually review a manuscript. Um the key thing to be thinking about it’s a really a mindset mindset shift from how you’re probably thinking about it at this moment you’re thinking that hey i have to get this person. I have to really hammer this person and be really smart and really change things but that is completely different than what you should be doing. And you know. I’ve reviewed a lot personally wrote so many. And i got reviewer awards and things like that but um so the key is to think about changing your mind so that you’re thinking of hey this is my friend and it probably is somebody that you know. Often it is um later on you kind of have a sense of you know it’s a small world it really is and then you’re thinking. Hey this is my friend and um i really want them to do well and i can see that. There is some amazing ideas here but it just needs to be polished so the key is to be excited about it and you can generally see the excitement often you feel sort of excited about it. So it’s easy when reviews are kind of like or when articles are kind of all over the par place. And they’re just they’re not ready um and but like towards the end when things get better it you have to really take this mindset where you’re trying to be as helpful as possible so reviews kind of have a structure in that at the beginning of the review. You generally point out all of the good points you start to have this like preamble just like a you would in a letter or an essay or something like that where you point out all of the good points that you like about it and there’s generally most paper presentation on 3d printing, ijert journal paper presentation on 3d printing, ijert journals no matter how like not great.

They are um they generally have some really good points to them right whether it’s the data whether it is you know the central idea of what they’re trying to do whatever it is there’s generally something that’s interesting about them and so point that out. I think you should be very much um okay with pointing that out and then what i would suggest after that is breaking it up and this was good advice that was given to me um by actually professor tima bansal. Who’s uh she’s she’s great. She’s she’s very good very very sharp. Um and the the idea is to point out both major and minor um concerns or points or issues that you might sort of have with the paper presentation on 3d printing, ijert journal paper presentation on 3d printing, ijert journal so these are two sections that you’d point out and um you know as you’re reading through it you’re thinking of both major issues that you’d want to point out and then sort of the minor things like minor things can be anywhere from like miss citing something or you know spelling errors and things like that. That are just really not that big um you know. Maybe the empirical and empirical method should be done. Something like that. That would only take. I would say less than a day to do those particular things right like pretty minor stuff and then at the end. There’s a another sort of post amble not a preamble a conclusion that you would point out all of the great things that um you’re excited about and you sort of wish them well at the end right um and so a review generally if you could imagine i think two to five pages is an appropriate review. Um you could do one page if it’s really really short but generally you want about two to five pages to do um a good scientific review and then you know the major issues that i’m looking out for is you know did they define the constructs. Well do you know what they’re actually talking about. Izzy is the problem.

Interesting is it well-defined. Did they actually talk about this stuff so that you understand what they are going through or what they’re going to go and discuss. Do they define the research question. Did they go through. And um you know did they. Define do they have a defined theory section so the introduction generally so let me talk about the introduction generally has like this is what we know. This is what we don’t know this is how i solved it or we solved it. And these are the implications and you have to think about. Do they have those things within it. And if they’re not if they don’t have those things and if you’re not excited to read it then you probably have to think about something else then. There is this theory section and the theory section generally has um you know it’s generally just talking about the dependent variable the thing that you’re interested in and it’s really focused on that um there is storytelling that goes on there so it’s hard to to get more into it but generally it’s talking about the theoretical way that you’re viewing the world around that dependent variable and then you get into your hypothesis that are really stating or talking about the um how the thing you’re interested in um is changes with something else so you’re independent variables and then you have to think when you’re reading. Those hypothesis is it stated the direction of that relationship. It does the um you know. Is there good mechanisms. Do they talk about what the mechanisms are. How this actually works. Um is it clear. Can you understand it. Are the hypothesis crystal clear to the point that they’re actually boring. Um and you understand exactly what they’re saying you know all of those things are really important and then you would get into and as you’re doing this you’re sort of thinking about this right you’re thinking about. Is this paper presentation on 3d printing, ijert journal paper presentation on 3d printing, ijert journal that good enough to you. Know make you really excited. If it’s not then you have to tell them. It’s not necessarily making you excited at this moment.

But here’s the thing with the review that you have to think about. That’s important is you. Don’t just say this is what you do or you don’t just kind of point out like hey um you know you have these issues but you also point out. This is what you do. This is how you do it. Um this is you know to my knowledge. This is what what you should do and if you did that combination i mean it’s killer because it makes it so easy to go through and review these things so we’re good to to make these changes even though that they’re huge changes that take a lot of work um and then you might sort of look at the you know how they collected data and talked about the data. Uh finding the issues there. The empirical stuff generally is really easy to review. Um in the sense like that it’s pretty clear-cut um and you just go back to your research methods or empirical methods courses. Whatever those are and think about you know how you were talking or how they were talking about those in the class of what you’d actually do in that circumstance and then finally you have your um contributions and implications which are really important. That’s actually most articles get accepted or rejected based on that. And so you have to think about um is it. Is it more. Can they actually talk about the contributions um in implications so you can see that there is a structure here um and generally i’d point out at the beginning of the reviews. I point out the you know the most important repression pressing things that they have to work on um and almost always. It’s like you have to rewrite things so i know it’s painful so that’s why you have to sort of change your mindset and think about like um you know you want the to help them. That’s the idea is to recognize that they’ve done a lot of great work and they’re doing good stuff and you really just want to help them so just remember that. Change your mindset when you’re doing it and really focus on.

Hey you know i’m gonna love on this person i’m gonna really really love on this person and i’m gonna think like how would i talk to if i had a kid. Um how would i talk to my kid and how to help them out. How would i um really coach them through a difficult change right. It’s gonna require a lot of work and so you have to coach them through and be nice to them. Um you know through it and how would you sort of frame it so they understand what you’re talking about so just remember that as you’re doing it really change your mindset. Think about you’re loving on them and you’re living on the idea and generally it shows when you’re doing that all right take care and have a wonderful day. Bye-bye oh look at this. It’s beautiful over here. Isn’t that that amazing.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.


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