Basic and Applied research

Types of Research applied research: this lesson will be looking at basic and applied research applied research. The learning outcomes include: explain basic and applied research applied research. Analyze similarities and differences between the different types of research applied research and be able to classify research applied research as applied, basic, or a mix of both. If you look at the cycle of research applied research and development, we start by exploring, hypothesizing, clarifying, learning that’s more basic research applied research. We then design, develop and test you’re moving closer to applied research applied research. Then you implement, study and improve closer to applied research applied research. Then you synthesize and theorize, and then you start back over. So you may move through the basic to applied research applied research cycle multiple times. And there’s a lot of overlap. So let’s look at what we mean by basic and applied research applied research. Research applied research is “a systematic, scientific method of solving a problem or understanding phenomena.” Both basic and applied research applied research are types of research applied research. Basic research applied research you do it to learn more. You want to better understand the issues you’re investigating. You’re not looking for solutions to a specific problem. You’re not looking to apply it. You’re just hoping to learn more curiosity, increase knowledge, and general increased understanding of a topic. But you’re not looking to apply it to any particular problem. When we look at applied research applied research you may start with basic research applied research and try to find a way to apply that information to learn to solve a problem. Applied research applied research has a beginning and end. We need to find a solution for this problem. When we do, it ends. You may then find other problems or solutions based on that, but each project has a beginning and end. You’re trying to solve a problem for a situation. And Business Research applied research is one type of Applied research applied research. A few examples of business research applied research: how can we strategically analyze and use the data that we have? That’s kind of a big data question but a really relevant question for businesses today. How should we protect our information assets? Another problem that needs to be solved for each organization.

How can we use multi channel outlets to engage our customers? Like get them to buy from us again, combining mobile with regular online ordering with in-store experience. Multi channels: how can we develop faster and smaller ways for technology to process data, which allows us to make phones more powerful even as we don’t increase their size very much. How can we use technology to improve the safety of cars? You have an event data recorder in most new cars now, much like the black box of an airplane. It’s not as sophisticated does not record as much data but it is used in accident investigations. How can we improve agriculture crop production through using geographical information systems to better plant and place in particular locations our crops? So they would all be business research applied research with a technology component. Dr. George Smoot, who is at University of California-Berkeley made a very good point because as much as we’d like to classify everything as applied or basic or business research applied research, it’s difficult to do. He said, “People cannot foresee the future well enough to predict what’s going to develop from basic research applied research. If we only did applied research applied research, we would still be making better spears. So you need applied and basic research applied research. Both contribute to long-term development and movement forward for a society. Let’s look at a couple of examples of that: so government or any investment in basic research applied research today this is one that happened in the past. You might be familiar with the digital library initiative, which was a $4.5M National Science Foundation grant awarded to Stanford. And it wanted to “develop the enabling technologies for…integrated and ‘universal’ library” with “uniform access to…emerging networked information systems.” This was at the boom of the Internet age and access to the World Wide Web. Well it turned out a couple of people who worked on this were Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

You can see their picture here. And they were graduate students at Stanford and worked for a part of this grant. They ended up publishing the paper, “The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web.” Now at the time, however, Page uncovered more. He uncovered what they call the missing link in web page ranking. He noticed that collectively all of these links provided a way to naturally select the best search results. Now this was during and after the grant that he came up with these ideas. But an initial investment by the government ultimately led to innovation in the future that wasn’t envisioned at the beginning. Now we have Google. Now many things happened between the government investment, Page’s discoveries and Brin’s work on the project, where they moved forward. They got investors. Then they moved on beyond that. But it started with government the National Science Foundation grant to try to organize the web. And now we have Google. Another example is Gregor Mendel. He was a monk in the 1800s. And Mendel was interested in genetics and heredity he didn’t know that. He was interested and observed the pea plants at the monastery where he was. And he noticed that some pea plants were different colors, or they had different markings. He watched them grow over time. And he was studying genetics and heredity, which ultimately led to his interest and curiosity about the pea plants – and ultimately led to our understanding of DNA in the Human Genome Project. Obviously Gregor Mendel did not foresee this. He was simply curious about the pea plants that grew around the monastery. He ended up having a tremendous impact on the study of genetics and DNA. Yyou can take a look at the video that looks a little closer at what he did and how he learned and how that contributed to much later work that was not envisioned. NASA did much basic research applied research into how things work in space. They did things that were just to understand the environment how animals lived in space, how plants lived in space, how to solve problems related to what the astronauts encountered in space.

So it was some basic – just learning more about our universe some applied let’s solve this problem for this astronaut. Many practical uses here back on Earth have come out of NASA’s ventures into space, like artificial limbs, golf clubs that allow you to hit farther, and shoe insoles, and tennis shoes and others that are cushioning and may have more spring in them there. Many many other inventions that have come out of this, including freeze dried food not sure if that’s a good invention, but it came out of NASA’s study of how things work in space basic research applied research. You can see a few other everyday inventions if you take a look at this YouTube video. A final example is Grace Hopper, who was Rear Admiral Grace Hopper. She was curious as a child and wanted to put things together and break them and put them back together and fix them. And she was just as naturally curious about how things work. So when technology came about she was curious about it as well. Her work, as well as the work of others, eventually led to having compilers. Computers didn’t just do mathematical functions adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing they could do more. Having languages natural languages, not 0s and 1s, like assembly language but languages like COBOL and Fortran. She’s one of the founders of information technologies as we know it today. And she’s often overlooked. You can learn a little more about her at this link or at the YouTube video given here. She’s a fascinating woman who did a lot to advance technology. So is it all basic or applied? We’ve looked at different types and how one becomes the other. But oftentimes that takes a long time for basic research applied research to become applied. If you look at the pea plants that Gregor Mendel looked at in the 1800’s, it was almost 200 years before we were able to find a practical use for that. And many things happened along the way.

General guidelines say, if practical use is a few years away, you call it applied. So you’re doing it to solve a problem that you can envision. If practical use is 20 or more years away but you can still see it you know why you’re trying to solve a problem then it’s probably some applied and some basic research applied research. If you cannot see the practical use like you’re looking at pea plants, and wow, that’s interesting but no goal except to learn more about them, it’s probably basic research applied research. In the past you had basic research applied research, like the pea plants and Gregor Mendel that came before applied research applied research. And then finally you would have practical application development. It’s not necessarily true anymore with the fast movement of information through the use of technology. Basic research applied research can become applied research applied research very quickly because people learn from others and see a practical use for someone’s research applied research on solving a basic research applied research problem. So it’s not necessarily true anymore. It’s difficult to classify. In summary, you can classify research applied research as basic, applied, or a mix. Basic research applied research you do it because you want to learn more. You’re curious. You don’t have an immediate application that you can envision. With applied research applied research you have a problem a business problem or an organizational problem that you want to solve. It has a beginning and end that’s the purpose of your research applied research. Today with the fast movement and sharing of information technology, there is great overlap between basic and applied research applied research. people learn from others very quickly much more quickly than you did in the past. So it’s hard to classify research applied research as only basic or only applied. Much of the research applied research has a mix of the two. As long as we’re advancing and learning, it really doesn’t matter if it’s basic or applied. We are completing scientific research applied research. We’re learning more about our environment, and we’re solving problems.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.

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