How to Publish in High Impact Journals

We are live assalamualaikum and good morning. Good afternoon wherever you are. Thank you so much. And congratulations for attending this workshop on how to publish in high impact journal publishers india, india publisherss by professor dr ilhan austin from faculty of economics and administrative science chat university turkey. Yeah so his research publishers india, india publishers interests include energy economics and international economics he has published over 150 papers. Wow in international journal publishers india, india publisherss and participated in many international conference as an invited speaker so he is the editor of the ijep www.econjournal publishers india, india and i j efi and he has been a member of the ewed tutorial board in many international journal publishers india, india publisherss. Wow so for the details guys. Let’s watch the biography video of professor. Dr ilhan austin no voice. I think wow amazing. I can’t wait for this session guys. Uh if you have any questions please type in a chat box then. I will pass to professor in q a session later on. Yeah okay so no worries just text. Uh just put your question in the chat box. Okay uh so ladies and gentlemen without further ado i would like to invite our speaker for today. Professor dr ilhan osdek before prom. The floor is yours. Okay yes thank you very much for inviting me. Sofia assalamu alaikum and greetings from the turkey on behalf of organizing committee. It is my great honor and pleasure to welcome you all for this prestige. Sixth asia international conference malaysia. I i would like to thank the organizers for giving me this opportunity to share with you my knowledge and experience during this event and i would like to thank to all of the conference participants for their contribution. Which are the foundation of this conference so i wish you an efficient and uh productive conference let me share with you uh with my presentation so as mentioned mentioned i am expert in energy economics environmental economics and and international economics. Uh so today i would like to share my experience and knowledge with you about how to publish in uh in international uh impact journal publishers india, india publisherss in my uh 20 years of experience as an as an author editor and review publishers india, india publisherser i have observed several shortcomings in the papers.

And there’s a submission a process but they that leads to research publishers india, india publishers being rejected for publication. So i believe that my suggestion will increase your changes a chance of having your paper published and also boost your research publishers india, india publishers profile and career progression in as all of you know in this competitive environment in order to get a good jobs high salary and be being recognized in a global world you must have papers in impact factor journal publishers india, india publisherss and of course have a good number of the expectations and the most important criteria here that we must take into account is that is that the quality of your papers and the journal publishers india, india publishers you you publish is important. Not the quantity of your paper so the quality is the most important criteria for any academics in this area. Uh journal publishers india, india publisherss but that you should target to publish your paper should be indexed in the one of the following databases the first and the the most important one is the i i s i journal publishers india, india publisherss. We are which which are the journal publishers india, india publisherss that index in the web of science and the new the name is the clarity analytics and these are the ssci. Journal publishers india, india publishers sci journal publishers india, india publisherss and ah rg journal publishers india, india publisherss. Ssci is the social science citation decks. Sci is the science citation index. H a a hci is the art and humanity citation index john so this creator. Journal publishers india, india publishers’s category have impact factor and. You must have some papers in these indexed journal publishers india, india publisherss. The new indexing is the emerging sources of citation index. It is in web of science but it has no impact factor and and but the last one is the scopus so if you publish in any of these index journal publishers india, india publisherss you will have a high visibility and you you will be recognized by your university and by the others so the target of your publishing must be any of these index journal publishers india, india publisherss before start to how to publish in the impact factor. I journal publishers india, india publisherss i would like to give you some uh very important information.

Also you must register the following website. Why it is important because it will increase your visibility in the international levels. The first one is the ideas and repek. It is most important for the economics and finance area and the second one all of the academics must have an or seat account You must have an account here and in many journal publishers india, india publisherss. Also when you submit your paper they ask you to write your orcid number also so it is really very important. The third one is. It is the pablo’s problems It is really very important and it. It’s belong to the web of signs so here also you see how many papers you review publishers india, india publishers. How many people you published. How many citations do you receive and many other information so this website is also important. The last and one of the most important is the google scholar. You must have a google scholar account in this google scholar account. You will see your papers the citations of your paper you receive and the people who cited your papers and you will be updated when you have a google scholar account. This google scholar account is also very important for for the ranking of the universities when when universities are ranking by the international the ranking institution company. They took the data from here about the publication about the citation so registering and having an account in this database will increase your visitability visibility in the international level. This is one example from the google scholar. And you will understand you see how many citations you receive you. See your age index which of your papers say how many citations and everything here and you see in which how many citation series you saw it will really increase your visibility in the international academia so you must have an account in this databases. Uh here uh i will start about. Why papers are rejected directly by editor without review publishers india, india publishers so most of the paper when has been submitted to a journal publishers india, india publishers.

After maybe one day maybe one week and maybe one month you receive an email uh and by saying that your paper isn’t is not accepted. An editor is not sending your paper to the review publishers india, india publisherser and we call it as a desk reject so editor is looking looks your paper and say that it is rejected why it has been rejected the first criteria it is because your paper is not in the scope of the journal publishers india, india publishers so when you submit any paper to any journal publishers india, india publishers you must look at the aim and scope of the journal publishers india, india publishers and the some articles and see whether your paper is in the scope of the journal publishers india, india publishers that you are going to submit or not if you submit a paper to a journal publishers india, india publishers that not scope in your article then in one month one week or maybe two months you will get an email and say that your paper has been rejected so you must look at the scope of the journal publishers india, india publishers before submission of your paper. The second criteria is the high similarity rate. I mean here plagiarism. So in in almost all journal publishers india, india publisherss they have a software. And when you submit your paper first of all it has been checked by the software about the plagiarism. And in many journal publishers india, india publisherss they are looking the similarity rate that should be below 20 percent in some journal publishers india, india publisherss it may be 25 percent maybe 22 but mostly it must be less than the 20 percent if it is about 20 percent then it is rejected by the editor by saying that because of the high plagiarism rate your paper is not accepted in our journal publishers india, india publishers the third criteria is uh it is rejected by saying that your paper has no contribution in the international level so what does it mean international it may be on a national level or maybe you are using a limited information or maybe you are using an old methodology a methodology that are not employed anymore so you must have an uh international level databases and also you must use the new methodology in your paper the last criteria is the poor language quality since most of the world has no adequate level of the english. Why because english is the is. The is the second language of the academics.

Most of the people your paper has been rejected by saying that it have a it has a low english quality so before the squad mission your paper. It must be edit edited by your friends by your academics colleagues or maybe by a a service com editing service company. So this part is is one of the most important er why it has been rejected so if you take in the consideration these four factors then you will have a higher chance of publishing your paper. These are really very imp important so here i am going to give you a manual. A guideline a pet that you should follow and if you follow this manual or guideline then believe me. The your paper will be published maybe with the miner or maybe with the measure but you will get an acceptance most probably at the end of the process. The first one is we. We will talk about how to select a journal publishers india, india publishers. Uh the second one we will talk about the selected topic then follow the journal publishers india, india publishers guide. Guideline organize a good structure of your paper so it has to be organized with a good structure. Then we will talk about how to apply a recent methodology about edit your paper about the language quality plagiarism. And after this you can submit your paper so we will talk about one by one in a detail that you must follow during preparation of your paper. What i mean. Select a journal publishers india, india publishers for example since i am working on energy economics and environmental economics i have. I have a group of the journal publishers india, india publishers that i selected and i am following the name issues of this journal publishers india, india publishers. So if you have a time you can check this journal publishers india, india publishers. Every 15 days or at least once in a month and see which paper has been published in order to up to date and know the literature and get the idea who is publishing which paper. What are the hot topics and other so you must select a journal publishers india, india publishers group and follow the new issues of this group so here energy economics energy policy. These are the top journal publishers india, india publisherss on on energy and believe me i am i i am following them.

Maybe sometimes one once in a week 15 days or at least one once in a month in order to be updated and and see which paper has been published so you can subscribe to this journal publishers india, india publishers to receive an email when any issue is is published. You can regularly really check the new issues of the journal publishers india, india publishers just reselected. This is very important to follow the literature another criteria about the selection of of a journal publishers india, india publishers. When you select a journal publishers india, india publishers you must take into account the following four criteria. The first one is the frequency of the journal publishers india, india publishers. I mean number of issues published per year so if a journal publishers india, india publishers is publishing a monthly so you have a more chance to publish your paper so every month it has a new issue it means it published many hundreds of paper if it is b monthly. It means they publish six issues so it has a less change than quarterly and then maybe annually so the frequency of the of the journal publishers india, india publishers publishing is one of the important criteria. If it is monthly it means it is really very good and the second important criteria here is the review publishers india, india publishers process the duration of the review publishers india, india publishers process. You must look at this one also how you can check it. Uh it may be written on the web website about the duration of the article like in how many days one month two months 100 days to 200 days in how long it takes time to get the review publishers india, india publishers or decision from the editor or you can check some recent article and check it the date of the receive the date of the acceptance of the article if it received for example uh on july and accepted on the for example on the september. It means within the three months it has been accepted. It’s really very good review publishers india, india publishers process time or it may be received on the january and accepted on on may so four months but in many journal publishers india, india publisherss you see the review publishers india, india publishers process it may takes maybe one year maybe two years maybe 15 months or something so this revealed a process will give you information about whether this journal publishers india, india publishers is is very slow or it’s a very good journal publishers india, india publishers so review publishers india, india publishers process is one of the criteria that you must take into account the third one is that about the impact factor impact factor is is is the criteria that that showed the quality of the journal publishers india, india publishers with high impact factors mean it has a higher quality low impact factor means lower quality.

So if you are a new beginner you can start with the low. Impact factor a journal publishers india, india publishers and then continue with the with the higher impact factor that which learn also it shows the quality of the journal publishers india, india publishers and the last one is the scope of the is the scope of the journal publishers india, india publishers. Uh in all website when you look at the journal publishers india, india publisherss you receive. The scope of the journal publishers india, india publishers is say that we published the following the topics and etc etc. So you must look at the scope of the journal publishers india, india publishers and accordingly you. You must submit your papers so these are very important criteria when you select a journal publishers india, india publishers in order to publish your paper so check that your article within the within the scope of the journal publishers india, india publishers. Uh one of the important criteria that will give you an idea whether your paper is in the scope of the journal publishers india, india publishers or not if you if for example if you want to submit your paper to energy policy and in your paper in the references if you cite some references from the energy policy it means your paper is in the scope of the energy policy but in the references if you don’t cite any paper from the energy policy then it has a question mark mark so these references is about 80 percent is important here it shows that really your paper is in the scope of the energy policy or not another the 20 person. Uh we receive many emails from the editor by saying that your paper is not in the scope of our journal publishers india, india publishers and to be honest as an editor or or author and with the review publishers india, india publisherser many papers has been directly rejected by the editor by saying that it is not in the scope but in fact it is it is in the scope of the journal publishers india, india publishers but the editor. Maybe don’t like your paper. It is very easy to say that it is not in the scope but when you look at the references maybe you cited 10 papers 15 papers from the energy policy but you got them rejections from the editor by saying that it is not in the scope of the energy policy it is while it’s for maybe 15 percent maybe with 20 percent so when you get an any email even your cited with the paper it is really very normal about the topic selection and when you select that topic it should be a hard topic so the topic and the title of the paper is one of the most criteria that the editor and the review publishers india, india publisherser are looking so the topic and the title also must reflect the content of the paper so in order to find a good topic you should follow the follow the published paper and the literature.

When you follow the name papers you will aware about what kind of the topic are hot topic and about the title so it will give you a good idea. Another criteria is the follow the journal publishers india, india publishers author guideline many papers. Uh they lose maybe one month maybe two months maybe two weeks. Why when you submit the paper you don’t check the author guideline of the of the journal publishers india, india publishers and directly. You submit your to your paper and after two weeks after one month you get an email from the editorial office by saying that please correct. Please revise your paper. According to our journal publishers india, india publishers format then you lose maybe 15 days or maybe one month so one of the important criteria here again is you must follow the journal publishers india, india publishers author guideline about the structure about reference style and about the others so this is one of the important criteria the another criteria here is about the paper format the structure of the format mostly used format is the one that you see it. It consists of the five sections. Of course it it may have sub sections also but if you organize your paper. According to this structure it means about 80 90 percentage of the journal publishers india, india publishers they use the same structure. The first one is the introduction section the second one is the literature review publishers india, india publishers. Or maybe you can add and or maybe the theory. The third one is the methodology and data.

Which can be written as a materials and data the first one is the empirical results. And maybe you can empirical results and the discussion and the last one is the conclusion and the policy implication. So if you organize your paper according to this structure believe me you will be lucky so now i am going to explain you. What is the important in the introduction in the literature review publishers india, india publishers methodology and other so it can be good organizer structure but the information the knowledge that must be in some section is is really important and you have to follow it. Accordingly so before it you see all pay all papers haven’t have a title page which contains an abstract keywords and highlights. This is important because in many journal publishers india, india publishers because of the third review publishers india, india publishers they are saying that. Please upload your paper without author and i and or other information about authors and also upload a title page which means about the authors about the abstract keywords and and highlights in many journal publishers india, india publishers. Uh you you have to upload highlights in a bit different maybe a file but it can be also here in the title. Uh here is the main advertisement for your article so the title is really very important and believe me maybe five percent maybe 10 percentage of the of the papers are rejected because of the title and because of the abstract why this is important because the title is not or has no relation with the content of your paper it really goods goods uh title but when you read the abstract and read the paper you see that there is no any relation be within the title and the paper so it can be directly rejected by the editor. The second important part is the abstract because as an editor because i am also editor in many journal publishers india, india publisherss as an editor i am firstly. I am looking the title and abstract. If they are okay then i start to look at the inside the content of the paper but if the title is not a pro appropriate and the abstract is not well organized. It means that all the paper is not well organized but still if they are not good as an editor we also look at the paper but we started with this motivation by saying that this paper is not good so the title and abstract is very important uh abstract generally uh contains between 100 and the 200 words so in many journal publishers india, india publisherss there is a limitation of the worst in abstract in some journal publishers india, india publisherss they say that the maximum number of first is must be 150 or maybe 200 or 250 when you look at the the journal publishers india, india publishers the the the author good guideline you must look at the abstract also and accordingly if maximum word is 150 so you can write maybe 120 120 140 if it is more than 120 150 then you cannot complete the submission process so many authors write the abstract last two to reflect the content accurately.

So don’t write the abstract at the beginning. When your paper has been completed finished then start to write an abstract. Why the abstract must summarize your paper so in the abstract the most important criteria you have to write. What is the aim of your paper. The aim you can say that the aim of my paper is to analyze the relations between energy consumption and growth. Then you must have give information about the methodology in this paper. We use the panel co-integration test by using these these variables. So it must be. You must mention about the methodology about the countries about the time period. And you must write something about the results obtained so the aim or objective of your or your research publishers india, india publishers must be available. The methodology has been employed variables country and data period the sample then the results obtained. And maybe one two policy implication if uh you don’t write this information in the abstract it means that your abstract is weak so abstract is really is very important and it must give a summary of your paper but in 150 or maybe with 200 words so it is really very important and it has to contain this information that i uh share with with you now we will. We will talk about this the organization or the intro and the destruction of the paper in the introduction introduction all section is uh uh are important so in the introduction section.

Uh before writing writing the introduction you should you should read and learn the related literature and mention the importance and contribution of your paper in the introduction as an editor and as an review publishers india, india publisherser. We are looking this information into in the introduction section and accordingly we decide how this paper contributes to the literature so the contribution of the paper to the literature and motivation of your paper must be available in the introduction section and also you have to make the introduction brief it should provide the contacts and the background but not be a history lesson it should state the problem being investigated it is conceptual background and reason for conducting this research publishers india, india publishers. Why you are doing this research publishers india, india publishers so the contribution the motivate the motivation. And why you are doing this. Research publishers india, india publishers is really very important and it must be available in the introduction section. This is really very important on the second. Section is about the literature review publishers india, india publishers here. Uh you see it’s written with with the both side articles from the journal publishers india, india publishers to which you are going to submit so if you are going to submit your paper to energy economics you must some as you must cite some recent paper that has been published in this energy economics. Why it is important because after you submit your paper and if it is accepted by the editor then it is going to be sent to. Outside could maybe two or three review publishers india, india publisherser that published in this area for example in energy economics or have a paper in energy economies and when this paper has been sent to this author these and if it is related with the area of this author and this author has published some paper in this area. And then he’s going to look whether you cited his paper or not so if you cited his paper it will motivate the review publishers india, india publisherser by saying that okay he has followed the literature so it is really very important to cite some article from the journal publishers india, india publishers that you are going to submit it so it will give you an an advantage you must go to the original source.

It is important here so pull up the original work and cite the original author instead of the second resource. It is really very important. So reference articles that are widely cited reference should be up to date and at the end of the literature review publishers india, india publishers section. You must summarize the the result obtained from the literature review publishers india, india publishers at the end of this inspection. So you say that ahmed is found. This mammoth is found this. Uh georgie’s found this so at the end of the literature review publishers india, india publishers you have. You must have a paragraph that summarize the results of the literature and lastly we have to check the references and the cited papers that you cited here so in the reference says they they must be up to date here what i mean up to date it. We are in the 2020 and when we submit a paper to any journal publishers india, india publishers we must cite some papers in the references from 2020 from 2019 2018. By showing that we are following the literature and the literature review publishers india, india publishers is up to date but if there is no any paper from the 2020 2019 2017. It means your paper is old. You are not awake of the aware of the literature and so literature review publishers india, india publishers section. It means it’s a week so it must be up to date. It is really very important. The third part is about the methodology and the data section. If your methods are new you will need to explain them in the detail if they if they have been published before you must cite original work including your amendments if you made any modifications so uh if you are using your own methodology then you have to give more information but for example if you are using an old technology then you must give some references by saying that. This methodology has been applied in these these this paper also. This one is really important so then you have to identify the data and the materials you use and specifying their sources.

You say that i’m using energy prices. Oil prices coal prices and we we received all data from the world bank indicators database so you must identify and mention the resources or sources you receive and then you must state about the frequency of the observation and the types of the data were recorded whether you are using monthly data weekly annually or daily. You must mention it. You must define the variables. What does it mean the energy prices or another or for example per capita gdp and other you must give some good definition about it. Name any statistical test so your quantitative results can be judged this one is is also important in many journal publishers india, india publisherss. When you submit your paper they are asking you to upload your data also and which stats statistical method you use. So it can be rechecked and read written by the authors or maybe review publishers india, india publishersers or editors whether they are going to find the similar result or not so it is really very important. This section should be detailed enough that readers can replicate your research publishers india, india publishers and assess whether the method justified your conclusion or not so in the methodology and the data section. These are really very imp important. And then you should try to a recent methodology for example since i am an economist and so i can give you only about the the the new methodology on economics panel configuration panel causality linearity and and other quantile ar dl and and others. It is it is important. Uh you should use the warrior models you must apply the multivarious model. It is really very important and and to the most of the time your paper can be rejected by saying that. Uh because you don’t use the app you don’t use the multivariate model so in the model you must have more than two variables. It is really very important. Uh another important criteria. It is better if you. If you examine a group of country like many countries eu ocd sub-saharan g7 g11 emerging economics and etc rather than a specific country.

This specific country if if it if it is usa china or india it is acceptable why they have a huge amount of the population but if it is malta or maybe cyprus or maybe luxembourg it has a really uh very low level of the population so you you cannot share the the results of your paper uh as as a common or or as a general for whole countries but if you make a paper for the china which is which has a 20 percentage of the world economy so it can be a generalized. So er it is better to use a group of country as i mentioned here as i mentioned here and you must use the recent data one of the the indicators or criteria that editors also look at it they look about your data that has been employed or used or studied in your paper we are in the 2020 and if you received a paper that examined examined any any issue for the 1980 and 2010. It’s an old data why we are on the 2020 but you you study up to 2010 so it is directly and a reason to reject your paper by the editor so you must use the recent data another specific specification or the fourth one is the empirical result this section should present your findings objectively and explaining them largely in the text. It is where you show how your results contribute to the body of the scientific knowledge so you must be clear and illogical and it is important to interpret your result you can paste the sequence of this text on the tables figures graphs that best present your findings and you have to emphasize any significant fighting findings results clearly tables and figures must be numbers. Figures should have a brief but complete description a legend and how the data was produced. Don’t just give the numerical numbers here explain what they mean so in many papers when we receive they just put the table and and give only one maybe two on one paragraph so they just explain the numbers has been obtained. But what this number shows you have to explain them if you don’t explain them it has no any meaning here.

So in empirical result it is really very important that you must give a detailed information about result another important criteria. Here you must or you have to compare your results that you obtained in your paper and compare it with the other papers that has been done in the in the similar topic by saying that that our results are costing consistent or in line with these this this paper but nine but not but we don’t obtain the same result with this with this this paper and you have to explain it why your results are different from the others. Then it means you have a really very good result section so you you must explain them and you at the end of the results section. You must compare your results that you obtain and compare them with other results in the literature another part in some journal publishers india, india publisherss when you look at the alter guideline guide guideline or or the journal publishers india, india publishers format a discussion is an is a new section. After the result according to the journal publishers india, india publishers format you can include in the results section or giving a new inspection as a disc discussion. So here you see it can be included in the in the results or a new maybe science fiction you can present the general general and specific conclusion. But not summarize your your article you should link this section back to the introduction referring to the your question or hypothesis you have to discuss your good results in this section so and cover how. The results relate to your expectation and the cited resources due to the result do the result support or contradicts existing. The theories as i mentioned in the in the results is there any limitation here. All this information must be available here if there is no any uh discussion section in the in the structure of your paper. This information must be included in the result section and the last one is the conclusion and policy implication this is also one of the important section in the paper in many papers as an editor when we receive it. It is it it only written as a conclusion but if there is no policy policy implication it means this section is weak so my advice suggestion that you must give also policy implication in this section.

Your your your conclusion must be supportable and not extend beyond your results so you must conclude your paper. According to the results you obtain. You don’t have to give any other information that you not investigated or examined in your paper. Okay for example. If you examine energy prices and economic growth so in the conclusion you will only talk about the energy prices and and economic growth. You don’t talk about oil prices no you. You don’t talk about the other like coal prices and and other things so you must just give the information about the the variable that that you examine so avoid undue speculation and both judgments about the impact. This is also good place to suggest the practical application for your result and outline what the next steps in your research publishers india, india publishers will be so here you have to conclude your paper. Give some policy implication. Give maybe some ideas about future research publishers india, india publishers. You can say that. In this paper we examine g7 countries but in the future we suggest our author to also study for example many countries and other or we don’t use the uh x variables so in the future studies x variables also can be included or it can be examined by using also this methodology and etc etc. Also maybe you can give some if you have any limitation in your paper. Maybe you can give in also limitation in this uh specifications. So in in the you must have this uh a section and the name i think must be for conclusion and policy implications so you have to conclude your paper and then give some policy implication if it is. Your paper is about only a specific country a country. You must give a specific policy implication for this country. You should not give a very general policy implication. Why because you examine for example india. So your policy implication must be related with the india specifically.

I think we talk about references. So references is also important. Here you must use the recent references and you must prepare arrange your references. According to the journal publishers india, india publishers reference format there are many references style for example applied energy is using a different references format. Energy policy is using another one the other journal publishers india, india publishers another one so you must prepare your good references accordingly. What can it what can and advise you advise you here when you start to write a paper i think you should arrange your your preferences. According to the journal publishers india, india publishers that you are going to submit it it will be better for you and before the submission it. It is the last information about about my presentation. You must do followings before the submission language quality for example it has been completed it has been finished then one of the problems that journal publishers india, india publishers editor faces badly badly written papers it might be that. The writer’s first language is not english and they haven’t gone the extra mile to get it profit so it can be very hard to work out. What is going on in an article if the language and scientex are poor so you can ask a colleague to check your paper or maybe edit it with a professional editing company. You must do it. You must check your paper before the submission for plagiarism and the similarity rate should be less than maybe 20 percent so it changed from the journal publishers india, india publishers to journal publishers india, india publishers but if it is less than the 20 percent uh it is the rate that almost maybe 90 percentage of the journal publishers india, india publishers are looking for it in some journal publishers india, india publishers even they look they ask for 15 percent maybe 10 percent so if it is less than the 20 percent it means that your paper is really original so it is really very important. Here are the some maybe topic for the suggestion. It is mostly related with with the economics with with the energy one of the important. I think for the economics is about the happiness economics which instead of the gdp gross domestic happiness so so it is important and it is a hot topic maybe you can work work on it about the carbon footprint maybe carbon management the other one you see about the green market management green marketing since uh we have a very a different faculty or faculty members and academics from the different areas from the management from the marketing economics finance i.

T and education. It can be like maybe more but here. Green management and green marketing related. Uh topics are hot topics and i believe any topics on green marketing and management also can be published more easier than the others and thanks for the listening. This is all that i want to talk about it today and and i’m ready to answer any questions if you have. Yes bro we have a few questions. Yeah so i’ll start with the first question from masharaki mustari. Yeah and then he said sometimes scopes are not clearly written or we don’t understand it’s cool it seems uh it seems like too vague so how to know and understand whether we are on the right track or not. Uh yeah in this situation. The best way is to look is to check your references article that had been cited in your paper. If you cite one maybe two maybe three papers from the journal publishers india, india publishers that you want to submit it then you can say that okay. My paper is in the scope of the journal publishers india, india publishers. The best way is to look at the journal publishers india, india publishers website about the amf aim and scope if there is no information then you can look at to the references you cited or some recent article that has been published if there are similar titles or the topics. Then it means your paper is in the scope of the journal publishers india, india publishers. I think it’s clear right. Okay okay so second question. Yeah from muhammad nurul hasan reza he said what may be the old methodology. And would you please clarify the old. And the recent methodology the recent methodology. I mentioned here if you remember. Yeah like the panel co integration another for example anoa for example biwari8 model these are the old methodology and these are the new methodology because most of the papers are rejected why because they are using the old methodology why because we have a better methodology which gives better results so we must follow the literature and then accordingly employ or or use the new methodology.

Yes this is my answer. Okay prop all right so next question. Yeah from rehan. Sometimes the editor does not state the reason for the rejection. So can we ask for the reason you you you can ask for the reason but uh nothing is going to be changed uh in some ins in in many like or most of the editor they mentioned at least one uh one reason by saying that we are receiving uh many papers and and and we accept only maybe 10 percentage of the paper and and we are looking for the international level contribution and so your paper is not in this uh content and your paper cannot be accepted so in the email at least in once maybe worth his man he or she mentioning why it has been rejected or sometimes maybe your paper is really have a very low quality but some editors they don’t want to this motivate uh the the author by saying that your paper is really very bad it has very low quality and he doesn’t write anything he say that your paper is not. He has been rejected by the journal publishers india, india publishers. So mostly why it is written. It’s because of the really very low quality of the paper like we don’t want to dismotivate the authors. Maybe the reason is that all right girl. So this one also from ray hanya and then how to select a journal publishers india, india publishers for the interdisciplinary paper topic again. Like i think we should. We should look at the scope of the journal publishers india, india publishers which type of papers they are publishing but my suggestion is to send your paper to the journal publishers india, india publishers that is specialized or or really in the scope of your paper instead of the sending to a journal publishers india, india publishers then publish a paper from management from marketing from economics and from the finance so it is much better and the correct way is to if your paper is related with the energy economics or related with the environmental economics.

I suggest you strongly to submit your paper to any journal publishers india, india publishers that is related with the with the environment so it is a name if it is an if it has an energy or environment instead of the submitting his paper to the journal publishers india, india publishers of the social sciences for example and at that time he if he submit to correct the journal publishers india, india publishers then he can receive many citations. Yeah that’s all. Yeah any other question. Yeah we have questions from dr said ahmad gilani. Okay uh prof. Can you explain that how google scholar publon and orchid profile of author is important for getting acceptance in impactful journal publishers india, india publishers. I i i mentioned that for the academics and for the increasing your visibility and increasing the number of the people that is going to check. Your paper is important when you for example you have an account account in in google scholar in public and in in and others. It means when any person in in the google or in another search engines write an a title or a article so he can find your paper also read your paper and and also cite your paper so it is important for your visibility and important to have more readers to and authors to see your paper by seeing your papers they can cite your paper as much as you got more citation the visibility of your paper of course will will increase so it is very important to open an account and have an account also there okay all right crops so next question from miss lyanna adilaya so her question is is there any chances for phd graduated with no current affiliation attached to publish a paper in high impact journal publishers india, india publishers. It yes of course i started to write paper about maybe 20 years ago and i am publishing in the top journal publishers india, india publisherss and my university i am i may be. I am the most productive academics in my institution and it is not well known university. But still you see i can publish so 90 percent maybe 99 percentage is related with the quality of your paper that you submitted. If your paper is qualified and good of course it is going to be accepted by the editor by the journal publishers india, india publishers.

And by the review publishers india, india publisherser so the quality here is the most important criteria believe me there is no any relations with the with the university of the author that he submitted we look at only and only to the the quality of the paper the others has no any uh importance and so as an author. Uh we must be ready to get the rejection believe me. I am receiving at least five rejected every month. Maybe more than is it because of the quality of of the paper unfortunately no and mostly the jo the editor are saying that your paper is not in the scope of our journal publishers india, india publishers but it is definitely 100 percent it is in the scope of the journal publishers india, india publisherss but they want to reject it and they are saying that it is not so i don’t care about it and i do not dismotivate it and i and and resubmitted to another journal publishers india, india publishers so every month maybe every week i am receiving one maybe two reject email from the editor. It is the way of the life it is really very normal. Don’t dis motivated. You can reject many but you you you must continue and say that okay it is very normal and and look at it and revise it and respond it. Yes okay props so next question. Yeah from dr mahuish rashid okay. His question is how to find a good problem and gap for a high impact factor. Paper can you repeat it please. From doctor which russian this question is how to find a good problem and gap for a high impact factor paper. It’s a very difficult question. Yeah as i mentioned at the beginning after my presentation i told you that you must maybe select a journal publishers india, india publishers group and follow with them and up to date about the literature. Maybe after one year maybe two year maybe three years then. You can realize that that i’m looking at this. Maybe 10 or 15 the top journal publishers india, india publisherss but i didn’t find for example any any article on these maybe topics so maybe i i can. I can go to work on it. So if you are following the literature the other titles then it is easier for for you otherwise it is important. It is impossible to find the gap and other things.

For example you see due to the pandemy. A huge amount of west will be available after this period. So maybe a paper related about west management or how we are going to manage these western west that had been created with this covet in 19 can be maybe a good a topic or a title how it can be managed and yeah all right. I hope it is understandable. Yeah okay so we have moved to the next question. Yeah so from asma zahur okay. She asked plaguerism check by. Twenteen is a bit problematic okay. Plagiarism check by turnitin is a big problematic it puts the use of common generic words and things quote properly in similarity index so how to counter it prof i think maybe it take identicate. Yeah identicate i think it is better than the turnitin all right. Okay i identicate. Yeah i i yeah. Yeah it is much better than the turnitin uh in in in the plagiarism. Mostly uh it takes uh only from the articles from the books but eternity 19 it. It takes from all information from the internet so if it is authenticate but then it found only the plagiarism from the articles so it is better not to use eternity all right so we have another questions from mashrachi mustari. He said my major is education. But if i want to write literature and theoretical review publishers india, india publishers on the environmental economy. Is it acceptable to the general. Uh the journal publishers india, india publisherss. They don’t look at the the the expertise of the author whether it is from the for example. You probably you. You submit a paper to applied energy about energy. We don’t check about the author affiliation about whether he publish it before or not so he can. He can write anything that he want but if he is from the education uh yeah forget the journal publishers india, india publisherss the paper if he is from the education he must specialize on education not the environmental economics because when he graduated he is going to be appointed as an uh assistant professor associate and and the full professor and in order to promotion and appointment.

They are going to look at his his or her uh her cv and about the publication if he or she from education but publishing in environmental economics it will not be acceptable. All right okay. So uh we have another questions from dr aisha karamay. How about the theoretical implication. What can you repeat it. Dr aisha is asking. How about the theoretical implication problem. Like about the theory in in some papers that i published in the literature review publishers india, india publishers and and in some other specification. We found that that our results are not in line with the theory. For example in tori. It says that there is an uh relationship and and co-integration or causality between the tourism uh revenue and economic growth of a country. But when you when you apply it when when you examine and at the end you see that you find that with that. There is no any relationship between the economic growth and the tourism revenue. And you have to explain it if you explain it. Uh good that in the theory it says good bad person. There is a relationship between the tourism revenue and economic growth and also there is an culturality from the uh tourism revenue to economic growth. But it down in our paper. Unfortunately we didn’t find any relation. Then if you explain it why it happens then there will be no any problem and your results. Uh have no any like it doesn’t has to be related with the theory. It can be opposite theory but if you explain it then there is no any problem because most of the theory and the books has been written in usa or maybe uk in the developed country but in emerging countries in developing countries and in the less developed countries. The reality is just opposite to the theory. So it doesn’t has to be same with the theory it can be different and as and and if you explain it why it is not uh same with with the theory then there is any problem yes all right so we have another question. Yeah so from me. Huveria bike do high impact generals support qualitative research publishers india, india publishers. Because she i only find preference for quantitative research publishers india, india publishers can you repeat it please do.

High impact journal publishers india, india publisherss support qualitative research publishers india, india publishers. Because the i i only find preference for quantitative research publishers india, india publishers yeah in our wage like in maybe 10 or 15 years uh like maybe 99 percentage of the article they must be quantitative they must have an like a methodology. You use the data and must have an empirical result so if it is quantitative there is no problem but if it if it is a qualitative like like an empirical or maybe theoretical it has a less change of the publication and and mostly if it is literature review publishers india, india publishers for example on any topic. Uh that has not been for example published or published in in maybe 10 or 15 years. Again it can be prepared and submitted but if it is qualitative like has a methodology data and the numbers variables then it has a chance of the publication but if it is more theoretical then it has a low publication opportunity. Okay bro so another question. Are you available to take some questions yes i am. Yes all right okay. Uh from faris maharu. He asked how to connect defining to the practical implication how to how to connect defining to the practical implication how to connect that how to connect. Yeah yeah according it has been done according to the results you obtained so you give the practical implication according to the results you obtain if really you search the literature and what others would do and get the results so according to the results then you can give some practical information and it changed from all articles to articles so i cannot give you like a specific way of how to do it but but the way of to write. An implication is yugi implication according to your results and also when you read the articles at the end of the article you see for example. You read a paper about usa about the china about the india about the malaysia about pakistan. And you are working on the turkey so when you read the the implication of this study then maybe you can get some information about.

What kind of implication has been suggested for the india for the china and which suggestion can be implicable or applicable in your country and accordingly. You can give the policy implications. Okay paul so we have next questions from muhammad zafah. Yeah so the question is my question is related to paper cited in literature that i find in some papers. Which use very old citation. So should we use mixed citation all a new one. I think you should use the new one also but the old old one if it is published in a good journal publishers india, india publishers and received huge amount of the citations it means that you also have to cite it that publication like the new one also and also the old one. Because you don’t know whether the new one is really good or it is qualified or it has a quality or not but the old one since it is published in a good journal publishers india, india publishers and receive a huge amount of the citation. It means that it you can use it as an original source so you must use. I think both of them all right okay. And and when you when you you cite a paper for the literature that will review publishers india, india publishers and you are submitting your paper to impact factor journal publishers india, india publishers. You must cite the papers. Most of the paper from the impact factor journal publishers india, india publishers if it is a national journal publishers india, india publishers or other one so it means it has no impact factor. It has a low quality. Maybe it is not revealed well so it will reduce the quality of your paper. You should you must cite paper from the impact factor journal publishers india, india publishers. Okay prof so another question here from iron farahana jamaluddin dear pro. Okay some general. They didn’t have a duration of the review publishers india, india publishers process in this case how to know on the review publishers india, india publishers speed. Wow yeah i explain it in my presentation check. Some of the latest articles published and in mo. In most of the jordan’s article you will see article received date article revised an article accepted and accordingly. You will see how much each day is the duration date in most of the article maybe 90 percent. You can see this information if it is.

If it doesn’t written on the website of the journal publishers india, india publishers so in the journal publishers india, india publishers website it can be written. For example the duration process is for example. Five months on 150 days. Again it can be it. Can’t be correct. The the correct one is is to check in the article that has been published and check in the duration at time in this paper that one will be better if you check the the the the article itself all right. Okay bro. So from maria shahid yeah. Her question is theoretical advancement is more important or practical solution to a problem when it comes to publication which one is important. Practical implication is more important as a thorough in in in most of the paper. You don’t write anything about the theory because it has to be known by by the others and you cannot change so practical. Implication is is much more important. Why the tory is is like as a general but each country has a specific condition. So it can be. Maybe available appropriated for the usa but for the germany it may it might be impossible so for each country as each country has a specific condition. Specific factors and everything is is different from the other country so politically policy. Implication is much more important than the theory bro. So last question. Yeah that’s good. Yeah from last question bro. So uh how. Contemporary is book review publishers india, india publishers is it contemporary enough for publication. A book review publishers india, india publishers to be honest instead of writing a book a pardon. Can you repeat it. Write a write it. Okay sorry sorry can you read social processes okay. How contemporary is book review publishers india, india publishers. Is it contemporary enough for publication. No no it is not okay. I thought that maybe he’s asking whether the book uh chapter is is good or the article or which one sorry sorry for misunderstanding. All right so i think that’s all prof for the question and answer session. Okay okay. Uh that’s all for uh for me and i would like to thank to all of the participants for their contribution we which are the foundation of this conference and also i hope and unbelievable that the authors will take this uh my advices into their papers and and i hope uh their papers is going to be accepted and i thank you very much also for you for this wonderful conference and everything.

Thank you very much. Thank you so much rob. We are so honored to have you today. So uh ladies and gentlemen just now. Our biography of professor. Dr ilhan is not working right. Because there’s no audio so we will play again at the end. Uh at this session. Yeah so that we can enjoy and congratulation prof for your achievement. It’s so amazing. Thank you very much. Yeah thank you so much uh again to all participants. Let’s and with the session with the montage of biography of professor. Dr ilhan azdek. Thank you and assalamualaikum faculty of economics and administrative sciences keck. University talking is professor of economics in the faculty of economics and business at kent university merced turkey. In addition to academic duties he is the director of higher vocational school. His research publishers india, india publishers interests are in the areas of energy and environmental economics and international economics. The total number of his articles published is more than 180 of these articles. 160 are listed by isi web of site. Doctor who spoke is an ad hoc review publishers india, india publisherser for various leading international journal publishers india, india publisherss and sits on the editorial boards of several refrigerated international journal publishers india, india publisherss. Professor who stuck is also highly cited research publishers india, india publisherser in 2018 and 2019. Dear participants. Ladies and gentlemen meet professor dr ilhan kustro.

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