How to Get Your Science Published in the Best Journals

Hello my beautiful youtube friend today we’re gonna be talking about the best journals for publications,journal publication for your research paper where should you put it so if you’re new to this channel please remember to subscribe and hit the bell notification I’ll be talking about PhD careers all of my experience leaving academia to go and start my own company starting my own company I was also content marketing video production for business because that’s what I love doing and I would love for you to consume or that awesome content so please remember to subscribe and push that Bell notification if that’s still a thing when you are watching this video alright then so you have just produced a peer-reviewed paper you’ve spent ages researching you spent years in the lab and now you’ve got this lovely bit of content to share with the world and of course you want to make sure that that bit of content that bit of knowledge is available to as many people as possible and it’s in the right place where people will find it so here are all of the things that I take into account when I was thinking about publishing peer-reviewed papers so the first step in all of this is to write a list of all of the places you feel like your paper should go now look at the references are there a majority of the papers from a certain journals for publications,journal publication and also is absolutely ok to put on the list the places you hope that it ends up but you kind of know it won’t and I’m talking about the really high impact factor journals for publications,journal publication there is no reason that you can’t have a wish list of all of the journals for publications,journal publication you wish you pick it into if you were lucky I would also ask all of your colleagues as well as all of the people on the paper where they want the paper to end up because people are going to have their own ideas about where the paper should be published, this is part of the game okay after you’ve ordered all of the publications by impact factor what I recommend you do is actually go, the sorts of results that you want to publish that’s going to save you our world of headaches I know want to talk about impact factor now I’ve just talked about how I don’t really like impact factors but you have to work within the system that you’ve been given an X colleague of mine used to say this if you are not rejected from 80% of the journals for publications,journal publication you submit your science to you are not trying hard enough he wanted a massive rejection rate so that he could then essentially just play the peer-review lottery and so every so often he would be lucky and he would get his science in somewhere far greater in terms of impact factor than he ever thought he could and that’s because he accepted that he’s going to take up to a year to bounce around between all these publications and journals for publications,journal publication accepting that there’s an 80% failure rate maybe that is a tactic that you want to try if your science is timely it’s probably best not to do that okay you have to make sure as well that the journals for publications,journal publication you want to publish in is indexed for the field that you’re operating in so there’s no point publishing this bit of peer-reviewed science if your efforts will never get indexed and increase your H index so that H index is a metric by which scientists whole career kind of seems to be based on so there’s no point in submitting to a journals for publications,journal publication that isn’t indexed now you can check that make sure it’s just a final kind of like safety check and it just means that all of your efforts won’t go to waste because you will be rewarded because your publication will get recognized and your H index will go up yes okay and the last little thing that I recommend is that obviously it’s incredibly tempting to shotgun a load of different journals for publications,journal publication and a load of different publications but remember that the way this works is you do one at a time you do one journals for publications,journal publication at a time you don’t submit in two places at once that’s just ethics that’s just the way this system works so please don’t get disheartened or impatient just wait until you’ve got a decision from one journals for publications,journal publication and then go on to another so this brings me on to the greatest trick of all which is be cheeky be cheeky when you are applying to journals for publications,journal publication go really high up if you’ve got time why not the worst that can happen is they can say no no there is there’s a difference between being cheeky, the last thing I would say is check to see if your supervisor has a personal relationship with an editor of the journals for publications,journal publication you want to get into so as much as I hate to admit this some of my papers were actually published because we had a personal relationship with the editor now that’s not to say the science wasn’t good but it just helps warm up the relationship it opens them up to saying yes I’ll send it for peer review if nothing else and so really it’s just about getting past that editor gatekeeper and being sent out to peer review and if you think your science is good enough there’s no reason you can’t leverage and use personal networks or connections to get past that first step so yeah ask anyone any high up authors any supervisors any principal investigators any chief investigators to see if they have any direct connections to editors in journals for publications,journal publication that you want to get into that also helps a lot if not start building those relationships okay so that is how I decide where to send peer-reviewed papers it isn’t easy isn’t nice it’s kind of a messy system but it’s what we’ve got to work with and remember be a little bit cheeky go to the highest place you think it could potentially get into and work your way down from there don’t waste time by submitting to journals for publications,journal publication that just won’t publish because they don’t publish your sorts of results or science do your homework beforehand but I can guarantee you that if you accept a high failure rate then eventually you’re getting to higher and higher and higher journals for publications,journal publication you know this is down to luck really and the more you publish the more you aim higher and higher I think the better chance you have of getting into high impact factor journals for publications,journal publication like I said there’s a complete difference between delusional and being cheeky and that’s where you have to kind of work that balance but that is how I decide where to send my science and my publications for peer review and to what journals for publications,journal publication I’m going to submit to alright so if you’re new to this channel thanks so much I hope that was useful I talked about PhD careers leaving academia startup learning content marketing and I would love for you to consume all that content so please remember to subscribe hit the notification button and like this video because that helps me a lot and I love to see you in the next video.

Global research letters can be a vital tool for scientists looking to publish their work in the top journals. Global research letters can assist researchers in developing their study and enhancing its effect by giving them a forum to disseminate their findings, exchange expertise, and interact with other researchers. This in turn can raise the likelihood that high-impact publications will accept their research.

Moreover, peer review and critical comments from subject-matter experts are frequently provided in global research letters, which can enhance the calibre and rigour of the research. Researchers can use this feedback to pinpoint weak points in their work and make the required adjustments to increase the likelihood that their work will be accepted for publication in high-impact journals. In general, global research letters are a crucial tool for researchers to present their work, collaborate with other specialists, and get critical feedback that can help them enhance the quality and impact of their research, ultimately raising the likelihood that their work will be accepted for publication in the top journals.

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