Research Methodology and Methods

Halloran good afternoon friends welcome to CEC. Live lectures dear friends with our ongoing series on basics of sociology. Today we project on research methodology, project for research methodology are going to talk on research methodology project on research methodology, project for research methodology as well as. Oh on methods and for this discussion we project on research methodology, project for research methodology have once again with us in our studios dr. Archana Prasad dr. Sheena Prasad is assistant professor in Department of Sociology. Kamla Nehru College University of Delhi dr. Prasad has immense experience and she believes in giving her maximum knowledge to the students. That’s why dear friends through the cell life sessions she shares maximum knowledge with you if you want to ask questions from dr. Sheena Prasad though on the particular topic. That is today’s topic of discussion. Then you can call right. In the studio you can contact us. Through our toll-free number. Our number is 1-800-308-3515 research methodology project on research methodology, project for research methodology and research. Hello man welcome to the lecture and ago but afternoon welcome back to the series of lectures on basic sociology. Today’s lecture. I am going to talk about research methodology project on research methodology, project for research methodology with an methods. Most of the time in general understanding we project on research methodology, project for research methodology tend to confuse methodology project on research methodology, project for research methodology and methods. And we project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to understand or we project on research methodology, project for research methodology assume that the two are more or less today it is trying to understand in the sense that methodology project on research methodology, project for research methodology is to talk about philosophy of science and therefore the lecture is divided into two parts in first part. I will trying to understand what is the nature of social science research and try to understand the distinction between methodology project on research methodology, project for research methodology and thoughts third. We project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to understand. Why do we project on research methodology, project for research methodology need to have a choice of research. Method there n number of research methods available. And how does the researcher decide on the choice of the method he or she needs to adopt in his study and therefore not the whole understanding of the choice of research is somewhere linked to the entire idea or the philosophy of social sciences in the sense of how the entire discipline of sociology. Amma’s and there is a kind of shift from a positivist to an interpretive type understanding in the sense that we project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to see will be looking into sociology as a science and then how sociology is not actually similar to physical sciences.

And therefore we project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to understand the difference between positivist approach and the interpretive approach were very important in social. Sciences is the whole understanding of objectivity how whether objectivity as is prevalent in the physical sciences is possible in social sciences. And therefore this whole understanding of objectivity and subjectivity is linked to the interpretive and the positivist school so the positivist cool would give preference to kind of an objective reality for them. Society was out there and it could be observed or it could be studied through laws and through rules whereas for the interpretive approach it was Society was to be understood through everyday interaction through symbolic meaning and they have to try to understand the distinction between the two approaches. And there from coming from the interpretive approach we project on research methodology, project for research methodology also have whole idea of flexibility how it is important to understand that a flexibility in social science research second part of the lecture will be trying to. I will be trying to look into types of data in general we project on research methodology, project for research methodology have in any kind of a research there are two kinds of J theta one is a quantitative data and the qualitative method data and type of the data collection the methods are qualitative and quantitative in quantitative methods basically it is more to do with survey experiment and this is again linked to the philosophy of positivist school then in qualitative methods. We project on research methodology, project for research methodology have expert interview ethnography. We project on research methodology, project for research methodology have case studies field. Based researches and each methods has certain advantages and certain disadvantages one needs to map out the advantages and disadvantages and also spell out the advantage and disadvantages in any study many a time there was a shift from quantitative research to qualitative research. And there’s a lot of conflict between quantitative and qualitative and therefore we project on research methodology, project for research methodology have the method called mixed method where both quantitative and qualitative methods are used in order to have a more realistic understanding of social reality.

Therefore then we’ll go into the whole idea of what are the stages of research. There are certain process through which the search needs to be conducted though or in social sciences there are no fixed boundaries. And this is searcher is free to do research in a more open and flexible manner and therefore it is also important to keep in mind certain ethics which are essential while conducting social science research when we project on research methodology, project for research methodology look into social science research social science research can be defined as human activity in which social reality is studied with the objective to gain a valid understanding of it that is to say that the what is the task of a sociologist. A sociologist needs to understand beyond commonsensical understanding. Go into the in-depth meaning of why certain behavior or certain interactions are the way in which they are doing and research helped us to undergo to delve into the details of social interaction going on in society any sources research. They are five dimensions. The first is sociological and that is in itself is its social. Nature is a sociological dimension of research implies how it would be different from political science from economics from any other discipline and therefore it is important to emphasize on the social aspect of social reality of human human interactions and behavior. Ontological is the reality on is so how human beings the the interaction is not happening in a vacuum it is in a real-life situation and therefore it is important to explore. How interactions and behaviors are taking place in the real empirical. Reality teleological is that the research is oriented to a goal and a purpose but each research has an objective to be achieved and to do with that objective in her and there are certain processes that has to be followed to achieve the goal then epistemological.

FST maharajah means knowledge. Search of knowledge research in a manner is actually a search for knowledge so we project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to accept it any kind of research which is being done is in the sense of a quantitative analysis is to actually prove or disprove a hypothesis but in qualitative analysis. It’s a search of knowledge or new kind of a knowledge in it’s an action towards theory building and that therefore each research has an epistemology then become to methodology project on research methodology, project for research methodology methodology project on research methodology, project for research methodology codimension. That is how these the above four ideals could be achieved. We project on research methodology, project for research methodology are certain process. They are certain procedures and they are certain techniques through which research is carried out in order to achieve the objective of the research these principles inform the choice of the research method so we project on research methodology, project for research methodology have to keep in mind the five dimension in the selection of a topic for the area where the research has to be done how the methods are the are the tools and techniques that has to be employed for the research to be carried out and this helps us to get a clearer picture of the reality that we project on research methodology, project for research methodology the researcher is investigating then we project on research methodology, project for research methodology look into the objectives and functions of research the major objective of research is to discover new facts and verify their old facts and therefore it is very important to understand. How why would anyone try to understand. This instance if we project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to understand the institution of marriage in the contemporary society we project on research methodology, project for research methodology cannot go by the earlier understanding of marriage which was only biological to the we project on research methodology, project for research methodology need to move beyond biology to understand the nature institution of marriage and therefore it needs to be investigated in it needs to be researched in order to arrive at a new understanding of the institution of marriage the second objective is to find the causal connection between human activities and natural law governing them. This comes in from more from the positivist interpretation where they were which was believed that the entire social society were worn by certain rules and if they were if these rules could be identified so social action could be interpreted accordingly and therefore the understanding that each behavior had a certain law and the law could help you to interpret the causes of the behavior.

The third objective is to understand the human behavior and its interaction with the environment. This comes in from the later discourses in sociology. Which emphasized on interpretive understanding that a human being is in a constant interaction with the environment that is the research is dependent on the context into a political social economic context as well as the biography of the researcher and that needs to be kept in mind the resource social research perform certain functions number one is that it. The function is to discovery of new facts and their interpretation so we project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to through social research arrive at certain understanding of a phenomena and therefore we project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to give a new interpretation to it and this helps us to understand reality as it is changing through space and time. Then we project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to understand diagnosis of problem. And the analysis for instance if we project on research methodology, project for research methodology are trying to research and why there is an increase in communal violence in the country we project on research methodology, project for research methodology need to research on the role of religion to understand the interrelation between religion and politics in order to diagnose the problem of increasing communal violence in a country like India so the thought of function is control over social phenomena the fourth is prediction social research aims and finding and order among social facts and a Kwajalein relation and that is to say that is try to understand society as a whole and they each are interrelated that is a part and whole relation and try to understand any phenomena is not to understand only the phenomena in itself but to relate it to the other institutions other process other behavior or other actions taking part and that would help us to have a more holistic understanding of the reality then we project on research methodology, project for research methodology Trump to the distinction with between methodology project on research methodology, project for research methodology and method methodology project on research methodology, project for research methodology refers to the broad theoretical and philosophical frame into which procedural rules fit.

It’s a broad frame of research process. So methodology project on research methodology, project for research methodology is basically the framework of research it gives you the theoretical knowledge base of the research whereas methods is the technical rules or basically it is the tool that would be used in order to collect our analyze data so the method could be in terms of different kinds of methods for we project on research methodology, project for research methodology have method of data collection which could be survey observation interview case analysis content analysis then we project on research methodology, project for research methodology have method of data analysis so data analysis could be in terms of statistical analysis which is more in the realm of quantitative data methods. Where all we project on research methodology, project for research methodology could have data analysis in terms of qualitative data analysis and these days. We project on research methodology, project for research methodology have a lot of computer based software that helps us to do different kind of statistical as well as qualitative data analysis some of the computer software which are available in the strata. Then we project on research methodology, project for research methodology have ethno we project on research methodology, project for research methodology have SPSS so these soft computer software help to analyze data represent data in the form of graphs in the forms of diagrams and that it’s the researcher to interpret the data in a more easy manner the third could be method of research inquiry that the research inquiry is the methods are in terms of formulation of a hypothesis. The construction of concepts theories and proposition again there is a distinction between the quantitative and the qualitative data where it is in the qualitative data there is not mean. Hypothesis need not necessarily be proved or disproved may be the hypothesis changes in the process of research whereas in quantitative method it is a question of either proving the hypothesis or the tentative statement or disproving it the method lay down the procedure for generation of reliable and objective knowledge and the interface between methodology project on research methodology, project for research methodology and method is considered as the philosophy of social research and methodically the methodology project on research methodology, project for research methodology elucidate the theoretical orientation with which the research process is to be carried out the basic elements that build research methodologies are concepts preposition of hypotheses and theory concepts are the most important and integral part of social research because it is with the concepts that we project on research methodology, project for research methodology entire research process would be outlined or the resource it is important to identify the necessary concepts of social research it is a significant symbolic component of social scientific language proposition or hypothesis.

They are tentative statement is that that’s a kind of a kind of a tentative question on a social problem for instance if we project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to understand say why is there increase in less than relations or almost excellent relations. We project on research methodology, project for research methodology need to understand or raise a question that is or does. The modern modernity has brought about change in the traditional understanding of marriage or has the traditional institution of marriage fragmented and have resulted in other forms of relationship. So this needs to be understood in – in context of these changes that are coming in through modernity and try to understand the institution of marriage saris are systems of concepts and propositions that explain the relationship underlying principles characterizing a phenomena so every discipline has a kind of a theoretical background which would actually help us to explore the research in a particular direction so then we project on research methodology, project for research methodology come to the choice of research method. The choice of the research method depends on research question philosophy of research preference and skill whatever approach we project on research methodology, project for research methodology choose for the research. We project on research methodology, project for research methodology need to consider five questions. What is the unit of analysis for instance. It could be a small group that was. It could be a wrist micro level understanding which could be on the basis of individual individual or it could be a macro level study which could include a country or a nation.

The second question is are you relying on a universal theory or local knowledge. So you we project on research methodology, project for research methodology have a certain kind of macro meta-narratives or theoretical which are already existing and those are able to explain the larger picture but many a time we project on research methodology, project for research methodology need to understand the micro details of it and therefore we project on research methodology, project for research methodology would have to depend on the local knowledge and that will help us to build about a new concepts. New theories in research will theory or data. Come first so we project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to when your time. There’s a debate whether we project on research methodology, project for research methodology should first go into the theoretical existing theories and then go into the data or in some time it is the data which reveals new theory so it is important to understand which is the priority we. Should you read the literature first and then develop your theory or will you gather the data develop your theory from that it is neither. It’s not a question of better or bad which is either way is equally relevant when you study cross-sectional or longitudinal study. Are you looking at one point in time or changes over time so is it a study which is in in the in the one context or is it a spatiotemporal study that is is italy looking at particular phenomena over a spread of geographical unit or is it a kind of evolutionary study in the sense that what was the past. And what is the present and there is a kind of a mapping of the past to the present. Then it’s a whole question of whether the objective is to falsify your theory or is it to agree to a theory and this could be either depending on what the data analysis or the data results say at the end. Now what is very important. Try to understand. Is the philosophy of social research and philosophy implies scientists how social scientists think argue construct the knowledge of society different from other branches of knowledge so each discipline has its own philosophy and that is depending on the objective of the discipline or the ground back historical understanding of the way in which a particular discipline has emerged and the philosophy tries to aim interpretation of social science that answers the following question what is the nature of social so that is so how it would be logical study different from many other studies.

How are social science distinct from natural science and this is whether the whole debate or whether sociology should be a science the way it was thought of by the founders like Auguste Comte and Karl Marx or is there something which is unique in the discipline of sociology which is not in the scientific in the sense in which physical sciences to be understood and therefore it is has its own dimensions which in which the construction of knowledge is taking place. There is a search for scientific truth but not in the same manner as the as it is happening in the physical and the natural sciences and therefore if it is different from the Natural Sciences there does it has a distinct method. Which would make it more sociological. How do we project on research methodology, project for research methodology then investigate social properties and social structure. It is very important to understand when you try to understand the debate between sociology as not science is to try to understand it in the natural or the physical sciences the most of the researchers are taking place through experiments in the lab so it is a control conditions under which research is done on a small kind of a sample or small focus whereas for the sociologists it is the entire society which is the laboratory and the research has to be done on a wider scale because all the entire population are the respondent for the research and this is the major distinction between sociology and these Natural Sciences and therefore their whole idea that what that makes it scientific is the whole search for knowledge or search for truth which is and ongoing process sociology in the beginning who saw itself as objective and neutral neutral objectives science and therefore he Comte who had quite had to refer to it as physical physics social physics that is a study of society later there was a shift with Max Weber and other interpretive understanding and he was trying that socio society is not fixed.

The reality is not given and therefore it could not necessarily be started through the laws which as it is done in the natural science because so social reality is in a process of continuous construction and the meaning changes. So they cannot be any kind of a generalization on the basis of an unjust anning of us small unit or a small group and therefore the whole understanding of relativity that mover since it is the meaning which is attached to social interaction which has to be understood by a researcher this meaning could change from one context to the other or from one society to the other Society and therefore we project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to. I look into both the debates in the in terms of sociology. How the initial founding fathers of sociology tried to give the our understanding of sociology as science and then we project on research methodology, project for research methodology see the development which took place in sociology to consider it as a distinct discipline where the focus is on portion behavior and interaction when we project on research methodology, project for research methodology look into sociology as a science of society. Sociology is not different from the Natural Sciences as far as method of inquiry is concerned and therefore it is considered in terms of a unity of method that both science and Natural Science and sociology are trying to do the same thing that is they. Try to discover law that will help to interpret behavior of human being the idea of positive philosophy was to discover social positive laws of social development and will see this through the works of Comte Durkheim Karl Marx. Talcott person where they were trying to understand social development by giving in certain laws and these laws will have able to help to understand the process of social change that was taking place in society human Express experience therefore could be understood through laws but there was a certain kind of generalization they were generalized laws which was assumed to explain social reality in totality social science can use methodology project on research methodology, project for research methodology methodology project on research methodology, project for research methodology and insight of physical science as model of development and therefore we project on research methodology, project for research methodology had the emergence of sociology from the idea of for sociology similar to physics the earliest mention of scientific approach to this study of society was formed found the work of Auguste Comte Auguste Comte also given the try to understand society through certain stages of evolution from say from religious society and evolution to a society where there is rationality the positive approach is the approach which is used in Natural Sciences is applicable to the study of human behavior in society if in Natural Sciences the experiment is conducted in the laboratory in sociology the society is the lab results are more or less the similar based on objective method where the emphasis was on objectivity the social reality could be understood in an objective rule like manner believed that objective facts produce valid evidence from which generalization can be made the methods used were questionnaires and interview which provide data which could be statistically studied so you try to develop certain laws capture certain data converted into statistical interpretation and on the basis of those statistics.

Try to arrive at certain generalization. This was the basic premise of the positive philosophy in the social sciences. And the argument understanding was that the result or the what the findings were would therefore be value free. It would not be influenced by the personal choice or the personal bias of the researcher who is doing so the understanding would that was that the researcher would keep away his or her personal feeling bias prejudice while doing the social research and this we project on research methodology, project for research methodology see it in the positive philosophy is found in the works of dark. I’m in his work rules of sociological method. The subject method method matter according to Durkheim was the finding of social fact he said anything could be a social fact.

But when it certain characteristics like it is constraining it is upright to individual and it is external becomes social fact and becomes a subject of study by the sociologist in his research on suicide. Durkheim states that social facts should be seen as thing and that suicide was not an act of individual but product of collective forces external to the individual so he was trying to understand an individual field in behavior in the sense that why individual commit suicide and he was trying to understand this by looking into the conditions or the social structure of the society which was forcing an individual to commit suicide and therefore he would say that and he was bringing in a space analysis for him. It was that a single man who was staying in an urban area would be more prone to commit suicide than a married man staying in a rural area. So they were certain generalization on which he developed his understanding of one certain no types of suicide in a society so similar to Durkheim we project on research methodology, project for research methodology also have the functionalist approach and the Marxist approach which were following the positive philosophy in the understanding of society. So the functionalist were trying to understand the functions with the structures were performing and their these functions were then right kind of generalized and Marxism was trying to understand that there was a change in the structure of society based on the economic nature of the society so he believed that when there was a change in the modes of production from from a primitive mode to a capitalist mode. The structures of society underwent change and a class-based society. He must so they were all trying to understand in the light of the positive philosophy. Interpretive approach came in with the work of Max Weber and Max Weber believed that social reality could not be understood as a thing out there to be measured and compared but it is in the process of everyday interaction the meaning attached that needs to be understood and therefore he said that value free or neutral so sure sociology or social research was not possible and similar to Weber.

We project on research methodology, project for research methodology have the year we project on research methodology, project for research methodology have the hermeneutics and we project on research methodology, project for research methodology have the symbolic interaction for whom the everyday life the common common day understanding of everyday life had to be interpreted and a new meaning had to be given to these understanding so even from similar to Weber we project on research methodology, project for research methodology have Alvin Goldner who criticized the idea. The society is concerned with producing objective truth and therefore he tried to ask for a reflexive society that it is the researcher who would reflect on the everyday meaning of interaction that is going taking place in the society and accordingly try to interpret social reality so the between the positivist approach and the interpretive approach we project on research methodology, project for research methodology see the research methods would be the philosophy of these two would impact on the method so quantitative methods is more inclined to positive philosophy and it is the qualitative method which is more inclined to the interpretive philosophy in the second half of the lecture. I will try to understand the different kinds of research. Method used in the corn in the understand in social research in terms of differentiating between qualitative and quantitative welcome back to the second half of the lecture on research methodology project on research methodology, project for research methodology and method so in the first half. I try to talk about how. What is the philosophy of social sciences. What are the objective and functions of social research and how the philosophy of the difficult science determines the nature of methods net that needs to be taken up so in this half of the lecture. I’ll be talking about the types of data. There are basically two types of data or data in the consents the data collection when we project on research methodology, project for research methodology are doing data collections. They are basically two kinds of data. One is a primary data which is where the research of himself or herself collects through the use of various research techniques or tools like interview questionnaire observation and the second is the secondary days data secondary data or refer to the use of existing literature or data that is in the sense of large scale studies.

Which are being going you can use. One researcher can use the existing source already because many a time. It is not possible to cover the entire universe of the study if it’s a large-scale study for instance the census data the sir census which the government of India conduct has excellent quantitative data. So these data can be used for the researcher and the researcher need not necessarily go and do the survey again so keeping in mind the philosophy of the science we project on research methodology, project for research methodology see that it is a primary data becomes more handy for the qualitative research for people who are going to follow interpretive philosophy of science because you have to understand everyday life and therefore you cannot necessarily rely on the data that was existing whereas people who would try to be more positive as to who try to discover laws of understanding social reality would rely on secondary data but secondary data also suffers from a limitation in the sense that need not nested it could be not necessarily reflecting the reality of the researcher at the point that the research is being done because the data was collected in a particular time and a particular can context so they are certain merits and demerits of both and both has to be kept in mind while doing her research another very important way of trying to differentiate types of data in the sense of used in social researchers is quantitative data which is data through statistics number one t means number and these numbers are only means to test hypotheses where we project on research methodology, project for research methodology like try to look into the relation between cause and effect so you connect or do a large kind of a survey collect a certain kind of map data and then those those data are statistically interpreted to arrive at certain understanding so you draw there’s lot of tables and graphs and figures which would be used for comparing sale reality for instance we project on research methodology, project for research methodology if we project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to understand the nature of family life in America and in India.

We project on research methodology, project for research methodology draw a sample of 500 family. We project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to give a questionnaire collect certain kind of data on it and on from both the society then interpretated through graphs and tables and figures statistics and then arrive in terms of the differences and the similarity between the two society. Then the second type of data it is in terms of qualitative data qualitative qualitative means the content so qualitative data is trying to talk about more into the quality of the social behavior or interaction or the process that we project on research methodology, project for research methodology are trying to so there is not much focus on numbers that data’s are not collected in the sense of numbers most qualitative stab studies. Do not have a sample so it could be the whole society which is study. Generally the quantitative data is applied to large universe whether it is the entire country which is to be studied whereas qualitative is to a smaller micro society so that it is able for the researcher to cover all the respondents available in that society the qualitative data are used to interpret and understand social interaction so there is no graphic representation or there is no kind of giving graphs and diagrams but rather it could be in terms of a discourse where the reality is presented as it could be experienced by the respondent and it is more descriptive it is more in the sense of growing a description of the reality rather than giving in the data’s and statistics if you do a quantum parity study of the quantity and the qualitative methods. We project on research methodology, project for research methodology see that. What is the question that a quantitative research asks is that who what when how and why so. These are some of the questions which our researcher who talks by doing a quantitative research where is in a qualitative research if the question is how much so it is not a question of why you are doing but how much of it is being reflected the second is objective the objective of the quantitative research is to understand the magnitude or occurrence of Association so and the qualitative it is to understand the nature or quality of a phenomena so if we project on research methodology, project for research methodology are trying to understand for instance the significance of religion and modern society the quantitative would go into the number of communal violence that would take number of people who have been affected by the violence whereas the qualitative research would go into understanding how the communal violence is has affected the lives of the people and to what extent it has extracted them then we project on research methodology, project for research methodology were going to the method in quantitative under stress or most of the time the use of two methods which is very common which is method and the experiment method.

The survey is a large-scale collection of data. I’ll come back to the details of each of the methods but you try to understand the distinction between qualitative and well quantitative in qualitative. The methods are more in-depth that is for instance the ethnography participant observation content analysis. And these days. We project on research methodology, project for research methodology now also have use of visual resource that is the use of photographs media etc then were in terms of analysis. Quantitative analysis is deductive that is you from numbers from the quantity you deduce or you arrive at a conclusion whereas in qualitative it is inductive you are trying to induce you are trying to generate new knowledge trying to interpret society in our new dimension then as I have already repeatedly told the philosophy of quantitative method is positivist that is the search for objective neutral free reality whereas the philosophy of qualitative method is interpret ativ or trying to understand the meaning of the behavior or trying to understand the way in which human actions are interactions are taking place then we project on research methodology, project for research methodology look into the group studies this also I have said earlier that the group in a quantitative study is small it. I’m sorry it’s a quantitative is a large which is a large-scale study which is being done for in the whole country has to be studied or the entire village has to be studied whereas in qualitative.

D it is a small within a country it could be one particular state or within the state it could be a particular district or two could be even micro level that it could be your family or it could be one group or in the society which is under studied and the logic for the smaller size of the universe of the study is that it is. It is then possible for the researcher to himself or herself. Interact with every respondent of the research if we project on research methodology, project for research methodology look into the quantitative methods it phenomena by collecting and analyzing numerical data tells you if there is a difference but not necessarily why so. They’ll only tell you that there’s a difference between the family structure in India and in US but it will not tell you why there is a difference so the only numbers will say that 40% joint family in India and only 30% or 10%. Just a big idea a joint family in America but it will not tell the nature of jointness in Indian society. Data collected are always. Numerical and analyzed through statistical methods variables are controlled as possible because it’s a large scale so there is a question that they are certain at control in terms of selecting certain samples in terms of applying certain variables for the understanding and therefore they can. It is in kind of controlled environment in which the research is taking place randomization to reduce objective so we project on research methodology, project for research methodology have random sampling. You you have to study the entire society to you. Randomly select the households so that the subjective bias does not creep in so the the choice of the sample is not dependent on the personal bias of the researcher and if there is no numbers involved then it is not a quantitative study so then it. The nature of the study would change sometimes of researches lend themselves better to quantitative approach than other and that is like if you are trying to understand it it is entirely the nature of the research or the objective of the research which is very important so if we project on research methodology, project for research methodology are trying to understand certain nature of the society certain facts certain figures then quantitative study is more suitable data source includes survey.

Which are there are large number of respondent observation count of numbers or coding data into numbers secondary data that is government data and so literature or any other existing research analysis technique include hypothesis testing correlation and cluster analysis. So then we project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to understand only two types of quantitative method one is survey and the other is the experiment. A survey is a research method in which subjects respond to a series of statement or question in a questionnaire or an interview surveys are directed at population the people who are the focus of research so as I have already said that in every 10 years the government of India comes out with on census. The census is a survey the method or the technique of data collection in the census is a survey that is a house to house data is collected many are times the survey there we project on research methodology, project for research methodology need a sample. We project on research methodology, project for research methodology need not necessarily study all the household but we project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to arrive at a certain sample and this sense. There are certain. Math methods of selecting the sample sample random sampling is one of the method in which sample is selected selected and then that sample is concerned considered as representative of the population so the facts. The findings which comes on the basis of the study of the sample is then generalized to represent the entire population then survey may involve questionnaire. Questionnaire is a series of questions which could be either open ended or closed ended open which there is a choice given that you can fill in the according to the respondent and closed-ended is generally when it is yes/no or certain options are given which the respondent is supposed to select service may also take the form of interview.

So questionnaires are generally written and questionnaires are used when the sample is large. So you cannot enter you. Each and every respondent. So you send across questionnaire questioning could be sent through mail it be posted or it could be individually handed down so it could also be an interview. If the sample size is small and every respondent can be interviewed. Then it’s a verbal asking of question to the respondent and then again it could be in terms of open-ended or close at interview you ask the respondent to select an option which is given as ABCD or you could ask the respondent to explain the question and they once the data observation can also be done and most of the time these data is collected then it is coded and then it is analyzed through the use of software’s or statistical packages and interpretation is arrived at then we project on research methodology, project for research methodology have the second method of quantitative research which is experiment. Experiment is a research for investigating cause and effect under highly control so experiment is coming in directly from the Natural Sciences where you conduct an experiment in the laboratory to arrive at certain relation between the certain cause and certain factors which is responsible for the cause experiment result is explanatory meaning that it asks not just what happens but why typically researchers conduct as experiment to test hypotheses unverified statements of relationship between variable most experiments are conducted in laboratory and employed experimental and control group but as I have already said that in the social science the entire society is a lab so in the in the sense that the experiment would be conducted in the sense that so if a sample of the universe is selected they are asked to behave in certain manner or to interact in a certain manner and that on the basis of the way in which it is being experimented at a one particular of time of time. The interpretations are done the. Hawthorne effect is a change in subjects behavior caused by the awareness or being studied so they are certain control variable and control experiment well uncontrolled experiments so these are examples of certain experiment which has been done the Stanford country Prison study was an experiment conducted by Philip Zimbardo that supported the notion that character of a prison itself and not the personality of prisoners and guards cause prison violence so this is a study which was trying to understand why there is a prison violence and the understanding was that it is not individual experience but it is the structure of the prison in such that violence is opt out prompt to happen so if the same individual were placed outside the prison they could be more peaceful or they would not enter into a violent experiment so this is you create a kind of a false environment like a prison put individuals as controlled variables and try to see the behavior that is being done and arrive at a generalizations then we project on research methodology, project for research methodology come to the qualitative methods any resources doesn’t involve numerical data and that is the use words pictures photos videos audio recording field notes generally any it’s a more broader method of doing research because this is not content to lab lab what is not content to only collecting numerical data so the in fact the entire society becomes a field for the researcher and one of them in crucial component of a research in a qualitative.

Method is a field diary which the researcher should maintain in order to note down the nitty-gritty or the everyday which might or the observer researcher might forget when he is she is writing the final report and therefore the field diary becomes very crucial so it starts with a broad question rather than a specific hypothesis as I have already said that it is not necessarily for a qualitative research to test a hypothesis so you might may have a hypothesis which needs to be tested or you to begin with a broad understanding of the phenomenon that needs to be more explored or need some more in-depth analysis so then the whole outcome is not to arrive at certain data but to arrive at certain dolly knowledge for most constructs a new Chari on the basis of the research which is being done and therefore the data which is needed through qualitative research is more rich it and it is more it is more explanatory of the social reality.

It does not need a large sample size. And there is no generalization so on the basis of the study of one society generalization cannot be achieved because again the philosophy is interpret ativ and there is a significance of relativity or a flexibility that the content of the research and the objective of the research will differ according to the social economic and political conditions under which the research is being taken some issues which arise however while doing qualitative research are many our time the respondent may give false information because it is there is no way in which you can control the answers which given by the respondent sometimes a respondent give answers which he or she thinks the interviewer wants to listen so then again there is no accountability of the our answers which is sticking in by the researcher. Ethical reasons will be very problem. There are lot of ethical issues which I’ll come in later which is very difficult in the sense of a qualitative research and again the whole question of objectivity whether a researcher can do away with the personal bias and presidents in the study of a particular society is again questionable. Because for instance. If you are trying to understand communal violence and we’re trying to understand the hindu-muslim relation and the personal biases or personal feeling of the research is very difficult or political ideology is difficult to keep it away and it does to a large extent of influence the research which is being done so the techniques of qualitative data analysis are interview which could be structured semi-structured or unstructured structured interviews or sense that is it has a certain format.

It has a certain kinds of question fixed question and or closed-ended and then you have some amount of structure and there is one which is totally in a kind of a formal informal in conversation between the researcher and the respondent. So you don’t have any questions. So you don’t have predefined questionnaire in your hand you just enter into a kind of a conversation with the respondent and over the period through the conversation with the respondent certain understanding of the phenomena or the processes arrived at so then another is the focus group discussion way or certain number of the respondent entered into a conversation in a group. Everyone is filled to given the opinion and it could be more actually controlled by the researcher or it could be just a kind of a discussions taking place between five to ten members and then again try kind of one understanding arrived at so this secondary data sources in the qualitative research would include. Diaries of individual self-reported written accounts of past events archive data and company reports. And many our times. We project on research methodology, project for research methodology also try to do a direct observation through audio or video but again the observation which is a very important method in research is is again problematic where the question of whether the identity of the researcher should be revealed or whether it should not be hidden is again a debatable idea. In social sciences another technique is and which is very important part of qualitative research is ethnography ethnography is in a sense trying to put across the ideas of the people there as it is experienced by themselves. The researcher is not supposed to bring in his or her understanding of the life or interaction and just put it across as the respondents feel believe or would interact ethnography generally takes place through a longer continuous participant observation of the researcher with the respondent.

So we project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to come to the techniques of research in qualitative and the first is ethnography and case study. Ethnography is a naturalistic method. Based on studying people in their own environment in order to understand the meaning the attributes to their activity ethnography is often two-part activity active participation in an observation of naturally occurring setting and then writing account that is the field note second method is case. Study it is more intensive that is it could be as intense in-depth study of one particular case and this could take place in the following combination one individual case study or it could be a group of persons such as family or gang. It could be a class of persons such as three four professors it could be an ecological unit. Each of this could become a case cultural unit such as fashion or institution so each of these groupings becomes a case and in-depth third time spent study is on the behavior interaction everyday experience of the individuals belonging to these groups. Then as I have already said interviews is a technique which is used in both qualitative and quantitative method and it could be in the sense that it could be only as could be both it could be in the sense structured where you have certain questions which is given to the respondent or it could be informal discussions with ii-in researcher then we project on research methodology, project for research methodology come to observe ation. Observation is a technique through which as the terms is that you observe the phenomena and reality there are two kinds of observation that is participant observation and non-participant observation in qualitative research method it is the participant observation which is more frequent. And it is used that you either become a complete participant in the community life or the group to which you study and most important star one of the most important study in sociology using participant observation was William foot white study of the street-corner society and where he became one of like one of the respondent and try to understand the life of a poor neighborhood in Boston.

Non-participant observation is that you do not participate in everyday life of the but you could observe the everyday experience as a non participant and then there are certain advantages and disadvantages of every research methods that some as I have already said in the course of the lecture that Social Survey is a large sample. You can capture a large amount of data. Where however the problem is the generalization cannot necessarily be a true picture of social reality because the content core content and context would change even in the participant observation gives the researcher and indeed understanding of social reality but they are certain ethical questions which becomes problematic while doing a participant observation so we project on research methodology, project for research methodology have the mixed method research. In the mixed method results both quantitative and qualitative research are used together so there is a methodological pluralism that is you employ both data pictures graphs photos in a sense it becomes a more holistic understandings. We project on research methodology, project for research methodology don’t dis rely on quantitative or on qualitative but bringing both data you try to and bring in statistical understanding as well as bringing in the qualitative aspect of research and slowly and slowly. The trend is towards more mixed method results so there was from the shift from quantitative to qualitative and in the recent time it is more in terms of mixed method research and when we project on research methodology, project for research methodology use multiple methods or multiple techniques for data collection and in data analysis the term triangulation is used triangulation helps you to use multiple methods at the same time to arrive at a certain understanding of the social reality. So we project on research methodology, project for research methodology when we project on research methodology, project for research methodology try to do research. It’s a circle enjoyed that we project on research methodology, project for research methodology identify the knowledge gap search for existing information do the data collection analyze the data and disseminate implement when the data is collected analyzed and a certain kind of new knowledge that needs to be resourced.

And that takes you back to the first stage so that is why it is self this is it’s a kind of a cyclically process so then we project on research methodology, project for research methodology come into the last part of the lecture which is on the ethics that as much as the research is important for the researcher the respondent who is a important component of the research is important so we project on research methodology, project for research methodology should not force or coerce anybody to answering certain questions. It should be an informed consent it should be a voluntary participation and the respondent should not be at a risk of harm that is any by any means the while answering a question his or her life should not be at risk then. The data collected should be confidential and it attempts should be made not to disclose the names of the respondent at a very at as much as one can so the if these stages and the process of research data collecting are maintained then the role of the research of generating new knowledge and trying to under find out. New truths will be accomplished. Thank you but this note thank you mom. Thank you so very much dear friends if you want to see this lecture once again then we project on research methodology, project for research methodology would like to tell you all that we project on research methodology, project for research methodology are going to upload this lecture on YouTube afterwards you can see the lecture and definitely you can give your feedback for this particular lecture at info dot CEC at an icy Dorton. We project on research methodology, project for research methodology would be meeting again soon till then take care good bye thank you mom. Thank you so very much you.

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