Hey everyone today. I’m going to talk about how to avoid plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free. In your research paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker frees. And frankly why this really does matter to you so first of all. Let’s define plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free. All right so plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free is when you steal and pass off the ideas and words of others as your own or when you use another’s work without citing the source and finally presenting an idea from an existing source as new and original new and original from you versus from the existing source now ultimately plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free. Is an act of fraud okay. It means you’re both stealing someone else’s work as well as lying about it afterwards. So yeah it’s pretty heavy-duty stuff now in my experience as a professor these are the ways that i see. Plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free exhibited most of the time now yes every once in a while. I’ll get a student who will submit a paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free from somebody else as their own. That’s about as blatant as it gets. Okay but also just copying phrases and words from another source without citing that source. I see this a great deal. I also see students who fail to use quotation marks. When they’re quoting from another source and finally and this is actually the most common one that i run into is copying over so much of another’s work that it makes up a substantial part of the student submission so in other words they’re copying over a huge amount of work from other sources and even if they’re putting quotation marks around it and citing it properly so much of the submitted paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free is from other sources that it really doesn’t count as the students work. Okay now. Why does this matter to you. Well colleges and universities take plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free. Very seriously so if you plagiarize in your work depending on the institution and your professor you could just basically get a zero on anything you submit. That is plagiarized. It could also be that you just plain failed. The class and in some cases colleges or universities may put you on probation or even expel you from the from the institution altogether. So yeah this is kind of serious stuff and not something to be taken lightly.
So let’s talk about how to avoid plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free. Now i want to be clear. Yes every once in a while i’ll have a student who just plain doesn’t care and deliberately plagiarizes the work of another. But that’s not the case most the time the vast majority of the time students are plagiarizing but not maliciously they just don’t know how not to plagiarize what is the proper technique for citing sources and so forth to make sure that everything is on the up and up. So let’s talk about that first of all. I strongly recommend you document all your sources document your sources any quotes you. Use the ideas you use from these sources and have this as a separate file so that you know where you got all of your information now. Depending on the length of your work of your research paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free and how many sources you have this could be a simple annotated bibliography or you might have a complete spreadsheet that lists all your sources and the websites and the ideas and the quotes and so on and so forth if i’m doing say like a phd dissertation right. That’s a whole spreadsheet of that nonsense but for most paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker frees a simple annotated bibliography say that 10 times fast right. It’ll do the job and i’m actually a big fan. Of annotated bibliographies because they allow me to really organize my thoughts. Organize my sources and figure out how i’m going to present this work in my own research paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free so something to bear in mind you also want to correctly correctly correctly. Apply the formatting that is required for the assignment now this could be apa. It could be mla it could be chicago. It doesn’t matter whatever. Formatting is required for the paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free learn that formatting technique and apply it correctly to the entire paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free now i know this can seem overwhelming but the truth of the matter. Is you know. There’s only a handful of principles that need to be applied to most paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker frees and it doesn’t really take much to figure out those principles.
You can use online resources to figure out how to do that and once you get the hang of it. It’s pretty much autopilot. So take the time to learn the formatting process the next one is use quotations when quoting okay now there’s nothing wrong with taking something from an existing source copying it and pasting it into your paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free so long as you include quotation marks and cite the source both in the reference section and in-text citations. So yeah you can copy and paste stuff all day long. Don’t worry we’re going to talk about how to do that properly. Right so long as you add quotation marks and cite the source also cite the source. Even when you are paraphrasing. Now instructors will often tell you. Hey you can use material from from other sources but put it in your own words. You’ve heard that a lot right. Make sure you put it in your own words. That’s paraphrasing well. You absolutely want to put it in your own words. But you also want to cite it right once again both in-text citations and the reference section in the back of the paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free. Now why are instructors encouraging you to put it in your own words to paraphrase it. Well because then you’re processing it through your own mindset through your own filters and it increases your understanding and comprehension of the idea and puts you in a position where you are literally teaching somebody else. The idea which kind of goes up bloom’s taxonomy and so on so forth. We’re not going to go into that here. But the point is it’s a good solid practice. Just make sure you cite it. Otherwise it’s going to look like you’re trying to pass these ideas off as your own and that’s not what you want to do. Another one is and this one is key. Add your own ideas and thoughts. Okay i run into this one a lot. You know how i said earlier. I often have students. Who will you know plagiarize huge. You know plagiarize even if it’s cited or quoted right. They’ll have huge chunks of other paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker frees put into their own paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free and they really are making the paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free make the points for them.
Let me put it another way in order to not plagiarize and in order to write a really good research paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free. You want to find sources that support your own thesis or your own assertions so you add those sources cite them correctly and say based on this you know this author makes the assertion that blah blah blah. Or if you’re making an assertion or offering a thesis at the beginning of the paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free or at the beginning of a paragraph you want to add sources that support your thesis. Okay so you’re not. The goal is to use the cited research to support your ideas and assertions not make them for you. Your sources are not making your points for you. They’re helping support your points. Okay all right now. When in doubt sight this is another key aspect. Um you know. In general. The rule of thumb is. You don’t have to cite. What is considered common knowledge. But you know what figuring out what’s common knowledge can be pretty tricky so if you’re ever in doubt sight right you’re not going to get in trouble for citing too many sources you will get in trouble for not citing sources that you include in your work right so when in doubt cite it and then finally and i know this sounds weird but this is real. Avoid plagiarizing yourself. Now let’s read this self plagiarizing is when you use work. You’ve already submitted for another class. Basically recycling a paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free to avoid completing the assignment. I get this a lot guys and i get the temptation and i get the logic right. You’re kind of like well. Hell it’s my own damn paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free. I wrote it myself. I wrote it for this other class. And you know what with a few tweaks and a few edits i can submit it to this other class and it would still fit the need of the assignment. I get the logic right. But that doesn’t hold up. That is self-plagiarizing. I want you to consider this. The purpose of college and university is to learn develop and practice new skills especially practice these skills for many classes.
This is done through written assignments by recycling paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker frees. You learn nothing new and your instructor has no way of assessing how well your skills are developing all right so no. You can’t just write one awesome paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free in your freshman year and then in your senior year use it for 15th time right. This is self-plagiarizing. You need to avoid this now by the way you can cite your own paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker frees you can totally cite your own paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker frees right and researchers do this all the time. Trust me when i was doing my phd’s dissertation. There were authors that i was citing all the time because they were kind of like the experts in their field. Well when you look at their paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker frees. They’re citing their past research. That is totally acceptable and totally required. In fact okay a final thought guys oftentimes we plagiarize not because we’re trying to cheat or anything like that. Yeah every once in a while you play drives because you just don’t want to do the assignment and you found this other paper plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free that’s really good and so that happens but most of the time it’s because we lack confidence in our own thoughts in our own assertions in our own ideas don’t your thoughts and ideas and assertions they’re awesome they’re totally awesome and so when you combine your thinking and your ideas and kind of your vision with research. That’s out there in the body of literature. Then you’re gonna win you’re gonna totally rock it right so have confidence in yourself. Use material out there to support your ideas and assertions and grow and learn and expand and develop as a intellectual being right. Don’t just slough it off on somebody else. Okay so there you go. Thanks for joining me by the way if you want to learn more about plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free go to plagiarism checker research paper free, research paper plagiarism checker free.org they have a ton of really good resources to kind of help you understand this a little bit further but otherwise go off do some great research push your ideas. Make your assertions prove your theses and you’ll do fantastic alright.
Thanks for joining me. We’ll talk again soon.
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