How to choose Research topic| Crack the Secret Code

Hi friends welcome to my channel. I am in this video. I am going to talk about how you can choose a research topic research paper, topic for researchnow. This video is relevant for all those who are planning to do their phd or who want to present a research paper topic research paper, topic for research in any university or who are in their masters final year and are looking forward to do their dissertation or if you have enrolled yourself in an mfl program in that case too. This video is going to help you a lot now. Choosing a research topic research paper, topic for researchis the most challenging part of any research because it is the base and it is the starting point of the research if you don’t choose a research topic research paper, topic for research appropriately. Chances are that you might end up leaving the research topic research paper, topic for research altogether. I have seen a lot of students who struggle with their research topic research paper, topic for research. Take up anything start doing their research. And towards the end of their phd. They find that their guides have altogether rejected the topic research paper, topic for research and they have to begin again by choosing another topic which is more appropriate or else if you have not chosen a specific appropriate topic you might yourself leave the research because you don’t know where to go what to do how to justify the topic so in this video i’m going to give you a step-by-step guide which is going to help you to choose a research topic research paper, topic for researchvery easily and start with your research topic research paper, topic for research. So let’s start now the first important thing that you must remember when you decide to choose a research topic research paper, topic for researchis your interest area. Yes guys you should always remember the fact that the research topic research paper, topic for research should be from your interest area. There are a lot of students who call me every day. And ask me that. Ma’am can you please suggest me a research topic research paper, topic for research and i sometimes wonder that you would probably come tomorrow and ask me that. Mom i think you are well read and you are well educated. So is it okay. If you can select a life partner for me you would never do that right because you know that life partner cannot be selected by anybody you need to know your own likes dislike your own compatibility with a person and only then you can decide whom to marry.

The same thing exists in the case of choosing a research topic research paper, topic for researchresearch topic research paper, topic for researchis very individualistic. You need to see a topic research paper, topic for research. You need to choose a topic research paper, topic for research. Which appeals to you. I’m a anti-feminist so if somebody asked me that okay you have to do a feminist study of some particular author or a particular work. I would really be unhappy. I would not know what to do what not to do. And i would not feel like doing the research on the other hand. My interest topic research paper, topic for research areas are psychology and mythology. So if i choose a topic which is related to these two areas. I would feel like doing research topic research paper, topic for research. I would feel like studying a lot more and finding out my own interpretation so you need to always remember the fact that if you’re not happy the learning would not occur so the first prominent factor in any field of study is your interest area topic research paper, topic for research. Now the first important thing that you need to understand here is that look into the vast field of literature into the ocean of literature and decide topic research paper, topic for research. What is your interest area it can be a particular literary movement like transcendentalism romanticism modernism. It can be a particular literary theory for example marxism psychoanalytical criticism. Or maybe feminism. It can be a particular author. Maybe you are a big fan of shakespeare or jane austen or maybe jerry pinto so you can even take up that writer and you know look at that writer from a very very new angle another important area where you can do. Your research is any literary art form for example paintings cinema. All these important art forms are nowadays incorporated in literary research topic research paper, topic for research. So if you are really interested in knowing more about cinema filmatography cinematography in that case. Take up a book and its adaptation. Okay you can take up a movie and the book on which that movie was based and then do a comparative study topic research paper, topic for research. That would be a great thing or you can take up a particular literary genre maybe crime fiction detective.

Or maybe if you’re interested in children’s literature so by knowing your interest area you actually know what you would like to invest your next three years into for example. My interest topic research paper, topic for research area is psychology. And i’m really very interested in studies of books as well as movies so i took up these two movies dears in the ghee and eat pray love. Which has julia roberts as the leading star and i devised a topic based on my interest area. So my topic. The initial research topic research paper, topic for researchwas quest of self discovery. A comparative study of the female protagonist in dear zindagi and eat. Pray and love. So you can see how i was able to figure out the topic by knowing my interest area better so in the similar fashion you can also know your interest area and then figure out. What particular topic research paper, topic for research would you like to do. A research on after knowing your interest area the next important thing that you must do in order to finalize a research topic research paper, topic for researchis background study. Let’s first look at the aim of research. What do you think is the aim of research aim of research is either to find out some new fact or to revisit the existing fact and look at it and see if they are still valid today so basically research aims at adding something new to the existing body of knowledge. Now if you take up a research topic research paper, topic for researchon which a lot of work has already been done then you would just be copying from a place and pasting it in your research and that will not be called as research because you are not adding anything new in the existing body of knowledge so it is very important for you to do a background study topic research paper, topic for research of all the works which has already been done on that particular topic research paper, topic for research for example when i decided to take up a topic uh in which i would be looking at dears in the gay and eat pray love from psychoanalytical point of view. I first saw what works. Were already done in this particular field and i found out that a lot of works have been done on these movies but they have been done from feminist point of view topic research paper, topic for research.

Nobody has actually compared these two works and looked at both. These works from psychoanalytical point of view topic research paper, topic for research. So i knew that i’m going to add something new to the existing body of knowledge. Now it doesn’t matter that you’re taking up a new author like jerry pinto and doing a research because nobody has ever done a research topic research paper, topic for research on him. You can also take up any old author like shakespeare or jane austen or george eliot and look at their works from a different angle which is still not explored so when you will be reading the previous research papers of scholars who have done some work in this particular field topic research paper, topic for research where you will be working on. You would find out the research gap now. What is a research gap. A research gap is areas which were left unexplored in the previous researches and from that particular research gap. You will get your topic so make it a habit before choosing a research topic research paper, topic for researchyou go through different articles journals and existing research papers, topic research paper, topic for research and then figure out a research gap and finally you take up either a totally unexplored area or a partially unexplored area and begin. Your research topic research paper, topic for research also remember that this background study is going to help you a lot when you will be writing your synopsis or you will be writing an introduction to your thesis because in your synopsis you need to justify your topic research paper, topic for research and also mention the previous works which have been done in that particular t topic research paper, topic for research. A review of literature is an essential part of a research. And if you don’t do it then your research topic research paper, topic for research is not complete and finally another important thing that you must understand before you decide. Your research. Topic is to limit the genus. Now what do you mean by limiting a genus. If you take up a very bulky topic for example exploring symbolism in the poetry of wb yeats this seems to be a very simple and a very sweet research topic research paper, topic for researchbut you cannot understand how bulky this topic is there have been more than 250 poems written by wb yet and each poem contains millions of symbols.

So how are you going to present all of this in a research paper or in a phd thesis of about 250 pages. Now this is a very bulky topic and this is going to be a never-ending research topic research paper, topic for research so what is important is to become specific after you know your interest area after you know. Uh the research gaps in the previous researches topic research paper, topic for research. You need to make your research topic research paper, topic for researchextremely specific or else you would find that if you’ve taken a very open-ended research topic research paper, topic for researchyou are going to go haywire and you will never reach a definite conclusion at the end of the research and you might find that your entire phd thesis was concluded to be nothing at the end so in that case. What is important is that you know a very specific topic research paper, topic for research. And how would you get to a specific topic research paper, topic for research understand either take up two or three authors or take up few selected works of one particular author if you take up five authors and you’re researching on 10 works of each of them you would find that. In a phd thesis of 250 pages you would just be summarizing and giving an introduction to all of these works and that would not be a phd thesis. That would be a mere summary of 50 works so it is important either you take up two authors and one one work of each author or you take up one author and few works of that author but become very selective in what topic research paper, topic for research you are choosing also understand the fact that whenever you are doing a background study you should always take up works which you have read and also you must note that. It’s not just that the work you would be talking about in your entire research you would also be bringing a lot of different associated theories topic research paper, topic for research for example if you’re doing a research on postcolonial literature and any particular writer like chinua achi bay. You need to bring in bill brown’s theory of thing. Bill brown is a great postcolonial thinker. Who said that in all these post-colonial works you will find that the post-colonial world represent thing theory.

What is this thing theory. Every colonized person feels as if he has no identity in the world and his existence is reduced to a thing if he is not of any use people are going to throw him so his existence is merely a existence of a thing. So whenever you’re doing a research topic research paper, topic for research on any postcolonial work you need to bring all these different and associated theories and look at these theories as well as their interpretation on the work that you have picked up for your research so your research topic research paper, topic for research would not only go around the two or three authors. You have chosen but it is also going to go beyond that. You’re going to explore a lot of theories and you’re going to look at those works in the light of those theories so have the habit of limiting your genus. Before you finally decide your research topic research paper, topic for researchwith that note. I would like to end this video lecture. It was really amazing discussing this topic with you guys and i would also be making a lot of videos on phd research paper how to write a research paper how to go about with your phd thesis. And what are the mistakes that you should avoid doing while hoosing topic research paper, topic for research. And how you can make this journey of phd a lot more easier and a lot more fulfilling so stay tuned to this channel if you’ve not yet subscribed then it’s time to subscribe to this channel because i’ll be posting a lot of videos on all these topics in the upcoming weeks. Apart from that another important announcement i would like to make. Registrations are open for the online course of ugc net english literature according to the new syllabus. You can look at the list of all the writers that we uh cover in our online course in detail on our website. link is given in the description box below. If you like the course content we are providing you can definitely join us and avail the benefit of 800 audio lectures 200 plus pdf in 3 000 mock test question. We make sure that your preparation is extremely easy. And you don’t need to go anywhere else for more material or for more information apart from that you can also subscribe to our different social media platforms so that you are tuned to the latest udc net update uh we have our presence in all the major social media platforms so you can follow us on these platforms and get updated about the recent changes in ugc net.

So that’s it for this video lecture. We’ll meet soon in the next video lecture till the time we meet next happy learning keep loving literature and stay tuned to you.

Where to find great research papers?

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