How to Write a research Proposal

In this video, we are going to explain what a research proposal is in the context of a typical   dissertation, thesis or academic a research proposal  project. We will unpack the key contents   of the proposal with clear practical examples  so you can craft a convincing proposal. Now   if you are new to the oftentimes intimidating  world of academic a research proposal be sure to hit that   subscribe button for loads of plain language,  actionable advice. Also if you are working on   a dissertation or thesis proposal grab our free  proposal template along with chapter templates   for the rest of your project. You can find  the links to those down in the description. So what exactly is a research proposal? Well, a research proposal is simply a structured, formal   document that explains what you plan to a research proposal.  In other words a research proposal topic tells us why it is worth  researching and how you plan to investigate it.  So basically your methodological approach. As   with all things a research proposal related it is useful to  first understand the purpose the proposal serves   its job so to speak. The purpose of the a research proposal  is to convince a research proposal supervisor   or university that your study is suitable  given the requirements of the degree programme   and manageable given the time and  resource constraints you will face.   The most important word here is convince.  Your proposal needs to sell a research proposal   idea to whoever is going to approve it. If  it does not convince them you will need to   revise and resubmit. That will cost  you valuable time which will either   delay the start of your project or eat  into its time allowance. Either way,   it is bad news so you want to aim for a rock-solid  proposal that gets approved the first time around.   So what exactly goes into the proposal? Well, as  I mentioned you need to cover the what, the why   and the how of your planned a research proposal. So let  us dig into each of those a little deeper. Number one the what. First up your proposal research needs to clearly articulate a research proposal topic.

This needs to be specific and unambiguous stating exactly what you plan to a research proposal and in what   context. Here is an example of a well-articulated  topic. An investigation in proposal research into the factors which   impact female gen Y consumers’ likelihood  to promote a makeup brand to their peers,   a British context. As you can probably see this  topic is extremely specific. From one line we can   see exactly what is being investigated, factors  that make people promote a brand of makeup,   who it involves, female gen Y consumers  and in what context, the United Kingdom.   So make sure that a research proposal provides  a clear explanation of a research proposal topic.   Ideally, you should express your topic in the  form of a research proposal aims, objectives and a research proposal   questions but in some cases, these will only be  finalised following a comprehensive literature   review so check with your university what their  expectations and norms are. Also, be sure to   check out our video explaining a research proposal aims and  objectives if you are unsure how to craft these. Number two the why? Clearly articulating your  a research proposal topic is the first step but justifying   that topic is just as important. Specifically, you  need to explain how a research proposal will be unique   and how it will contribute something new to the  existing literature, what gap in the current   literature will it fill? If it is just a lazy  rehash of existing a research proposal it is probably not   going to get approval it needs to be fresh. But  originality alone is not enough you also need   to justify why your proposed topic is valuable  or important. In other words what value will it   add to the world if you manage to find the answers  to a research proposal questions? For example, sticking   with the topic we mentioned earlier factors  impacting makeup brand advocacy in this case   identifying the relevant factors would be really  useful to marketers in the cosmetics industry and   would therefore have commercial value.

So when you  are crafting a research proposal remember that   it is not enough for a topic to simply be unique  it needs to be useful and value-creating and you   need to convey that value in your proposal.  By the way, if you are struggling to find a   a research proposal topic that meets these criteria check  out our video covering how to find a high-quality   a research proposal topic. Right, let us look at the final  essential ingredient for a winning proposal research. Number three the how? Of course, it is all good  and well to have a great topic that is specific   original and valuable but you are not going  to convince anyone to approve it if it is not   practical. So a research proposal needs to  detail your intended methodological approach.   Here are some important questions you will  need to address. Will you take a qualitative or   quantitative approach, will your time horizon be  cross-sectional or longitudinal, who or where will   you collect data from, how will you collect your  data? For example, interviews, surveys etcetera,   how will you analyse your data, for example,  qualitative content analysis, statistical analysis   etcetera. While it is not generally expected that  you will have a fully fleshed-out a research proposal design   at the proposal stage you will need to provide at  least a high-level view of your approach so that   your institution can assess its viability. So make  sure you give some thought to the practicalities   of a research proposal and have at least a basic  understanding of a research proposal design before you start   writing up your proposal research. By the way, if some of this terminology sounds like gibberish to you   check out our a research proposal methodology 101 video.  The link is in the description as always. All right so let us recap. A a research proposal  is a formal document that explains what you   will a research proposal, why it is worth a researching  and how you plan to investigate it. Now,   remember different universities and programs  will have varying requirements in terms of how   much detail they expect in a proposal  so be sure to follow their guidelines.

You can also check out our video that explains how to write a a research proposal   step by step and grab our free proposal research template.  I will include links to those below. If you   enjoyed the video please hit that like button  and leave a comment. For more videos like this   check out the Grad Coach channel and subscribe for  plain language actionable a research proposal tips and advice   every week. Also if you are looking for one-on-one support with your proposal research be sure to check out   our private coaching service where we hold your  hand throughout the a research proposal process step by step.   You can learn more about that and book a  free initial consultation at

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