Academic Writing: How to Write Academic Papers

Hello everyone and welcome to this video on academic paper writing work at home contact number  skills in this particular video i will be discussing academic paper writing work at home contact number  writing. I’ll first tell you a bit more about the different forms of academic paper writing work at home contact number  writing. Then we’ll discuss. Why academic paper writing work at home contact number  writing is frequently so absolutely terrible and finally. I’m going to conclude by giving you some advice on how to do better but first why should you care about academic paper writing work at home contact number  writing well. The written word is arguably the most common way to communicate academic paper writing work at home contact number  findings and while this means that academia paper writing work at home contact number  generates hopefully a lasting body of knowledge that adheres to fairly clear expectations. The reliance on the written text can also be a problem. Academics paper writing work at home contact number   are often not trained to speak plainly to visualize their findings or to communicate them digitally through various kinds of social media. But be that as it. May we ultimately have to accept that academia paper writing work at home contact number  privileges writing. And if you are a student or an academic paper writing work at home contact number  you have no choice but to learn to write for academic paper writing work at home contact number  consumption. What this means varies widely from discipline to discipline. For example much of the humanities prefer long-form writing especially books which tend to be crucial for academic paper writing work at home contact number  advancement other disciplines. Of course also produce monographs but in much of the natural sciences and some of the social sciences the most important type of output is the research paper writing work at home contact number  article paper writing work at home contact number  but here too conventions on how to structure such writing differ strongly for example in much of the social sciences research paper writing work at home contact number  articles adhere to a fairly rigid structure. They open with an introduction and then they move through a literature review a methodology section a section that presents the results of the study and then a discussion of the results. These elements are kept separate. So you would not normally find for example discussions of other people’s work in the results section of such a paper writing work at home contact number . The advantage of such a structure is that readers know precisely what to expect and they may not need to read the entire article paper writing work at home contact number  simply skimming the results section and reading.

The discussion will provide a fair impression of what the study achieved humanities articles on the other hand do not always have such a clearly defined structure they are more flexible and while they can contain standardized elements especially literature reviews. They often mix such reviews with original findings and personal observations in order to create a more argumentative piece of writing. This creates more diverse articles. That can be more interesting to read as a whole but they can also be more difficult to get a handle on. I’m telling you about these conventions because they translate directly into the demands of university programs if you are a university student then your instructors are bound to expect you to write. In accordance with the conventions in your chosen field of study your writings will have to emulate the protocols of professional public work whether you are writing a phd thesis a graduate or undergraduate thesis or a term paper writing work at home contact number . So if you are writing for instance a thesis and political science you may very well need to include and keep carefully separate your literature review a methodology section and your findings and discussions the same thesis and art. History might have rather different demands so make sure to check your program conventions and to discuss the matter with your instructors. Of course there are plenty of other types of academic paper writing work at home contact number  writing that students have to complete in university programs. The following are just a few typical examples you might for instance have to write a research paper writing work at home contact number  proposal which introduces a research paper writing work at home contact number  question or hypothesis. And then discusses the data and methods. You plan to use in order to address your core issue. Some university courses might ask students to write only one of the sections that make up a larger research paper writing work at home contact number  paper writing work at home contact number  for example only the methodology or only an analysis. So that would be an explanation of how and why something works the way it does especially in undergraduate courses.

It’s quite common to write standalone literature reviews which are meant to contrast the various arguments and findings in a body of scholarly work using references to map out a specific debate or an issue area a small scale version of that sort of writing is the review essay which summarizes compares and contrasts a small number of academic paper writing work at home contact number  sources. Sometimes as few as two or three then there are essays that are supposed to describe a particular thing or event while other essays might demand that you critique a particular piece of work whether it is a piece of writing a film an art object or something else yet other formats would ask you to try and persuade the reader of a specific position. In which case you’d likely state your point of view then discuss counter arguments and finally try to dismiss them to draw your own conclusions as you can see. There are plenty of formats that are common in academia paper writing work at home contact number  and larger projects like full research paper writing work at home contact number  paper writing work at home contact number s may combine some of these shorter forms for instance by first reviewing and contrasting existing literature. Then introducing a research paper writing work at home contact number  methodology next describing and analyzing a particular set of original materials like say policy documents propaganda films or original interviews with research paper writing work at home contact number  participants and finally laying out an argument about how to make sense of these materials and draw conclusions from them. Putting all of these elements together in writing is extremely rewarding as is reading a truly excellent and engaging piece of research paper writing work at home contact number  regrettably however much of the professional literature that gets produced in academia paper writing work at home contact number  is not well written at all in fact. Some books and articles can seem puzzling even positively arcane and reading them can be a real punishment that is often deeply frustrating. Even infuriating. Why is that well. Let me give you an example which i am taking from an excellent book by michael bilik called learn to write badly how to succeed in the social sciences.

Take a look at the sentence which comes from a psychology study of mental disorder. Here’s what the authors wrote. Such multivariate strategies may be of more use in understanding the genetic factors which contribute to vulnerability to psychiatric disorders and strategies based on the assumption that the presence or absence of psychopathology is dependent on a major gene or then strategies in which a single biological variable is studied. Now this is almost impossible to understand even if you are a psychologist and the problem is not that the quote is out of context. The writing is simply terrible. So what is wrong with this piece of text for starters it is far too long. The single sentence has 50 words many with four or five syllables. By the time we reach the end. We’ve already forgotten what the beginning was about. In fact most people can only process chunks of text that are about 12 words long so a sentence like this is not helpful but the structure is also a problem notice how the authors write about how some strategies are more useful than others but then they insert an entire clause in the middle tearing apart sections of the sentence that belong together so more use than what and as if once wasn’t enough the authors actually do this twice hedging even further and adding yet more information to what could otherwise have been a fairly simple sentence it is also unclear who the actor is in the sentence. This is in part because the sentence uses constant passive phrases but also because the implied subject changes several times making it almost impossible to keep track of. Who is supposed to be doing. What then there is the jargon words like multivariate strategies and psychopathology may not be intuitively understandable to a general audience. You’d have to be deeply socialized into the lingo of this particular academic paper writing work at home contact number  field to make sense of such specialized words so this sentence is a pretty epic fail and that raises the question.

Couldn’t all of this have been expressed in simple plain english. What might that have looked like. Well bilic has rephrased this for us to show how the subject matter does not actually have to be this complicated. This is his version of the sentence if research paper writing work at home contact number ers are to understand the genetic factors that make some patients vulnerable to psychiatric disorders. They should use multivariate strategies rather than strategies in which the research paper writing work at home contact number ers study only a single biological variable. Now there’s still a bit of jargon in the sentence that deserves to be explained and maybe even replaced with clearer shorter words but at least now the sentence has a clear subject research paper writing work at home contact number ers and those research paper writing work at home contact number ers or they are doing things in ways that we can understand. This is certainly much better. So why. Don’t more academics paper writing work at home contact number   write like this. This is actually a complex question. It might be tempting to say that many scholars intentionally write obscurely. If only a small group of like-minded initiates can understand an article paper writing work at home contact number  or book. Then that is a great way for authors to immunize themselves against criticism complex. Writing can also leave the impression that the content itself is profound and that can make the author seem particularly smart so writing in stilted complicated language can be a way to try and make an argument and its authors. Seem more legitimate now. I’m sure there are academics paper writing work at home contact number   that choose to write badly either. Consciously or subconsciously for such self-serving reasons but i suspect that most authors slide into these bad patterns of writing because of other reasons i can think of five first. Most academics paper writing work at home contact number   may be well trained in their respective discipline but they are rarely well trained in writing in fact higher levels of academic paper writing work at home contact number  education like graduate and postgraduate degrees. Pay shockingly little attention to communicative skills and it is very rare indeed to see hired professionals receive further writing training everyone seems to assume that communicative skills are simply something that academics paper writing work at home contact number   will pick up but sadly that is not always the case a second issue is that each discipline develops its own conventions often uncritically and those conventions become so standardized that everyone expects them that kind of peer pressure and peer policing can then lead to the use of jargon and other horrible writing practices that members of that specific field no longer notice but that makes their writing inaccessible to everyone else.

Take for instance the use of personal pronouns some disciplines insist that students and scholars alike delete any mention of themselves from their work. It is simply unacceptable in such fields to write. I will analyze this topic or i did. The following of my data. In an attempt to generate a sense of objectivity writers are supposed to use passive clauses instead for instance. This topic was analyzed or the following was done with the data now we can all agree that passive phrases are poor writing. They make sentences more complicated than they need to be but maybe more importantly they delete the subject from the sentence this leads to an impersonal style in which scholars pretend they do not need to take responsibility for their choices and it even has conceptual consequences for instance when it is not clear who is in charge of a specific process and yet an entrenched convention like this pushes authors to keep writing in a passive non-committal voice. And we’re all worse off because of it. Indeed once you get used to the sort of convoluted passive writing style that is so common in academia paper writing work at home contact number  it can become a habit to write this way. It takes a great deal of work to identify who is doing what in each and every argument writing clearly is hard simply slapping down. Some vague passive clauses and lazy chains of nouns is so much easier especially if everyone else is also doing it. There’s little positive reinforcement for going the extra mile so it is understandable that many academics paper writing work at home contact number   would ask themselves why even bother then.

There is the fact that many scholars today do not write in their native language. Having to write in english is now pretty much demanded in most disciplines and yet the people who now have to write for international consumption are non-native speakers and they understandably struggle to formulate their complex thoughts clearly in a foreign language. There’s then also a power dynamic at play that is very worrying in which especially scholars from the so-called global south do not have access to the same language training and copy editing resources as scholars in more prosperous countries and their contributions then risk being kept out of top tier journals because they do not fulfill the language requirements that native speaker editors assume anyone should be able to produce but that is a whole other debate. The result in any case is that people with very different levels of english language skills write academically and if anything instructors editors and other scholars with gatekeeping powers should probably check their privileges and lend others a hand who may not yet have had the opportunity to learn what clear and elegant english writing looks like but that brings me to the final problem. Who has the time for any of this. Instructors don’t have the time to give their students feedback on their writing. Peer reviewers and editors do not have the time to provide constructive feedback to authors and authors themselves. Not have the time to check their manuscript several times or hand it to a colleague for proofreading. Because guess what that colleague also does not have time with publishing pressures increasing all amidst ever-growing teaching demands it is entirely understandable that everyone in academia paper writing work at home contact number  is cutting corners and the result is sadly the kind of shoddy and sloppy writing. That you get when you simply phone it in so that should give us some idea of why academic paper writing work at home contact number  writing is frequently so difficult to read.

But how do you do better. Here’s some advice on how to write academically in a way that is still clear and accessible. You can probably already gather from some of the discussion so far. What the core features of good academic paper writing work at home contact number  writing actually are. Let me give you a list of things that you can do at the level of language and then say a few things about structuring your writing in a way that makes it appealing to read. When you write. Make sure to keep your sentences short and to the point don’t hedge and don’t pile on the subordinate clauses until your sentences are 70 words long second use clear subjects. Make it obvious who the agent is in your sentence who is doing something. Don’t bury the actors under vague phrases and passive clauses and that is the third piece of advice use active clauses don’t write the analysis was conducted by research paper writing work at home contact number ers right research paper writing work at home contact number ers conducted the analysis. In fact even that is still convoluted. Why write conduct the analysis when you can simply write analyze this then is the fourth point use verbs not nouns. You will frequently see academics paper writing work at home contact number   chain together. Nouns through an endless series of prepositions like in this example propaganda serves to assure the legitimacy of the governance of the communist party of china. Let’s scrap that horrible attempt at a sentence and rewrite it using active verbs like this. The chinese communist party uses propaganda to legitimate. How it governs there much better and finally check your writing carefully for jargon if you truly need to use specialist terms like hegemony dispositive or interstitial. Make sure you explain to your readers why that is. What do these terms mean what do they achieve. And if you can get away with defining and using them once to flag that you know the lingo of your field and then move on to write in plain english instead your readers will thank you for it similarly try to avoid rhetorical phrases words like obviously and naturally are among the most dangerous words in academia paper writing work at home contact number .

Since what is obvious to one person does not necessarily have to be obvious to anyone else. Rhetoric and especially polymix have no place in academic paper writing work at home contact number  writing and neither do colloquial phrases. That may be alright in a conversation but that do not translate very well to the page as for the structure of your writing any good essay no matter how short or how long needs a clear beginning and an end so that means writing minimally in introductory and conclusion sentence and possibly entire dedicated sections that introduce the topic and wrap it up at the end. A good introduction has some kind of hook that reels readers in and it spells out the relevance of the topic research paper writing work at home contact number  paper writing work at home contact number s usually start from either research paper writing work at home contact number  question or a hypothesis so these need to be stated in the introduction as well and then there should probably be a short overview of what the reader can expect and maybe even a statement at the end that already tells readers what the core findings are after all. This isn’t a novel so it’s okay to include spoilers at the start the structure of the main body will then depend on the purpose of your paper writing work at home contact number  and your field of study. You should ask yourself. Does this paper writing work at home contact number  need a standalone literature review. Do i need background. Sections and theory discussions should i include a methodology section. And if so where is my main section. An original empirical study or a comparison of existing arguments. And how can i best structure all of this to create a coherent narrative and this is indeed crucial throughout your paper writing work at home contact number . Make sure you are telling a coherent story. Keep in mind who the protagonists of that story are. They may not be identifiable people. They could be political institutions like states. Or maybe they are things like the internet or processes like globalization or concepts like enlightenment identify those protagonists and then narrate. What they are doing. This can be hard but it will assure that you are creating an engaging shape for your paper writing work at home contact number  and it will prevent you from going on unnecessary tangents that do not contribute to the story as you construct the body of your paper writing work at home contact number  think about what each section and potential subsection will cover.

You may even want to plot out the structure by writing down a single keyword for each paragraph that you plan to write this will assure that each paragraph indeed deals with a single identifiable issue question or argument so that you do not cover several things in any single block of text of course if you are developing an argument keep in mind that this argument should be balanced and nuanced so. You should probably reserve some paragraphs to explicitly anticipate real or potential counter arguments to your case. This assures that you don’t end up writing a one-sided argument finally there is the conclusion minimally you should briefly sum up what the core argument was and state. What you make of all of this. Do you have an opinion. You probably should. The conclusion is where you can offer your personal assessment longer paper writing work at home contact number s might demand more involved conclusions and in such cases you should probably include a paragraph or two on the limitations of your work and ideally a justification of why. These limitations aren’t a problem. It is also common to provide advice for future research paper writing work at home contact number  that might now follow from your work not just in terms of what might fix the limitations but also in terms of what kind of studies could now build on the contribution that you have made. Did your work raise interesting new questions. And what kind of data. And what kind of methodology could answer these questions. It is good practice to already offer practical advice and finally and i cannot stress this enough do not end with limitations or the open questions and with your main contribution return to the relevance return to the big picture. Tell your readers why reading this paper writing work at home contact number  or essay mattered and spell out for them what the main takeaway should be.

I hope you found this advice on academic paper writing work at home contact number  writing useful. If you have you’ll find more information on academic paper writing work at home contact number  work on my website and i hope to see you again in a future video you.

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