How to Write a Scientific Research Paper

Thank you hi guys welcome to another session of how to write a scientific research paper my name is nasreen and in today’s video we’re gonna be looking at what is a springer Springer journals,journals in springer suggestor I’m really excited to be here and I hope you can get some things new from this video choosing the right academic Springer journals,journals in springer as the primary step in sending your manuscript process prevents the common mistake of editorial rejection of manuscript before peer review.

If you can choose the best runner for your manuscript you will come across several issues such as slowing carrier progress missing opportunities and positions losing your teeth as a score so now let us start by discussing remarkable points of a springer springer journals,journals in springer suggestor what is a springage.

Luna suggested is a fluent tool that you can apply easily it’s easily accessible and you can assign several items that cause you to find an up improved list of potential springer journals,journals in springer an enhanced list of potential springer journals,journals in springer can help outers ascertain a core publication for their final manuscript submission it’s really user-friendly assistance on Springer online platform and springer journals,journals in springer selections so if you want to know that how does Ash Springer genres suggest a work it is better to know about this flow chart via the website semantic technology as you can see here Springer Springer journals,journals in springer suggests there presents a list of relevant springer journals,journals in springer based on inputs of manuscript title abstract and Publishing model from other over 2600 Publications it selects a springer journals,journals in springer that suits your research best then you apply several significant points the online Springer journals,journals in springer suggested ultimately considers similar criteria and points during your recommendations to find the best matching springer journals,journals in springer Springer June must suggests a tour consider several items as I said here the first one is manuscript title second one is manuscript text subject area is the third one and then by other refined recommendation you can extend your research such as empath Factor timeline type and several other texts now I think it’s a good time to take an example and check the website if you type this loans ashbringer Springer journals,journals in springer suggests there in Google you can find it very easy like this and then after when you click you can see the main of a page of Jonah’s suggestor of ashbringer or we call it espering nature so you can see several tabs several sections as I showed you before the first one is manuscript title you can type your title here the second one is manuscript text and then after subject area subject area you can find different things by scrolling down and you can see different study fields according to these fields you can find differential notes and then after there is another icon that we can refine our recommendations if you open the link you can see several items the first one is minimum impact factor you can put some uh numbers such as for example Two Three or other things that you want to allocate it as a minimum imperf factor for the ultimate Springer journals,journals in springer also you can see another things me minimum acceptance rate by minimum acceptance rate you can put in weeks and for example three four five other things for acceptance rate of the springer journals,journals in springer by the editorial board and the another one is maximum time to First decision you can find further uh explanation in my previous video about LGB a springer journals,journals in springer finder and I put some comments about these Concepts anyhow for maximum time to First decision it means that the springer journals,journals in springer bird the editorial board of the springer journals,journals in springer needs several weeks to get the reviewers ideas and recommendations or comments about your springer journals,journals in springer Accord when they receive they try to analyze all of them and see what’s the idea of the reviewers about your paper so you can Define here is a invix unit to allocate maximum time to First decision also you can see indices Services what is indices Services here it means that is the springer journals,journals in springer that is Springer uh listed here for you uh put I mean that locate in for example scopus SCI or other services that Define the most uh criterias about the springer journals,journals in springer or not and also the last one is all springer journals,journals in springer Open Access springer journals,journals in springer in subscription Zoom springer journals,journals in springer I invite you to watch my videos uh previous videos that I Define Open Access and subscription once and you can better understand what’s happened in these Concepts okay okay so let’s get started to put an example here for manuscript title I put one of my Juno’s title here and then after for manuscript text I want to tell you and mention that don’t put all your manuscript up here because if you put all the things you can see the optimized springer journals,journals in springer or maybe then you put the search button push the search button after that you can see there’s an energy now for your paper so according to my experience I selected the abstract some important part of a paragraph I’m my a manuscript and also some parts of uh I mean that conclusion and then for subject area for the subject area if you click this button as I told you before you can find different field of area according to your manuscript you can select everyone that you everything that you want but as I told you before in my previous video about LGB a springer journals,journals in springer finder I recommend you to don’t select editing because maybe your paper put in some other fields and I mean that assigned to another fields and you don’t enough information about that so it’s better to don’t select it if you want you can try but I don’t like to select it because I uh according to my experience I saw that when I uh I’m in that select some uh some of them and put some limitations then I lose some of other possibilities for subject of area okay for Define your recommendation also there are some things I will show you after the main search okay let’s see that what’s happened when I clicked uh suggest springer journals,journals in springer and see what are the uh best list of ashbringer Springer journals,journals in springer suggested for this manuscript you can find different things theoretical and apply climatology International springer journals,journals in springer biomatology and different others in this field of uh paper that it is related to concept of this paper and subject area so if you want to put some other things for example if I want to for example you can see here that in somewhere here it is listed modeling air systems and environment and that it doesn’t have any impact factor if you want to delete some of the springer journals,journals in springer that they doesn’t have any import impact factor so you can put some criterias here for example for if I put for example two it means that minimum impact factor it has and then after try to suggest sure no then after we can see that the engine motor the engines as the selected that option without any impact factor so uh let’s see uh the behind I mean that for example in theortical and applied climatology as I told you before and we can see type of the springer journals,journals in springer Open Access and also subscription you can watch my video about this title and get the concept and the impact factor is 3.4 at the first decision average it’s 18 days and the acceptance rate is 40 percent so it’s really good list because according to your priority about time to First decision or if you have enough time to get the result you can devote a better springer journals,journals in springer with high impact factor and a flatter first decision for time anyhow it’s really good to see that what are the acceptance rate Awards or the first decision of a springer journals,journals in springer and blah blah blah so uh these are all about the Springer Azure Springer journals,journals in springer as a Jester and what are the other Publishers if you want to know about this one this question you can find also another thing for example I Triple E Wiley Tyler and if you want to know all the things better I invite you to watch the next video okay at the end please subscribe to our Channel and don’t forget to give this video a thumbs up and also uh please like the series of videos and share them with your friends visit our website to see agreement soft products with this address and yours a follow and like encourage me to make more videos okay at the end see you in the next video and bye.

When producing a scientific research paper, researchers might find great value in Global Research Letters (GRL). GRL articles offer researchers trustworthy sources of data and a list of references they may use to support their own study because they have undergone peer review and are thought to be of high quality. Researchers can show that their work is based on credible and well-established research techniques and can corroborate their findings by referring GRL articles in their research report.

Moreover, GRL articles can aid researchers in locating gaps in the body of knowledge that they can fill with their own investigations. Reading GRL papers can give researchers knowledge about the newest experimental approaches, research methodologies, and analytical tools that they can utilise while doing their own study. Researchers can increase the scientific understanding of a given topic or issue by expanding upon the information and conclusions of earlier research investigations. In conclusion, GRL can be a useful tool for researchers publishing scientific research papers, giving them access to trustworthy sources of information and assisting them in spotting holes in the body of knowledge that can be filled by their own research.

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