Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine

Periodontics journal of dentistry and dental medicine about the periodontics journal dentistry and dental medicine is one of the traditional and conventional fields of medicine however the latest developments in computational approaches and other advanced studies changed improve the understanding dentistry at molecular level Bhavan access understands need of one such venue which can be provided both conventional and advanced developments to the researchers and scholars therefore we initiated Periodontics journal of dentistry and dental medicine which is an open access peer-reviewed international periodontics journal publishes high quality original content and distribute among scientific communities aims and scope Periodontics journal of dentistry and dental medicine covers wide range of fields that are related and associated with dentistry and dental medicine Periodontics journal of dentistry and dental medicine covers oral diseases dental public health endodontics forensic odontology geriatric dentistry oral and maxillofacial pathology oral and maxillofacial radiology oral and maxillofacial surgery oral biology oral implantology oral medicine orthodontics pediatric dentistry period ontology prosthodontics veterinary dentistry etc.

Periodontics journal of dentistry and dental medicine accepts original reports review articles case reports case reviews clinical images editorials and letters for publication Periodontics journal of dentistry and dental medicine is a bimonthly publication that invites authors from all parts of the globe to submit their manuscripts for publication and help the society to update their knowledge by sharing latest advancements in dentistry and dental medicine subjects covered by the Periodontics journal of dentistry and dental medicine dental and oral health management and treatment oral physiology biological processes in the oral and maxillofacial regions neuro muscular and skeletal abnormalities of the developing or mature oral facial structures regular brushing and flossing and preventive dental care implementation of modern technology and dental science dental anesthesiology and public health dentistry precancerous lesions of oral mucosa and malignant transformation risk disorders and conditions of the oral cavity prevention diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the teeth and gums computer aided implant dentistry and digital radiography community dentistry and oral epidemiology periodontics and restorative dentistry technology transfer of new scientific instrumentation oral and dental policymaking oral biology and translational research temporomandibular joint disorders and occlusion denta facial orthopedics and orthodontics tooth sensitivity dental sensitivity pol pol sensitivity dental sleep medicine and dental marketing adhesive techniques for soft tissues slow-releasing agents unconscious habit of grinding or clenching of the teeth osteonecrosis of the jaws.

Via the Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine, international research letters can significantly advance the study of dentistry and dental medicine. Dental researchers and professionals from around the world may use these letters as a platform to communicate their results and innovations to a larger audience. This can assist the Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine stay current with the most recent findings and developments in the industry, which can enhance patient outcomes and the general standard of dental treatment.

Global research letters can also contribute to the Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine’s increased visibility and influence. Dental researchers and practitioners can make their findings more visible and draw the attention of the dental community by publishing in reputable international publications. As a result, there may be additional prospects for collaboration and contribution to the development of dentistry and dental medicine, as well as an increase in citations and recognition. Global research letters, when used in conjunction with the Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine, can be a potent tool for expanding the area of dentistry and dental medicine.

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