Global Research Letters

How to write ajournal Article That Meets the Scope of Your Key Message

Hi everyone welcome to our engineering research journal, journal of engineering research article writing for stem subjects.

I’m jillian i’m a learning advisor with academic skills and just to remind you that stem stands for science technology engineering and mathematics so if you’re in one of those disciplines this is the right place for you to think about engineering research journal, journal of engineering research article writing and how to prepare for engineering research journal, journal of engineering research article writing and see it through the process to submitting to a engineering research journal, journal of engineering research we also have another um another session called publishing in engineering research journal, journal of engineering researchs that goes along with this one so make sure you look out for that session as well okay so first of all thinking about your answer to these questions what article are you working on right now perhaps you’re not working on a engineering research journal, journal of engineering research article and you just want to know about the process that’s fine but do be thinking about um you know your general thesis project what article might be one of the first ones you write based on which experiment you’re going to be doing first of all or you know one of the aims of your project and therefore what um one of your articles might be about how you fulfilled one of those aims so you can kind of imagine what one of your articles would be as part of a thesis you might have three to four or five engineering research journal, journal of engineering research articles if you’re doing a thesis by publication so be thinking about that scope and how you might be breaking up your thesis findings into those three or four or five articles and be discussing that in conjunction with your supervisor okay so be thinking about that article that scope that range um that’s going to meet the sort of scope and range expected of your of a of a engineering research journal, journal of engineering research you don’t want to do put your entire thesis into one engineering research journal, journal of engineering research article so it’s going to be thinking about how to break that down into a sizable chunk that meets the standard scope of a engineering research journal, journal of engineering research article and we’ll discuss that a bit more with some of the examples coming up i also want you to think about what makes an excellent engineering research journal, journal of engineering research article what is it that you think makes a really excellent engineering research journal, journal of engineering research article some answers that i’ve heard from previous students in this stem workshop it has been that the language is really clear and direct and concise and so how does the language get that way how do we get clear and concise and direct language that comes from having a really clear idea of what you want to say and how to get straight to that point but if you’re not sure what you want to say then you can certainly write you know meandering way using lots of words and not really getting to your point so that’s what we’ll really be talking about how to get to that key message is what we call it and how to support that throughout the expected sections of your engineering research journal, journal of engineering research article so some things to think about there and another thing to think about is what comes first the engineering research journal, journal of engineering research or the article the chicken or the egg that classic kind of question um and the answer is really that both should be kind of happening simultaneously you obviously can’t find a engineering research journal, journal of engineering research and submit to it without having an article in mind already you’re already going to have your basic topic in mind your basic area of research and some ideas as to what that key message might be for that article but you also can start composing a whole article in whatever way you want that you think you know meets the needs of your key message and then go out and search for the art for the engineering research journal, journal of engineering research that’s going to fit what you’ve done you have to actually think about pretty much what your main point of the article is going to be and that you have to go out and find the best engineering research journal, journal of engineering research that fits you know for a variety of reasons that will go over but you’ve got to target a particular engineering research journal, journal of engineering research and write for that engineering research journal, journal of engineering research thinking about their formatting thinking about their referencing style thinking about how they display their methods and graphs thinking about how the word count of the entire article of the whole section of the various sections how they maybe they combined the results and discussion section maybe they do a number of different things and you do have some options but you want to target that engineering research journal, journal of engineering research first of all before you go ahead and compose a whole article and then try to find an exact match somewhere out there that’s not typically going to work in your favor so you want to think about what your key message is and then go ahead and very quickly target that engineering research journal, journal of engineering research that’s going to best suit your key message and best suit your goals of where you want to be published where you want your work to be seen and by what audience you want to see your um who you want to see your work so um like i’ve been saying there is great support for the idea that you need to have a specific engineering research journal, journal of engineering research in mind before you start writing the actual article we can often send papers to inappropriate engineering research journal, journal of engineering researchs if we write it first and then just send it off the way it is and say oh i think this engineering research journal, journal of engineering research fits and then sends it off that would often lead to a desk rejection which i’ll talk about soon but targeting what’s the best fit how are you going to decide which engineering research journal, journal of engineering research to send yours to you probably have a lot of ideas already but some more ideas would be to obviously ask your supervisors ask your colleagues where are they sending their work to what what might be a good fit for you um what are some authors and scholars you admire and where do they publish those um you know scholars that you follow on twitter or google scholar or something and take note of where they publish look at past papers you admired that are those seminal texts for you and where are those um published and can you think about publishing there as well look at editorial boards your you know if your favorite scholars are on some of those editorial boards that might be a good indication a really good suggestion is to join listservs of your field your discipline there’s got to be some kind of associations for your discipline your sub discipline a kind of cross discipline a sub field of yours something like that and they announce special issues sometimes for their engineering research journal, journal of engineering research that’s associated with their association and it’s a little bit easier to get into a special issue so if that special issue if you’re lucky enough that it does suit your topic then there’ll be less submissions to a special issue because there’ll be less people who will be able to fit that will be eligible to um you know submit on that particular subject or topic so it’s a you have a better chance and you want to be aware of those special issues coming up so you can prepare and plan those particular articles you need to check the aims and scope that’s going to really tell you whether or not your article your plan for an article will fit that particular engineering research journal, journal of engineering research and another good suggestion that people don’t often think of is to see if there are any issues or debates you can contribute to within that engineering research journal, journal of engineering research so looking at the last couple issues maybe they’ve been having a kind of ongoing issue or debate or discussion about a particular problem that you can then weigh in on and that’s another way to have an in and to show that you’re a real fan of the engineering research journal, journal of engineering research that’s very positive for an editor to see and then say yeah but this looks really good pass that on to our peer reviewers right away to see if we can get this published in the engineering research journal, journal of engineering research and then you want to think about your realistic um like your strategy do you want to go for the top engineering research journal, journal of engineering research right away what is the likelihood there i can’t tell you the answer to that i don’t i want you to be optimistic i don’t want you to be overly optimistic and disappointed i want you to be efficient with your strategy and that’s something you have to come up with yourself so what is your strategy are you gonna go um sometimes it’s hard to tell what is a high level what is a mid-level something to you might be a high level and to someone else it might not really be um so you know try to get an understanding of what actually is a high level engineering research journal, journal of engineering research based on those various um ways of determining that the impact factor and things like that but also you know thinking about what your supervisors say what you can figure out maybe on twitter or something like that about the general reputation of the engineering research journal, journal of engineering research you may have like a little bit of a wrong idea an exaggerated idea of the engineering research journal, journal of engineering research and it might be not as hard to get into as you might imagine it is or you know the other way around so you want to try to get a realistic understanding of this engineering research journal, journal of engineering research and how difficult it is to get in and you know strategize accordingly is it worthwhile to format your whole paper in relation to this engineering research journal, journal of engineering research’s requirements and you know possibly get rejected and waste you know quite a bit of time if it goes to peer reviewers things can take quite a while for you to get an answer and a response when you could have been you know then formulating how to um change your strategy and submit to a different engineering research journal, journal of engineering research instead in the meantime so think about what is the most efficient strategy for you okay sorry um i just want to show you this so if you follow this link and these slides are in our hdr academic skills waddle site for 2021 so you can find this link there and all these slides but if you follow this link here’s another way to get some ideas for engineering research journal, journal of engineering research articles that you um for engineering research journal, journal of engineering researchs that you may not have thought of so if you pop your title in there when i do this as an example i pop in an abstract that i wrote and it comes up with some pretty good ones that are quite close in my field some that i hadn’t heard of so it’s worth a shot thinking about um this computer generated suggestions of what engineering research journal, journal of engineering researchs might fit your topic okay so also thinking about your targeting and your strategy be thinking about what editors and reviewers are looking for so they’re broadly looking for how well your key message fits the engineering research journal, journal of engineering research and how novel it is how novel are your findings um and do they make a contribution to the field a lot of papers are desk rejected so they come to the editor and then um the editor says no i’m not going to send these out for peer review and the reason often is because they feel it doesn’t make a contribution of the impact of the engineering research journal, journal of engineering research so you’ve got to think about the audience of the engineering research journal, journal of engineering research you’ve got to think about how to determine that as best you can who are the readers of this engineering research journal, journal of engineering research who is this for it should say in the aims and scope it should say somewhere in the engineering research journal, journal of engineering research itself when you read articles within the engineering research journal, journal of engineering research who do you feel like is being addressed is it being written to someone like you in your field are they explaining things that you already know are they explaining some things you didn’t know and maybe it’s got a wider audience or a little bit of a you know overlap with what you do and it’s kind of in a little bit of a new field for you you’ve got to make those determinations and then hopefully make the right fit there for what is going to match that engineering research journal, journal of engineering research’s readership and think about those audiences okay so it’s not just your thesis where it goes to a panel and they have to read it and they’re already going to be a good match in terms of a reader and an assessor this is totally different where it’s you know could be a very different readership and you’ve got to think about who are these readers what do they need to know to understand my key message on one side and in another sense you know is this a fit would these readers be interested in what i have to say in my findings and the significance of what i’ve done you want to find readers who are interested um in what you’ve found and what you’ve done and so that all goes into targeting a engineering research journal, journal of engineering research okay so again like i’m saying you could get desk rejected that’s obviously something to avoid you could fail the technical screening in terms of um it’s not formatted correctly you didn’t follow the rules that were stated it’s not within those aims and scope of the engineering research journal, journal of engineering research you didn’t make the right assessment there or they think the topic is not significant um the findings are too minimal um it’s already been done before um this or the standard of writing is too low so we want to avoid that of course so the first thing to do to avoid any of that and to ensure as best you can some successful publication experiences is to be clear about what you want to say that’s how you can get to that concise clear direct straightforward language like many of you like in the engineering research journal, journal of engineering research articles that you read um you know that’s how they’re able to do that because they’re really clear those authors who have been published about what they want to say so how can you be really clear about what you want to say you’ve got to know like i’ve been saying this term key message you got to know what that is um content of your article and they reinforce and support your key message like with any academic writing a engineering research journal, journal of engineering research article is no different than an academic essay in academic scientific report um a critical essay anything in academia is persuasive and has a key message engineering research journal, journal of engineering research articles are no different so what is that key kernel that key takeaway that you want your readers to remember that it would be of interest to that engineering research journal, journal of engineering research’s editor and to the engineering research journal, journal of engineering research who represents the engineering research journal, journal of engineering research’s interests so would it be of interest to them you have to make that judgment okay so more examples of a key message character compatibility analysis highlights uncertainty about the deep structure of the human mitochondrial reference tree.

Okay so giving us um you know they found something about character compatibility through an analysis what are those factors okay so getting a sense trying to find then the key messages of the engineering research journal, journal of engineering researchs that you’d be considering and thinking about what is that scope how might you match that scope in terms of your own key message that you can compose okay so now is the time when you can think about writing your own key message um writing it down in those one or two sentences what do my results say what do they mean in their context what are my results what do they mean taking that bigger picture look so i suggest you might stop now and write that down okay but moving on then to more specifics about the engineering research journal, journal of engineering research article writing process thinking about your titles, the implications significance so that’s what you want to hit when you’re thinking about your abstract i’m sure you guys have written abstracts before but when we’re thinking about submitting to a engineering research journal, journal of engineering research we want to make sure we’ve got it all covered and get back to those basics as well so we can oh sorry we can have a look at this here so have a little read of this abstract broader the way that they’re framing the implications of their findings okay so moving on to then structure so we’ve thought about um targeting a engineering research journal, journal of engineering research we’ve thought about indicating finding locating composing your key message your results plus your significance we’ve talked about creating um a good title and thinking about an abstract that’s going to reflect all the moves of your paper you don’t have to write your abstract first of all but good to see an encapsulation of what um your engineering research journal, journal of engineering research article will be and how you will um shrink that down to those points to submit as part of your um submission you’re abstract so thinking about the whole structure of your paper then once you have your key message you can start thinking about how am i now going to structure this so of course for you guys you’re going to have to check just in case your work edges into other fields that are made perhaps outside of stem or something unique within stem that doesn’t use the general structure here but most of you would be doing the imrad introduction methods results discussion that does make things a bit easier for you guys in humanities and social sciences they don’t do that as much and they have more freedom but with that freedom comes a lot of decisions that make things a little bit more difficult to figure out the best way to proceed to support the key message so it’s nice to have things set out like this for most of you for the most part so this is um from an example paper and we’ll just put down here um their structure their sections so we can see they’ve got their introduction and then they’ve got they don’t necessarily write for this engineering research journal, journal of engineering research methods they’ve got more of a descriptive section titles that then go ahead and describe their methods themselves where they’ve manufactured the heat pipe and they’ve got their experimental setup and their subsection so you want to be looking at your target engineering research journal, journal of engineering research examples to see how they’ve set up their sections and what their what the options are for you in terms of that freedom to create your own sections how many sections what’s pretty standard in terms of those expectations and they’ve got results and discussions together where they talk about those different findings and what they mean in those subsections and again with the simulations and what happened there those results and what they mean and their summary and conclusions another one is much shorter the one we already saw abstract intro chronology experimental design discussion keeping it more simple for a totally different engineering research journal, journal of engineering research so how to decide your key message is going to determine that you’re going to need to look at your target engineering research journal, journal of engineering research and you’re going to need to consider your reader’s needs so if it’s a readership that is unfamiliar will be quite unfamiliar with your experimental design whereas maybe another readership would be very familiar but the engineering research journal, journal of engineering research you’ve chosen they would be unfamiliar you know you want to think about how to explain it more in depth but still be really concise you know these you are writing to intelligent people who are in a certain field i have certain expectations of that engineering research journal, journal of engineering research you mention your aims again and say wait are those different aims what’s going on here aim for that consistency so you want to be able to look at your sample engineering research journal, journal of engineering research and compare those introductions and conclusions and see where they’re how they’ve done it how are their messages consistent hopefully they are um and it ties in all that they’ve said above about this time in history about this magnetic record about the red clay area it all comes together there in the final paragraph so think about how you might look at your own target engineering research journal, journal of engineering research their introduction three four five paragraphs what are they doing in those paragraphs how are they moving through those typical moves of an introduction and how can then you do something similar not using the same words but saying okay this paragraph is all about context how do they move from broad context into more narrow context and that’s something you’ve got to learn and develop um through spending that time and the more time you spend on it now the easier it’s going to be going forward okay and then we talked about you know abstract intros conclusions reinforcing the key message now we’ve gotten to the conclusion where you might have a separate section that’s a conclusion that’s one paragraph two paragraphs something like that you might have just a paragraph tacked on to the end of your discussion or results and discussion section depending on what your target engineering research journal, journal of engineering research does or what you think is best if it’s more open but you do want to summarize restate your key findings and broaden out again the implications or future directions so we can see in this example we’ve got some summary in the purple and then broadening out this new hypothesis is consistent with the importance of southern hemisphere processes for present day monsoon dynamics and previous interpretations of course near asian monsoon changes i’m living on orbital time scale so we’re getting wide again talking about monsoon changes on millennial and orbital time scales we’re broadening out we can understand that it’s consistent with other findings um and interpretations looking more broadly at what those bigger ideas and interpretations and findings are okay but looking at your own conclusions for your target engineering research journal, journal of engineering researchs to figure it out for yourself as well so then pedaling back to your results so you can write your engineering research journal, journal of engineering research article in whatever order that you want and obviously we’ve skipped a order as well talking about introduction then conclusion um you could write it that way you can write whatever order you want but in order to find out what your key message is you’ve got to think about at least your results right and what are those um what are those big overall results that are interesting that make a contribution that’s what you want to form your key message around and then that’s what your whole paper will be formed around when you think about your results then you’re thinking about those big results that you found that you’ve highlighted in your abstract in your intro and then you want to highlight them again in the beginning of your results section thinking about then what supports those big findings how what do i include that shows um that i’ve you know interpreted these results correctly um and including those figures and tables where those results can be found you don’t need to say absolutely everything that you’ve done it’s got to be the things that support those overall results that you indicate in your key message so some ideas about a verb tenses um it’s good to get your head around use it when to use the different tenses so for academic writing you do want to use the simple tense range so that’s a load off to just focus mainly on simple past and simple present um as well as modal verbs as you see in the in in this slide but using past tense for things that you’ve done um what you did and what you found you want to use the past tense but present tense you also need to use and you just need to think about the context that’s for always true situations for your findings uh we’ve talked about like constant truths if you’re that’s part of your context inexperienced programmers need to use simple language that’s always true that needs to be present this graph shows the graph is always going to show it no matter who looks at it when it’s always going to show what you’ve said it shows and then modal verbs to comment on the strength of your results and your commitment to your ideas and findings it may be related to um as opposed to you know something stronger like these results show that’s stronger than this result may be related to so thinking about how strong you can be in your verb choice will you choose a modal verb or will you choose a stronger verb to more directly say there is you know these results show this okay figures and tables you want to think about how you can you know create these tables or figures or graphs whatever it is so you can make your point really clear and prominent and stand out very easily and quickly to your reader and they could stand alone you know you want to think about what point do you want to make how can you make that the most obvious and clear to your reader so maybe you want to use that shading to make the weight stronger for the line you want the reader to focus on we need it to look really clean and clear not cluttered label accesses really clearly and descriptively you might want to just highlight the key point in your title for that figure and make it really clear x increases as y decreases instead of the effect of x on y be consistent with that style don’t duplicate and um you know think about what’s the most important between elements and how you can best show that relationship okay the discussion section i think that’s another tricky one well we’ll have um a bit more of a focus on your discussion i think along with the introduction you will probably agree the discussion is also a difficult one more challenging not as straightforward we didn’t even talk about methods because that’s quite straightforward in terms of um writing down what you did results are pretty straightforward as well in terms of writing what you found and you’ve got to think about a bit about the order what to include and how to have the best clearest charts and tables but beyond that the discussion part is a bit of a challenge for a lot of readers um for a lot of writers hopefully not for your reader so what to include in your discussion you’ve got to reference the main point of your study review those important findings explain how your findings aligned with your intro where you’ve you know addressed the research question fulfilled your aims explain how your findings are supported or not supported by the literature so in what ways do you align and are they similar in what ways are they inconsistent or different and why is that the case you’ve got to come up with the kind of interpretation of why that might be what limitations there were um all studies no matter how intricate comprehensive long they are have limitations so what are yours and what would that mean for the study what are the implications of the study in general and what are your recommendations for future research those are some notes to hit you of course want to look at your target engineering research journal, journal of engineering research to see do they hit all these notes what did they do what did they go through the longest bit of your discussion will be that explain how findings are supported or not supported by the literature that’s going to be the bulk of it so here’s some ideas some questions to generate ideas to help you to write your discussion if you’ve not really written a good discussion before you’re not happy with them you might want to just sit with these questions and write down your answers in more of a free flow than saying oh dear i’m writing my discussion now i’ve got to like make this perfect right away think first about opening yourself up to your answers to these questions and how that might eventually make its way into your nice um publishable discussion so thinking about that what is the relationship between your results and your aims do they match um did they answer your aims was your hypothesis supported why or why not just write it down in plain language as you’re trying to form generate ideas how do your results relate to the wider field think about what what that could do what do your results mean what is most important out of your findings what was confusing about your results what was surprising about what you found um what are those connections to concepts in literature you found something similar to this you found something not similar to that why is that the case um explain that agreement and disagreement what are those limitations what are the implications just kind of come up with lots of ideas and then think about what are the best ones that you can then add into your actual draft what are some recommendations based on your findings for future research okay so thinking about this pyramid um for your whole essay right you’re going to have to start for your whole engineering research journal, journal of engineering research article you’re gonna have a key message structure paragraphing expression and then for each section you might also think i’ve got a key message for this section for my intro this is my key message for my methods this is my key message but these are the best methods to have used for my results this is my key message these are my overall results and i’m going to support that for your discussion you’ve got a key message which is your overall interpretation of what your results mean and their broader relevance and then you know your structure is based on that key message that you come up with for your discussion as well as then you’re paragraphing leading your reader through that articulation of what your results mean and um and how you met your various aims okay and then you’re thinking about the sentence level then you can worry about that and how you’re best supporting your paragraphs and structure and key message and go back up the inverted pyramid so there’s some now i’m i just took from one of our wonderful professors matthew brookhouse um one of his papers he’s in the venice school and um have a look at these topic sentences and see if you can follow the narrative just by reading these topic sentences and that’s ultimately what you want to do to be able to maybe first of all write out your topic sentences so that they form a clear narrative of your discussion and then you can think about filling in those paragraphs so have a little look there as you can see we’ve got the bolded words that um their findings support their first hypothesis and then their next findings or another element of their findings because from the same table support the second hypothesis so more findings their variation was negatively related and then the next one is about supporting the third hypothesis and then the fourth one is you know a little bit more hedging may partially explain and then the last one was not significantly related okay so we’ve got some you know it’s in order of the hypotheses as well as the strength of the findings whereas we get the you know the least um compelling findings at the very end so that’s one example to look at you might want to pull out the topic sentences of your target engineering research journal, journal of engineering researchs discussion see how they frame the relationship between their findings and um other research or their findings and you know what that potentially means okay so we’ve got a few i think um some paragraphs from the example engineering research journal, journal of engineering research article and you want to be thinking about in general when you read example engineering research journal, journal of engineering research paragraphs that are more fitting to your target engineering research journal, journal of engineering research you want to ask yourself these questions how do they review their most important findings how did they explain them how do they approach their limitations how do they recommend future research what verbs do they use to demonstrate the strength of their claims you want to look at pull all that apart when you’re reading like this you’re not just reading for the content you’re trying to read for how they wrote it how did they move through all of these elements that they need to put into a discussion or an intro or whatever it is and how did they make it clear or if you you know you read it you get an impression wow this is really clear and straightforward then you want to think how did they do that it wasn’t magic how did they do that um what words did they use what sentences did they use what topic sentences did they use in order to create that effect in you the reader and how can you then adopt some of those principles to create that effect in your readers okay so just looking at some of my examples here i’ve got where the author explains their results and their reasoning for those explanations whether they situated their findings would they lead the reader through the content and where they point to future research based on the paper’s findings so you could do whatever you want to do do your own color coding have a little strategy for figuring out how they do the various things they do in their discussion paragraphs so we can see there they support the first hypothesis uh lead the reader through the content with transitional phrases that is if so unfortunately in the blue giving us their stance their attitude leading us through keeping us on track and clear about what they’re discussing situate their findings within the literature um the results are consistent with we see that in that example and um you know their future research could not be tested and also reflect i guess that’s the top one sorry explain the author’s results may also reflect increased forbe could not be tested so explaining their results okay so that was my thinking there um you might have your own strategy for how to think about breaking down the discussion and learning from how the author has moved through the various elements needed in a discussion and there’s another one supports the second hypothesis where they’re explaining their results broadly comparable negatively related may reflect appears to reduce so they’re always letting us know their findings and their commitment to those findings leading us through however at the same level and they’re comparing is consistent with ludwig and conway um significantly lower suggest that grazing may be less intense compared to something else okay so putting it in conversation with other findings and making those explanations for whether findings are similar and different so do have a look at your own sample discussions and thinking about your subheadings if they are included in your target engineering research journal, journal of engineering research you want to think about how they move the reader through your content align with what stated in the introduction try to be specific and not too general your subheading tells us what’s coming up to follow so we don’t want to think it’s going to be like an encyclopedia entry all about the particular disease that you’re working on we want it to be much more specific than that um and introduce a significant element of the key findings if you can particularly with your discussion so thinking about then at the paragraph level how can you ensure your sentences flow having that topic sentence will help that’s your controlling idea and then how can you make sure all of your sentences connect to that controlling idea and then our coherent flow from one to the next and that’s a later stage once you’ve got um the basics down of your key message and structure then you can think about how is your paragraph going to best work okay so here’s a good i think a good table of the verbs and the strength level that you might pull from to say oh yeah i feel really strongly i’m going to use this kind of verb oh i feel um less strong i’m going to use this kind of verb suggests may affect appears getting weaker all these are fine you just want to think about the right one to match your findings in its relationship to the other literature okay so you want to make sure all of your sections are linked to your key message that’s nothing is very different you haven’t gone off topic um and that you’re using sign posting and cohesive devices to help you make those links right and so we’ve got those um sorry i’ll just go back but we’ve got those here those that’s what we’re talking about your transition words your cohesive devices whatever you want to call them i’m sure you could call up your own list on google as well but we’ve got them here sorry and these really help the reader follow through follow along with what you’re saying okay so sorry i’ll go back okay so it is good to know paragraph structure a lot of students write something that’s far too long or far too short so i want to keep a nice uniform digestible size paragraph of 150 to 200 words with your clear topic sentence like i’m talking about before analysis and evidence and concluding a linking sentence not underdeveloped not overstuffed and not missing your topic sentence okay so here’s our model paragraph have a read through this on your own time think about the topic sentence and how they’ve really followed through throughout the paragraph looked at those okay factor in that time for editing and proofreading and think about this publishing checklist sorry and make sure you can check all these off before submitting and then think about this peer review process where you know you might fall being ready for rejection being ready for revisions and um hopefully getting ready for that final acceptance okay.

Here’s a list of additional resources particularly the cargo one i recommend and please come see us at academic skills you can book in online just type in academics a new academic skills appointments and you can book in with a learning advisor someone like myself and we can help you give you some um individualized advice about your um draft and your um target engineering research journal, journal of engineering research if that’s helpful to you so best of luck with your engineering research journal, journal of engineering research article writing.

Researchers who want to create a journal paper that clearly conveys their main idea can find great value in global research letters. Creating a journal article that adheres to the parameters of your main message necessitates meticulous organisation, crystal-clear communication, and in-depth knowledge of the subject. Global research letters, which offer illustrations of successful journal articles, advice on best practises, and professional commentary on manuscript draughts, can assist with all of these areas.

Researchers can ensure that their journal article fulfils the breadth of their core message and is in line with the most recent research by using global research letters to acquire insights about the most recent trends and best practises in their field. Also, worldwide research letters can connect researchers with subject-matter specialists who can offer insightful comments on early publication draughts, ensuring that their main idea is expressed succinctly and effectively. Researchers can improve the chances that their journal paper will be published and have a substantial impact on the field by making use of these tools. Global research letters can ultimately assist researchers in producing journal articles that are both educational and persuasive, contributing to the advancement of information and the calibre of scientific study.

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