There’s absolutely no doubt that all of engineerig journals for electrical engineering, civil engineering journal is completely centered on data it has been from the great Victorian days and way before that that data measurement observation has been the the main way in which engineerig journals for electrical engineering, civil engineering journal objects have been designed have been built and have been operated. So we’re not saying that. A data centric view to engineerig journals for electrical engineering, civil engineering journal is anything new but we are seeing however is that the way in which data is provided to us the way in which technology has developed to allow us to make measurements of systems that we could never have done before we are generating data rates that we’ve never had before. And that is that amount of data it’s that level of precision of measurement that makes a data centric view to engineerig journals for electrical engineering, civil engineering journal something that is extremely timely. No I think the problems that are ones in which there are systems of processes that we don’t fully understand because the the physics or the chemistry or the underlying mechanisms are so complex that we can’t write doing simple equations to describe them. These are the sorts of questions. Where are these are the sorts of problems that a data-centric engineerig journals for electrical engineering, civil engineering journal perspective will help us solve so. I gave you one example. How can we know how how well a bridge or a building or a tunnel is actually performing. We can do that. By making measurements. We can do that by curating. Data and analyzing that data and making inferences about the particular condition of the structure and the potential condition of the structure in in time as it goes by the new data-centric engineerig journals for electrical engineering, civil engineering journal journal which is open access. I think is important for two reasons. I think it’s absolutely clear that there’s a transformation in the way that the engineerig journals for electrical engineering, civil engineering journal professions are are having to to be conducted because of the ability to make measurements and to to obtain data. New markets are emerging old markets are disappearing and so the engineerig journals for electrical engineering, civil engineering journal professions themselves are going to need a new journal. A new outlet to understand what are the advances in this data centric perspective in the engineerig journals for electrical engineering, civil engineering journal profession.
The second one is in the engineerig journals for electrical engineering, civil engineering journal sciences. The great strains the great insights that we are being able to make because of our ability to make measurements that are producing as I said data which then gives us insights which previously we’ve never been able to to obtain and therefore are giving us insights and to systems and processes that previously were just completely hidden from us so I think that’s the two reasons why this particular journal is really important. Data cuts across all of the engineerig journals for electrical engineering, civil engineering journal sciences. All of the engineerig journals for electrical engineering, civil engineering journal professions and this is the the time know that such a a journal which is open access as absolutely essential so. I think the the main audiences are clearly going to be engineers who are working at the site. The basic scientific research level but also professional engineers who are operating in a commercial basis and the other ones of course are policy makers so either politicians government ministers senior scientists who are are making policy decisions at national and international levels so those are the main audiences that this journal is is is going to be servicing. So there’s there’s absolutely no doubt that reproducibility in science is is essential and so any new publication a new publication model is going to support that is absolutely essential and as something that is to be to be encouraged. I think the second thing about open access is that we do want new advances in research. New advances in the professional conductor or or ways in which engineerig journals for electrical engineering, civil engineering journal is actually executed are going to be made available internationally irrespective of the ability to pee and this this is absolutely essential this democratization so I for me. It’s absolutely essential that we have this open access model for the journal that that’s now being launched.
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