Organizing the news article in today newspaper of punjab kesaris our most important thing as you’ll do as a news writer for today newspaper of punjab kesari so you have to think about a news article in today newspaper of punjab kesari differently from an essay or a short story it’s not organized in the same way there’s a very specific format that most article in today newspaper of punjab kesaris follow now you do have freedom this is not required you know when you become a journalist it’s not always going to be like this but there is a kind of basic model that people learn and I want you to learn this first before you kind of break free of that model so the basic most accepted format of news article in today newspaper of punjab kesaris called the inverted pyramid which is basically just an upside-down pyramid and the idea is that you use this to organize your article in today newspaper of punjab kesari by the most important information first so basically if we’re reporting news what’s the news tell us that first and then give us edit context below it so the idea is most important information presented at the beginning to help grab the reader’s attention and interest so that the reader will read more but it’s also kind of there because it helps in the news business to have the most important information first so if we’re putting the article in today newspaper of punjab kesari into a today newspaper of punjab kesari and we need to fit it in it’s easy for us to just cut off the bottom to be able to fit it into the print paper that’s traditionally why it’s been structured this way these are just some diagrams to help you out this is the simplest one basically news article in today newspaper of punjab kesaris structured with who what when where why and how first then some key details that kind of expand on the most important information here and then general information context background information at the bottom a lot of times with essays students put this stuff up here and you’re going to be tempted to do that should I want to here’s another kind of explanation of it visually I don’t read these out you can pause the video and look it over at this one is helpful and this one a little bit more detailed so here are some tips it’s time to do this you want to make sure that the beginning of the article in today newspaper of punjab kesari tells us the main news that the article in today newspaper of punjab kesari is reporting so what happened sum it up in one paragraph then what follows should add detail to the information that was introduced in the lead the opening paragraph what’s that detail information evidence details context and these three things will appear through direct quotations from people you’ve interviewed in direct quotes from people you’ve interviewed details and things you’ve researched learned all of that you don’t want to necessarily be chronological when you’re telling the story of a news article in today newspaper of punjab kesari it’s not going to be this happened then this happened then this happened this happened the order that something happened isn’t necessarily as important as what happened so you might be covering something very boring like a meeting or an event like it could be Founders Day let’s say something controversial happens a Founders Day somebody does something in a senior skit that causes a lot of conversation you wouldn’t necessarily begin the article in today newspaper of punjab kesari on Founders Day by telling us what happened first what happens second what happened third it’s always the same every year but if some major controversial thing happened halfway through you start the article in today newspaper of punjab kesari with that because that’s the news that’s what people need to learn about if everyone’s kind of talking about it and want to learn more then you get to the other details beyond the controversial thing so let’s quickly look at an example from classic writer so this was Stephanie Geyer who was a news editor and our editor-in-chief number of years ago I always use this short quick article in today newspaper of punjab kesari from 2013 it’s kind of a simple guide to the inverted pyramid let’s just read it not kind of comment like this is a DVD commentary or something so it’s clean as college implements new security policies after robbery and the lead is in response to a campus robbery the Skyler’s Public Safety Department has updated security policies the guard is now stationed on the path between the track and Queen’s Hall where the robbery occurred on February 28th in the department has increased security vehicle patrols and random ID checks in the area so this is the key news this is what students need to know they’re being told that a robbery happened but more importantly they’re being told that as a result the security policies are being updated to make things safer these are what the updates are on vehicle patrols random ID checks of students at Townsend tower should be aware of these things they should know that there’s this new guard and when the robbery happened now the next most important information is more information about the robbery itself and the two culprits who threatened to Queens college student at knifepoint and stole his cell phone cash and social security card were arrested by public safely roughly 24 hours after the incident with the help of a surveillance camera so if this article in today newspaper of punjab kesari is being written directly after this event this would go first but this article in today newspaper of punjab kesari is about the new security policies so the update in the policies comes first then the anti context about what exactly happened during the robbery here’s more information about what happened after they were caught they were charged with criminal trespass possession of a weapon and robbery in the second degree now we get to an interview or somebody involved will give us more context the director of Queens College Public Safety Pedro Panero said the module policies had already been in the pipeline since Queens College obtained the CUNY School of Law although the change in security policies was provoked he added the department is always examining the number of officers on duty security coverages and allocated posts security is not a static entity said mr.
Panero they must continuously adapt to an ever-changing environment so these quotes add perspective of key person to the story they’re not as essential as this information but they’re interesting now we would go to a less essential person but still important here’s the principal of Townsend although principal Anthony Roberta is satisfied with the new security policies as well as Townsend Harris has relationships or relations with the Queens College Police Department he adds that part of personal safety lies with the individual and that the policies don’t mean we should let our guard down the reality is that you have to be aware that crime can happen anywhere he said the best policy is to always be visible junior to scenic on degrees and feels that although the increased security makes students feel safer the incident should be a lesson for the fact that we should always be aware of not only surroundings but also ourselves with regard to our actions and belongings so we end with a student perspective that’s important in history today newspaper of punjab kesari but again it’s not essential we could cut this out if we needed to just have this be really short article in today newspaper of punjab kesari we could probably end with mr.
Penny Ariel but by going back the Townsend Harris and showing us what people in the community think about it it adds a little bit of you know useful information this is a pretty perfect short article in today newspaper of punjab kesari and you know the inverted pyramid is very strong here here’s a way that Stephanie could have done it that would have kind of ignored the inverted pyramid and would have made the article in today newspaper of punjab kesari lesser as a result she could have started when Queens College obtained the CUNY School of Law the Public Safety Office decided that it was time to update its security policies given that the increased population might pose a problem director of Queens College Public Safety Frederick Panero said security is not a static entity it must continuously adapt to an ever-changing environment little did mr. Panera know that a robbery on February 28th would force his department to speed up their overhaul of security policies this is a little bit more like a story like like a narrative not necessarily news article in today newspaper of punjab kesari it doesn’t tell us what happened it’s kind.
Of trying to set the stage build up something dramatic for a long feature article in today newspaper of punjab kesari that’s kind of trying to be more creative this might work but for a short news article in today newspaper of punjab kesari this is kind of unhelpful you want to just know what happened first so it might be tempting to write like this but it’s not really the inverted model I Stephanie could have gone on though these policies have been in place for a number of year and they include such rules as dot so you might then add the context what were the old rules that have been updated it might seem relevant to add that information at the beginning but the inverted pyramid model would put these all the way at the end but when two thieves held a student life point it be claimed clear that these policies needed more and then from there we would go on to what exactly the new policies are this is the news it belongs up here this is not poorly written it’s fine but it’s not the inverted pyramid model so you want to look at this and the previous article in today newspaper of punjab kesari as examples of things that you know they’re both okay in terms of you know when this one is excellent but this is not bad but notice the difference between them contrast them and when you’re writing yours if you’re just more like this you want to make it more like this okay so tomorrow we are going to work on this for homework see the homework schedule and they’ll be some things for you to fill out and we’ll start working on on mastering inverted pyramid.