Critically Analyzing Research Article I Nature Catalysis I Chemical Science I  Peer Review I – YouTube

Hey guys a very good evening. Um i have got you a very interesting sort of a video. Um a sort of a case study i would say uh wherein you know many of you did ask me how to scrutinize paper catalysis journals how to analyze paper catalysis journals especially the ones published catalysis journalsin very well reputed catalysis journals. Okay uh and that is a very good way of you know improving your understanding by criticizing very uh you know well thought out paper catalysis journalss or paper catalysis journalss which are published catalysis journalsin very high impact or very well reputed catalysis journals so this is one example that i’m going to present to you. Now um you know it has been tried for a very long time that you know that we can come up with the reactions wherein um the metal is not required specifically for like you know um organometallic coupling reactions for example suzuki coupling. Okay there have been many methods catalysis journals right and recently um you know. In the year 2021 um a paper catalysis journals was published catalysis journalswherein uh they had catalyzed a suzuki coupling that they had claimed okay. It’s always very very important to say. The word claimed they had claimed that they have come up with a you know amine. Catalyzed suzuki reaction. Uh basically a metal free reaction where amine is acting as a catalyst so of course it was a breakthrough kind of a article and it was published catalysis journalsin asia catalysis but many such breakthroughs have been published catalysis journalsbefore as well in fact if you see. There’s an article in catalysis journals of organic chemistry wherein they have mentioned a reassessment of the transition metal free suzuki type coupling method methodology. Right so over here. This was i think. In 2005 the the authors had claimed that they have uh found a you know a coupling reaction wherein you know the metal metals not required. Okay but then later on they found that there was some palladium contaminant in one of the reagents. Because of which the reaction was cup was basically catalyzed okay so even palladium in such a low amount. Even in parts per billion also forget about path per million even in parts per billion also paradigm is such a strong strongly.

Um catalyzing agent okay. So it can catalyze the reaction even if it is present in parts per billion impurity all right so it has been done along like it has been done before also but since it was published catalysis journalsin nature catalysis. Um it caught a lot of attention but if you see um on 8th march 2021 this actually i have covered before also okay. I have a ig account or instagram account and i publish these kind of short videos over there as well but since this one was a more detailed account that i wanted to present in front of you. So that’s why i’m making this video. Otherwise i’ve covered this before as well right so on 8th of march 2021 uh you can see a editor’s note. The readers are alerted that the conclusions of this paper catalysis journals are subject to criticisms that are being considered by the editors. Okay so there was some criticism. Uh as to how or you know it cannot be so that cannot be a mean catalyzed reaction and the criticism is now let’s try and you know dissect how they found out that okay. This is happening without the you know without the palatine. So what they did. Was they synthesize this amine using a palladium based um you know use using a palladium based reaction and since it is a well-known fact that if palladium is present even in small very very tiny amount. Um you know it can lead to cat you know. It can catalyze the reaction so what they did was to basically make sure that the palladium is not present. They first of all used column chromatography first of all to purify the product but it is a very well known fact that even after column chromatographic separation the palladium sometimes remains okay. Then they use something which is called as a you know as a scavenger paladium scavenger. So basically some kind of uh reagent which can complex with palladium and can pull out paradigm even in small amounts okay so they used a scavenger a palladium scavenger. And you know. Uh they they used column chromatography basically to separate out the palladium and get the pure catalyst which is the amine catalyst but the short short way the only known short short way uh to basically prove that a reaction is metal free or palladium free in this particular case is to synthesize the same reaction okay or sorry to synthesize the same catalyst basically this amine catalyst they have used to synthesize that catalyst with some other metal or with some other method which does not involve palladium like for example with copper.

Okay you can like whatever you will see. Whatever catalyst is being designed by them or whichever catalyst catalysis journals was used by them that could also be synthesized by a copper based reaction also but they used a palladium-based reaction and they use these methods catalysis journals like column chromatography and using a scavenger to basically prove that they have eliminated the palladium but for such big catalysis journals of such impactful catalysis journals. It is very important that you know everything is comprehensively addressed so the first thing. That was a little disturbing was that uh you know. They allowed the synthesis of the um you know of the molecule or of the catalyst the amine catalyst with the help of palladium method catalysis journals even though it could be synthesized by a copper based method also. Okay so there was no uh short way of knowing whether the palladium has been removed or not and yet it was published catalysis journalsokay so then. There was a huge collaboration or i would say i’m very mighty collaboration from very different. Uh you know research groups and you can see over here. These are the these are the researchers or or professors or scientists catalysis journals in different organizations who later on came up with the preprint and they kind of like proved. Uh that you know this is happening because of the impurity in the paladium so first what they did. The first thing that they did was they you utilized them catalysis journals. They synthesized the catalyst that was reported in that article using a copper based method and they found that when they synthesized it with a copper based method.

Um the reaction could not be. The reaction could not proceed smoothly. The second thing what they did. Was they utilize electrolysis and uh your one of the spectroscopic techniques energy dispersive. Um x-ray spectroscopy so using that what they found that when they did electrolysis of this particular catalyst and when they carried out the energy um you know energy dispersive your x-ray photos of spectroscopy catalysis journals. Um they found out that indeed it had presence of palladium. So this is how they proved using electrolysis and second is they synthesize the same catalyst using copper. And then they try to catalyze the suzuki reaction and it was not proceeding that smoothly. So this is how they basically uh kind of like eliminated or kind of like deduced catalysis journals that the palladium impurity was responsible for catalyzing the reaction so the problem is that first of all this is a big issue catalysis journals. And i’ll tell you why it has become a big issue because first of all it’s been more than six months and the even bigger problem is that you know article came just now just this month only in chemical science which is again a very well reputed catalysis journals of royal society of chemistry. Uh which basically cited that article and they utilize the same thing transition metal free synthesis so basically they use the same catalyst. I think what has been utilized in by the by the researchers in that nature catalysis paper catalysis journals so the problem is there are two problems that can be highlighted over here. First is the very poor peer review of this article. Peer peer review basically means that the research has very well known researchers in the field. See the catalysis journals is chemical science is a very well reputed catalysis journals so of course it will go to very it should go to very reputed catalysis journals uh you can say researchers or professors in that particular field right so uh the fact that this article was published catalysis journalseven though it is a very well known thing. I’m in the domain of uh you know organic chemistry that that you know that nature catalysis paper catalysis journals is still under criticism and it has been proved by that pre preprint that it was a palladium impurity the fact that it was still published catalysis journalsor it was still approved by the peer reviews is quite startling catalysis journals.

Honestly okay because at least people who are active in that domain or researchers who are active in in this domain should have known that that nature catalysis paper catalysis journals the the the conclusions of that paper catalysis journals are still under a lot of scrutiny or still are being considered. They are not being foolproof. Even that paper catalysis journals was not even cited over here that is also a big issue. Okay like it was cited but it was not said uh explicitly that the conclusions are still under you know are still under um what you call still still under review. They are under criticism catalysis journals. It should have been mentioned in this paper catalysis journals as well because this has been recently published catalysis journals. They they like he is one of the authors of this particular article uh which proved that this is not not a palladium free reaction. In fact there is some impurity of the palladium. Even heat. Sorry tweeted that. How is it possible. Okay like for example if i go to the altimetrics over here uh and show you one second so you will see how how much criticism it is facing so if i go to tweeters see are we really uh being led to believe that. Are we really uh being led to believe this nonsense again. I am still waiting for the debunked. Nature catalysis paper catalysis journals to be retracted. Which has yet to be which is yet to happen. See this is the direct result of editors of nature catalysis now sitting for six months. Okay so even though a lot of researchers have written to them and even proved through a preprint that you know uh that is not because of a paladin paradigm it’s not a palladium free reaction yet. They have not taken any significant. Uh you know. It’s been six months. And they have not taken any significant a step to to remove that paper catalysis journals okay. So so there’s a lot of you can say fury that.

How how come this can happen again. You know again. A paper catalysis journals is published catalysis journalsand again a very high impact catalysis journals. How is that possible. So and this and the problem is that it’s a very well known fact. In fact you will you will see. There is a research article published catalysis journalsin acs catalysis also phantom reactivity in organic and catalytic reactions as a consequence of microscale destruction and contamination trapping effects of magnetic star bars. Now this article i think by russian scientists or russian researchers in itself is very interesting. Okay so what happens over here. Is that what basically what they studied. Was that even in your magnetic stir bars because of the constant you know degradation of the magnetic star bars. There are some cracks that develop and when you carry out some kind of metal reactions these small amount of metal gets deposited in these cracks and when they try to analyze these cracks using various you know um various using various spectroscopic techniques. They found out that these cracks contain small amount of palladium and different kinds of metals. Which can catalyze the reactions. So the magnetic stir bar in itself can catalyze the reaction so this is a very interesting paper catalysis journals. If if some of you are genuinely interested i think you should definitely read it right so you can scrutinize the even the most influential of the catalysis journals provided you have the necessary knowledge and i think this is the best way to go forward. Okay if you can challenge or if you can see challenging does not mean that you have to prove them wrong but you just have to suggest improvements. According to you uh you know what could be improved in that paper catalysis journals to further. Prove their point. Okay or what could what kind of study should they have done to further. Prove their point. So if you if you can find out those things in even very high impact articles then you are going in the right direction and you know you could. You could potentially be a good researcher in the future right so anyway.

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