SCI Free Journal for Computer Science – What Are the Options?

Hey guys welcome to my another video of Journal for computer science series and today I’m going to talk about scopus and SCI free journal for computer science which are linked to the area computer science in my previous video I have talked about journal for computer science from business management if you have not seen that video the link is in the description you can go ahead and check that and today we are going to focus on scopus and SCI free journal for computer science that are based from the area computer science so let’s get started so the name of the first Journal for computer science is forensic science International digital investigation so let’s have a look at this journal for computer science first as usual we’ll go ahead and see if we will go ahead and find the issn number this is the issn number uh we have these three tabs with us one is for the ugcklist file first we’ll find this journal for computer science in the UAV CK list through the issn number it’s not there then we’ll find in the scopus we’ll see if this channel is Corpus indexed yes this is copper’s indexed let’s find some more information about this its publisher is elsewhere it is indexed from 2020 to now uh its sjr factor is 1.230 it publishes the papers for computer science applications and computer science Information Systems okay make sense now let’s find about this on the SCI so this journal for computer science is indexed by scie okay great now let’s go to the website of this journal for computer science if they have given us some any more information so the review time of this journal for computer science is 13.1 weeks and the acceptance rate is 26 great now let’s find out if this journal for computer science is free or not we’ll have a look these at these two things open access options and guide for authors first have a look at the open access so there are two choices that we have first is the gold Open Access where we have to pay the fees by the authors and second is subscription where there is no fees charged for them great and in guide for authors let’s see if we have something important uh what all they want for it okay make sense submission submit your article peer review article structure result discussion all these things abstract graphical abstract so for for in order to submit this in order to submit your paper to this journal for computer science you need to submit a graphical abstract okay I have made a video on graphical abstract you can check it the link will be there in the description Okay so anything else we need to see here okay makes sense now let’s have a look at the second Journal for computer science so the name of the second Journal for computer science is computers and Graphics this is the website of the journal for computer science let’s have a look at first checks first jacket indexing we’ll take the issn number from here first we’ll check in the ugck list it is not indexed in your GCC list okay scope us now computers and Graphics it’s there in the scopus publisher is elsewhere area is computer science signal processing comparison is HCI human inter human computer interaction this is the SDR Factor it is indexed from 82 to present quite old Journal for computer science okay let’s search in the sci indexing web of science indexing it is there in scie great now let’s see if this journal for computer science is free or not or any other information that we have so 3. 1 weeks is the time for first day decision and 5.7 weeks is a time for first review and 1.3 weeks is the time for publication so this is a very less time let’s have a CM Open Access and guide for authors open access options is we have a gold Open Access and then we have a subscription where we do not have to pay any fees okay so this is a free Journal for computer science now in the guide for authors see if we have something so it’s quite same as of the previous Journal for computer science okay so now let’s have a look at the next journal for computer science the third journal for computer science so the name of the third journal for computer science is Journal for computer science of computational science let’s have a look at this also first we’ll check its indexing the first thing then we’ll go on to the next things first in the ugc care list okay in this compass ug secure list is loading it’s not there scopus Journal for computer science of computational science it’s there let’s see what information do we have to give publisher is elsewhere from 2010 to present it computer computer science it’s also of mathematics mathematics theoretical computer science okay let’s have a look at the website and this SCI thing so this is indexed in scie okay what do you have do they have to tell on the website it is 3. 2 weeks for time for first decision 4.6 weeks is the review time and 1.5 weeks is the publication time okay do we have is this Channel free or not let’s have a look okay so here we have two options open access subscription like the previous one so now let’s have a look at the next Journal for computer science that is there for the area computer science so the name of the next Journal for computer science is computer law and Security review let’s have a look at it what information it is giving this is the home page first let’s find its issn and check its indexing first in the ugckl list okay then in the scope us then in the web of science so we were checking about this computer law and Security review okay computer line Security review it is scopus indexed in a from 85 to present quite old Channel publisher is elsewhere this is the issn Computer Science they they publish and in computer so it is indexed in ssci Source social science and citation index okay let’s see any other information that they have for us review time is 8.5 weeks which is little bit more but let’s see okay uh we have to find if it has the free option because 2.7 is the impact impact factor of this channel okay here also we have two options one is the gold Open Access and other is the subscription so let’s have a look at the next Journal for computer science that I have for computer science so the name of the next Journal for computer science is cognitive systems research so let’s have a look at so let’s first see the aims and scope or just first check the indexing let’s see first we will check in the ugck list let’s clear all those the rest of them otherwise it will necessarily show us and now search for our one okay so this is indexed in scopus from 1999 to 2 to 2023 Xavier is the publisher computer science artificial intelligence computer science software okay for SCI it is indexed in scie and ssci both of them okay now let’s find out some information on their home page so they have not given about any time or something like that okay do we have a fees for this channel because five four point five four is the impact factor of this channel okay so here also we have two options um where these are the things okay now let’s go to the next Journal for computer science which is based for the area computer science so the name of the next Journal for computer science is Big Data research so as the name says it is linked to the areas of big big data let’s first check it about its indexing not indexed in ugc care list scopus it’s there Big Data research it’s from 2014 to present publisher is elsewhere computer science Information Systems computer science applications for 0. 994 is the scjr factor and then it is indexed in scie okay great now let’s find out some things on the home page they have also not given much information about the time that they take in order to publish so at your own risk it has two options one is the Open Access and sub subscription so you can go for subscription type and choose to not pay any fees so now let’s go ahead to the next Channel which is linked to computer science so the name of the next Journal for computer science is Elsa journal for computer science of Science and Engineering so let’s see what this journal for computer science has to say first we’ll see the price policy that is there on the home page itself then we’ll see the indexes okay where is the issn okay first let’s see the price policy no fees charged from the author or institution under any name great indexing they have told us for scopus okay but we’ll check in aux three of them we’ll copy the issn first we’ll check in ugc ugc it’s not there then we’ll check in scope bus so or else is there but it shows Open Access I don’t know why from 2020 to present publisher is this is the IES session number let’s confirm this three seven three six two one four eight three seven three six okay so it publishes. Of computer science engineering chemistry chemical engineering physics and astronomy okay let’s check in a cie so it’s not inject indexed in scie it’s only scopus indexed now let’s see what they have told about the aims and scope of this Channel and the author guidelines we’ll see some things here also aims and scope is this okay ethics peer review and what is the author guidelines author guidelines they have given a word template copyright form all these things okay wait but I will suggest you to First we have this contact number here okay I will first suggest you to email to this editor editor and see if there are two editors in Chief email to this editor and confirm that if they are not going to take any fees okay so in this video I have told you about six to seven journal for computer science which are linked to computer science I hope this video would have been useful for you if this has been give it a like give a like to this video and share it amongst your friends or those who are doing in their phds in the field of computer science and also subscribe to this channel learning with chandan thank you so much.

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