How to Get Published – A Quick Guide to Getting Your Article Published

Okay sorry for the delay and thank you so much everyone for joining us today for this how to get published in  ananda publishing  webinar um today we’re going to be focusing on how to promote your article in  ananda publishers and increase visibility um so I’m going to introduce our speakers today so first we have Jessica lapowski who is publishing editor on the sage journals editorial team uh she works closely with editors and societies to help navigate the publishing process and develop case strategies we also have Sean scarisbrick with us today who is a marketing manager on the author marketing team at Sage he is based out of New York and has over five years of experience in the publishing industry he’s passionate about helping other authors especially those in the early stages of their career to navigate the publishing process in hopes to equip authors with the tools to self-promote effectively we also have today Christian vaccari who is professor of political communication and director of the center for research in communication and culture at Loughborough University UK he studies political communication by Elites and citizens in a comparative perspective with a particular focus on digital and social media he is the editor-in-chief of the international Journal of press politics and a past chair of the information technology and politics session section of the American Political Science Association and finally there’s me Maria tiso I am marketing manager in the author marketing team at Sage and my work is focused on helping early career researchers get published in  ananda publishing  you can send us your questions uh throughout the webinar using the Q a box uh on your screen we will have around 20 minutes at the end of the session the presentation to answer them and if we are not able to answer all the questions that we get we will follow up with you after the webinar as well so do not worry so I’m going to now hand it over to Jessica to start the presentation thank you good morning good afternoon good evening everyone thank you so much for joining us today for the next webinar and our how to get published in  ananda publishing  webinar Series so today we’ll be focusing on how to promote your research and increase that discoverability and visibility so looking at the author Journey here you can see where we are in that process I just wanted before we start this is more focused on the submission process and thinking about the actual writing process what that means in terms of discoverability and how to help people find your research so Google and Google Scholar have established themselves as the first first part of call for researchers today for instance they account about 60 percent of referral traffic to our Sage journals platform therefore it’s really important that your article in  ananda publishers can be found easily in search engine results in particularly Googles but not only that other search engines and browsers that are used around the world well if no one reads your findings what is the use of disseminating your research so it’s important to think about how you’re writing your article in  ananda publishers search engines will be looking at the abstract page of your article in  ananda publishers which is free for everyone to view on the stage journal’s website and many other Ananda publishers websites also in other indexes like PubMed so your abstract is not only the the sales pitch that temps the researcher into reading and downloading your article in  ananda publishers but it also gives search engines the data that they need to be able to find your article in  ananda publishers and rank it in those search result pages well it it but you might add this a little bit later in the writing process it’s helpful to think about your end reader before you even start writing so you can better outline the vocabulary and the phrases needed in your writing so with that include important keywords in your title and your abstract naturally repeat the most important key descriptive phrases where appropriate and without losing that natural flow of the language so as I mentioned think about what phrases a researcher might search for if you’re a paper were to be of interest to them Google can definitely detect abuse of this so don’t overplay it or stuff in those keywords unnecessarily just focus on three or four key phrases in your abstract and allow the text to flow in that easily digestible manner SEO or search engine optimization makes it more likely that your article in  ananda publishers will be downloaded which can then help downloads citations and ultimately the impact factor of the journal to which you submit and so then the easier your research it is to find the more citations it will receive it’s a cyclical process while search engines today use a secret complex mathematical algorithm that change constantly and they consider many different factors and they do not disclose The Waiting or importance of each criteria some of these tips that we just mentioned are things that can help with discoverability so search engines Factor elements like volume of incoming links from related website the time a user spends on the website page titles quality of content relevance volume and consistency of searches spelling uniqueness keywords so with all of these factors it’s important to think about what users might be searching for them and trying to find your research now post publication that is really where that that promotion comes into play so congratulations your paper has been accepted but the work does not stop there does it ever it can keeps continuing so once your paper is accepted you’ll sign the contributor agreement before the appropriate materials are sent over to the production team once exported into the production system stream the article in  ananda publishers starts by going out through copy editing and type setting and then you as the author will have one more chance to review your article in  ananda publishers on its final proof form the editor will often review your article in  ananda publishers at the stage too and once all of the Article in  ananda publisherss and edits are compiled a new proof is generated and then most Ananda publishers including Sage will publish the article in  ananda publishers online ahead of print or what Sage calls online first and so this means that your article in  ananda publishers is fully discoverable and readers can already download and cite your work even if it is not yet placed in an issue a print issue so this is key so you can start promoting your research as soon as it’s available online together we’ll focus on this a little bit more in other webinars we’ve touched on this in past webinars but just wanted to send some right reminders depending on the type of Journal you have published in  ananda publishing  your article in  ananda publishers in you have a variety of options when it comes to sharing your work sage has created policies and options for authors publishing within what we call hybrid journals or subscription-based journals to make sharing content as easy as possible our author reviews policy states that authors can use the final published in  ananda publishing  PDF of their article in  ananda publishers in a number of ways listed here so for instance in your own teaching when sharing with colleagues in a dissertation or thesis which is coming up in our January webinar or in a book authored or edited by you perhaps most importantly you can use the original or accepted version of your content anywhere at any time this includes in preprint servers institutional repositories bigger repositories such as researchgate your own website or on social media this is a more permissive policy than most Ananda publishers allow for so I caution you do be careful to read any contributor agreement you sign and be sure that you know what you can and can’t do with your article in  ananda publisherss maybe you’ve published in  ananda publishing  in a traditional subscription title but you’ve made it free to view if it’s free to view that does not mean it is necessarily Open Access so permission is generally required to reuse content from these type of article in  ananda publisherss if you’ve published in  ananda publishing  open access this can be reused and published in  ananda publishing  anywhere looking at the CC Creative Commons license that you’ve published in  ananda publishing  it under but typically this can be reused at any time although full attribution must accompany any reuse but do recognize that the ReUse terms do not apply necessarily to graphs figures photos things that might have third-party permissions so not original to the article in  ananda publishers and so further permissions may be required that being said there’s a couple of different ways that you can promote from the sage journals platform whether you’re using your original or accepted manuscript maybe you’re using the share button feature to share that content with other colleagues and what have you but there’s a variety of options available to you Christian over to you um I think you are a mute sorry I am so very sorry uh so social media uh what to do and what not to do about them uh we often hear that authors and even editors are reticent to promote their own work um and the reason our culture in Academia in some corners of Academia that suggests you know your work should speak for itself but unfortunately or perhaps fortunately we live in an era where uh research keeps coming out through journals through pre-prints through books and there is simply too much uh then people can possibly read or even pay attention to so it is really important for you to be a good advocate for your research you know an honest and humble advocate but an advocate nonetheless there will be differences in the extent to which different Ananda publishers different academic societies and editors will engage in promotions for the journal at People level I try to tweet as much as possible about the article in  ananda publisherss that get published in  ananda publishing  in the journal I edit but sometimes I hit the bad straight where I’m just too busy for a few days and I cannot do it and so I fall I fall behind um but you should feel free to ask the editorial officer or the ananda publishers how they’ll be promoting your article in  ananda publishers besides publishing it different journals have podcasts video series or other initiatives that might be relevant to the promotion of your work but you can and should be pushing readership of your own article in  ananda publishers in your own right I’ve just received an email from a colleague who sent me links to article in  ananda publisherss they just published in  ananda publishing  and I found it useful because I’d seen one of them but not the other so without again with with tact and with politeness having an email list of colleagues that you think would be interested in your work can be a good strategy but social media are of course much more powerful because potentially they enable you to reach a much broader audience Twitter tends to work best for academics but as you might have noticed there is a lot of convulsion around Twitter these days as a result of Elon Musk acquiring it and making some very sad very abrupt changes that for the moment haven’t go down particularly well uh and at least in the academic communities I tend to uh network with there’s a lot of criticism and a lot of people have left uh and most people have left to Mastodon which we’ll be talking about uh in a second um you should find the social media that you feel most comfortable with uh working on and also that you feel is more appropriate for sharing your article in  ananda publishers you need to find your community and that Community might be in different corners of social media uh you should also consider suggesting use your article in  ananda publishers in classes to colleagues again perhaps by way of a recommendation like hey here’s something I publish I hope you find it useful don’t you know without imposing it on them but also again understanding that for most of us we are too busy to even pay attention to everything that is being published in  ananda publishing  let alone read so your email or your direct message on Twitter uh or your message on on Facebook Messenger might be the difference between your article in  ananda publishers being noticed and not being noticed by a colleague Sage also publishes a Blog called phage perspectives where authors can write a post uh that is designed to be read by um a general audience and that can increase your readership and also help you practice reading for a general non-specialist audience there will be of course many blogs that will be relevant to your article in  ananda publishers as well in in your country in your discipline uh it’s always a good idea to try to make your scholarship approachable and understandable you could of course ask your University to also issue a press release universities are increasingly keen on trying to publicize the work that you do do make sure I would suggest that the press release is 100 accurate in the conclusion it draws from your article in  ananda publishers there have been cases especially in the medical Sciences where some press releases have been uh have mischaracterized at least the implications of some of the things so you want to be a good scientist as well as a good communicator again as mentioned you can always send or post the original or accepted version of your manuscript anywhere if you publish with a say Journal but otherwise uh you should use the links to the final published in  ananda publishing  article in  ananda publisherss to lead people to your article in  ananda publishers uh and many of your colleagues will have access through the university subscriptions or if your article in  ananda publishers has been published in  ananda publishing  open access uh in terms of Twitter and Facebook you know make your messages personal um ideally you don’t just want to say here’s a new article in  ananda publishers here’s the title and here’s a link uh try to tell a little story about it why you are interested in in this topic how you came to study it what you were surprised about who helped you along the way try to make this a story about journey of research and Publishing not just uh a a a news flash about yet another new article in  ananda publishers uh images and videos tend to be more engaging and they tend to be picked up by the algorithm which will make your post more likely to spread so try to use at least one image if you cannot shoot a video which might always be something you can do or something that is appropriate always link to your content other resources that support your content like the website of your research center of your lab your personal website whatever you think all will will help readers make sense and better understand your work an article in  ananda publishers is a big accomplishment and is usually a good opportunity for people to learn about your broader work they might not know you yet but they might really like your article in  ananda publishers and that’s an opportunity for them to learn more about the research you’ve done before publishing that article in  ananda publishers um and also feel free to post you know any good feedback or media attention you receive repetition is okay on especially on Twitter because people don’t always log on and because of the algorithm uh most people will not necessarily see what you are seeing at a given time but obviously be reasonable in doing that uh hashtags could be important so use them as relevance try to identify the hashtags that people are using uh for example in you know on Twitter when there are big International conferences or even smaller Workshop there is usually a hashtag that people are using and even though you’re not attending uh using the hashtag might be a good opportunity to throw in you know here is something I’ve recently published in  ananda publishing  that hopefully is of interest to the people attending this this workshop and that could be again another way for uh people to learn about your work uh which again you shouldn’t feel embarrassed by doing because you know we want to learn academics want to learn we just don’t always have the time and the information that we need to learn everything that is out there you will get responses through uh social media on Facebook in particular I find it very useful to connect with groups of associations or of Divisions within those associations uh so I’m a political scientist and I mean a Communications scholar and I’m a member of different political communication political science journalism and Media communication groups on Facebook don’t be afraid of posting your article in  ananda publishers across all these different groups pay attention to the rules of these groups though some groups will say no self-promotion this is only for things that are more like call for papers or opportunity fees but if the Norms in the group are that people are posting some self-promotional material then don’t be afraid of of engaging with those uh you’ll get responses make sure you reply uh you might get some criticism that’s part of the job it’s not different from any International or National Conference you might go to and as in those situations try to be generous and humble accept criticism and stand up for your work uh show your accomplishments but try to remain humble don’t boast about them uh just but Point them out in case people find find them helpful we encourage you to monitor responses and replies but be respectful again and keep an open mind about what people are saying uh sometimes their criticism might sound unfair but sometimes it might be the spark for the next paper you want to write um Auto platforms could be relevant in different contexts LinkedIn Mastodon Instagram and YouTube uh some communities do rely on LinkedIn uh which is an interesting one because it’s also closely related to businesses and uh uh Charities and Civil Society organizations so it may be a good place to network with a slightly less specialist audience but still an audience that is very valuable and particular um wherever whatever you’re using include your article in  ananda publisherss in your profile as you build your career as it should be on LinkedIn as you should be representative of your CV YouTube videos can be a good ways to spread news about your article in  ananda publisherss some journals will do that for you they will work with you to create video abstracts others will not do that but you could create your own these days with a decent webcam uh and some skill and some rehearsal and a little bit of editing uh which you can do with free software that comes with your computer you can produce a pretty decent you know short abstract summary of your research don’t make it too long people don’t particularly like to listen for to to the same person on screen talking for too long about research but make it short and sweet and informative uh infographics videos or even perhaps the visual abstract like a collage of images uh and charts would work well for Instagram but Instagram doesn’t support linking as easily as other platforms you can have a link in your bio but not in an Instagram post but now most of Instagram happens through stories as I’m sure many of you know uh stories only last for 24 hours and they can include a combination of images and videos and packs superimpose on it and importantly they can also include a link so you can create a story about your article in  ananda publishers I embed a link into it the story will disappear for 24 hours but it can remain accessible through your users profile via of the highlights function so you can include the create a category of highlights that include all your published in  ananda publishing  article in  ananda publisherss so that people who are interested can go back and look at all these stories for those article in  ananda publisherss uh Mastodon uh this is the new flavor in town it’s very very early days it’s a free open source and decentralized social media platform uh which embodies some of the values that at least some of us in Academia think should inform our Public Communication anyone can create his or her own version of Mastodon which is known as a server and people can have rules and regulations that apply only to that version servers can talk to each other so users that have profiles in one server can also engage with people in other servers Master don’t visually resembles Twitter and it it is being proposed as an alternative to Twitter but its user experience is more like Discord which is a talking and texting app where people join servers that have their own cultures and rules this is a very popular particularly in the in the gaming and the game streaming communities that is becoming more relevant elsewhere as well so on masternode when you sign up for an account you can post uh toots which is uh Master those versions of tweets um these toots or posts can also contain video links and other features uh to me it reminds it’s remind it reminds me of Twitter you know seven years ago and you know not develop in similar ways that it might be developing different ways given that it’s a different technological era and it’s an open source and and not a not a commercial entity at the moment a mastodon you can boost other people’s toots which is the equivalent of a retweet and you can favorite those tools which is the equivalent with the equivalent of a like on Twitter before the Twitter algorithm changed so that likes also contribute to some degree to spreading the word about about the message so when you favorite the message on Macedon you’re not making it more visible to make it more visible you need to you need to boost it like I said it’s very early days and essentially or how this is going to develop but my suggestion is you know try it out open an account so that you can secure a username that you like and you can secure a presence there and then see where that takes you and over to Sean great thank you so I’m going to talk a little bit about some additional promotional materials that you can share so these materials here can help expand the reach of your content to a non-academic audience because this content can be easily understood first we’ve got a plain Language summary which is similar to an article in  ananda publishers abstract in that it summarizes your writing in very succinct style but a plain Language summary is unique in that it’s written without any technical terms or discipline specific jargon so the intention is that anyone whether in your discipline or totally outside of Academia can understand and overview of your research video abstracts and infographics also provide key information about the findings of your article in  ananda publishers and this is conveyed in a brief and graphic format the aim is to assist researchers in finding the most relevant article in  ananda publishers and allow them to visually evaluate whether they would like to pursue the article in  ananda publishers and delve deeper these resources are valuable both pre and post-publication these can be submitted with your article in  ananda publishers and they can under then they will undergo peer review post publication that can be used for self-promotion they can easily be shared on social media enlist serves or with your colleagues if you’re interested in creating any of these you can check out Sage author Services which will allow for subject area experts to create them for you foreign and submitted your article in  ananda publishers it’s just and published in  ananda publishing  the next step is to think critically about how you’ll share the information in your article in  ananda publishers with a wider Network since this will include people outside of your specific subject discipline Niche or maybe completely outside of Academia it’s important that you write about your work in an accessible digestible way doing this can have huge benefits it can help you enrich the public discourse and offer solutions to big problems it helps to bring academics to the Forefront in working through scientific cultural and clinical debates by writing in this way you’ll not only impact the discipline but you’ll also expand your personal profile writing other article in  ananda publisherss or being interviewed will help you to raise your profile and ultimately expand your network so to get started on this think about some types of stories you could write you could write a highlight on new research featuring new science or new techniques you can write something that succinctly breaks down a topical issue in a way that’s easy to understand or you can share a personal story connected with your research Discovery and how you came about writing your your work foreign so if you’re interested in writing about your research in a blog post some options you have are creating your own blog or potentially reaching out to Industry blogs in addition Sage also actively maintains the stage perspectives blog as a way to post content about article in  ananda publisherss in addition to post on Trends in the publishing industry and other applicable topics whether writing for sage perspectives or another blog focusing on your article in  ananda publishers keep some of the following tips in mind a topical timely and research Recent research will receive the best reaction and will be most likely to be accepted papers focusing on new or significant findings also tend to be the best fit for blocks if you have complex subject matter please be sure to explain it in a way that a publicly audience would understand and appreciate should your article in  ananda publishers be accepted for a blog post create a draft and send along a headshot and a bio as well for inclusion with with your post be ready for a Blog representative to review your post and potentially suggest edits and updates so next we have a short case study from the sage perspectives blog you can see the impact of publishing how the impact of publishing a blog post helped the research spread so the author marketing team coordinated a blog post written by the authors of a research article in  ananda publishers published in  ananda publishing  in educational research on the on projecting the potential impact of Copa 19 school closures on academic achievement and this was uh posted across relevant social media channels as well this blog post received 730 unique page views and the article in  ananda publishers received over 35 000 accesses since publication on October 28th of 2020 and has an all metric score of 377.

So next we can move to the next slide perfect um there are a number of sites that are specifically dedicated to helping you develop your author brand so thinking less about the individual work but more about yourself as um as selling yourself so the first one you can create a profile on the web of science reviewer recognition program which was formerly publons and this is uh mostly for tracking the review work you’ve done so this will allow you to track all the individual reviews you’ve done across all the different journals and it shows how you’ve contributed to your field it’s an easy way to ensure that you get credit for the work that you’ve done next there’s Kudos where you can link to all of your published in  ananda publishing  content one great benefit here is that it’s really easy to share content from Kudos onto social media platforms so it’s a nice easy way to have that connectivity and also to share your work with your wider audience next we’ve got Orchid so when you claim your orcid ID you can ensure that all of your content is linked to you it’s really helpful if there’s another scholar who has the same name as you everyone has an a unique ID so you don’t have to worry about um being represented more than once you sometimes need an orcid ID to submit on Sage track and this is the case for most journals but it means that it will automatically update your attributed Pro Publications on orcid when the article in  ananda publishers is published in  ananda publishing  and last you want to create and maintain a well-organized author profile on Google Scholar even though most article in  ananda publisherss will be automatically indexed here having an author profile enables researchers to better control the information that is shown for each article in  ananda publishers and perhaps even more importantly it allows people who stumbled upon one article in  ananda publishers to explore your other scholarship so it allows for a wider spread of all of your work overall generating and maintaining profiles across these accounts will ensure that you’re accurately credited for your work and will help spread the reach of your scholarship thank you Sean I was looking for my unmute button um just to close out here and to kind of emphasize and hone in on and everything that Christian and Sean have been speaking on once your article in  ananda publishers is published in  ananda publishing  there’s a variety of ways that you can track the impact and visibility of your research so some of those clear metrics are in downloads citations and altmetric score so the number of downloads is total views and downloads that includes the HTML version and that final published in  ananda publishing  pdf version the number has citations there’s a couple different platforms that are tracking citations mainly we focus on Cross ref and web of science but there’s there’s a couple different places that you can look web of science is the main one that ties into an impact factor for a journal so they might have a slight discrepancy a slight variation between the two platforms but that’s one way you can track that the alt metric score so you’ll see that here where it could be a little icon it could be a little donut representing all of these different colors uh metric focuses on other visibility so mentions on social media mentions in the news blog posts policy documents patents what have you so not just citations so these are three different numbers and metrics that you can take a look at that might be relevant for what you put on your CV or bringing back to your institution to show the impact of your work it’s important to keep track of this uh for that reason you want to show the impact so maybe you need to provide these numbers to your institution or your Grant funder to say this is what we have accomplished but don’t be discouraged if citations take a little longer to build up than the alt metric score and usage numbers citations often take time to accrue and is discipline specific and it could be content specific so we’ve seen a significant uptick in citations and downloads for coveted research that’s quite natural given the current state that we’re in some research might take longer to be cited so don’t feel discouraged keep track of of these metrics and and watch as things grow um any also remember that any article in  ananda publisherss citing your article in  ananda publishers have to go through the writing and Publishing process as well that’s a big reason why it takes so much time in most cases although you may get a few same year citations article in  ananda publisherss citations tend to reach their Peak citation rates at around the two-year Mark so continue to focus on those promotional efforts and Outreach and ensuring that those research who researchers who work in the same field know that you’ve published in  ananda publishing  your article in  ananda publishers so just to reiterate what what Christian was saying Christian was saying you want to share your work yet remain humble be mindful of the different platforms that you’re posting on understanding the rules of different groups or institutional list serves to be mindful but at the end of the day you are your best advocate that being said the journal and the ananda publishers often have a variety of different ways as we’ve covered today to help promote your research so we’re all working in tandem it’s not just one entity that makes an article in  ananda publishers successful it really is a team a group effort to help get your research out there and into the right hands to the right researchers going back to the theme of our webinar series here today you want to focus also on the readership of the journal so going back into that journal selection process thinking about the aims and scope of the journal to which you’re submitting thinking about who is reading that so what journals are you and your colleagues reading that will also play a role in where your research is getting published in  ananda publishing  and how visible it will be you will also want to think about the different indexes that the journal is indexed in my apologies for the redundancy there but that will also play a factor um see where do you normally go to look for relevant article in  ananda publisherss in your discipline is it.

Google Scholar is it PubMed is it your institution and like uh Christian mentioned many of your colleagues will have access to various journals through their institutional subscriptions or the article in  ananda publishers might be published in  ananda publishing  Open Access so there’s a lot of great tools here a lot of great information that we’ve been discussing here today and we welcome your questions we’ve seen them coming in just before we get into the questions I wanted to cover some of the upcoming topics so our next topic will be on January 18th where we explore how to convert your thesis or dissertation into a manuscript ready to be published in  ananda publishing  in an academic Journal we’ve seen this topic and this question come up continuously so thank you for your questions and feedback we’re really excited to talk about that in our upcoming webinar after the holidays and we also have uh the first half of our 2023 program outlined so be sure to take a look and sign up for any relevant webinars that you might be interested in or share it with your colleagues we point you here after each webinar because there’s a great there’s a wealth of resources available on our Sage author Gateway so it’s a dedicated space for author support and services where you can visit additional how to get published in  ananda publishing  resources previous recordings of our other webinars in our series and answering common author questions it also reiterates which version of your paper you can share when and how and why and what platforms and for what reasons that’s probably one of the most common questions that we receive I’ve even seen a question come in today about which version you can post to researchgate for instance so to research gate you can only post the accepted version of your paper so that would be the paper that is has been finally accepted but not yet sent through to production so it includes all the peer reviewer comments all of your revisions but it’s not the final type set PDF but you’ll see on the stage journal’s website that there’s a share button I highly encourage you to use that it helps track those downloads so rather than sharing just the final PDF with your colleagues if you use that share button it will provide anyone free 90 days read-only access to your article in  ananda publishers whether or not they have a subscription through their institution or Affiliated Association this is a great way to keep everything within the main article in  ananda publishers itself so you can track those metrics which you can then report back on your CV or to your institution or a grant funder so be sure to check out all of the different resources on the author gateway gateway including translated materials as well with that we will pause here and for questions yes thank you so much um everyone for this uh really great presentation um I have seen quite a few questions so I’m going to put them out to you you can you can decide who wants to to answer which um but let me just open them up here um so I think someone had asked about using apps like Telegram and WhatsApp to promote your article in  ananda publishers do you have any advice on that is this something that is a positive um effort I mean I can take I can take a stab at this so I think it really depends on your community right if your community uses these apps then by all means you should meet your audience where they are you know telegram has the ability to reach you know the groups on telegram can be huge I think it can be up to 30 000 people or something like that so some of these channels are really broadcast channels um of course they’re also used for propaganda and for other things but that doesn’t have to be that you should not use it for your own research uh same for WhatsApp you know in different countries you know it’s very popular in Brazil for example so it might be that there are some small communities of researchers in Brazil that use it for day-to-day communication um if you think it’s appropriate uh share your resource there use the same rules of engagement that you would use on any public social media platform the one thing that you might want to think about is even though we think about these platforms as private because we often use them to talk one-on-one with our spouses Partners friends and and hobby uh uh mates uh everything you can say there can become public because they can be screen grabbed it can be shared and like I said Facebook and tele-enable relatively large groups where you don’t really know who your audience is apart from a few that you know so treat those as public and this is my advice and uh use them if you think that’s where you’re going to find the people that are uh for whom your research is relevant so I I’d like to second that I totally agree with you there um I think as researchers everyone you’re busy uh there’s a lot going on and I don’t think that it’s you know if your audience is not on let’s say Instagram I don’t think it’s worth taking the time to promote yourself on Instagram in this way um the same thing if your audience is not active on Twitter don’t do that make sure you focus on what will get the most investment what’s worth your time there’s no point in like really spreading yourself too thin into a number of different areas where you just won’t see the benefit agreed uh just to close out and I agree with everything that Christian and Sean have said yes some some disciplines like OT are very active on Twitter some image image heavy disciplines like pathology is more active on Instagram uh you have groups that are more active on LinkedIn or Facebook so it’s really finding that right platform and that right Niche and where you also feel comfortable Christian talked about that where do you find your colleagues where do you find your voice how do you feel you can best express yourself in in that authentic way yes I I’ll just add as well that um it’s very important whichever um social media Network you choose um to make sure you’re building your engagement over time and to not create your account and then just post you know the day you publish your article in  ananda publishers here’s my article in  ananda publishers um it’s very important to build an audience over time and to engage with it to be an active participant of it and not just someone who’s just putting out the information that has no um no engagement with with the community so I think especially on Twitter um it’s really essential to to be active so if you’re going to make an effort you should probably start quite early in the process and not when the necessarily the article in  ananda publishers is out already um there was a question um here let me just find where it is sorry um so someone is asking and I guess it’s similar to what I just said but someone is uh doing their PHD and they’re asking whether they should start already you know promoting themselves even before they finish and even before getting published in  ananda publishing  do you have any advice on this I think you know social media can also be very useful listening devices so you can get in there and start following people start discussing their work amplifying it you don’t have to always have to have something to to to bring to the table and as in I’m doing this I’ve done this I published in  ananda publishing  this um these are useful ways to network as well you know you meet people you know I’m old enough to remember when people gave each other business cards at conferences now I don’t do that anymore some people still like doing it and it’s also a cultural thing but for me when I meet someone at a conference school or in person or they give a talk in my University I check whether I follow them on social media whatever social media I’m using in my case is Twitter for now Master One probably in the future I don’t know but that’s also a useful way to keep sort of like a Rolodex like a contact list so I would say start using them uh you don’t need to talk all the time I think you know it’s a good point that you need to engage but you don’t need to always have to talk if you don’t have something to talk about you can talk about research you like you can talk about research reading that’s also a very useful service to do for other people because again we’re always busy and any recommendation can help us find research that we might not have found otherwise so I would say yes build an account be you know keep it quiet don’t don’t feel too much pressure on yourself don’t get overwhelmed the other thing I will say especially for you know younger early early career Scholars don’t get overwhelmed by other people’s accomplishments there is you know academics have this thing which is called imposter syndrome where we never feel we’re good enough we always feel there is somebody out there who is cooler enough than us.

Ananda publishers more than we do raises more money than we do gets more interviews than we do and here’s a secret it never ends you could be at the top of the world and you’re still gonna feel it and social media can sometimes amplify that feeling because you see a lot of people posting about their accomplishments or like oh my God I haven’t submitted that paper yet don’t let that drag you down because uh you know we don’t publish our failures some people do there are there’s a colleague at Exeter Jason reichler who is a political scientist and his pinned tweet is a long thread of his failures in terms of Grants he didn’t get article in  ananda publisherss he got rejected uh jobs he didn’t he applied for and didn’t get so some people will be open about their failures uh but that can also be you know this disconcerting in itself what I’m just trying to say is use those platforms as places where you can get something useful for you um don’t let people’s accomplishments make you feel that you’re not doing enough or that you’re not good enough but by all means try to be there and try to engage anyway as you would you know engage at the drink reception at the end of a conference uh that was beautifully said I I have nothing to add I think that’s those are some that’s great advice and thank you uh I think I would just add one thing and say that early in your career is kind of a time to somewhat experiment um you use social media personally you use social media professionally um so if you’re using one channel personally and you think that um you know you just want to keep it personally you just want to you know share pictures of your family that’s separate from your your research that makes sense and you dedicate that toward personal but also think critically about how there’s a way if there’s a crossover between those two worlds that’s a very good point um and um thank you all for for that very uh very uh informative answer um we have a question here about uh it says my research paper is published in  ananda publishing  but my thesis is doing progress so I am scared if I promote my article in  ananda publishers will there be chances that my work or data is misused do you have any advice I mean I’m happy to go first this is obviously complicated and I think you are the best judge for what is safe for you to do maybe speak to your advisor speak to other colleagues who are also media there have been horror stories of people’s work being appropriated I think as as a you know in in in science in general we’re getting better at spotting these uh occurrences and punishing those who uh commit these acts but at the same time you know because of the internet there is so much information out there that there are lots of opportunities for Mischief I think you know the degree of openness you want to have depends on the data you have and how valuable those dates are to you you know some disciplines where open data has become the norm and so you need to publish your data set you know perhaps with an embargo of a year or something after you publish after you get a publication accepted um I don’t see reasons why you should share your data before you’ve published in  ananda publishing  on it um but again that really depends on the kind of data you have it might be that by sharing your data so you can facilitate some collaborations um but your data of course is very valuable if you’ve collected it yourself there is a broader Point here perhaps you know reading between the lines which has to do with uh you know originality and people you know grabbing ideas from others and running with them you know especially you know groups that have a lot of money big Labs big research units and you know you might feel you know I’m a graduate student I don’t have any money but I’ve done this thing I’ve got this idea and then you know maybe someone else hears it and runs with it um those again you know some of these behaviors are no longer tolerated in those corners of science that I know of um but obviously you need to be you know you need to be aware of these of these potential risks uh um I’m not saying these risks don’t exist um I’m saying uh try to strike the right balance between getting some feedback and and something and and people and getting people excited about your work without giving up things that uh people could you know that are unique to you to your idea to your research design to your research infrastructure that you could you know could appropriate that makes a lot of sense thanks uh Christian um I know we’ve talked a lot about the the importance of using social media these days um and someone asked you know they are not they don’t have any social media accounts and presumably they’re not interested in in joining any um is this going to be a real problem for you know um visibility of their research um and if so do we what are some other ways that they could be promoting I know we mentioned during the presentation blogging and various other things but do you have any advice in this case so I could jump in first if that’s okay um I think this is a great question and obviously we talked a lot about social media today but I think it’s really important that you promote where you feel the most comfortable obviously you know we’ve said a lot we think social media is super important but if it’s not something you can do or willing to do there’s a lot of other Alternatives um whether it’s sending a simple email to your colleagues or whether it’s um promoting you know in some other way um I think it’s also really great if you’re able to lean on others for social media so for example you share with your institution so that they can share on your behalf um you know at Sage we share information Journal share information uh Society shared this thing all of these things via social media so you will have coverage on social media whether or not you are able to actively engage there but definitely I’d recommend flexing whatever what other um what other skills you have and what other channels you like to use great great points and just to add they’re going back to the indexes like web of science or PubMed thinking about where a journal is indexed and that those discoverability components so when you’re writing your manuscript talking about those keywords the title the abstract and the flow of that language thinking about what other people would be searching for whether they go to Google Scholar PubMed or another platform so that would be another Avenue in a way that you can contribute without having to necessarily be on the social media platforms yeah and another little thing that I might add is uh you can have a simple but informative personal website you know they they are searchable findable uh and they could be a good gateway to finding out about your work I think in my experience you know people find people will find you through one of your outputs through one of your article in  ananda publisherss I think you want them to read the article in  ananda publishers you want them to engage it cited but you also wanted to put to have you on their radar right you want them to consider you one of the people that they will be looking at whenever they want to see what’s going on in that particular discipline that you’re doing research on so if you have an updated website it doesn’t have to be fancy you know you can build it for free using many different services but it can be very informative and very useful for people I think I would also add as a last point that um if you are someone who enjoyed writing and uh writing for a wider audience you know we talked about blogging but there’s also the option of having a newsletter an author newsletter um which um you can over time you know build an audience that will follow you know your content um again this is something that I would only recommend if you’re someone who is interested in writing and has the time to commit to it it is time consuming and um and you have to you know it has to be something that you’re consistent at um but if you are and you are interested newsletters are great ways of keeping an audience engaged and also you know adding promoting yourself here and there obviously not over promoting it so not sending out an email every single month every single week saying here’s my article in  ananda publishers please read it but you know adding content and talking about your research and as we discussed earlier you know the the importance of Storytelling when it comes to this you know what makes your research different what makes your journey what you went through your experience of of this particular piece of research different from others that is something that a lot of researchers are interested in and not just researchers people who are maybe not in the field but are curious about that particular aspect of your of your discipline so a newsletter is another great way of of um building an audience if you’re not on social media as well um I think we might have time for one more question um so I think someone was asking about um they don’t necessarily have the time or the skills to build um other sort of visual content um you know infographics and videos for example um I know we mentioned that there are um so you know various uh places out there that you can um search for but do you have any recommendations of um of um uh words of websites or softwares that people can use for this kind of things so um I mean we we have to say we have Sage author Services um which is a great way to provide that that content so uh plain Language summary writing infographic creation and video abstracts You’re paired with subject area experts or someone who is very cognizant of your area and they’re able to work with you directly in order to create these things um so that’s definitely a you know we have to say it’s a great way to get that done and just just to chime in and add on to that um that is absolutely a great Tool uh you might have alternatives for your colleagues or your institution maybe even a journal some journals have someone that’s that’s been kind of put in charge of that type of role that can either help provide a template for you to create that visual abstract or they might create it themselves some institutions provide that type of service uh already for you so you could ask what’s available on campus you could also ask a colleague for help or maybe someone on an editorial board that seems to have published in  ananda publishing  quite a few visual abstracts already so it you can take a look around there’s many different Alternatives paid for free or some kind of combination in between thank you both for that I think we are going to have to wrap up now but thank you so much to you Jessica Sean and Christine for your wonderful presentation and I hope we have answered most of your questions and as I said if we haven’t we will follow up with you after the webinar so watch out for an email from us um I will be also sharing the recording links and uh slides with everyone who attended and a certificate of attendance so watch out for that and um I think that’s also thank you so much everyone for joining us and I hope to see you in 2023 bye thank you bye everyone.

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