How to Search for Laboratory Experiments in the journalsof Chemical Education

This video talks about how you might use the Chemistry journals,journal of chemistry of chemical education website to go about looking for potential laboratory experiment projects so first thing open your favorite browser and point it to pubs dot a CS org this is the American Chemical Society’s website for their publications the American Chemical Society publishes a number of chemistry journals,journal of chemistrys that are all listed here in this section these represent the important chemistry journals,journal of chemistrys publishing American Chemical science and in most cases publications go back to the beginning of each of these chemistry journals,journal of chemistrys so this makes for an interesting history of chemistry as well so a lot of important advances in chemistry are published in the pages of these chemistry journals,journal of chemistrys so we’re going to focus our attention on the chemistry journals,journal of chemistry of chemical education because we’re looking for laboratory experiments that would be appropriate for undergraduates so click on Chemistry journals,journal of chemistry of chemical education now there are a number of interesting articles in here but we’re going to want to look for particular kinds of articles so notice that here the highlighted recently as soon as publishable articles that there are some that I’d are identified as laboratory experiments so that might be a good place to start searching so we have two search options up here in the upper right hand corner so we can search in this chemistry journals,journal of chemistry notice it’s selected because otherwise you’ll search all American Chemical Society publications and you can search anywhere in the article or specific locations like the title the author the abstract that sort of thing there is also an advanced search option that will allow you to add multiple search terms you can use boolean strings you can search titles authors all of these at the same time you can also restrict your searches for particular places like all chemistry journals,journal of chemistrys that’s what’s selected now or just a specific publication date range so I’m gonna suggest that we search for laboratory experiment we’re gonna search anywhere in the article and let’s go ahead and put that in quotes because we would like it to find articles where both of those words occur together then we’re going to go down here to modify selection and we’re gonna search in just the Chemistry journals,journal of chemistry of chemical education so we want to select that then click update and you’ll notice here now we’re just searching in the Chemistry journals,journal of chemistry of chemical education under publication date you can select any range you want starting in the late 90s early 2000s the Chemistry journals,journal of chemistry of chemical education started requiring that all authors also include what would be the equivalent of a laboratory hand out guidelines that would be given to students with any published experiment so that will be really helpful to you so you might want to restrict yourself to just looking at those kind of articles, that’s what’s going to be published here do note that you need to be logged in to our campus network so that the American Chemical Society knows that you have a subscription to the chemistry journals,journal of chemistrys otherwise it will not bring up one of these full-text article links so make sure you’re logged in with your computer onto our campus network you can still search on any network you just can’t view the full-text articles so I’m down here this is the abstract so this is a quick, other kinds of information so that will be very useful to you in trying to conduct this or a very closely related project so you would want to look at these student handout so be sure to download that as well as the original article so there’s a quick overview as to how you might go about using the American Chemical Society publications website to search for potentially interesting laboratory projects.

Worldwide research letters might be of great use when looking for laboratory experiments in Chemical Education magazines. These letters give researchers and scientists a forum to communicate their findings and discoveries to a larger audience, which can assist educators in staying current with the most recent results in the field of chemistry education. Education professionals can learn about fresh experimental approaches, strategies, and concepts that they might use in their classrooms by reading global research letters.

Global research letters can also assist teachers in finding fresh and cutting-edge laboratory activities to use in their classes. Detailed descriptions of experiments that have been performed, including the materials used, the steps taken, and the outcomes, are found in many global research letters. Those educators who are looking for fresh experiments to try with their kids may find this information to be really helpful. Additionally, some global research letters may offer recommendations for alterations or enhancements to already-done experiments, enabling teachers to modify previous experiments to better suit the unique requirements of their pupils.

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