How to Search for Research Paper Without a Bibliography Or Reference List


Hey everyone and welcome back to my channel if you are new here my name is Amina and absolutely love if you can subscribe to this channel and stay notified for more videos I’m gonna be detailing and going through how to search for research paper research paper sites, research paper sites without including a good extensive bibliography or reference list you cannot achieve anything higher than sort of 60% 50% even I would say and so none of the time a lot of students come to me and they email me saying I am at a roadblock I’m only getting two twos I’m only getting two ones how can I improve how can I get myself up there in the first and really a lot of the time it’s always a kind of the same thing it’s the fact that they haven’t necessarily read past the recommended reading list that the lecturer has given you or your mentor has given you not reading past that is gonna mean that you it looks like you haven’t done any extra reading now it can be quite daunting especially in your first a second year trying to find paper research paper sites, research paper sites that you think are relevant that you think are telling the right story in today’s video I’m going to be going through exactly how you can search for paper research paper sites, research paper sites that could be relevant now I’m not every paper research paper sites, research paper site you come across is going to give you something to write about that’s just how it is a lot of the time you find ten paper research paper sites, research paper sites two of them are really good the rest of them you may not have that much you want to say about them and you discard them so there is a lot of kind of searching and refining but there is a method to be able to do that from the offsets I’m going to be leaving the timestamps down below for each of the different steps that you need to take but it is in chronological order I would recommend going through from the first all the way down to the last step as opposed to jumping but if you do want to see a particular step then feel free to go and watch that purpose of this video I’m going to be looking at insulin and obesity so the effects of obesity on insulin just because there are very easy terms to look for and there’s so much out there if you search that on google most likely you’ll come across a lot of NHS websites a lot of healthcare websites not necessarily research paper research paper sites, research paper sites that you would like to include or that you should include in an assignment that you could talk about but you want to include paper research paper sites, research paper sites I’ve been peer-reviewed paper research paper sites, research paper sites have been published by scientists like myself paper research paper sites, research paper sites that have been worked on and had to publish recently maybe 20 years ago maybe 30 years ago we depend on you will touch upon that a bit later on but the best databases that you should be looking at our PubMed and Google Scholar it’s a good one so not just any Google but Google Scholar and also you do you know versity so if you go to your library website you should be able to search for research paper research paper sites, research paper sites there as well but I never actually I don’t think I’ve ever used the UCL website for that I always always 90% of time 95 a long time would use PubMed then you want to decide on the keywords that you are going to inputs now like I said for this question we’re looking at obesity and insulin so it’s quite easy the key word I would say obviously our obesity and then you’ve got insulin you might want to also think about diabetes you might want to think about resistance like insulin resistance you might want to think about diets to think about the keywords that could give you and lead you to results that could be relevant and write them down before you even start searching for things write them down because if you only search for insulin and obesity you’re only gonna find paper research paper sites, research paper sites that talk about potentially talk about insulin and obesity you might not find anything that discusses anything to do with treatments or anything to do with children or adults or whatever it is that you are looking for in particular so think about all the keywords that that could be relevant and that could give you paper research paper sites, research paper sites that you could use one way that I do this and when I’m struggling a little bit is by looking at paper research paper sites, research paper sites that exist so you most likely will have recommended reading lists open any one of those paper research paper sites, research paper sites and there should be when you open them underneath the abstract there should be a list of keywords so whatever keywords they have used you can just take those keywords and use the same keywords because clearly whatever they’ve used as keywords is what you also are interested in so that’s one way of doing it the other way is using this method called truncating or stemming if you put for example teach with a little asterisks into the search box it will come up with every word that has in it so teaching teacher the most part you don’t have to do this as long as you have a well-defined questioned and that you are researching so now we’ve gone to PubMed we’ve chosen the words insulin obesity and let’s say children so you type this into the search bar now there is a method called the boolean I think it’s called boolean or boolean and technique which is where you include the words with different characters in between them now you can include and in between so for example if you want to make sure the paper research paper sites, research paper site discusses insulin and obesity and children you want to make sure you write those three terms down with the word end in between by putting end in between those words it finds articles or journals or books for you that have that contain all three work if you’re interested in just finding out about incident by itself let’s say in the introduction you want to write a bit of a background to do the insulin and you want to write a bit back going to do with obesity then you can put insulin or again or in capitals or obesity this is a much wider search and you’re gonna find loads more paper research paper sites, research paper sites because there’s others are gonna be loads about insulin and then loads about obesity as well so it’s not necessarily gonna be about them linked but if you do want if you do want to find out about them individually you’ll put insulin or obesity you can step this up even further to include searches that are even more complex you might be interested in finding out about insulin to writing an introduction about children or about adults so be able to compare them in your introduction but actually your essay is just about children so but you do want to include about something about adults so what you can write is insulin brackets children or adults close bracket so what that means is it’s definitely gonna fit it’s definitely gonna give you hits that are about insulin but then they’ll give you those that about children all those about adults so again it just kind of helps you refine that search a little bit more the last instruction that you can use is the words not so let’s say now I want to find out just about insulin in children not about adults I can write incident and children not adults you also use the word near so again you can say that you want those two words to be near each other so let’s say you’re looking at think like insulin resistance and children and you want to make sure that insulin and resistance are close by because that is like a health medical term so you want to say insulin and near resistance so that will give you paper research paper sites, research paper sites that are about into illnesses and I find this so so helpful I know it sounds any complicated but it makes sense when you’re doing it because you know what you’re looking for you know what you want to look for and then you can find people that potentially could be really useful to you once you’ve done this you can create a search alert so on PubMed you can find you can have your search and all of them and then create create an alert whenever a new paper research paper sites, research paper site is pulled up or published it will let you know and that just means that you are up to date with research and you can really impress your examiner or the person that’s meeting your work by showing them that look this is what was published this week and I’ve got this in my assignment already it looks really really good you can also refine by the date published and I highly recommend this especially if you’re in the sciences field and where research is turning around so quickly to say that and something has misunderstood from a paper research paper sites, research paper site that was published three years ago where now it could be well understood and is very sloppy and it’s very important that you are looking at paper research paper sites, research paper sites are as recent as possible you can actually narrow it down to M the last year there are six months the last five years ten years and I usually go for like five years just because I don’t want to narrow my search down too much also have the option of refining by publication type as well all the time I find an article and it looks really good I read the abstracts and it’s a book and I’m like I don’t want to have to because a lot of times firstly you can’t download the book secondly referencing books I’m not as great it depends again in which field but you want to reference and peer-reviewed paper research paper sites, research paper sites and that’s usually what gives you that the top marks and so I just don’t want to have to do that’s nice of you to refine your search for only research paper research paper sites, research paper sites if you’re someone who’s doing clinical trials or looking into that again you can refine two clinical trials only and yeah just it’s very nice and I think PubMed also offers the option of refining by journal which I’ve never done by the way but if you want to find by a particular journal you can also do that to another really nice way of finding paper research paper sites, research paper sites is let’s say you found a paper research paper sites, research paper site and I’d recommend you to start from a paper research paper sites, research paper site that your supervisor has recommended to you or your mentor or your lecturer has recommended to you search for on PubMed and then if you scroll down you can see two section first one says find similar articles and now that section allows you to find articles that are similar and pubmed’s kind of pulled them out automatically similar to the one that you’ve just opened so what this means is you know for sure for sure 100% that you’re on the right topic and you’re looking at the right field you continue to scroll down what you find is that they’re the sites cited by section and this is probably the most underrated section of PubMed and so when you find a paper research paper sites, research paper site that you think is awesome you think it’s it’s giving you all the information that you possibly want when you go to that cited by section it shows you who else what other paper research paper sites, research paper sites have cited that paper research paper sites, research paper site it means as if it gives you paper research paper sites, research paper sites that have either use the original paper research paper sites, research paper site to build on so that paper research paper sites, research paper site that’s cited by and has more that come the latest research or there’ll be some it’ll be on the paper research paper sites, research paper site that is kind of related in topic so either way either way you could potentially use that as part of your reading and add that to your assignment in your essay.

I don’t know how I bumped into I just Amanda me tried out one day and I found it really really helpful and I always recommend it now to other people I hope this video is helpful let me know if it was and let me know what you took away from this and if you have other ideas of how to find good research paper research paper sites, research paper sites that also do feel free to add that to the comment section down below and I’ll see you guys in my next video bye.

Where to find great resarch papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.

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