Global Research Letters

What is the Purpose of the UC Catalyst?

Oh welcome to the third for today so in this session we will discuss about the University Grants Commission list or the UCC list of ugc approved journals and this is a very very important topic or specifically for the Indian researchers because you know that in the last few years before two years in 2018-19 there are numerous circulars which have been published. The UGC clearly states that only the journals or only the articles which are published in the ugc approved journals list will be considered for promotion or for keeping recruitment or for awarding Ph.D. So indeed this particular topic is very important in the current scenario, because we need to understand that what is ugc approved journals list and how you can select whether a particular journal is ugc approved journal. You see the sternum and how you can become aware about this particular topic. I have cause so you have to rely on the ugc approved journal list invariably to find out whether a particular journal is listed as ugc approved journals. You see the ugc approved journal list so we are going to see a little bit about this particular problem. So the first thing is empty you see as you know is the epics organization in India which is responsible for the higher education scenario in India it is established in 1953 it has a headquarter in New Delhi with six regional centers in various parts of the country. Now what is you see care use the seeker or the University Grants Commission and sodium for academic and research ethics is a group of universities which have come together or is a consortium that has been formed by you. You see you look into the matters of publication or look into specificity to look into the obligations and the ethics that are related to publishing in ugc approved journals. Now this is the official website of the you see care will go on to this website in a bit and we’ll see more about the functions and the processes that do you see does, but right now let us learn more about d.u.c.k and then we can go on to d.u.c.k website. Now what are the objectives of the uck, its objectives are to promote quality probably not notice and probably if you may have also heard this is that in the last one year in fact in 2018 India was the second highest published in predatory or fake journals and at the same time it was also second highest in terms of retractions. So what is basically written retraction is something when a particular paper is published in a journal and because of some reasons related to ethics or some other related reasons- data was falsified or maybe a peer review was compromised and all such reasons. What happens is that some difference which have been published and taken down and this is known as the retraction which means the particular paper is published. But after publishing, the paper, the editorial or the journal comes to known that this paper has done some kind of quality breach. So the paper is retracted in the sense that the paper is withdrawn. We turn after publication and in that data too India was number two in the year 2018, so it was a very concerning. It was a very concerning kind of Statistics from before the Indian researchers and the Indian higher education officials and that is when the UGC care was established so that it can look into this kind of scenario. It can do away with this kind of problems that team Indian higher education scenario or specifically the Indian research scenario was facing. So in a way the you see here is a guiding force or a it is a organization or it is a consortium that is constructed or that form so that it can advise the Indian scientific community to in regards to where it should publish and varied should not publish in ugc approved journals.

U.c.k as I told that the number of papers that have been published in the predatory journals by Indians was quite high. It is also increasing at a very alarming rate but still by efforts of the a lot more information about temporary journals and fake journals is now spread among the among the masses or MMD research related, people in India and however a lot needs to be done because if you see in the current data also which have been published why today is back quite a few days back in a newspaper. It’s so that even now also Indians sells somewhere in the second or third spst number of tea papers publicity. Predatory journalist is considered so this need to stop and for this need to for to stop this there is only one way to stop this and that is awareness among researchers. A lot of researchers who are publishing in are doing it because they do not have to work on awareness regarding the journals because they are not aware how they will have to select a particular journal. How they will have to see whether a particular channels repin it or not and minion times for that consistently ugc approved journals are also using different kinds of techniques like they are displaying on their website that they are in texting they put it databases or something like that and because of it people end up mislead. They believe them to be quality journals and they publish in them. So in this regard the only solution to this particular problem is strict laws and awareness among people researchers so what is the scope of the UC catalyst or the UC catalyst he uses a catalyst is basically a quality is a reference list for quality journals such as ugc approved journals okay so it is quite least in the sense it is a white list means it tells you where to publish the many organizations all about all across the world which maintains breakfast means these are the channels where you should not published but Indian has taken the optimistic kind of view to this where the Indian government or do you see as has published a white list of ugc approved journals. This is the list of ugc approved journals where you can publish or you should publish and rather than publishing something on the black list where you should not publish. The Indian scenario or the UC has opted for the white list of ugc approved journals where you can publish all you where you should publish that is the UC catalyst again d.

U.c.k ugc approved journal list is divided into two different groups. One of the ugc approved journals is called the group one and the other ugc approved journals list is called the fruit. Now in first learn about group two of ugc approved journals and then we will discuss about the group one of ugc approved journals. So we have already seen in the previous session there are a number of prestigious ugc approved journals indexing that are already there so what you see taught was to make use of them because this particular ugc approved journals index things are reported and such ugc approved journals have very strict quality policies. Specifically in the web of science core collection has very strict quality policies so that is when any Chellam which is listed in the web of science core collection ugc approved journals is directly included in using list too. Similarly the journals which are included in ugc approved journals scopus are also direct link religion you see can list group two but there are certain ugc approved journals journals in this coppice as I mentioned when I was discussing about this coppers because the quality requirements of ugc approved journals Scopus are not as stringent as the web of science. Sun Prairie journals or some fake journals somehow get indexed ID score personals but as soon as scope assist where is made aware of this or they become aware of this these journals are immediately taken off so in this since a so far in the last two years of analysis on the UC careless what I have seen is them all the ugc approved journals which are listed in together science are listed in his in the new cyclists group. At the same time only ugc approved journals which are listed in the scoffers are also listed in you seek a list guru but certain journals which are behaving in predatory manner but are still indexed English coppers aren’t taken down by d.u.c.k group list. So when you look at the data regarding the group list you will find them some Scopus journals are missing from the UC group too so that is when you need to be careful and you are publishing in scopus ugc approved journals then so that you know that all these coupons journals are not directly state in d are not covered in d.

U.c.k go to some journals which are in ugc approved journals scopus are not using group two because there has been a lot of complaints about these channels that they are PA building credit a manor. But to my knowledge up to be latest and after the last time when I analyze this database I saw them all the ugc approved journals which are in websites are about ending you see here list too this brings us to the discussion on you see can Group one so what is you seek a group on there were a number of journals which are which may be good but which are for some reason or another it may not be indexed in these coppers or the web of science these ugc approved journals can find a place in d.u.c.k group one so in that sense what you have to understand is them for you see kill list good too generally for first time. There is no our review done or there is no quality assessment done because this quality assessment is directly taken from deep we were sensor discover so no quality assessment is done. Only through proof but when the UC receives a plane by by suitable evidence or that certain ugc approved journals listed in group who are involved in predatory practices they are immediately taken down from the UC group in the same time uz group one are those journals which are not interested in this purpose of our sense and it is where they need a lot of scrutiny and lot of assessment by the UCC panel and that is when there a procedure for listing this kind of gel on Cindy you see you separate and that is when a separate you see Care Group one is form so most of these ugc approved journals which are covered here are generally those kind of channels which are which are relevant to Indian context for example you may have a bilingual ugc approved journals in suppose a Hindi and English it may not be covered in this focus the devil because of certain legalities or certain scope of the certain not being within disco disco purse or develop signs this kind of journals can find a place in the you see Groupon for this these are Inceptor do some kind of application or for which we will look at the process also by which an gets itself indexed Li you see Care Group one next we would like to see the organization of d.

U.c.k so the you see care is hindered by a new seeker Empowered Committee which is its consist of a panel of 12 members again India website you can go and find a list of this if you click on this you can find on the other side that only members who are included in this Empowered Committee so generally there are around well people who are in this list then we have something called EUC can council members using Care Council members are organizations like aset or Association of Indian universities or central India stands in orbit so like this we have around 30 different organizations which are part of the using care which are members would be you see can console members so this particular members are on this particular Council members are organizations that are involve in policy making body you see care next we have something called the you see care universities which are very central or which are very important duty and time and as one of this you seek a list so this there are only four universities which have been awarded to you see Cal University status and these are divided into zone wise for did not zone you have JNU or disabled online university for the Western zone you have MS University of Baroda or the southern zone you have University of Hyderabad and forty Eastern zone you have University of a school or it is when you’re visiting so all of them have some different jurisdictions as you can see here step by step in given cell jurisdiction and they’re responsible for the conducting D or maintaining the UC care activities in this particular reasons or this particular Jones now what is basically again we have another important University which is the SSP or they submit of eyeful a only University where the main center for the UC carries established here we have something called a cell for general decision yeah a lot of decision on whether a particular channel is to be included in d.

U.c.k or not is taken the UC care also maintains a very close link with influen you may have already heard about implement because implement is a network which is responsible for the project showed konga showing there is a project where for maintaining a repository of all the Indian TCC’s and the important to understand is that the you see care list is not permanent okay you see clear ugc approved journal list is dynamic it means it is updated what early in the month of June a sorry the amount of January April July and October each year it is operated or each year it is updated and using a catalyst as I already told it is there are two different groups or Group 1 and group 2 and again these are not rankle this means the data that you find in these groups are not ordinal they are not maintained in order air King it just meant in political order you already know how a particular channel is listed in the group – because if a ugc approved journal is listed in D s CA or the women’s means individual signs for collection or discovers it is listed in group – but what about group on how can a general be listed in Group one. so any new journal which is not listed in the website as ugc approved journal service coppers in list itself can apply to list itself in D group on and how to do them it can be done by the publisher or it can be done by the individual by giving the basic information the basic information pertains to information regarding a name Rajaram the aya system of the journal a return wrote in the journal and so on there are twelve different questions which needs to be answered and a form is need to fill and it should be forwarded by a university or a college and it should be recommended by the faculty members of that particular college the internal quality assessments l obtain particular Cornell University will forward it to be regional on the journal you will seek a university if you remember we have four different you see can join a universities which are JNU Emma sinuously Baroda University of Andhra 110 HP University so depending on whichever zone this particular recommendation is coming from it is forwarded to in particular you see care University and that University in that you see care in diversity does something holding primary criteria evaluation or B protocol – on the basis of protocol to a particular journal may be provisionally accepted or going into the next round a protocol tree or it may be rejected if it is accepted then it moves to the next category which is D which is the protocol tree which is done by SSP you fooling cellphone general illnesses and if it passes this criteria also then it is forwarded to the using catalyst for the approval of the Empowered Committee and once the Empire committee approves it it is our ending you see care so this is basically the process by which a particular channel is covered in D in d.

U.c.k group on now there are a lot of questions student are there regarding the ACK the one of the question is that which people often explained is that if a particular paper was published in a ugc approved journals which was even before the UC catalyst was appointed or or concealed whether that particular article on that particular research paper will be will be considered for mine you could when all for my promotion or for mine evidence of t UD degree and the answer to this is that if the particular journal where you have published is now distant in ugc approved journals list then it will obviously be considered but if T paper very empty channel period publicity paper is now currently not listed in D it’s not listed in the UC care list then it will not be considered for promotion or fault for recruitment or for is the evidence and another question may be that what can you do to find out the sub colonies along sort if a region which are not stated here in d.

U.c.k because we all know that there are a lot of ugc approved journals that are still very journals that are still there in d.u.c.k especially in the group one so what can you do for them for that you can go to this particular link in the website and you can give a feedback on the website regarding and the particular journal with some evidence and then you can be assured that their particular journal will be debarred from d.u.c.k list and if a particular researcher have published a research paper in a journal which is indexed in scopus but removed from UCL an ugc approved journal will it be considered they again the answer to that is that it will not consider if a particular journal is stepped on the uck only then it will be considered for promotion or for academic other occurring purposes but it is not list if it is not recently using LS it will not be considered now here are some interesting websites that you may follow and you may refer to for getting some information for example we have the organization we have a website called a scholarly way so in this Connelly way you find a lot of articles related to this kind of topics where to publish and how to order a website called it retracts and Wahlstrom it is a very very interesting website where you find out stories on the papers that have been retracted and you find out what kind of me chips these papers have done or one kind of what kind of false you falsification of data or wealth and what kind of breach of ethics these papers have done this kind of information you can get in deep research watch or detection so from this you can learn that what to avoid and what are the things to avoid when you are going for a publication of a particular paper in a particular journal. Again there is another interesting website called the Lemp opcom the laptop comm is a provides you a comparison of different kinds of channels in terms of the time taken in terms of the interpreter in terms of the quality of the journal and if it is a ugc approved journal. And you already probably know about this show hunger project that is the sorghum gardening flip in and a seat again short manga is the indian depository for thesis or PhD as well as master dissertation. Here you will find thousands and thousands of Indian is DHT seizes on all the areas with maybe humanities it maybe management or it may be engineering and Sciences. So I urge you to go and look into this website you will find a lot of interesting teases here and you have some websites like Keep Calm and publish papers dot-com disk and here you can get some information regarding how to publish papers in ugc approved journals and what are the process to follow and the last information and the last website that I listed here in the interesting websites is and the website by a comment of India it’s a website called data that we opted in so again we know that this is the age of data. This is the age of it Commission census so in this regard this particular website is an absolute beauty because here you find tons and tons of data on different kinds of different kinds of studies that have been conducted by the government and ugc approved journals. You may find your data from the from diverse topics from the health care to economy to sensors and all this kind of data and in most in almost all the cases the data is collected by the common agencies so the data is very reliable. You may use this data from ugc approved journals for some kind of analysis in some kind of research papers if you are interested here from the Social Sciences or from the humanities background or from the policy-making background, you can use the data from this website okay you can use the raw data from this website to carry out some research and then come up with some interesting research papers from ugc approved journals so in this regard this particular website is very interesting because it provides thousands and thousands of different data sets that you can work on you some very interesting journals here this there is a particular type of channel which is called the mega channel. A mega channel is a channel which is very large then the traditional channel and it has very low selectivity among the exiting articles from ugc approved journal. What I mean by this statement is that in a lot of ugc approved journals that we try to publish in. I am talking about the quality ugc approved journal internship. SCA and ugc approved journals journals so many times what happens is that whenever we are trying to publish in scopus ugc approved journals we are faced with a plague with the issue or get the comments from the editors dead your particular paper is lacks nobility this is one of the most common state concept people get when they are rejected from the SCA journals and ugc approved journals. And the other common statement that people get when they are rejected by ugc approved journals is they understand if paper is not within the scope of this particular ugc approved journal. So these two fundamental problems are something that mega channels try to rectify. So basically mega channels are very very large channels where almost papers from any kind of filter publisher and generally they are published respective of their lack of no building means irrespective of the perception of the nobility you can when we talk about novelty. Novelty is again a subjective matter, not an objective matter. But what is objective is the quality of the ugc approved journal or what is the intentions what is it technical correctness of the a particular paper is a subject is a objective decision whereas novelty is a subjective decision so the mega ugc approved journals are those kind of ugc approved journals which do not deal in subjectivity but it in objectivity means any paper which is technically sound will be published in this kind of journals irrespective of whether they are normal or not whether they are perceived to be novel or not if it is technically correct if it is technically correct then it will be and it is technically correct and helpful to decide give a community or listen to this particular genres so if you can see all the journals that are listed here for example +1 SES Omega all these ugc approved journals generally have very wide audiences because they publish papers from different kinds of fields some of them cover engineering medicine everything so that is the first thing and the second thing is that most of the ugc approved journals that you see here are from very reputed publishers for example +1 is PI plus library a very reputed organization in u.

  1. ACS is by American Chemical Society scientific reports is by nature says is by sailor pen is published by he says publication group RSC is published by the oils Chemical Society and you have the BMJ which is another very respectable Society and so on in fact you only know SSID for open sites so on this journals that you see here are very reputed ugc approved journals and they are they have very wide audience at the same time they are mega ugc approved journals and they do not segregate big papers on the basis of or see normally so maybe for your next research you may try any of them because these are always serials and they have very good each again we have some other interesting journals that have come up in recent times called the F thousand ok so f thousand different from product thousand is Faculty of thousand so f thousand is a particular journal where a particular paper is published as soon as it is received the model for F thousand is a little controversial but it is again gaining popularity among the scientific community for example whatever Heusen does is that if you submit a particular paper to a thousand particular paper will be assessed for technical correctness and if that even before assessing it for technical correctness it will be assessed for the minimum requirements may your standard comments off whether it has listed all the procedures with a whether a test is to call the visuals and all that and once it is recognized at all the all the only typical standards are mental it will be published in do online version and as soon as it is published in the online version it will be it will also be asked for peer review.

Means the peer review is done after the paper is published okay in f thousand is unique in that sense is that after the initial draft of the paper is published initial review is done and if the review is positive or if the review is the review suggests that the paper can be accepted it is further forward to this coppers database for referencing or for indexing and if the particular peer review the results of the particular peer review is negative instead particular paper is not accepted it will remain in the earth thousand website but it will not be forwarded to D Scopus database and we have some other interesting journals like the data levels like the data in brief data scientific data all the journals are very large open access journals where large data sets are available so if you are someone who won some data from some specific field you can go and refer to these particular journals equals here data is available freely by common Creative Commons license so any data that you find here you can use it for your own research provided that you give this citation to the original paper and then you have some other channels like the meta decks and software X well which are specifically mean for publishing the mythology or for publishing specifically on the software generally in method extensive corrects a lot of supplementary files are also present where source codes of the software’s are the actual software’s are also shared so in this sense all the journals are trying to do something for the scientific community by bringing in more transparency in the entire publication and on so I urge all of you to take out some time and maybe look at this particular websites that you see here or this particular journals that you see here and probably you can use them for the benefit of the sign with only the whole thank you we’ll continue with the next session.

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