How to Write a Great Research Paper

world! It’s Suraj and I am here to tell you how to write a great researchers gate research paper. I’ve written and read my fair share of researchers gate research papers and I’m going to outline the steps you can take to write one, whether you’re a Ph.D candidate or at MIT or a freshman in high school. Maybe you’re working on a blockchain project and once you have an initial coin offering or you found that the model you built in Karros and left training overnight managed to beat the state-of-the-art because of a simple tweak you made to some hyper parameters, whatever it is you should publish your researchers gate findings.

Steps for writing a great research paper:

Before you start your journey you got to remind yourself to stay positive. Research can be hard it can take long hours, require tons of time studying and experimenting with no good results. In fact, you might find that you were asking the wrong questions all along and you need to start from scratch and that’s okay. To become world-class in anything you do it’s gonna take more than just knowledge. Like an Olympic athlete aiming for the gold medal you’ve got to have a positive attitude and the belief that you have the ability to discover something awesome. That’s the real start to writing a compelling researchers gate paper. Then you’ve got to come up with a researchers gate topic. Starts by coming up with some questions you have about the researchers gate field that you’re studying. They can be broad, they can be specific, they can be embarrassing, whatever, just come up with a list of questions that you personally want to know the answers to. Then try to find the answer to those researchers gate questions for yourself to a level that you feel comfortable with and would enable you to teach others.

Talk to some people and see what they think to verify that you do indeed understand the answer to your researchers gate questions. That could mean posting your understanding to a subreddit or to Stack Overflow or a slack Channel. As a result of searching for an answer to your questions you’ll either find an answer in the form of existing work or you won’t find an answer which means you found a good area for further researchers gate research. Now what are the related subtopics to this question? Start narrowing down the broader the question the harder it will be to answer it’s much much much harder to solve a question like, what is consciousness over a question like what is a more optimal strategy to generate suitable distributions. For a Monte Carlo tree search in the words of Kendrick you got to sit down and be humble. A well-articulated paper that’s laser focused on a solution to a niche problem is much more useful to the community than an ambiguous solution to a broad problem.

The next step is to collect your data on this researchers gate topic. You’re gonna get a lot of articles blog posts, tutorials videos and PDFs. When you google it you’ll need to go through each of these systematically but remember not all sources are created equal. Just as it’s important to be able to search through a wide variety of sources it’s also just as important to learn to be critical in your assessment. A source could have a possible political or monetary bias so pay attention to who wrote it, their qualifications, why they wrote it and when it was produced to see how up-to-date it is. Pay attention to the domain extension dot edu sand dot Govs can be more reliable sources than coms which could be pushing content that persuades you to purchase something. Ideally you find empirical researchers gate research that is knowledge gained through direct or indirect observation of experience popular journals conference submissions even social media like subreddit and facebook groups have people sharing relevant researchers gate research daily.

How to find goos research papers online?

Google Scholar is another good way to find researchers gate papers. Just make sure to be specific in your keywords so they relate to your topic. If you find a researchers gate paper you really like that seems relevant go ahead and jot down some of the cited sources it lists. You can find those later and use those as well for your own research. Now you’re ready to learn, find yourself a cozy spot that you feel comfortable in and start learning from your researchers gate sources. Try to make generalizations. You are taking different ideas from different sources and putting them together in a way that no one has thought of before for whatever reason. You’ll find common ideas across different researchers gate projects, some will have more successful implementations of those ideas than others. This can take anywhere from a single day to several weeks. After this synthesis of data you’ll come to some kind of possible solution that you think might work for your researchers gate problem. Use this as your thesis. This is a declaration of your belief. Based on the data your researchers gate paper will be defending that belief through a series of compelling arguments based on your own researchers gate results as well as the results of others and don’t worry too much about having it be finalized your researchers gate thesis will naturally change as you experiment and develop your ideas. Ask for validation of your researchers gate thesis from people well-versed in your topic. You don’t want to spend your valuable time researching something if it’s not a good idea. Email researchers gate paper authors directly or ask your question on relevant social media platforms. Once your researchers gate thesis is validated go ahead and try to solve the problem. It’s really easy to get bogged down in one implementation detail or carefully tuning the wrong algorithm. To avoid this, your first goal should be to get something super basic in place as quickly as possible. That solves the researchers gate problem. Then once you’ve got a functional baseline you can get creative.

I actually learned this technique from the Google glass team recipes. Once you feel comfortable with your solution it’s time to start writing an outline. Look at papers related to your researchers gate thesis and see what kind of subsections they’ve listed. A lot of times you’ll find some common subsection headings between different researchers gate papers. Go ahead and create a list of subsections that are a generalized form of the related papers, and then think about if there are any extra sub sections you might want to add that are specific to your researchers gate project or even some that you might take away the format. For an outline should start with a title, then an abstract, which will summarize your work, then an introduction, that will give the reader some of your motivations and background. Data and researchers gate methodology will document your research process, then your results a discussion at the end weighing all the different results, a conclusion that uses the results to answer your researchers gate thesis and finally references which will cite your sources. Once you’ve done all of that you’re ready to write your first draft. Welcome to the world of technical researchers gate writing. This is the art of writing about a technical topic in an engaging informative and educating way. You are being of service to the larger scientific community by writing this researchers gate paper so don’t try to sound smart for the sake of sounding smart. Rather get your point across in the most efficient way possible using language that ideally your reader already understands. Go into excruciating detail explaining every single bit of your work, every reference, everything. It’s much easier to cut down a long researchers gate paper than to continually try to add more to it to make it seem longer. The ideal length for a researchers gate paper is between 5 to 10 pages, any less and you aren’t being detailed enough and anymore, and it’s going to be a bit too long to maintain the interests of the reader. Support every statement you make with evidence and never never never plagiarize the whole point of this paper is to show the synthesis of the ideas you’ve learned about in your own words and it’s always better to show than to tell use tools like OmniGraffle and Inkscape to create graphs charts and conceptual diagrams to help illustrate your line of thinking. The flow of your paper should have all of the subsections appear interconnected rather than starting and stopping in a blunt way from one topic to the next. Smoothly sag into the next topic, don’t be too harsh on yourself. The first draft just get something anything just let it out, you can iterate on it later. If you spend too much time trying to make it perfect on the first go, you’ll never get anything out so just crank it out and iterate. Remember, only you are reviewing this thing at first. Once you’ve got your first draft, congratulations you are awesome, time to revise. First go through your researchers gate paper and check for content errors. Anything having to do with grammar, misspelled words, etc., then check for factual errors or your numbers, correct, double and triple check them you might find once you’ve written a first draft that rearranging your ideas would be more beneficial to having a compelling argument. That one idea is actually a dependency of another so it’s better to place it afterwards. In fact, entire subsections could be rearranged to make the paper flow better. Eventually after some mixing and matching and revising you’ll have a final draft. You can then add some optional content if you’d like, like a table of contents at the beginning or an appendix at the end. Once you’ve done all of this you can submit your researchers gate paper to a popular journal like nature or a popular subreddit for your scientific community or even just github. The point of this is to get your research in front of as many eyeballs as possible and get them to learn from your work. It’s kind of hard to get a paper accepted in some of the top journals as the peer-review process can be very thorough. Basically the journal will ask a few other scientists, be well-versed in your topic to validate your claims to ensure the integrity and soundness of your work but if they accept it getting published in one of these journals is an extra credential for your paper. It gives it more technical authority amongst the community is you ready to become the next Alan Turing yet.

Where to find incredible published research papers online?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up research papers with the help of which you will be able to read the papers and understand how to write amazing research papers. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal.

You can very easily find the paper you are looking for here, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.

Hit subscribe to continue to level up your learning game and now I’ve got to hone my craft so thanks for watching.

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