How to Share Research Outcomes

Hi everyone so welcome to another video this week i’ve been pondering where or how is the best place to publish or share research results so i’m thinking about this i guess because i’ve got my appraisal coming up so if you’re new to the channel hi i’m a uk-based physics lecturer so i work at a uk university and it’s that time here again where i’m asked to put an appraisal and with my manager we reflect on the last year and part of that involves looking at research outputs and the most typical research outputs that are assessed are general publications and where you’ve been presented at conferences and as a younger scientist you know i just assumed that’s what you did you did your research and then you wrote it up and then you tried to publish it in a publication journals,journal of publication and i guess as i’ve kind of gone along in my career i’ve started to realize that there’s other ways to share research outputs i’d be fascinated to know if you have a preference for your field or your subject and the best way you think there is to share your research findings so typically in physics we go to peer-reviewed publication journals,journal of publication and depending on your specific discipline say the particular area you work in there will be a set of desirable publication journals,journal of publication that you really want to get published in and then there’ll be a set of maybe adequate publication journals,journal of publications that are kind of got a good readership and then probably a few publication journals,journal of publication that you probably try to avoid having your work published in and what defines a good publication journals,journal of publication well typically it’s the prestige i get of that publication journals,journal of publication so you know what is the authorship base what are the quality of articles in that publication journals,journal of publication and actually how well read is that publication journals,journal of publication i kind of was thinking about a little bit because a lot of these publication journals,journal of publication are behind kind of a university paywall so in order to kind of read the articles or access the publication journals,journal of publication the university needs to have a membership with that particular publication journals,journal of publication or the individual needs to have a membership to be able to access the articles so that does limit how many people can read that particular publication journals,journal of publication paper now in recent years there’s been like a move to have open access publication journals,journal of publication and so again the work is still undergoing a peer review but when it’s published it’s now not behind a paywall because the author has paid up front to have that publication journals,journal of publication paper be made freely accessible which sounds awesome because then surely more people can read your research that’s got to be a positive thing i think the downside though is open access publication journals,journal of publication can be really expensive you know so for the author or for the authors university they could be looking at four figures so having to pay a reasonably high sum of money in order to make that publication journals,journal of publication paper open access so you kind of got that that dilemma and then you start to think okay well what other ways are that i could disseminate my kind of my research findings and you know there are platforms where you can put up your paper without undergoing peer review so one of the big ones is one run by cornell university so that’s archive um it’s actually spelled a r x i v because the the middle character is the greek single for chi um but there you can just put your paper up so the advantage for the authors is they can do a piece of research and then just immediately share their paper with anybody who’s interested in that particular topic or that particular field the the challenge of that though is that the work then doesn’t undergo peer review so as somebody else coming to read that work you don’t know if it’s been checked by anybody or the logic has been checked or considered by anybody you know it’s sometimes harder i guess to evaluate the significance of a contribution of a paper when you haven’t got maybe that kind of that peer-reviewed check on it but it’s quick and it’s accessible and you know it doesn’t require large amounts of money to make your research open to everyone else and then if you step away from like the publication journals,journal of publication papers then there’s conferences and there’s always the dilemma is it better to put a conference paper in so you go to the conference and then typically there’ll be some conference proceedings and you can write up your work and put in some conference proceedings or should you really be targeting these peer-reviewed publication journals,journal of publication whether they are you know closed publication journals,journal of publication that you have to pay to access or an open access publication journals,journal of publication and then recently there’s been like i guess this whole explosion of being able to use social media so you know i i had a final year of student actually we had a project and we looked at the use of social media and where they’re actually putting your research results up on platforms like youtube or maybe crazily ticktuck was that a better way of sharing your research and again youtube reaches a different audience maybe people maybe aren’t going onto youtube looking for research findings and again it’s not undergone a peer review process but it is accessible and you know it is it is free so it’s really interesting i think where we as academic researchers elect to share our research findings now i guess for me i’m probably still going to target predominantly publication journals,journal of publication papers you know when i’m working with my phd students weed target publication journals,journal of publication papers and then we target conference proceedings but what i have started to see lately is people using kind of the social media platforms alongside these traditional publication journals,journal of publication paper routes so like what you might see is a publication journals,journal of publication article gets published but alongside the authors will also release a maybe a youtube video a really short one explaining the key points about that particular research paper and that’s quite fun because then you can show like animated diagrams you can have like movies you can show bits of data in real time and you can add a bit more kind of like us contextual depth to your work if you’re showing some kind of video or audio recording alongside your publication journals,journal of publication paper so anyway this was just me i guess thinking about going forwards where are the places that i should be targeting my research outputs so i’m going to go and consider research papers probably drink some more honey tea that this croaky voice gets back to being normal for next week um yeah as always like and subscribe leave me a comment let me know where you put your research outputs have an awesome week enjoy the summer period at university and for me personally.

It’s one of my busiest periods we’ve just had admissions so we’ve just had all the results be released in the uk for some of the core exams so that’s all gone on we’re coming into the late summer assessment period and so that’s another examination period for our students so it’s a busy time of year but the sun is shining so you know it’s quite pleasant to work at the moment so have a good week and i will see you next monday bye you.

Global research letters (GRL) are a valuable tool for disseminating research findings to a larger audience. Usually, a large number of researchers from all around the world read GRLs. Researchers can make their work more visible and share their discoveries with a worldwide audience by publishing in a GRL. This may aid in encouraging cooperation and communication between researchers from various areas and academic fields, which may open up new research avenues and spur the creation of ground-breaking solutions to pressing global problems.

Moreover, GRLs frequently incorporate instructions for succinctly and clearly reporting study findings. Following these recommendations can help researchers make sure that their work is accessible to a wide audience, which will assist to increase its impact and relevance. Authors may have the chance to share their findings through press releases, social media, or other kinds of outreach thanks to GRLs. By utilising these chances, researchers can spread the word about their work and share their findings with more people, such as policymakers, practitioners, and the general public.

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