How to Find a Research topic

There you go. I’m going to give you some really awesome tips on how to find a research topic list, area of research topic research topic list, area of researchtoday. What you first need is an area that interests you an area that you have done some reading on that you know some authors and works on otherwise at least an idea where you’re willing to read on so what is it that really interests you think about it is it. Indian English fiction or it could be something like historical drama or perhaps women’s autobiography postmodern films. Are you interested in that. Well let us look up something more exciting narratives of slavery would you like that. Wow narratives of sports people or artists sounds interesting narratives of the survivors of war or rape or genocide now that interests me narratives of war rape genocide. There is genocide happening across the world right now killing of people large communities or races by other races or other people other communities. I would like to look up that and then once you find an area like that you feel something like this ha ha that means you feel lost. How do you go about it. You don’t know where to go how to go about it. You feel helpless and threatened but eh you don’t really have to feel so helpless. It is not that difficult. I’m going to tell you how don’t panic. Don’t jump calmly explore the area and find out major trends authors and themes in that area. You have to google search. You have to read about that area that you like and find out what are the major in that area who are the major authors. And what are the major books. What are the major themes in that area. It is easy to say but difficult to do so. I will show you what I did on a piece of paper. You have to note down your observations. As you google search for example you will get ideas from titles of books or titles of articles when you just look at a title you will get some keywords and some ideas write them down when you look up some websites you will get more ideas when you look at the titles and content or schedule of seminars or conferences we will get ideas.

Sometimes when you google search there will be other keywords that you’re not aware of that. Other people have searched that will come up in the search box keywords will come up even those keywords will give you ideas note down all these ideas remember the words you get should be cross referred in other ways in other combinations that means you have to. Google search these words in other combinations to get more and more you should have an exhaustive list of observations noted down on a piece of paper. I’m sure you did not exactly get it. How exactly to go about it. I’m sure you did not get so I will show you what I did look at what I did. Narratives of genocide survivors. That is what. I searched for and then I went down I looked at Rwandan narratives. I found empowerment narratives. Wow I am writing down all that in my piece of paper and then I look out for other keywords testimonies narrating genocide. Wow time memory and blame. I am writing down all those words in my paper. Rwandan narratives seem to be very famous and popular narratives of home violence and spatial belonging resistance. You don’t just brah so quickly you have to read now. I’m going to look up that one link on the dynamics of deliberate and unintentional amnesia. That is an important term deliberate as well as unintentional amnesia. Read through all this. Try to see if it gives you ideas a tortured bodies rape and disposability in mahasweta devi. This possibility seems to be an important term. Write that down gender inequality non-binary transgender people. That also you could write down transgender. Wow that is what I am going to do. I have decided I will look at transgender people’s narratives and all these keywords that I wrote about with regard to genocide I can use here. The experiences of war rape genocide writings about that will help me get ideas on transgender people. Now how is that look at all the keywords that I have written this is my paper narratives of transgender people from the browsing that I did.

This is what. I have written down testimonies interviews art memoirs autobiographies films all these will be my primary sources. I can take testimonies of transgender people along with interviews along with artworks that they have made memoirs if autobiographies are available I can take those I can take firms representing transgender people. And what are the key words amnesia. That is deliberate as well as unintentional. You deliberately forget or pretend that you forget that is one memory is associated with amnesia individual and collective then the concept of time and theories of time and refugee the transgender people as refugees idea of home because they are mostly thrown out from their homes. They have to forge new ideas of home. How do they deal with spatial belonging and dislocation cultural trauma. Themes of blame guilt resistance. How are they blamed. Do they blame themselves. Do they feel guilt. How do they resist. The extreme experiences of violence tortured bodies as a theme so you have to cross refer all these transgender narratives tortured bodies. Transgender narratives blame guilt resistance like that when you cross refer and browse like we did before you will get even more ideas then disposability you have to search for transgender people. Disposability disposability of bodies theory disposability in culture sociology disposability research topic list, area of research. You will get a lot of unnecessary links and websites. Also you should use your discretion to use the necessary ideas that will help you in framing a topic research topic list, area of researchthen. I found biopolitics lookup biopolitics read about it. Each of these is actually a term. It will have a theory behind it. You will have to spend a lot of time reading on it in relation to transgender narratives. And also you have to read on non-binary gender gender is not just male or female. Gender is multiple gender is fluid all those ideas like that. When you read you can get more ideas when we search in new combinations.

I also come across these are the new combinations I also come across. Transgender rights the concept of gender refugees. LGBTQ migration to Canada US UK many countries have LGBTQ people they emigrate to liberal countries like Canada the US and the UK UK then the concept of asylum diaspora systemic discrimination homophobia corrective rape. All these are new terms that. I got. I will show you how I got these terms. I searched for transgender people refugee that is the keywords that are used transgender people refugee and I look up what comes below. You can read some of these articles that you get systemic discrimination against gender women transgender equality sexual orientation and gender identity. Go down go down. Transgender refugees in Greece see transgender refugees. Gender refugees you have to look up that term more when you see it more than once it means it is a commonly used term migration asylum diasporas necro politics. Write down all that and look it up asylum for lesbian gay bisexual transgender people now. I am looking up transgender. People refugee indians another combination of keywords. I’m going down. I’m going down. LGBTQ migration wow that is a Wikipedia entry you should read it and why China transgender Indians are possible so India. Bill that also you should look up. Let us read that Wikipedia entry. What is happening to transgender people. How are they discriminated discrimination tolerance. These are also key words across the world so many countries transgender people undergo discrimination. Go down go down. You should read all that if you can. Current trends of migration that’s interesting prominent countries like Iran Iraq Jamaica Pakistan Saudi Arabia. Here transgender. People are undergoing discrimination they emigrate to Canada Britain and the United States. Read about that. Go down write down key words in your white paper and use new combinations of keywords always go to the references see also all those websites also you should look up.

The references will give you books and authors scholarly articles. When you do Google search. You will also get scholarly articles. Definitely read them do not just browse through them. I mean do not get derailed from your topic research topic list, area of researchnow transgender people refugee narratives. We are looking up. Scholarly articles are there. I told you look that up also and go down and see if there are other interesting ideas transgender refugees and the imagined South Africa so imaginary homeland that also you can apply here. I suppose transgender identities and an imagination. I’m removing people. Transgender refugee narratives again transgender refugees and imagine. South Africa is coming up so I’m looking it up. It is a book bodies over borders so bodies theory of body that also you should apply right that also there will be keywords given in articles and books which will also be your keywords. You can buy chapters but they have a lot of you know money you know you have to pay a lot of money so not at this stage go and do again. Google search transgender refugee books. Wow you have got a lot of books now. Many of these books can be read partly in Google books you should read up these books in Google Books. Find out ideas. You should have a whole book full of ideas now but you should be also cleverly organizing these ideas let us see how so now you have all these books and articles. What do you do with them. You can download articles in PDF and Riya read them and know down keywords and ideas from them. You can read books in google books. You can find more books from bibliographies of dissertations and search for those books. Also spend a few days or weeks or even months like this reading and making notes actually before you write the synopsis. You should spend at least six months because a good synopsis is research topic list, area of research half done. Don’t think it is a waste of time preparing for a synopsis. Taking months over a synopsis is not a waste of time.

It is research topic list, area of research half done. You should really really get into the topic research topic list, area of researchand the area and read a lot before you write the synopsis. How do you read never lose focus. Remember that you are going towards the topic research topic list, area of researchand slowly slowly. You should collect more and more information regarding the topic research topic list, area of researchbut you should do. ID reading your wide. Reading should result in a big list of narratives the most important thing is to organize these narratives into primary sources secondary references and background material. Which will give us general knowledge of the subject when you write your dissertation. Finally it is the primary sources that you focus on deeply you do detailed analysis of like five to eight primary sources that is enough. You should not take 1520 primary sources and then secondary references should be. They’re not only critical material but other narratives other memoirs and testimonies that are not primary sources can also be your secondary references. It can include a multidisciplinary kind of reference. Such as films can be their paintings can be there all sorts of narratives can be there and some material. You don’t have to actually refer in your dissertation at all. It will give you background general knowledge of the subject so like that. Whatever you have read you should organize. It’s important now. What do you have here. You have a whole list of topics and themes and ideas and books. What have you attained by now. You have attained general knowledge of the subject if somebody asks you about transgender narratives. Even though you have not framed a topic research topic list, area of researchyet you will be able to tell them a lot of things about transgender people. Their history their discrimination their narratives so general knowledge of the subject at this stage. You can start talking to people you can start making videos on transgender narratives or talking to people and teaching people etc so that you will get clear on what you know your ideas will become clear. Then you have identified primary sources you can at first identify ten or twelve primary sources and then remove when you read all of them.

You will find that some are more suitable. You should have a rationale for choosing the primary sources and slowly remove some of them and zoom in on a few of them. The primary sources should be read thoroughly. You should read them not only summaries the books you should read and also read about them you should find articles and videos on the primary sources also and you should also frame such research topic list, area of research some research topic list, area of research questions at this stage. You should frame some research topic list, area of research questions. What are research topic list, area of research questions. Research topic list, area of research questions will look at your topic research topic list, area of researchfrom all angles all the different angles of your topic. The research topic list, area of research questions should cover. Also it is from these research topic list, area of research questions that you do your research topic list, area of research you will find answers for these research topic list, area of research questions in your research topic list, area of research. So research topic list, area of research questions are important. What are you looking at in your research topic list, area of research. That is guy that that direction is given to you by these research topic list, area of research questions. Don’t think that once you make research topic list, area of research questions you can’t change them as you do your research topic list, area of research you can change them and also from the research topic list, area of research questions you can frame the hypotheses now. I’m sure you are not quite sure how to write the research topic list, area of research questions or the hypotheses. So how exactly do you do that. I will show you look at two research topic list, area of research questions. I have randomly made. You don’t have to write exactly these questions from your reading you. Should you know frame your own questions. My questions are in what ways do transgender narratives renegotiate. The concept of home and belonging the concept of home for a middle-class family is different heterosexual family. That is is different from the concept of home for transgender people for transgender people are mostly thrown out of their homes by the main mainstream society. Very sadly they find discrimination everywhere in home in family in school so the transgender people get together and forge new concepts of home.

And how do they do that. How do you know that from their narratives that is one research topic list, area of research question how do transgender bodies become the arena of biopolitics. That is another research topic list, area of research question that I have framed. How do transgender people use their bodies as a political act how is politics or power working on them and how do they will power themselves so from these research topic list, area of research questions you can frame hypotheses if research topic list, area of research questions begin with how what when in what ways etcetera. Hypotheses are statements that you will check in your research topic list, area of research. You will test whether these hypotheses are right or wrong hypotheses es it should be transgender narratives renegotiate the concept of home and belonging. How do they renegotiate that. Is the research topic list, area of research question hypothesis. Transgender narratives renegotiate the concept of home and belonging. You will test whether this hypothesis is correct or wrong and how far it is correct and how it is correct etcetera. That is the research topic list, area of research transgender bodies are the site of biopolitics and disposability. You should read up more on that. So that is how you frame hypothesis. You don’t have to stick to my topic research topic list, area of researchand my questions. I am just guiding you. This these can be applied to any topic research topic list, area of researchwhen you do browsing and research topic list, area of research on any topic research topic list, area of researchyou will similarly choose keywords and themes and books and frame research topic list, area of research questions similarly at the stage if you do not know how exactly to go about it. That is why you have a research topic list, area of research supervisor or a guide now how do you frame a title. Remember all the points that you wrote before in your white paper take it once again and more points will be there as you go on reading more and more points or keywords you would have written and how do you frame a title write down all the central ideas in your argument. Sometimes your argument can be centered on amnesia memory trauma torturer trauma blame guilt etc. Sometimes your research topic list, area of research topic research topic list, area of researchcan be framed on the concepts of refugee home violence displacement etc.

So what focus you are giving those central ideas write down and connect the most important ideas in the from the from the list. I will tell you when you actually write your dissertation all the points that you have written here every single theme that you have written here can ultimately become a paragraph in your dissertation connected to the primary sources. Do not throw away all these themes that you wrote every one of these can be probably written in your dissertation as a top as a theme so when you actually write your dissertation many people will be at a loss how to write how to get content where to write from all these key words that you have written at the beginning will guide you expand these key words you will get the dissertation and your research topic list, area of research begins you have to after this go to libraries collect books browse online to start writing notes on everything you have read carefully document everything you have read and make sure that you organize your ideas. You should have chapter divisions all the things that you read. We’ll go into some chapter or the other you have to read the primary sources repeatedly and your dissertation will be written. That is how you do research topic list, area of research. I hope you enjoyed this video. Thank you very much.

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