Alright. 00:04 And I first want to ask a little bit about you. So if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish want to use the chat so we can all see I’m locked here. I’m not sure what’s going on on. Go ahead and check your audio. I see in the chat that you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can’t hear me. 00:18 It seems to be something on your end, because other folks can hear me. 00:23 But I would like to learn a little bit about you. So go ahead and use the chat to let me know. Maybe your, your program. If you’re a graduate or undergraduate students and why you’re here in this workshop 01:07 I’ll go ahead and repeat that question in the chat, just to make sure that everyone got that. 01:26 Great. I see some responses coming in. 01:30 Career Services and might need to publish a paper on the innovative techniques I use when teaching business communication skills. Very cool. 01:39 There’s a lot of great stuff going on out there and the scholarship of teaching and learning. I see someone says, I’m a graduate student in the comm studies department here to learn how to publish scholarly articles. 01:54 Which will help in PhD programs. Absolutely. Well anyone else wants to chime in. 02:01 And Jessica second year student in the doctoral program wasn’t able to learn how to turn my interest in education. 02:10 So I want people to learn how to turn my interest in education into scholarly articles. All right. Very cool. So thank you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish for that, that just helps kind of frame this for me and know what to focus on and where you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish all are coming from. 02:27 So our goals for today are to how to cover how to choose a journal. This can be the most taxing part of the process. 02:37 Especially when you’re a graduate student or you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish haven’t published before and are new to have field and are just unsure of what journals are out there. Which ones are better. 02:49 How choosy some journals are. So that in itself is a really big first step in the process. 02:58 We’re also going to talk about resources for preparing your manuscript. The library has a number of tools and services that you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can use to make sure that 03:06 You paper publish in journal, journal paper publish prepare a solid manuscript that is going to help you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish get published for in to talk a little bit about the peer review process.
I’m sure we’ve all heard this you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish know if we’ve done any research. We know peer reviewed articles are 03:22 Usually what’s expected of us when we’re doing research, but what does that look like on the back end. What does that process. How long does it take how rigorous, is it, etc. 03:33 And then we’ll cover what happens if and when your article is accepted for publication, which is very exciting. But there are some really important pieces there that we don’t want to overlook. 03:44 And I just saw the chat from lock fear. I’m a graduate student in special ed rehab in counseling planning to pursue a doctorate in social psych wanted to know how to publish scholarly articles. All right, thank you. Perfect. 04:00 So before we go ahead and dive in. I always like to cover some terminology, because this is really important and and this is sometimes more of a reminder to myself than anything else. 04:14 But there are different terms for what you’re working with based on how far along. It is in the publishing process or the publishing pipeline. 04:23 So before an article is officially published, it’s typically referred to as a manuscript. Sometimes we think book length when we, when we hear the word manuscript. 04:33 But whatever you’ve written up despite length, generally it’s referred to as the manuscript peer review, which we’ll talk about later. At length, 04:42 Is the formal process that scholarly journals employ to ensure that I manuscripts writing methodology arguments and conclusions are sound and peer reviewed articles are sometimes called refereed articles, especially for those of you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish 04:58 In grad school, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish might have come across this term before. It’s just the synonym. 05:03 If your paper is accepted, but not yet published, it’s typically referred to as a pre print. And this is because you’re we’re seeing this, this term increasingly because pre prints.
05:15 Are sometimes made digitally available to reader. So if you’ve been doing research, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish might have come across a pre printed before 05:22 That just means that the paper. What you’re looking at the manuscript has been accepted, but there might be a couple copy editing things some final tweaks before it is officially informally published 05:36 Once the manuscript is published, then it is typically referred to as an article 05:42 But of course there are exceptions because published articles, depending on the discipline are sometimes referred to as papers sometimes studies you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish hear that a lot in the sciences in the humanities, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish might 05:56 Hear the term essays. And so again, depending on the disciplinary conventions, we might be using different terminology 06:06 I’m going to pop into the chat here. 06:09 Okay, great, great. 06:12 Okay, are there any questions at this point about terminology 06:26 Okay. 06:28 So what I’m going to do is actually get us into a research guide that we’ve created in the library. 06:39 And we’ll go from there. So, 06:43 And feel free to follow along at home if you’ve got your computer in front of you. I’m going to go to Cal States homepage. And then I’m going to click on library. 06:55 And under this research links box. I’m going to click on library guides 07:09 Okay. 07:11 And if I go to, let’s see here. What’s the easiest way, actually, if we just type in publishing 07:22 The first hit should be this publishing a scholarly article guide. 07:28 And this is where we want to be. 07:33 Okay, I’m Lucy. Let me get that nice annotation back that you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can all see where my cursor is 07:46 Okay, there we go. So tonight we’re going to walk through these tabs, but I wanted to make sure you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish saw this, because there’s, there is content in here we likely won’t have time to cover 07:57 And so I want you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish to know this is a resource that you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can access on your own later.
Right now I’m going to go ahead and pop the URL to this in the chat so that you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish have access to this on your own. 08:17 There you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish go. 08:19 Live guide stuff CSU slash publishing 08:26 So we’re going to start with this first tab here. Choosing the right journal 08:33 And we’re going to focus in on tips for identifying potential journals. As I mentioned at the beginning, this can be the most onerous time consuming maddening for first step in determining where to publish 08:50 Tips include number one asked a professor or trusted colleague if they have any recommendations. 08:57 Professors especially are immersed in their disciplines. They have published before they know what journals might be interested in which topics they know which journals are incredibly difficult to get accepted. 09:09 Into they know which ones are have less of an ideal reputation and so they are an excellent starting point for getting started on this journey. 09:20 Another very useful tip if you’re getting started is to do a search. And one of the library as many databases for a topic that’s similar to yours. 09:32 And this will allow you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish to identify the journals that have published articles on topics that are similar to yours, so it can give you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish a really good idea if they would be interested 09:42 In what you’re interested in. So we’re not going to spend a lot of time on this, but I just wanted to demonstrate how this works. I’m going to assume that we’ve all 09:51 done some research in a database before, but if I use this Databases by Subject link which you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can access from the library’s homepage. 10:02 I’m going to go into. Let’s see here. I’ll go into education, just as an example and pick a database. I’ll just for tonight. Go ahead and click on Eric, which is a very common database. Um, and then let’s say I’m interested in 10:23 LGBT youth and school counseling, just as an example. So you’ll do a search for whatever you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish want to publish on 10:34 Going to go ahead and limit my results to scholarly, peer reviewed and make sure then looking at articles that were published in peer reviewed journals.
10:43 And then you’ll go ahead and look at your list of results. So I can see here we have an article from from professional school counseling. This one is from school psychology review. 10:57 This one here, also from school psychology review. So again, this can give you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish a really good idea of which journals might work as far as their scope and what they’re willing to accept. 11:11 Let me go back. 11:17 And I’m actually going to go into communication studies to show you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish another database that has a neat feature if you’re doing similar work. So you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish do your topic. Let’s say I’m looking at gender and media, for example. 11:35 We’re going to go ahead and limit our results to scholarly, peer reviewed. 11:41 And then over on the left here. 11:45 Eric didn’t have this. So I want to make sure you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish see this in some databases, there is a limiter. This one is called publication. 11:53 Where it will give you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish the list the journals that your results are coming from. So I can see here that 393 of my results are coming from feminist media studies. 12:06 The next new media and society only 111. So this is a really good indicator that I should look at this journal because they’re publishing stuff on my top. Okay. 12:18 Alright so that is another really good technique if you’re getting started and trying to figure out which journals to use 12:26 The third thing you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can do is locate lists of top journals. There are many of these out there, many of which are just freely available online. You paper publish in journal, journal paper publish don’t have to necessarily go through a library database. 12:40 The one that I always like to show folks is actually Google Scholar metrics. So I’ve got the link right here. 12:50 And what it defaults to is kind of a generic page. But if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish go up here to categories. 12:57 And let’s say we’re looking at, can I think you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish said you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish were looking at business. We go into business.
13:07 And we can even select subcategories. So let’s say Educational Administration, just as an example, it will give me a list of the top 20 publications 13:18 In this subcategory of educational admin within business economics and management. So I see here that journal of education policy is my top journal 13:31 This is all based on what’s called a metric, the metric here that these rankings or ratings are based on is called the h5 index. There are a number of different metrics out there that rate or rank journals. 13:46 They’re, they’re complex their mathematical formulas, but essentially they’re based on how many citations articles from that journalists game. 13:56 Because to have a higher ranking. That means you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish have more influence, so I know, Journal of education policies, number one, their articles are getting cited everywhere we go down here to management, Ed. Their, their articles are not getting cited as much 14:13 And so if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish click on it, we were to click on h5 index, give us a definition of how they actually 14:21 What that formula looks like and. What’s that, what’s that what that is based on. Okay, I’m going to pause and give us a second if we have any questions, I’m going to just look at the chat here for a moment. 14:51 Alright, so I’m going to go. I’m going to close this. 14:57 The other way to identify potential than use for your manuscript is to look for what are called calls for papers journals will sometimes seek to publish specific 15:13 Issues on specific topics. 15:17 For example, I am currently publishing an article, I should say, publishing a manuscript not non article yet. 15:25 But publishing a manuscript in a special issue of a Library Journal that is focusing on aspect and I submitted my manuscript as a response to a call for papers so I know every other article within this 15:40 Issue or is going to also be dealing with aspect. So all you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish need to do the easiest thing to do. I’ll show you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish a couple techniques is you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can actually just Google 15:53 See here.
There we go. 15:57 We can Google 16:01 All for Lucy. 16:05 Call for papers and then we can do LGBT Q youth, just as an example. 16:15 And so our results set is going to include like we see here a call for submissions. 16:24 And other calls 16:27 Period you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish journals and this and these results are going to include not only journals that have put out calls for specific topics but also things like conferences that are seeking 16:39 Proposed conference proposals. So going to a conference is a really good way to get your work out there, even before it’s published to get feedback on it from professionals. 16:50 You paper publish in journal, journal paper publish also might come across books that are seeking proposals for for specific chapters which is another sort of route to getting your work published in a scholarly venue. 17:02 So this can be really helpful right here as well as Googling call for papers and then your topic. 17:11 The library subscribes to another tool right here called cobbles. 17:17 It’s essentially a database with information about journals how nerdy, can it get right but it’s really helpful. 17:25 cobbles. I like to include because not only does it include call calls for papers information, but lots of rich information about specific journals. So we’re going to go ahead and go in here call scholarly analytics is the full name. 17:46 And here we have our search bar at the top. If you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish go to filters. 17:54 And more kind of hidden here you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can select calls for papers. 18:03 Machines that too. Yes. And then you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can enter your discipline or your area. So let’s do counseling, go ahead and do a search 18:14 Okay, so I know that everything here is related to counseling and includes a call for papers. So I’ll show you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish what what I mean here. So let’s go to British Journal of guidance and counseling. I’m just going to click on this, this is the name of the journal 18:32 What I see here is this microphone that says July, July one. This tells me that this journal has a call out for papers and the due date for a proposal or a submission is the first of July.
18:50 But the other thing I can see here under this about is the discipline. So I know this deals with psychology and psychiatry. 19:00 important also to know the frequency of the issues. So they published by monthly. I’m going to assume in that assume that’s every other month versus twice a month. 19:10 But we can visit their website to get more information, knowing the frequency of how often a journal publishes can be really useful. 19:20 Because it can give you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish an idea of what to expect. It’s difficult to know when your stuff might get out in the world. If they don’t give you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish this information, especially for those of you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish who are 19:32 Looking to publish as a way to help kind of boost your resume to get into a PhD program, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish might 19:39 Choose not to published in a journal that only publishes once a year because that you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish know could be a while before your stuff gets out there. So this keep that in mind. 19:49 Right here is going to be a little summary or a big summary of what the journal is this will likely include the scope, right, the types of stuff they’re interested in publishing 20:01 Down here we have submission also really useful. This tells us the submission is done through the web. 20:08 I would say 99% of journals these days are web based submissions. At least I’m back in the day, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish just have to mail your stuff in a manila envelope, not the case anymore. Thank goodness 20:22 Six to 10% of the articles, they publish are invited meeting they seek out specific scholars 20:30 So if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish ever get to the point in your career where you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish are considered an esteemed scholar or expert in a particular sub discipline. It’s not uncommon to have journals asking to publish on your research and their journal 20:47 This journal has a 40% acceptance rate that might scare you, that might not. I’ve definitely seen tougher. But this is also really useful to look at to determine, like, is this too risky for me.
21:02 Is this something I want to spend my time submitting to or do I want to look for something that has a higher acceptance rate. 21:10 Tells us that the review process is double blind. We’ll talk about that later, two to three months. 21:16 For the reviewers to look at your article. Again, we’ll talk about the timeframe later on. Yes, comments just meaning you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish will get comments back from the reviewer. 21:26 I’m not sure if this means you’ll get comments, even if they say they don’t want your article that could be helpful. Either way, 21:33 Gives you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish the word length the citation style here as a PA, etc, etc. 21:39 What I recommend doing is once you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish identify the names of, I don’t know, say, five, six potential journals is go through either here with cobbles or the journals website. 21:51 And create a spreadsheet and just document this, what is their acceptance rate what citation style. How long does it take, how frequently do they publish 22:01 That way you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can really compare and contrast your options and determine what works best for you. The other thing here, we have this metrics. I did mention metrics earlier. 22:14 They have four metrics here that they present one is the cobbles class classification index, we could click here. What is the CC 22:22 I, but again, essentially, this is their own metric their own percentage based on how often the journals, articles are getting cited was the influence of the journal difficulty of acceptance is 41% here again, if we were to click on this, it would give us more information. 22:44 We have a journal impact factor which is yet another metric. And then we have our ultimate metric, which I think is kind of fun because it’s all meaning that it’s not traditional it’s actually looking at 22:58 Social media mentions of this article and it breaks it down by platform so 19 people on Facebook have shared or posted about this 360 people on Twitter 25 mentions in the news, etc. 23:15 Or I guess I should say that not this article, but the median mentions per article.
So really, it really gives you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish a lot of data here to work with to help help you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish evaluate and determine if a particular journal is the right one for you. 23:29 I’m not every journal out there is indexed or is included in cobbles right here. So if, if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish don’t find your journal of choice here next best thing is just Google it and go to the journal’s website because all of this stuff is going to be there to the citation style. 23:50 They usually are referred to as author guidelines. So how you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish need to format the manuscript expected word length. 23:58 Anticipated time like the time for you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish to hear back all of that stuff. So you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish definitely need to do do some work on your end first to help you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish determine the right venue for your manuscript. 24:12 All right. Are there any questions at this point. 24:32 Okay, so I will. I’ll keep an eye on this chat, but I just wanted to return to this library. This research guide. 24:41 Under things to consider. Just a really quick review here. 24:47 You paper publish in journal, journal paper publish want to consider the journal scope to determine if what you’re writing about matches what they’re interested in the impact factor or ranking. 24:57 The acceptance rate the timeframe or frequency of publication. The other thing I didn’t mention is where the journal is indexed meaning through which databases their content can be accessed. 25:10 Usually on the journal’s website. They’ll tell you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish yes were indexed in you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish know XYZ databases, which can reassure you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish that if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish publish with that journal your article will be discoverable through people who have access to those databases. 25:29 Usually when you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish publish a scholarly article you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish are hoping that an academic audience will be the folks reading it right 25:38 And the other thing that might be of interest for you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish in determining where you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish want to publish is whether the publication. 25:46 Is either open access or has an open access option. And that simply means that their content is not behind the paywall and it’s actually freely available through the journals website.
25:58 Which would certainly increase the reach of your scholarship. So if someone was using Google Scholar, for example, they wouldn’t be able to access that for free. 26:09 I personally always tried to publish an open access publications now because I think my work is like the best ever. But just ethically. I absolutely believe in information being freely available but you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish know every discipline is different sub disciplines place high value in 26:28 journals that are actually paywalls. So again, that’s something I would discuss with a trusted colleague or professor and they can guide you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish on kind of what what is more acceptable in your discipline. 26:41 Okay. 26:43 So if there are no questions at this point, I’m going to go ahead and move on to the second tab here. 26:54 Preparing your manuscript. 26:57 And I’m going to go ahead and share a checklist with you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish through the chat. So let me figure out how to do that. Just one second. 27:19 Okay, so you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish should have through the chat receive this PDF. It’s also here in the library guide. 27:25 This is just a checklist for publishing a scholarly article and this covers a lot of what I just talked about as far as evaluating journals. 27:34 For whether they be useful for you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish also include some information about preparing your manuscript and making sure that you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish are 27:44 Formatting it, etc. According to the journal specifications and contains some information about the peer review process and then rights management, which we’ll talk about later, but that that checklist will hopefully be useful to you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish as you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish are working through your own publishing process. 28:06 So I always like to cover the couple of things here in this note box. So it’s always a good idea to have someone you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish trust which could be a colleague Professor friend. 28:17 Review your manuscript before you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish submit it right. We all know that you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can read something a million times and still miss typos.
28:25 So having a second set of eyes a second or third or fourth set of eyes can be really useful. The fun thing too is most 28:33 Most journals allow you, if, if your manuscript is accepted to have an acknowledgement section, we’ve probably all seen this at the end of the scholar, the article where you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish get to thank people. So someone does lend you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish their time and expertise and review it, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can actually think them. 28:51 Officially in the acknowledgments section and their name is like published. We’re just finishes kind of fun. I think my husband and the very once. And he was just like tickled that his name was in print. 29:04 Anyway, so that’s a good practice there. And of course, make sure to follow the journals guidelines, which include citation style. Sometimes they get really specific, like they want a specific font. 29:17 Length, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish know, no journal wants something that that is twice as long as what they expect or that’s only a page, right. 29:27 And again, these guidelines can typically be found on the journal’s website. 29:32 And you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish could you, you’re always free to actually email them if if something is unclear. 29:39 Another thing that journals are really picky about or can be picky about his citation style. 29:45 And so I always like to mention Zotero if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish haven’t used or attended a library workshop on Zotero, it is a citation management tool that more or less. Once you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish have located and organize your citations that will create citations for you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish in different styles. So if I had 30:09 A bunch of sources. Zotero could create a list and APA for me. And then with a click of a button. I can change that reference list to LA or Chicago style. 30:19 It also has a plugin or an add on with word so it can actually, it can also do that same thing with your in text citations. 30:27 And the reason I mentioned this in this publishing workshop is because you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish might submit to a journal that requires MLA, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish might get rejected.
30:37 And decide to submit to a different journal, but they use APA and so instead of spending hours and hours updating your citations. A tooling like Zotero can help you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish make that change really really quickly. 30:51 And as I mentioned, we do regularly have workshops on Zotero, some of which are offered through zoom. So just keep your eye on the workshop calendar if you’re interested in that. 31:02 My colleagues Lisa Stacy our our our our in house Zotero experts and they would also be happy to meet with you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish one on one, and the consultation and if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can’t make a workshop 31:15 Over here, we also have useful guides. A lot of these are citation style guides. But if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish need any help with that. I always like to point these out. 31:26 These are put together by librarians with with expertise inciting and research and surveys can be incredibly helpful to you. Unknown Speaker 31:37 Okay. Gina Schlesselman-Tarango 31:40 So I’m going to skip on over to this next tab peer review. 31:55 So I’m going to try something fancy here. This is my first time you’re all my guinea pigs. I created a poll. So I want to see if this works here. It’s just a question. I’m going to present to you. 32:07 Hey, so the the question I’m presenting and you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish should see a little pop up right now is, how long does the peer review process take from beginning to end on average. 32:21 So go ahead and vote. Oh yeah, it’s working. So people are doing it. Cool. 32:39 In the question is, how long does the peer review process take from beginning to end on average. 33:03 Alright, we only got two participants. So, that’s okay. I’m just happy knowing this actually worked. So thank you. Guinea pigs. So someone said two to three months and someone said six months to two years, whoever 33:18 And I had a question. Last year, are we supposed to watch the video. No, we’re not going to watch the video together tonight all all more or less explain what that covers but you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can watch that later If you’re interested in that.
33:31 Oh, we got another participant to three months. So actually, six months to two years is more accurate as far as how long the process usually takes the reason being is that there’s a lot of people involved. And there’s a lot of back and forth. 33:50 So again, I’ll just briefly kind of verbally explain what is in this video, we’re not going to watch this video together, but you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can watch it later if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish would like to 34:00 But the peer review process works like this. You paper publish in journal, journal paper publish write your manuscript, whether it’s more of a 34:08 An Essay type of critical analysis and the humanities or if you’ve conducted and empirical study in the sciences, whatever it is, write it up. If it’s a manuscript you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish submit it to your journal after doing your homework right and determining which journal. You paper publish in journal, journal paper publish want to publish in 34:24 The first person that you’re going to talk to is the editor. They’re kind of like the boss of the journal 34:31 And they’re going to look at your manuscript and they will determine whether or not it fits within the scope of the journal. They’re asking themselves, Is this something that we might potentially publish 34:43 They’re usually not looking too closely at things like the writing or the methodology. 34:49 I mean, if it’s something where the writing is just like a hot mess. They might at that point, send it back, but usually those types of details are saved for the Peters. So let’s say the editor looks at it and they say, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish know, this is, this looks like it might work. They will then identify 35:07 A number of peers could be one to be two could be three. I think I had manuscripts that were four people looked at at once. 35:17 But by peers. I mean, other experts in the discipline, people who would have the skills necessary to evaluate your manuscript. 35:26 And those infected take a while for the editor to get the manuscript to the peers, the peers are given a certain amount of time to review your manuscript and this can differ greatly depending on the publication.
35:43 Period peers are generally professors working at institutions who are doing this as part of service or they’re volunteering their volunteer work to the scholarly community. 35:54 So it’s not like they’re expected to have their reviews done in a week, usually you’re given at least a month to complete a review of a manuscript, at least. 36:05 So once the editor has all of those back and they will look it over usually summarize the changes that the editors request request. 36:17 It’s very, very common. If the editors like it that they asked for changes. It is rare and difficult 36:26 To get something back where the editors absolutely publish and they think it’s ready to go changes are very common. It’s also not uncommon to be rejected. At this point, the editors look at it and they just say no it’s not ready to go. 36:42 So hopefully you’re in the position where they either love it or they want changes the editor will give you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish a certain amount of time to make changes again this depending on 36:53 How many changes, right. This can differ greatly from two weeks to three months. 37:00 Or more, I suppose, and then you’ll send the manuscript. The changed manuscripts back for the editor. Sometimes the editor will 37:10 Look at it and say, hey, this looks pretty good. Sometimes they’ll send it back to the peers. Again, depending on the types of changes that were requested. 37:18 And this back and forth can go on for months. So that’s why, in general, we say, six months to two years for the entire process. I have heard of it, taking longer, but I think that’s the exception rather than the rule. 37:33 Okay, do you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish have any questions about that. 37:39 You paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can be maddening. By the way, while you’re waiting to hear back after you’ve submitted like this is going to get published or not. 37:49 I’m gonna pull up a slide really quickly. 38:01 See, okay. So I always like to cover this because there. There is not one universal type of peer review process.
There are many 38:12 Single and sometimes referred to as blind review. This is when the author doesn’t know who’s reviewing the manuscript, I would say this is pretty common. So I write, I write up a manuscript I submit it to a journal and the editor will send it on. They won’t tell me who’s looking at it. 38:31 The other really common method is called double blind review where both parties are anonymous so that the peer the person reviewing my work doesn’t know who I am and I don’t know who they are and this I would say this is the most common and this is just to 38:50 Prevent bias. It doesn’t always work sometimes if you’re working within a really small disciplinary or scholarly community. 38:57 You paper publish in journal, journal paper publish know, there’s only one person writing about a specific topic. And so you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can kind of tell by their writing who it is, but when you’re first getting started, especially if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish haven’t published yet you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can be fairly confident that person reviewing your work does not know who you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish are. 39:13 And the other type of review is called open review where both parties know who the other party is 39:21 I know some journals like this because it promotes transparency and I’m seeing this increasingly 39:27 And then the fourth kind is a little rare. This is editorial review board where there’s a board of experts or editors, rather than peer reviewers and those folks assess the manuscript so 39:41 I’ve seen it where they have a schedule, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish know, our board will look at manuscripts four times a year. 39:48 I’ve seen it where the board will just look at manuscripts as they come in. So again, this one is less common, but it is another type of peer review that is out there. 39:59 I’ve also seen only a couple times but community review where journals that are a little more, I guess. I don’t know if progressive is the right word, but 40:09 A little more cutting edge will actually put the manuscript up on a kind of open online forum for anyone to comment on which is really cool, but also knowledge because you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish don’t know these people are if they know what they’re talking about.
40:28 So again, this is just helpful going in to know, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish know what, what you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can expect. And again, this information about the type of review the journal employees. 40:38 Should be readily readily available on their website, or at least the editor should tell you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish if they decide to move your manuscript entre you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish what you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish should expect 40:49 And that editor. They are the mediators. So if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish have any questions, if it’s taking a lot longer than they told you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish it would. That’s the person whose job it is to answer questions. So don’t hesitate to reach out to them. If anything weird comes up. 41:08 Alright, let me navigate back to this page here. 41:13 I have done here, an infographic. We’re not going to go over this, but we created this for mostly for undergraduate students who 41:22 Were expected assigned peer review articles, but they didn’t know what that meant to necessarily. So this kind of walks you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish through what the peer review processes in a visual format. 41:34 Okay. 41:37 So I have this little box here that says, bad news. 41:43 So unfortunately, not all manuscripts, as I mentioned, are accepted. So if your manuscript is rejected, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish have options. 41:51 One is to rework your manuscript and submit it to the same journal again. Sometimes the editor or even the peer reviewers will provide you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish with feedback about why it was rejected. Sometimes they won’t. And so then you’re kind of in the dark. Right. But if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish get that feedback. 42:11 It can be helpful to to rework your manuscript based on that sometimes instead of giving you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish an outright rejection. They will say, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish have the option to revise and resubmit 42:23 That just means they want to revert manuscript before they’re willing to look at it again. 42:28 The other option if it’s rejected is to select another journal. So you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish could find one that has a higher acceptance rate that might not be quite as rigorous so competitive.
42:39 Or one that has a lower impact factor or ranking and there’s no shame in that. Remember I remember when I was first publishing and still actually there are certain journals that I just, I will not submit to you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish because I’m fairly confident my work would not get accepted. 42:56 Maybe I need to work through that. But it really just depends on your confidence and your scholarship in your writing, which direction you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish go and you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can also, of course, talk to a trusted call your professor, they would probably be able to point you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish in the right direction as well. 43:14 Okay so we are nearing the end of our time, but I wanted to cover this really last this tab here this last tab. 43:23 Which is relevant if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish get the good news that your manuscript has been accepted. 43:31 So as I mentioned, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish should be hearing back from the editor and it’s very likely that if if it’s accepted that Acceptance. Acceptance is contingent on in making some changes. 43:43 What editors will often do is send along the feedback. The reviewers wrote up and then you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can make changes based on that. 43:51 It’s totally acceptable to contest. Some of the requested changes. 43:57 I’m getting personally increasingly confident doing that, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish know, if I feel like there’s feedback. I just don’t agree with, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish know, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can say to the editor you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish know I’m choosing not to make this change because XYZ 44:10 If you’re just getting started, it might make sense for you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish to make the changes on but that’s kind of some, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish know, internal negotiating that you’ll need to do 44:23 So again, after you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish see here. So after you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish submit your manuscript with the changes requested changes what will happen is the editor will then likely send it on to a copy editor who is going to do, you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish know, final read through make sure there’s no typos, make sure 44:46 Everything is kind of formatted and ready to go for it to be published. Sometimes 44:52 They’ll put the version of before it’s copy edited online and that is called a pre prince, I mentioned I believe I mentioned this earlier.
45:02 So the copy the contents there. There might be a few wording or type, type of changes here in there before it is officially officially published and when it becomes an article 45:15 So right before it’s published and the editor or the publisher, the journal will send you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish 45:23 A publishing agreement on the addresses issues like copyright, as well as your rights as an as an author writes, meaning, whether you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can 45:34 Post a copy to your personal website or an institutional repository like scholar words. 45:41 And if you’re able to, are you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish able to post a pre print or are you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish are they willing to let you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish post 45:51 The official official published version. So this tool here Sherpa Romeo can be really useful if you’ve gotten to that point with a journal and you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish want to know what you’re allowed to do you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can go ahead and type in 46:08 Type in library trends. This is a journal. I’m I’ve been working with lately, and it will tell you. 46:16 For example, there’s a paid open access, I can archive my pre prints, I can archive my post print, but I can’t archive the publishers version or the PDF 46:27 And then the specifics about where I can archive or post that so again this is a good tool. I wouldn’t worry about necessarily looking at this before you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish get accepted. But if, if, making sure that 46:42 The article is available in different formats to you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish and to the world is important to you, then you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can certainly check this out. And again, I went here to shirk our Romeo. 46:55 I have a bit in this guide. I won’t worry about covering it tonight, but about sharing an article you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish publish and scholar works. This is our institutional repository at CBS USB 47:08 If the copyright agreement, you’ve signed allows for you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish to archive or host a version, I highly recommend 47:17 If you’re still at Cal State go at going ahead and sharing that and scholar works, it will increase the 47:24 The reach of your work, because anyone who searches for something Google Scholar.
47:29 It’ll show up if it’s here on scholar works. So again, I won’t go into detail with this tonight, but that is an option for you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish on over here on the right, there’s a little bit of information about open access and so 47:44 That will be useful to if that’s important to you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish as well as information on information, excuse me, economics and what traditional academic publishing models look like compared to open access 48:00 So we’ve got about five minutes or so, um, I just wanted to leave some time to see if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish had any questions. 48:08 I believe on the registration form. There were a couple of you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish said you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish had had published or had tried to publish before. So if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish have anything you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish want to add or 48:17 Any experiences you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish think other folks would gain from hearing on. Go ahead and use either the chat or your microphone to do that or again. If you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish have any questions, I’m happy to answer them. 48:36 Well, thank you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish for the kind words Kamala, I appreciate it. 48:42 I should show you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish two on this first page choosing the right journal. This is me again. I don’t quite look like this. Different here. Now I’m mostly heavily pregnant at the moment, but you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish can email me here schedule a consultation with me. 48:58 I just got 10 years so like publishing is very fresh. To me little traumatized by it but I’m really excited about it and happy to share my own experiences. So I’d be happy to meet with you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish one on one. 49:14 So yeah, feel free to reach out if you paper publish in journal, journal paper publish would like to 49:28 Alright, so I will all hang out for another minute or so. But if there are no other questions, we can go ahead and wrap it up. I appreciate your time tonight. And again, being my guinea pigs with that full 49:44 Okay, well thanks folks have a nice evening.
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