The Languages of India

Hello everyone welcome to the langfocus channel and my name is Paul. Today we’re going to talk about one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world. That country is India, the exact number of language newspaper in punjabi spoken among India’s 1.3 billion people is hard to pinpoint exactly different sources give different numbers and that’s partly because they have different ideas about what can be classified as a separate language newspaper in punjabi as opposed to a dialect according to ethnologue there are 448 language newspaper in punjabi.

According to the people’s linguistic survey of India there are 780 language newspaper in punjabi and then there’s the Indian census data on the Indian census people can call their mother tongue whatever they want and there was a total of 19 569 different language newspaper in punjabi names among the responses. Of course that’s way too high there aren’t even that many language newspaper in punjabi in the whole world some people probably just call the same language newspaper in punjabi by different names depending on their locality or ethnicity those 19569 names were grouped into 1 369 mother tongues and each of those mother tongues are further grouped under one of 121 language newspaper in punjabi but that only includes language newspaper in punjabi with 10 000 or more speakers so there must be more India has two official language newspaper in punjabi at the national level hindi and english there are also 22 scheduled language newspaper in punjabi each state or union territory of India is free to choose its own official language newspaper in punjabi or language newspaper in punjabi and these are recognized and encouraged by the national government most of the language newspaper in punjabi of India fall into either of two families the indo-aryan family a branch of the indo-european language newspaper in punjabi family which is predominant in northern India and the dravidian language newspaper in punjabi family which is predominant in southern India the remainder mostly belonged to the austro-asiatic sino-tibetan and thai kadai language newspaper in punjabi families these are the top 10 most spoken language newspaper in punjabi in India according to the census for each language newspaper in punjabi the numbers include all of the mother tongues associated with that language newspaper in punjabi if we define the language newspaper in punjabi more narrowly then the numbers might be lower for each language newspaper in punjabi for example the total for hindi includes the language newspaper in punjabi of the hindi belt the area where hindi proper forms a dialect continuum with related language newspaper in punjabi like the rajasthani language newspaper in punjabi and most of the bihari language newspaper in punjabi and the pahadi language newspaper in punjabi these language newspaper in punjabi are linguistically distinct from hindi but are closely related to it and since hindi is the main official language newspaper in punjabi in the states of the hindi belt people often think of their language newspaper in punjabi as local varieties of hindi it does not however include urdu even though urdu and hindi are essentially the same language newspaper in punjabi with different standard forms for more information about the relationship between hindi and urdu check out my video on that subject from a couple of years ago the dravidian language newspaper in punjabi the origin of the dravidian language newspaper in punjabi is not known and they share no clear links with any other language newspaper in punjabi family however there are theories that the dravidian language newspaper in punjabi could be linked with the uralic language newspaper in punjabi family including hungarian and finnish or the disputed altaic language newspaper in punjabi family which includes turkish mongolian korean and japanese it’s generally thought that dravidian was present in India before the arrival of the indo-european language newspaper in punjabi more than 3500 years ago the oldest existing dravidian writings are the tamil brahmi inscriptions some of which date back to the 3rd or 4th century bce and some more recently discovered inscriptions may be even older and the extensive tamil literary tradition goes back earlier than 300 bce.

Though we don’t have original inscriptions of those there are also inscriptions with some telugu words that date from sometime between 400 bce and 100 bce there are also fragments of the kannada language newspaper in punjabi dating back to the 3rd century bce keep in mind that these are just the oldest inscriptions and literature that we know about the language newspaper in punjabi are certainly older than that but of course they’ve all developed a lot since those early days a few features of dravidian language newspaper in punjabi in terms of grammar dravidian language newspaper in punjabi are agglutinative the root word comes first and suffixes are attached to add meaning this sentence means I eat mango non mambaram sapidurain this is the root verb meaning eat this suffix shows the present tense and this suffix shows the first person singular now in the future tense I will eat mango non mambaram here’s the verb root this suffix indicates future tense and again this is first person singular the most common word order is sov as we just saw in those sentences above but the word order is flexible the major dravidian language newspaper in punjabi have all been significantly influenced by sanskrit the ancient indo-aryan language newspaper in punjabi in which the hindu scriptures and classical epics like the ramayana and mahabharata were written for kannada telugu and malayalam i’ve seen claims that sanskrit words account for 65 to 80 of the vocabulary but i’m not sure there’s a way to calculate that with precision it’s true that in writing and an educated speech a lot of sanskrit words are used but much less so in the rural areas and among less literate people tamil is the most conservative of the major dravidian language newspaper in punjabi and has been influenced by sanskrit the least this has contributed to the myth that tamil is the mother of all the dravidian language newspaper in punjabi but that’s not the case all dravidian language newspaper in punjabi including tamil trace back to a proto-dravidian language newspaper in punjabi though malayalam developed from a dialect of tamil or a language newspaper in punjabi very closely related to tamil and then became sanskritized the indo-aryan language newspaper in punjabi while the dravidian language newspaper in punjabi have been influenced by sanskrit the indo-aryan language newspaper in punjabi are directly descended from sanskrit sanskrit one of the oldest indo-european language newspaper in punjabi goes back at least 3500 years it continues on in its classical form as a liturgical and literary language newspaper in punjabi to this day but sanskrit and its associated dialects developed over time into procrits middle indo-aryan language newspaper in punjabi that were divergent from sanskrit these procreate language newspaper in punjabi then developed into the indo-aryan language newspaper in punjabi of northern India much in the same way that latin developed into vulgar latin and then into the romance language newspaper in punjabi while much literature was written in the various procreates of each region classical sanskrit remained the language newspaper in punjabi of high culture throughout the Indian subcontinent the name prakrit comes from the sanskrit word prakrita meaning unrefined or natural because they were naturally arising vernacular forms of language newspaper in punjabi the name sanskrit comes from the sanskrit word samskrita meaning perfected or refined because sanskrit was an ideal or standardized literary language newspaper in punjabi most Indians will tell you that sanskrit maintained this status because it enables us to communicate with precision one.

Well-known procreate is Pauli which is widely studied because it’s the language newspaper in punjabi of the teravada buddhist scriptures in the language newspaper in punjabi of buddha himself was likely either pali or the closely related maghadi prakrit magadhi prakrit is one of the three major prakrits from which the modern indo-aryan language newspaper in punjabi are thought to descend magadhi is the ancestor of the eastern indo-aryan language newspaper in punjabi including bengali and others sharasini prakrit is the ancestor of the central indo-aryan language newspaper in punjabi which include the hindi language newspaper in punjabi maharashtri prakrit is the ancestor of the southern indo-aryan language newspaper in punjabi including konkani marathi as well as sinhala of sri lanka and dhihavi of the maldives just as the dravidian language newspaper in punjabi have been influenced by sanskrit the indo-european language newspaper in punjabi have also been influenced by dravidian language newspaper in punjabi due to contact over the millennia even sanskrit contains some dravidian vocabulary phonetic influence and grammatical influence but influence has also taken place over time since then due to continuous contact especially in language newspaper in punjabi bordering the dravidian areas like marathi and odia marathi for example contains a significant amount of agglutination which is a dravidian feature we saw earlier and it contains a lot of dravidian vocabulary but some degree of this kind of influence extends throughout northern India there has indeed been a large south asian sprachbund an area in which various language newspaper in punjabi influence each other as part of the indo-european language newspaper in punjabi family the indo-aryan language newspaper in punjabi are not agglutinative like the dravidian language newspaper in punjabi but rather fusional with some being more analytic than others in other words having fewer inflections.

Interestingly the indo-aryan family contains only one tonal language newspaper in punjabi punjabi one of the few tonal indo-european language newspaper in punjabi one important feature of the indo-aryan language newspaper in punjabi is that they were all significantly influenced by persian and to a lesser extent turkic and arabic because of centuries of largely turkic muslim rule the delhi sultanate first introduced the persian language newspaper in punjabi and its literary tradition in the 13th century and this continued with the mughal empire from the 16th century up until the beginning of british rule persian was the official language newspaper in punjabi of the empire the lingua franca of the elite and a prestigious literary language newspaper in punjabi here are a few simple examples of everyday words in hindi that came from persian the word for vegetable sabzi comes from persian sabzi the word for book ketab comes from persian and ultimately came from the arabic word kitab the word for fresh or new comes from persian the word for warm garam comes from persian those are just a few examples of the many words that are used.

It’s interesting to note that in urdu these words are the same but look exactly like the persian words because urdu is written in the perso arabic script.

Urdu is the Indian language newspaper in punjabi that is most heavily influenced by persian standard hindi and urdu both developed from the same kadibuli dialect of delhi but while standard hindi is more sanskritized urdu is more persianized and arabized there was much less persian influence on the dravidian language newspaper in punjabi that’s probably because northern India was more consistently under muslim control than the south it’s also probably because the indo-aryan language newspaper in punjabi are closer to persian to begin with sino-tibetan two of the 22 scheduled language newspaper in punjabi are sino-tibetan language newspaper in punjabi boro and mete also known as manipuri boro is co-official in the himalayan state of assam and official in its borderland autonomous region which borders bhutan mete is the official language newspaper in punjabi of the state of manipur which borders myanmar the many sino-tibetan language newspaper in punjabi in northeastern India belong to the tibeto-burman sub-family and are grouped geographically into a branch of tibeto-burman but the exact relationship between many of these language newspaper in punjabi is unclear northeastern India is the most linguistically diverse area of the country with around 75 percent of the country’s language newspaper in punjabi despite its relatively small area and population many of the language newspaper in punjabi also feature great dialectal variation with sometimes low mutual intelligibility making it necessary to use a separate lingua franca for communication boro and mete function as lingua francas between the various linguistic communities in their respective areas but a more widely used lingua franca is assamese the eastern most indo-european language newspaper in punjabi and the other official language newspaper in punjabi of assam there are also assam-based pidgin and creole language newspaper in punjabi notably nagamese in the state of nagaland while its vocabulary is based on assamese its grammar is rooted in tibeto-burman language newspaper in punjabi in arunachal pradesh where as many as 50 tibeto-burman language newspaper in punjabi are spoken english is the only official language newspaper in punjabi while hindi is the main lingua franca tibeto-burman language newspaper in punjabi are also spoken in makaleya but the official language newspaper in punjabi of the state is english and the most widely spoken native language newspaper in punjabi is kasi an austroasiatic language newspaper in punjabi one of the 22 scheduled language newspaper in punjabi santali is also an austroasiatic language newspaper in punjabi it’s a recognized regional language newspaper in punjabi spoken in a number of states in eastern and northeastern India there are numerous other language newspaper in punjabi in India belonging to the same munda branch of austroasiatic austroasiatic doesn’t sound indigenous to India does it the austroasiatic language newspaper in punjabi family is the family that includes vietnamese and the khmer language newspaper in punjabi of cambodia it’s thought that speakers of language newspaper in punjabi arrived in India more than 3500 years ago santali had no written language newspaper in punjabi until the 19th century a special script called old chiki was created specifically for the suntali language newspaper in punjabi scripts are one of the most intriguing aspects of India’s linguistic diversity according to the people’s linguistic survey of India 66 different scripts are used most of the language newspaper in punjabi use scripts derived from the ancient brahmi script the oldest readable script of the subcontinent the only one older than the brahmi script is the indus script symbols appearing in inscriptions that date back as far as 5500 years ago but it’s not known whether this is an actual script or just a set of pictorial symbols devanagari.

This is the most widely used script in India it’s used for hindi and a number of other modern language newspaper in punjabi and is also widely used for sanskrit the gujarati script was developed from deva nagari and is used for writing gujarati the bengali script derived from deva nagari and is used for writing bengali and sometimes meite the assamese script is nearly identical to the bengali script and is used to write the assamese language newspaper in punjabi the gurmukhi script is used to write punjabi then there are dravidian scripts which also derive from the brahmi script the tamil script is used to write tamil telugu also has its own script and the kannada language newspaper in punjabi has a script that’s very similar malayalam also has its own script.

All of these dravidian scripts are also used to write a number of minority language newspaper in punjabi and sanskrit in their respective regions all of these brahmi-derived scripts are abugida scripts scripts in which vowels are connected to a base consonant and the two can’t be separated even though these scripts all derived from the same source being able to read one doesn’t mean you can read the others without first learning them and that brings me to an important question with all of this linguistic diversity how do Indians communicate with people who speak different native language newspaper in punjabi well my understanding is that in northern India because the indo-aryan language newspaper in punjabi are closely related they can become mutually intelligible through exposure but without exposure their speakers can probably just pick out certain words in the other language newspaper in punjabi many non-hindi speakers can understand hindi through exposure even though they may not be able to speak it very well so if they talk to a hindi speaker then there may be one-way intelligibility or asymmetric intelligibility but if the hindi speaker learns to understand their language newspaper in punjabi through exposure then they may speak to each other in their own language newspaper in punjabi and understand each other but many Indians are multilingual so they might fully communicate in hindi or in the other language newspaper in punjabi or they might communicate in english english becomes even more important when indo-aryan speakers communicate with dravidian speakers since their native language newspaper in punjabi are very different and there may be some pride that prevents them from speaking the other language newspaper in punjabi of course this is also true for the other language newspaper in punjabi belonging to the sino-tibetan and austroasiatic families among others and it’s worth emphasizing that every state or area has many language newspaper in punjabi spoken but one particular language newspaper in punjabi might dominate and be used as a lingua franca and it may not be hindi or english it might be the official language newspaper in punjabi of that state or it might be the most predominant language newspaper in punjabi in that area but many Indians have told me that in general they just tend to spend more time with people who speak the same language newspaper in punjabi as them the question of the day for people from India.

What’s your native language newspaper in punjabi and what other language newspaper in punjabi do you know in what situations do you use them and to people who have visited India assuming you tried to speak english there how well were you able to communicate with people in english leave your answers in the comments below this video if you enjoyed this video be sure to check out the various langfocus social media accounts and once again thank you to all of my wonderful patreon supporters especially these people right here on the screen they are my top tier patreon supporters so many special thanks to them and to everyone thank you for watching and have a nice day you.

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