Experimental Research

Hi my name is professor at liage. University and today’s presentation experimental in research, experimentation research is an introduction to experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research. Well this presentation is the first presentation of a series or a playlist on experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research and there will be following presentations that are going to detail. Well who is the audience of today’s presentation. In general experiments are at the core of laboratory research experimental in research, experimentation research so this presentation is for postgraduates and scientists in general who are conducting or seek to conduct their research experimental in research, experimentation research in the field of social sciences life sciences medical sciences and natural sciences. In this sense also mentors and supervisors are concerned and they are welcome to watch this presentation. Let’s have a look at the different methods of research experimental in research, experimentation research. We have actually two families of research experimental in research, experimentation research quantitative research experimental in research, experimentation research and qualitative research experimental in research, experimentation research qualitative research experimental in research, experimentation research. We previously presented it in a full time in a full playlist. Today we will focus on the experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research as part of the quantitative research experimental in research, experimentation research methods. Well there is another approach that combines the quantitative and the qualitative. It’s called the mixed approach. And in this sense the research experimental in research, experimentation researchers have to combine different techniques and ways or types within the four types of research experimental in research, experimentation research. It’s very important. If somebody asked me how to distinguish experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research from observational research experimental in research, experimentation research because many research experimental in research, experimentation researchers are confused about the difference between observational and experimental. I would say that experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research is manipulative. Which means that we have studied the study. Design alters variable or variables for comparison against a control condition or a baseline while if we talk about observational research experimental in research, experimentation research it is non-manipulative. We do not have a treatment. We do not interfere to change something in the natural environment that is observed and the study design that it is considered as the study design that typically represents realistic conditions experimental in research, experimentation research. So this is very important to take into account another clarification when you talk about experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research in this series.

I’m going to talk about experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research. That is controlled so controlled experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research and by control. I mean here how to i mean eliminating or controlling other variables and i mean controlling the setting and the environment of our investigation and we have experimental control. Now if we look at different or other alternatives like non-random selection approaches where we have experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research with non-random selection. There’s no experimental control. We do more comparisons. Then we call that quasi experiments and i’m not going to cover that in my presentation today this will be more covered in the observational research experimental in research, experimentation research playlist or series. So let’s start with the objective of today’s presentation well. The main objective of today’s presentation is to enhance your capacity to conceptualize design and conduct experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research number one and number two is to formalize your research experimental in research, experimentation research study design based on best practices experimental in research, experimentation research. The content of today’s presentation is mainly. I’m going to talk about introduction about experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research what it is exactly a definition for it. What are the experiments condition. How to design an experiment how to prepare for it. What should be going when we do analysis. And what is the validation and quality assurance measures before reaching the take away. Uh take away steps but take care that the presentation of today is an introduction so i will go running fast over these topics and later on in the following videos you can have more detailed uh presentation or content. Let’s start with the presentation. Or let’s start with the introduction. Well the first thing to take into account when we are investigating or starting in the field of research experimental in research, experimentation research. We need to be aware about epistemology epistemology. What is epistemology in fact. Well it is the theory of knowledge especially with regard to its methods so actually it is the theory of knowledge especially with regard to its methods validity and scope and the distinction between justified belief and opinion.

So actually it. Is this the approach to learn about how to do the research experimental in research, experimentation research. So it’s very important to learn about the epistemological. Uh approach in your field in your domain. Uh whatever institution you are associated with what is the historical epistemology epistemological approach of your research experimental in research, experimentation research. Institution research experimental in research, experimentation research lab another important thing. We have to look at here when we talk about experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research a very important term. Which is the research experimental in research, experimentation research design. Which is how you designed your research experimental in research, experimentation research and how you are taking steps and what are the elements of your research experimental in research, experimentation research. And here’s the definition is saying that research experimental in research, experimentation research design is the overall strategy that you choose to integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way thereby ensuring you will effectively address the research experimental in research, experimentation research problem it constitutes the blueprint for the collection measurement and analysis of your data so as you can see any research experimental in research, experimentation research design must include or must answer those four aspects. What is the data that will be collected what will be the data that will be processed. What is the instrument or the variable that we are trying to analyze and understand or even interpretation that we are looking to interpret and finally how we can apply it and validate it later on so those are the four major steps in any research experimental in research, experimentation research design that you need to address and you need to answer when you are describing your methodology or designing your research experimental in research, experimentation research. Now let’s go. Further focus on experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research. In fact what is experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research simply the main purpose of experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research is to contribute to knowledge by establishing evidence-based relationships between variables today. We are seeking high evidence. We have we are seeking accuracy. We are seeking confidence in uh in in information or in knowledge and science and the experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research is allowing you to establish an avid evidence-based relationship between variables also.

An experiment is a study of cause and effect. So the cause and the effect is strongly present in experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research. It differ from non-experimental method in that it involves the deliverable deliberate manipulation of one variable or more while trying to keep all other variable constant or under control so this is very important to keep into account when we define experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research. We should not forget also that experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research has a specific nature so what is the nature of experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research as it is a systematic inquiry to describe explain predict and control the observed phenomena. This is important and also entei it entails experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research entails prediction controlling confirming and testing. So in this sense we are talking about integrity research experimental in research, experimentation research essays. We are talking about reproductibility we are talking about. Eliminating the impact or the influence of external factors and controlling external or extraneous factors and for sure it is structured and predetermined so we must design it and we must make sure that it is not random. Sorry we must make sure that it is not. Let’s say done without a design and that we can have a pre-test and that we have a post test to make sure that what we measure or what we want to measure in relation to an intervention has been already documented before and after so this is very important. Now one will ask me okay. What is then the advantage of experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research. Well experiments are the only means by which cause and effect can be established so this is the only way to have a solid confidence in the information or in the data that we generate and we can really establish the cause effect also it allows for precise control of variables and experiments can be replicated so in this sense the more often an experiment is repeated with the same results obtained the more confident we can be that the theory being tested is valid so this is one of the highest approaches of with accuracy and with robustness regarding the result and regarding the confidence so data can be analyzed and in inferential statistics take place and these tests permit to assess the ability to generalize results and one of the most important aspects.

We are looking at in. The field of research experimental in research, experimentation research is generalization however generalization is not easy because the levels of evidence vary so have a look at this graph that is developed by the the reference. Here it is the levels of evidence and it is developed by the center for evidence-based medicine. And as you can see the lowest level of evidence is the expert opinion in many cases we get confused. We go ask a medical doctor or we ask an engineer or we ask a psychologist about their opinion about a phenomena or a topic or even a dietitian about the food or something and we think that expert opinion is the highest level of evidence. It’s not true. Actually expert opinion is the lowest level of evidence it is followed by group numbers four which is case series that are considered as poor quality cohort and case control studies and then we move up to a higher level of evidence which is mainly systematic reviews for control studies. Then we go to the uh almost the second best uh level of evidence which are systematic reviews for cohort studies still. There is no uh homogeneous between these studies but still systematic reviews for cohort. Studies like individual cohort studies but or low quality randomized control trials. Now what is then the highest level of evidence and what is it relation to experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research. It is the systematic reviews of random controlled trials so if i have for any phenomena i’m investigating let’s say i’m investigating the effect of drinking coffee on health or about longevity. Then i have to do randomized control trials several of them then i can conduct a systematic review. And i if i find a common denominator or a common advice or a common recommendation.

At that time i can only have a very high evidence and i can make sure that this information is close to truth in the limitation of the age we are living depending on the limitations of science. So it’s very important to take take this into account and therefore the experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research can allow you to conduct random control trials and therefore we consider it a very important approach if you want to know more about systematic reviews and randomized control trials. I advise you to have a look at the following two videos. Now let’s discuss or let’s present the characteristic of an experiment. An experiment must be objective. It should explain. It should allow to test. It must have units. We must have a unit so in this sense when we talk about units they are relatively large and it must have variables and when we talk about variables. We are talking about small number of variables that we are testing or that we are measuring because it is so difficult to investigate the influence of a factor or another or a variable independent variable on a dependent variable so in this sense we have to eliminate or reduce as much as possible variables. And in this sense if we have only one variable that we are investigating that will be perfect for sure we can have multiple variable but it complexifies the situation. Because you have to have a certain randomness in your sampling you have to have a certain replication aspect in order to have a randomized control trial and you have to have a very strict control and this is the one of the most difficult how to control the external factor and to eliminate their influence. And make sure that only this independent variable has influence on the dependent value so the definition here is that an experiment is a quantitative research experimental in research, experimentation research strategy that tests a causal causal relation between one independent variable and one or more dependent variables. So it’s very important to take it into account and if somebody asked me what’s the difference between experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research and the four other research experimental in research, experimentation research uh methods uh whether it’s the modeling or the observational or the qualitative as you can see here observational research experimental in research, experimentation research.

The objective is to describe and to test we use large number of of unit. Which is the subject or the sample and we have a big number of variables. Well when we talk about experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research we aim to explain and to s test and here comes the cause effect relation. We use relatively large number of units and we have a number a small number of variables that we are investigating when it comes to the qualitative. We are aiming to explore and describe and explain we have small number and unit of humans and units and large number of variables. So this is a very very short comparison about the three methods of research experimental in research, experimentation research. Now let’s move to the following aspect experiments conditions. What are my experiment conditions. First thing for my experiment i must have a subject. What is my subject it can be a human being. It can be an animal it can be a plant. It can be a material a structure an object a machine a device a prototype a dummy whatever it is i must have a subject number one number two. I must have a setting a setting where i’m conducting my experiment and the setting is where the experiment is carried out. Many experiments are carried out in the laboratory. And this is the advantage here where we can control the ex and where control can be exerted on the control variables and therefore thereby eliminating them. So here comes the importance of a lab to neutralize the external variables and to wrongly focus on the investigated variable. What else beside the subjects and the setting well before going into detail the lab type. We have actually different lab types and depending on your field of investigation you can have different lab types. You have for example engineering energy saving environmental labs. You have clinical labs environmental labs.

You have food and beverage forensics labs you have life science labs material science labs pharma labs and for sure psychology and social sciences labs. Those are all types of labs and depending on the field and the domain you will have best practices experimental in research, experimentation research and ways how to build these labs and how to conduct your experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research within these lab settings but again let me remind you about something important why we use or why. We rely on labs because actually the labs will allow us to have controlled trials and in this sense we can eliminate or control other variables control the setting and the environment. And here it is in red. Here comes the importance of having a lab because i cannot do that in natural environment if i’m doing a research experimental in research, experimentation research and i’m investigating a certain influence of a certain parameter on a certain phenomena. Most probably this will be observational research experimental in research, experimentation research and not experimental. So it’s very important to keep this into account when you are investigating or starting selection your research experimental in research, experimentation research approach or method. Well let’s move to another aspect of today’s presentation. The experiment design. What is an experiment design. First of all we have a series of steps to go through to design our experiment. First of all we need to know. What is our research experimental in research, experimentation research question. We need to formulate our main research experimental in research, experimentation research question and sub questions which is considered as a crucial way. And in this sense. The questions need to be clear focused not too broad. They have a closed. Uh not closed ended questions. They include research experimental in research, experimentation research variables and they must be analytical. In fact there are three types of research experimental in research, experimentation research questions. If you want to know about them you can follow the videos on the video on the research experimental in research, experimentation research questions. But in general i need to have always a research experimental in research, experimentation research question to start my research experimental in research, experimentation research. In some cases or in many cases in fact some research experimental in research, experimentation researchers conduct their experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research without research experimental in research, experimentation research questions but they rely on a hypothesis and a hypothesis.

This is the scientific method begins with an observation which leads the scientist to ask a question. She or he then comes up with a hypothesis which is a testable explanation that address the question also a hypothesis isn’t necessarily right instead. It’s the best guess that we can have and the scientist must test it to see if it’s actually correct or not and scientists test hypotheses by making predictions if hypothesis is right then it should be true also then they do experiment to make observations to see if the predictions are correct if they are the hypothesis supported. If they aren’t the it may be time for a new hypothesis so it can be positive hypothesis or negative hypothesis so always when we talk about research experimental in research, experimentation research design. You must have a research experimental in research, experimentation research question. And you must have a hyper or a must have a hypothesis. Both or one of them. Well now i’m ready. I know about experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research. I want to learn about how to prepare my experiment. Well before starting one of the more most important aspect you have to take into account you have to have training in research experimental in research, experimentation research ethics and misconduct. You need to know what are the common research experimental in research, experimentation research misconducts such as what is data fabrication. What is non informed consent. What is plagiarism. What is image manipulation. The no permission for data information usage data falsification. Uh the use of animal or cruel ways of using animal avoiding using animal conflict of interest non-disclosure and safety procedures and so on. It’s very important. There’s a presentation you can follow if you want to go into detail but this is the number one we need to learn about lab. Experiments then comes the pre-registration of our research experimental in research, experimentation research project. It’s highly recommended that we lay out our hypothesis methods and analysis in written before i start collect my data. This is a best practice. It shows that you will cons be consistent and that you designed your approach and that you will not react depending on the findings or depending on the results so that’s a best practice and it brings credibility to your work.

It brings a reputation a positive reputation for you. It shows your commitment to a specific research experimental in research, experimentation research approach and this is a best practice now. What is next about these ethical concerns the second thing when we talk about preparation i need to have i need to have already. I’m done with my literature review and i did my operationalization when we talk about literature review. I already conducted all the knowledge about the field. I know the concepts. I know the ideas i developed a theoretical framework. And i am now ready to define my variables and i determine the variables that can be measured for each concept and i will even determine. How can i measure these variables. So this is the part of the operationalization and once i go through the defining of variables. I go through choosing variables. If you wanna more know more about operationalization and study variables you can follow the previous video. Now it’s very important when i do my literature review on operationalization that i keep into account correlations after finding several ways of operationalization the concepts in and turning the concept into variables the data collection should start with four criteria in mind. The first criteria is to have clear set clear. What are the variables. I’m studying. What are the sub variables. I’m going to investigate. And what are the indicators. I’m going to to measure. And the units that allow me to measure them and the tool that can help me to measurements after that. I conduct an analysis of variance to check if there is a variance when i introduce my intervention or when i test my correlational approach and if there is a variance i can then start to seek testing or checking if there is a correlation or not sometimes there is a positive correlation sometimes there is negative correlation and in this sense we can investigate our cause effect inquiry that we are from the beginning in the experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research seeking to approach.

And after that only if it’s if i have a correlation because it’s not always like that sometimes you will investigate the variance you will not find a variance or you investigate and you find a variance but no correlation but if there is a variance and then you check the correlation you find it also positive or negative then you can start to have a regression and you can start with modeling and you can examine the validity of your answer so this is very important but take into account that the hypothesis predicts a correlation that must be tested after data collection. Not before so the chosen variable must be tested for correlation that might lead to regression relation. And this is always not the case. Sometimes we do not succeed with that so this is the second aspect after uh ethics and uh no knowing. Uh getting training about the misconduct. We need to conduct our literature view and operationalize and to be very very very aware and go into detail in this defining our variables and checking what kind of correlation we want to investigate number three in our research experimental in research, experimentation research will be the measurements protocol. I need to create a study design or a research experimental in research, experimentation research methodology and research experimental in research, experimentation researchers in this sense should seek to comply with normative standards and protocol. I need to know in my feeds. What are the common standards. What are the common protocols that are used. What are the terms. If there’s a glossary to use the same terms the definitions the procedures what are the indicators what are the metrics what are the measuring techniques and in this sense i must comply with standardized methods and approaches based on community recognized protocols so the number three that i have think about when i do experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research. What are the existing standards or protocols that are well established and considered as best practice in my domain and in my field of experimental investigation or in the experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research learn about them be ready to apply them in my research experimental in research, experimentation research.

And in this sense i just give here examples. It can be an iso standard. It can be ascend european standard or whatever other standard but this is very important to have measurement protocols that i use as a basis for my approach number four as preparation for my experiment. I need to conduct the design of experiment. What is design of experiment. Well it is the planning conducting analyzing and interpreting the tests to evaluate factors that control one or more parameters and design experiment is very effective because it allows you to define the most important variables that you will test otherwise you might be having a very tedious approach by testing all variables with their intervals with their different ranges of intervals. So design of experiment is directly linked to operationalizing. It helps you to define the experimental units used in the experiment and it helps you to extract the most important or the most effective samples for the treatment and control group to control the trials. So actually it’s a very effective way and there is in the presentation on design of experiment. There is some example. But let me take you through this example if i’m trying to conduct a test and build a correlation between the quality of our cake that i’m baking in relation to the taste to the color and to the consistency. I will have to define my different variables and i have to operationalize them and as you can see i will have for cooking this cake. Several factors the oven the sugar. The flour the eggs the ingredients simply i have different levels of settings the temperature the cooking utensils the ingredients quality for example and it will be very difficult to start very each of those variables otherwise it will take me huge number of experiments to conduct my test and really establish a correlation design of experiment is a statistical approach. That will help you to define the most important variables and combine randomly different matches between the different tests in a reduced number of tests.

And this will be very effective and will make you advance fast without neglecting or without covering the compa the concept of randomization so the design of experiment is a systematic procedure that is carried out under control conditions in order to discover an unknown effect to test or to establish a hypothesis or to illustrate a known effect. And here you need to define when you do your design of experiment you need to discuss your sample size. Your sampling approach your sampling representation. The independent and the dependent variables and the cause effect and the factors to be tested are the levels or the settings of those factors and the structure and the layout of experimental runs or conditions and for sure in the design of experiments we try to see techniques and methods that reduce the number of experiments. Because it’s impossible to do. Comprehensive experiment number of experiments it will be exhaustive very expensive. And you might not end up your experiment within the frame of your project or your study that you are conducting. So design of experiment is so important because it will allow you to go to the essential and it will allow you to select the most representative tests to study a certain correlation number five within our preparation. I need to define my boundary condition. I need to have my research experimental in research, experimentation research questions and my motivation clear but more importantly i must define my inclusion and exclusion criteria. I’m very surprised that many research experimental in research, experimentation researchers who conduct experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research they don’t communicate their inclusion and exclusion criteria when they are describing their case study or their participation selection process or their cohort that they are working on. So it’s very important to take into account boundary condition. You must know what are the system boundaries set it is a set of criteria specifying which system that you want to study from everything else and it is useful to define things that are not part of your study.

So don’t forget about it and also it will allow you to share and communicate your assumptions and changing assumptions. Always changing just changes the results drastically so you are not allowed to change the assumptions. During the course of the experiment you must first have the have assumption terminate the experiment report results. And then later on you can re investigate modify or update your assumptions. So it’s very important to look at the boundary condition. This is the fifth important element in the preparation of your experiment. What else do i need to do. And i still did not talk about when i’m talking about preparation for my experiment tools equipment. I need to know what are the equipment i’m going to use. What is the history measurement techniques for this variable. How can i create the equipment. In many cases people create themselves the equipment if not they will buy them. What training do i need for a specific piece of equipment. What kind of calibration i need. Is the equipment calibrated. How is it regularly. Calibrated is there. Quality assurance company is there is a contract and so on so these are a very important aspect related to the preparation for map for my experiment. Then we move to another important topic. Which is my lab notebook. The lab notebook is very important. It gives a permanent record of ideas concepts raw data data analysis observations. So actually this will be a backbone that you will use for documentation and for following up and in this sense. The notebook is essential for every research experimental in research, experimentation researcher. Because it will allow you to keep track of the evolution of the project. It will keep you allow you to keep record of the chronological order of your work. It will help you to communicate with other research experimental in research, experimentation researchers it will uh it must have a physical trace of what you must have a physical trace of. You do what you do. And it will help you to guarantee the originality of your research experimental in research, experimentation research and it is a piece of evidence to be used in the court of law if there is later on any problem with patent or with discoveries so it’s a so important document that many research experimental in research, experimentation researchers in experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research must have and this is the only way to document everything because it happens a lot that people forget how they did their experiment and what were the conditions.

Let’s say temperature. Uh content of the settings and so on. So it’s very important to keep into account as part of the preparation and as parallel to my lab ex lab notebook. I must also start to do batch. Testing which is simply laboratory testing procedure in which one test is done simultaneously on multiple specimen specimens. I have to prepare myself. And i can do batch testing so that i get trained and i know need to know about it and also another very important thing is doing pilot tests so the pilot tests are simply a trial collection data to collect weaknesses in the design and instrument and provide proxy data for selection of a probability sample so pre-testing shall reveal errors and define the study design before the final execution. And this is definitely part of the preparation for conducting your experiment number eight. We move now to the running the experiments now. I am as part of my preparation. I need to apply the methods defined during the design of experiment and what to keep in mind when running. The experiment is that what is the type of experiment. I’m conducting. What are the measurement tools that i’m used. What is the are the tools calibrated or not. I should take care of the ethical concern related to the experiment. The quality of the data gathered through the experiment. Those all the aspects those are the eight factors or the eight elements that. I have to take into account or my checklist that i should use one. I am preparation preparing my experiment. And this allow me allows me to move to the next step. Which is data analysis.

Imagine i conducted my experiment. I am now ready. I have the results. What should i do. With data analysis number one number one comparative nature i should take into account the comparative nature of experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research. Usually an experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research compares variations of an experiment so research experimental in research, experimentation researchers fail in this process to measure against a benchmark and this is very surprising by default when you do experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research you must follow a comparative approach. Which means that you compare your intervention to the original state and this is very important so therefore a statistically significant portion of subject in an experiment must be shielded from exposure to variables. If i have a sample most probably i can divide it. One part of the sample will get exposed to the intervention and one is not getting exposed and then i must measure i must measure before and after and i must measure with the intervention and without the intervention and in this sense i can allow for comparisons. It’s very crucial. Since there is a lot of room of error for error within the scientific method. Failing to compare is vital for accurate analysis. Very important key message. One common source of error within experimentation is the confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is a big big problem with experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research and we try to avoid it. By increasing the confidence level like i mentioned through randomization through repetition and through control and therefore we say randomized control experiment or randomized control exp trials. It’s very important in this sense. Once i have this in mind and i am ready to compare and i designed my experiment for comparison. I can start running. My statistical testing statistics for experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research are simply a set of tools to analyze the collected data and to draw conclusion from it. So statistic for experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research is helping in this sense and it helped us also to validate our experiments and in this sense we try to seek to calculate the confidence intervals.

We need to evaluate the accuracy of our results and we will check if there is a variance if there is a regression no first variance. If after variance we check if there is a correlation if there is a correlation we can check and go further with a regression and a cause effect proof establishment. Now one of the important aspect part of our statistic analysis will be our sampling and the statistics in this sense means the type of the sampling. The list of the correspondence or the conduct person. Whatever are the subjects are there human being or not human being the exact sample size very important for each experiment and the statistical tests that you will conduct. These are statistical tests to establish very va to test the variance or for correlation. This is very important or other type of modeling to predict. So it’s important to define the statistical text test. And after that i hope to this i have to describe all my covary. Variates that are tested and a full description of the statistical parameters including the central tendencies for example the means or other basic estimates like the regression coefficient if i established a correlation and variation for the standard deviation or association associated estimation or estimates of uncertainty and. Here comes the confidence interval. How many i can repeat the experiment. And what will be the variance or the difference. Every time i repeat the experiment and what will be the difference between the results so this very important and definitely it includes also the randomization so these are important part of statistics. I have to look at them but also i have to look at my in my analysis to different aspects like i mentioned before the independent and dependent variable the analysis of variance the correlation the regression and cause effect or the causality. If possible definitely. It doesn’t go in reality always like that. This is the ideal way we will be very happy if we start finding a variance by introducing a treatment or an intervention for a variable.

Then when we find this variance we study. If there was a correlation negative or positive and from there we can go with regression and causality but in most experiment it stops after variance we find variance but we cannot establish correlation. So it’s very important to be realistic here and design of experiment. It’s a field of knowledge. In the statistical world that worse investigation and it can allow you to do factorial design so you have multiple variables with multiple variations and combinations and it will have the allow you for have the principle of component analysis. Now i’m done with the statistical analysis and i’m done with the preparation and i’m done now with my analysis. I’m coming to the last part of today’s presentation. Validation and quality in relation to experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research now experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research we must always be concerned with the internal validity and the external validity of our results. And our ability to generalize the outcome. And in this sense. It’s very important to come back to this graph what i mentioned in the beginning the level of confidence and i need to remind you that the highest level of confidence is with randomized control experiments or randomized controlled trials level one where we have a lot of variation randomization and control these three aspects of quality. And in the same time. We have a lot of tests that investigated this phenomena so that we conduct systematic review which is very selective and from the systematic review. We can trace a specific phenomena or a specific variable and we can confirm or deny a certain recommendation positive or negative depending on the situation. So this is the highest level of confidence so when we talk about experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research it is one of the ways that will give us very high confidence regarding a certain problem now when we talk about confidence interval.

This is the most important issue or the most important validation value when we talk about any experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research. We must communicate next to our finding the range of error or the uncertainty or the confidence interval. And in this sense confidence confidence interval is assigned to the value of an unknown parameter. And it’s simply the degree of uncertainty around a certain effect and it is including sampling sample size sampling errors sample variations and there is different confidence. Intervals 90 degree 95 degree 99 degree and this is the precision and accuracy regarding the experiments if the experiment were to be repeated a large number of times each time by randomly sampling the same number of individuals from the population. I can define my level of confidence so this will be the variance of repeating every time and then i can get my curve and then it can define. How much did the outlier affect the confidence interval. So this is very important and here. I want to wrap up. Almost with the 3r concept in experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research we have three hours randomization replication and reduction of noise or control. And those three. R’s must be always present when i’m doing my experiment. Let’s say my subjects are humans. I have to divide my sample to be able to compare. I must make sure that i have a randomization replication also is very important so you can see the first step is the definition of the population. Then i can have randomization and i have matching then. I can go conduct my experiment and i can do technical replication and if i have a replication with randomization and there is a control or reduction of noise as much as possible. I can start to calculate my confidence. Also it’s important when we talk about experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research that not every correlation means that there is a causality which means that correlation does not mean causation. Correlation means only that there is a relationship or a pattern between the values of two variables between the two x the x and the y.

I can find a negative correlation or a positive correlation however causation means that one event causes another event to occur so causation can only be determined from an appropriately designed experiment and it requires a lot of further replication to make sure and a higher level of randomization to make sure that really this correlation is not only represented in a descriptive way but we are also getting to the bottom of it that we are confirming that there is a causal correlation and. This is not always obvious with statistical analysis so as you can see the experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research has a component related to the physical setting and to the design of your experiment but also to the statistical post treatment of the results and the depths of your treatment. Well this is the end of today’s presentation just very fast. Some take away message in case you want to have a refreshing bullet points. Experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research methods involve key steps operationalization design of experiment and the preparation of the experiments including all the ethical concerns the pilot testing and so on there are necessarily tools that accompany the experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research mainly the lab notes notebooks and the statistics. Very important to be prepared need to have training about using my lab a lab notebook training about statistics and also training about ethical concerns. They aim at establishing relationships between variables to com to compare so experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research in this sense is very comparative. And this brings me to the next slide that there’s a high importance of comparative approach. Placebo or baseline samples versus intervention. Samples is a very important and very common approach. Do your best to neutralize the effect of control variables so that you are sure that what you are testing or measuring is true and there is no other external influence or extraneous factors that influence negatively your results and can be misleading when you are drawing your conclusion last.

Take away for every experiment. There is a perfect human bias. Keep it into account. We are most of the time under the influence of our emotional brain under the pressure to be productive under the pressure of the funding limits. Time limits deadlines we in most of the time can be easily biased. So just keep this into account every experiment for every experiment. There is a perfect human bias. Try to avoid it be conscious. Avoid weak statistical tests. You must make good statistical tests and you must measure your confidence interval and you must communicate your confidence internal formula. That was it’s simply the mean of the sample plus the critical factor and uh multiplied by the standard deviation of your sample. This is very important to keep into account it’s simple research experimental in research, experimentation research method. Sections are very important when you are designing and when you are describing your experiment so therefore take time and make sure that the replicability is can be possible and you can include all this information in your methods chapter or your method section. Don’t forget about the 3r. Principles randomization replication reduction of noise or control. And as you can see when we talk about reduction of noise it’s not only control it’s also including blindness so we are talking here about blindness reduction of noise and randomization and replication and we are always seeking an experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research to establish a cause effect correlation. If possible. If you want to want more you can find those videos but by that i end up the presentation of today. Don’t forget i’m very excited today because this is the beginning of a playlist. This presentation is the beginning of a playlist. On experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research. There will be following videos that go further into detail but with this presentation you have now an overall view about experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research. What are the major elements that i need to be. Uh prepared to go through it and i wish you luck with the next step and i was today talking about experimental research experimental in research, experimentation research and introduction.

Thank you very much for your attention and good luck with your future research experimental in research, experimentation research.

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