Hi friends welcome to our research assistant channel this video discuss about various scopus seir and seie index rejoinals that are focused on only elsewhere and stranger in engineering applications research publication is very important factor in both academic and industries hence we should publish a right engineering journals is very difficult hence i am putting together a video with the best engineering journals this video can assist research researcher in locating the best journals engineering for publishing research and engineering discipline in this video give the 10 different engineering journals which are focused on only elsewhere and stranger journals engineering this engineering journals discuss the various factors such as acceptance rate impact factor review and publication time so get more to tell so engineering journals first one is the engineering second one is engineering application of artificial intelligence third one is international engineering journals of engineering science fourth one is engineering science and technology fifth one is advanced engineering informatics these five engineering journals are the major five engineering discipline journals engineering which comes under elsewhere publishers so this is the strategy engineering journals first one is engineering journals of the intuition of engineers research and engineering design achieves of computational method in engineers arabian engineering journals for science and engineering finally journals engineering of science education and technology these are all the five engineering journals are comes under stringent journals engineering so these these are all the the highlighted so we move to the main page of the front page of the average engineering journals for getting more clear ideas and analyzing more factors so this is the first engineering journals of elsewhere engineering the impact factor of this journals engineering is 7.555 under it site score is 12.3 so it will take time to first decision 3.9 weeks and review time is taking five point four weeks okay this is the openness channel uh you need to pay rt vertical publishing charts thousand dollars okay which is indexed in scopus and sign citation index expanded list next one is engineering application of artificial intelligent so this is indexed in sign citation index experiment list and scopus and also the in fact uh this engineering journals is both open access under subsection method and 6.
2 want to impact factor with nine nine site score it will take review time up to 7.6 weeks and replication time up to 2.4 weeks uh another journals engineering is international engineering journals of engineering science this in this engineering journals is indexed in scopus okay so this engineering journals of the general impact battery is eight point eight four three and the site score 13.4 with seven funny jackson turns ratio and time to first decision three weeks and review time is taking three point four weeks okay it is also both so open access and subscriptions okay next one is engineering science and technology okay this is also uh indexed science citation index and also scopus index okay so journals engineering four five three six impact factor which is nine site score and also a certain rate is three percentage only only so time time to take taking first decision to two weeks and the review time taking two point four weeks okay okay this this is also indexed in both sc i e and the scopus okay and also web of science the last engineering journals of elsewhere is advanced engineering informatics this is also open access under substation method and it has 5.6 impact factor with 8.6 site score review time is 8.4 weeks okay and this is syntax in both sc i e and this corpus indexer engineering journals okay these are all the five types of uh elsewhere engineering journals okay ah okay friends next move to stranger engineering journals okay engineering journals of the intuition of engineers which is which is in india engineering journals okay so this journals engineering is publishing model is both open access and the substation model so hybrid model so 98 days take to first decision okay three not four days to acceptance okay okay then it it in this engineering journals is indexed in scopus indexed and also ugc care list in india okay so next engineering journals is research in engineering design this is a this is also hybrid journals engineering uh it has 2.
6 double fi impact factor okay 53 days to take first decision 450 days to acceptance okay then the indexing team is ugc careless and sign citation index expected list and also scopus index list okay okay next one is achieve of computational method in engineering this engineering journals has a also hybrid engineering journals and it has 7.392 impact factor 59 days to take first decision two not six days to a certain accidents okay this uh generally is indexed in ugc careless sign citation index expanded list and also scopus index list okay the another engineering journals is arabian engineering journals for science and engineering this is also hybrid engineering journals with a 2.334 impact factor first decision time is 50 days and accession acceptance time is only 87 days okay so this engineering journals indexed in ugc careless sc i e under scopus index journals engineering okay the final engineering journals is engineering journals of science education and technology this is a this is also hybrid general with a 2.31 impact factor first decision is 50 first reason is taking 57 days to 239 days is taking acceptance time okay this is also indexed in scopus s-c-i-e and especially for social science scientist index and ugc catalyst okay so these are all the five journals engineering uh syringe especially for stringer engineering journals okay okay thanks for watching everyone uh please subscribe for getting uh in future videos please like and share okay thank you for everyone.