Writing a research proposal

Um hi everyone um and welcome to the uh the final in our series of webinars on how to develop um good research proposals sample research proposal for the igc. I’m shahid vazirali head of the research program sample research proposal at the igc and today we’ll be doing two things first. I’ll be sharing with you. Some information on our upcoming call for proposals sample research proposal for early career researchers sample research proposal and then we’ll welcome mathew teachout director of research sample research proposal  and policy at the igc who will be sharing with us some of his tips for writing. Good research proposals sample research proposal following that. Uh we’ll go through some of the questions that were submitted by audience members um prior to the webinar. Um and then we’ll finally open it up to questions that are submitted um during the webinar sample research proposal itself. So um if you have a question uh please type it out in the q a box on zoom. Um and we’ll try to address as many of these as possible in the last 10 to 15 minutes um so these webinars are being recorded and will be posted on the igc website sample research proposal as well. So um i’d strongly encourage everyone to view them again before beginning their work on their proposals sample research proposal. So let me just share my screen here foreign. Yeah um so. We’re going to be holding a call for proposals sample research proposal. Um coming up soon uh the window will open in the third week most likely the third week of november so the date is yet to be decided exactly but it will be somewhere between the 20th and 25th of uh sorry september um so that’s this month and uh it’ll be open for about seven weeks um and will run up until early in november um and then we expect decisions to be made uh sometime in january and um applicants to be notified kind of shortly thereafter. Um so this is a call that we’ve not run before at the igc. It’s focused exclusively on early career. Researchers sample research proposalum and by that we mean either phd students or researchers sample research proposalwho have got five years or less of work experience following their phds. Um so the lead bi on each proposal sample research proposal has to be an early career researcher. How we define an earlier researcher but the the composition of the team is not um does not have to be exclusively a early career.

So we’re saying the lead. Pi has to be an early career researcher so either a phd student or someone with five or less years of work experience but then um other team members may uh have more work experience um awards will be capped at uh 20 000 pounds. Um but we expect that the average amount given per proposal sample research proposal will be um between 10 to 15 000 pounds so um given the budget that we have. We think that we’re going to give out about 30 to 40 awards this year. Um looking at our kind of past historical success rate um about one in every four proposals sample research proposal submitted gets selected. So it’s it’s a highly competitive call. It always has been at the igc so um you know i wouldn’t be too disappointed if you don’t get through this time. Um there’ll be further opportunities down the line as well and we’re doing as much as we. Can you know through this webinar sample research proposalseries through our matchmaking initiatives to try and provide as much feedback as possible and as much guidance as possible on proposal sample research proposal development. Um so our focus areas for this call for proposals sample research proposal. Um will be the traditional for igc themes state effectiveness firms and productivity cities and energy. Um but we will have a kind of an um an additional focus on sustainable growth as well so when you’re developing your proposals sample research proposal and you’re thinking of ideas within these four themes think about how your research idea is relevant to inclusive and sustainable growth. We will have guidance documents for you on the website around our research strategy. We will have evidence papers put up on the website as well so i’d strongly encourage you to go through these to get a better understanding of um you know the details and the nuances around what our research priorities are. Um they’ve been fed in uh by our research program sample research proposal directors and by our country teams as well and so these will be updated over the next couple of weeks. And we’ll be ready to go by the time we open up the call.

Um another important point sample research proposalthat i would really like to emphasize is that we very strongly encourage applicants to work in igc countries. These are countries where the igc has a resident team which provides researchers sample research proposalwith a whole host of advantages as opposed to when they’re working in a non-igc country igc country teams can help connect you to policy makers can help connect you to other researchers sample research proposalwho may be willing to either review your proposal sample research proposal give you feedback or even collaborate with you. They may have access to data sets that you may not have access to and our country. Economists are very proactive and will also take uh time to review your proposals sample research proposal and provide you with feedback and give you an understanding of what the president country team’s priorities are. So it’s very important that as you develop your research proposals sample research proposal please please. Please get in touch with the igc country office at an early stage so we will be accepting proposals sample research proposal from non-igc countries as well but these will be limited to only 10 of our commissioning budget this year. Which will end up being around three to four proposals sample research proposal. So we’ll only give so the benchmark for for non-igc country proposals sample research proposal is going to be even higher and even more competitive because it’s going to be a much more limited amount of money that we have allocated to these projects if you are in a non-igc country and you want to submit a proposal sample research proposal for research in a non-igc country then please make sure that your proposal sample research proposal shows strong policy engagement. Um ex-ante at the time of writing the proposal sample research proposal and also um displays strong relevance for igc countries as. Well um yeah and then another thing that we’re doing this year is we want to make sure that um we get in as many proposals sample research proposal and approve as many proposals sample research proposal as possible from locally based researchers. Um and so we’re making a conscious effort to make sure that at least 50 of all our projects approved this year will include at least one locally based researcher and finally um this is just to show you what applications will be assessed on.

This is the way we’ve done it in the past as well. Um we’re looking for projects that um show a strong policy relevance um but that also push the knowledge frontier in that particular subject area and so academic impact is equally important it has to build on the literature and then finally. We’re looking for projects that have you know sound research designs and that are um able to effectively and accurately answer the research question. Um we want projects that align with igc research priorities um that engage with local researchers sample research proposaland local institutions and that finally are also cost effective and show good value for money. Um so i’ll stop there. Um i’ll pass on to mathew who will then um give us uh some of his tips on how to write a successful research proposal. Um if you have any questions after both these presentations please continue to type them. Out in the in the q a box and we’ll try and get them at the end at the end of the session so matu let me just unschedule. Yeah okay thanks um okay does this work. Okay um so hi everyone. Um i’m gonna try to give a bit of tips on how to write a successful proposal sample research proposal in the previous webinars with orianna. Bandiera and chris woodruff. They discussed a bit kind of more. The content of a research proposal sample research proposal really the idea that behind stressing the importance of the idea. The research question and the methodology behind the project. I’m not going to go too much too much over that again. But instead focus more on how you present your your your project. I’m going to start with the presumption that you have a good idea. And a good methodology to address the the question. Uh and then think how you should present a bit your proposal sample research proposal um uh when when applying for funding so i think a good good thing to always start from is to think about what do reviewers look for in a in a proposal sample research proposal so shade mentioned just now kind of the the criteria for the upcoming call typically reviewers look for things that are aligned with the research strategy of the igc so he mentioned the four themes and the evidence paper and the research strategy are a very good source of to try to understand really the research strategy of the of the igc the second criteria is uh is typically that your proposal sample research proposal needs to show that it’s unique that there’s a bit of novelty in it that it builds on existing literature while still being different that it’s an interesting setting and an interesting research question the fourth which is more sorry the third which is more about the methodology is is to show that um you you it’s going to be well executed that you’re going to generate promised evidence evidence that we can believe in that the methodology is clear and sound um and that eventually one can trust the results that will come out of your project the fourth which is very specific to the igc is police policy engagement and impact so not just why the question that you’re answering is policy relevant but actually how you think you can achieve impact directly through the research project itself so i you can refer specifically to the to the the webinar sample research proposalthat we held last week or two weeks ago on policy engagement and cogeneration at the itc and the fifth which is important is value for money for the for a given project and a given scope of a project.

You need to have a budget. That sounds reasonable for what you’re what you’re trying to do okay. So the the typical uh the upcoming proposal sample research proposal form for the for the early career researcher call um that will open in september but i think most funders have typically the same structure as adapt the same structure is is typically organized around these these questions so the first is always the project summary. The second is the research design the the third is typically kind of what is the academic innovation or uh behind the project. Then the relevance to the kind of policy in general and then that’s more specific to the igc is kind of what policy stakeholder engagement you have and typically you’re also asked to submit the budget for for the proposal sample research proposal as well so today i’ll focus exclusively on the project summary but there’s a lot to learn from that that also applies to the other section.

This is eventually just a summary of kind of the what the other questions ask for. So just a quick point sample research proposalon the others on the research design is essentially just much more details about the the design of the project that than you provide in the summary. The research aim in the academic innovation. I would say just structure it the same way that you would structure literature review in the introduction of a published paper so essentially. What is the related literature. How you build on it and how. You’re different from the from the existing literature um so this is just. Why is the question important for policy as well and it isn’t just an interesting research question but it can also lead to interesting policy insights then again to stress. The policy stakeholder engagement. This is quite something quite specific to the igc and you should refer to the to the policy engagement webinar sample research proposalthat we held the the key point sample research proposalthat i want to emphasize further. That shade mentioned already is talk to the igc country teams when we open the call. We’re going to have guidance. In terms of the our country team’s priorities will provide emails of our country teams. And you should aim to send maybe just a half pager of your research idea to start engaging and discussing it with our with our country teams and then again the budget i know. Sometimes it’s a bit unclear. What how exactly you. You’re going to spend your budget on the project or exactly what amount you need. But it doesn’t matter you need to really think through uh with the information that you have today about how you’re going to do your project and what what is the budget you need and the broad categories in which you would spend the money so if it is for any monitors if it is to foreign hiring a research assistant you need to have that idea already even if there can be kind of marginal movement between budget items as as the project moves forward okay so the main main tip for writing a proposal sample research proposal is don’t forget that you’re writing for someone who does not know anything about your project but needs to understand all of it in less than one minute so kind of we see.

There’s a very high volume of proposals sample research proposal that are submitted in the call and reviewers very rapidly skim through in particular the project summary and they need to have very quickly a very good understanding of what your what research question. You’re trying to answer and what you’re going to do to find an answer to that question. So the the key thing is being simple being very clear being very precise and not vague in terms of kind of what. What you you plan to do but at the same time. Be very concise like each sentence must have a kind of really a clear meaning and a clear message. Okay so diving into the into the project summary. Uh at the agency we recommend adopting the following structure. Which is first having an outline of the context and the primary motivation for the study. The second being the policy relevance of the project and the expected impact and the third being a non-technical summary of the research design or or your approach. I won’t go too much into the policy. Relevance of the project and the expected impact and and dive more into kind of the motivation and the summary for other research design so in terms of the the motivation i think should always be structured in in the following way start with the very high level high level statements and gradually narrow it down all the way to your research question. The end of the motivation should be your research question as much as possible. Try to motivate your statements. Uh in the motivation by existing literature and again just to refer to what chris would have said in his webinar.

Like if you provide just citations of papers that are kind of common knowledge. You people will clearly understand what idea you try to build from um so the citations can sometimes be more important than just the sentence and then the research question should be very clear very specific. Don’t shoot for the stars shoot for a reasonable research question that you can answer through your project and then the non-technical summary of the research design in your approach. I think you should you. Should maybe practice in thinking about how you would explain what you do in your project in one or two sentences maximum um or or how you would maybe explain it to a friend in an elevator so kind of you should be able to convey the main thing that you plan to do in your project in very very few sentences. Now it depends on your on your in your on your design. Uh if you’re if you’re doing trying to have a causal estimate or shows kind of that the correlation is causal. You should clearly explain why your identification strategy is real is is good uh and do it without math. Don’t don’t try to explain um with equations. Try to explain just intuitively why uh the identification strategy works. Why the counterfactual that you have in mind is a good is a good one. Um if it’s an rct try to describe the interventions the sample and kind of these these details if it’s just descriptive analysis describe. Why the data that you you’re building is unique. Or the data you’re going to dive into is quite unique and and offers a new perspective into a specific issue. If you’re going more into a structural model uh then explain what the main elements of the model will be and how you’re planning to identify the key parameters in your in your structural model so i thought rather than a very long speech on tips. It might be good to give a couple of examples of successful proposals sample research proposal. Um so this one on the left i’ll i’ll just go through it. But the the yellow part is i think describes well the motivation and the green part describes well the research question so just reading out live information in informal taxation which often involves contributing labor towards local public goods provision is a frequently overlooked source of local public finance in developing countries and this is a statement.

And which just says informal taxation is important. Um and then there’s a bit kind of a few more details about about that first statement and then it ends with. However in most countries the incidence of informal taxation is regressive poor households often contribute more work hours and better of households and at times the most disadvantaged individuals within household also contribute the most to informal taxation so this is a very simple motivation. That says formal taxation is important but it is very unfair. Um and then the question the question is also very clear. This project examines whether in formalizing an informal tags by measuring citizens contribution in issuing receipts in. I’ll keep the project anonymous for now can reduce its regressive nature and improve access to public services. Very simple very clear you. You quickly understand why it’s important and what exactly the project is going to do or what research question. They’re going to answer. This is another another example. Air quality has become a pressing concern in many developing countries particularly in south asia. There’s a huge human capital cost of air pollution. It has been documented. And there’s a lot of citations of that. There are many major gaps in our understanding of the effects of air pollution and more importantly the ability and willingness of individuals and firms to avoid these damages. And then so. That’s that’s that’s kind of the motivation. We know pollution and air quality is important. It has a it has dire a dire impact in particular in south asia and then moving on to the research question. What is the effect of incomplete defensive investments so air purifiers that reduce exposure to air pollution for only part of the day and second how does information provision about damages from air pollution changes the willingness to pay for defensive investment.

So again there’s a clear motivation. An issue that’s important that is then narrowed down to specifically kind of um defensive investment or air purifiers and then there’s a clear research question which is about evaluating the impact of these and how information provision is going to affect the take up of people of these of these devices uh and then finally uh kind of a couple of examples of research design and approach. How you summarize this so this is an example for a causal estimate so again highlighting the the part in yellow. You quickly get what the project is going to do. So in this in a country look locality switch from traditional governance to another form of governance as a population threshold. Um and so what we’ll try to do is understand. Uh kind of how governance impacts development outcomes by surveying localities just below and just above the population threshold so by reading the sentence. You understand that it’s going to be a regression discontinuity design right around the the threshold at which there’s a switch in governance. This is an example of an rct very quickly. It says it’s going to be a an rct and then it’s a quick description of the interventions. This is something a project that is purely descriptive that just provides descriptive evidence and very quickly. You can identify what we’re going to do is construct. A comprehensive database mapping the sectoral distribution of services employment. The database will establish new new stylized facts quickly. You get kind of what the project is going to do. In their main contribution and this is an example of a structural model we use a general equilibrium macroeconomic model of occupational choice with fictional labor markets. Two key general equilibrium jobs but so we will focus on two key general equilibrium search excellencies.

So this is what i said before. If the model is structural you should explain the key elements of the model so that you quickly grasp your grasp that and then to discipline the magnitudes of these general equilibrium forces. We plan to estimate the model to match key features of the job search process. So this is a exactly explains how they’re going to estimate the parameters of their model. Uh the structural model so i hope uh this makes sense and and these examples are practical enough given that the video will be on the website you can always refer to this uh to to you can always look up these sites again uh and um to get to to see a bit more into these examples. Uh shahid back back to you and stop sharing screen. Thanks matia so what we’re going to do now. Uh is just go through some questions that were submitted by registered applicants for the webinar sample research proposalprior to the webinar. So we received a lot of questions from people who registered. Um i’m just we’ve selected a few um that we’ll get to now um that i think will be useful um for us to address uh for the benefit of the audience. Um and then um then we’ll go through some questions that were submitted during the webinar. As well um so i’ll direct some of these at matu. Um so one question. We received uh from irfan sophie from the islamic university of science and tech in jammu and kashmir is. Do you consider research proposals sample research proposal that aim to contribute empirically but not theoretically to a particular topic and also inversely. Do you consider research proposals sample research proposal that contribute theoretically but lacking in derivation of a mathematical model. So we we have very rarely. I think i don’t think ever funded projects that are pure theory all right so just the model uh on on the other end. The vast majority of the projects we fund don’t necessarily have a mathematical model in them are just purely empirical. Um so you don’t need to have a theory behind.

Um we focus very much on empirical micro so and if your question is purely empirical that that’s totally fine. Yeah and i’ll just stress on the on the micro part as well most of the projects. That we’ve um commissioned in the past are in the microeconomics field and so very rarely do we commission macro projects another question. We got from miyatmiyat mon. Who is a graduate student. And independent researcher asks given that there are not that much administrative data available in myanmar it is challenging for us to conduct quantitative research at the moment in such cases. What kind of research methodology is igc looking for. Yeah so that’s that’s a good question and something i understood because i i used to do a lot of research in in myanmar as well. It’s obviously very challenging in the current environment to do survey work but i think there are administrative data that have been built over the years and in particular. The country teams has access to existing data sets that they’ve collected in the past. Um so so i think it is still possible to do to do research there building on kind of existing administrative data as well as publicly available data such as satellite data data to look at things for example as a deforestation in in myanmar which is a very important issue and can be done without necessarily having admin data so it’s obviously challenging in that country to do survey work but it is i think possible still to do admin data and publicly available data work and in that case i would strongly recommend to get in touch with the country team. Yeah and that. And that goes for other igc countries as well. So if you’re unsure whether um a particular data set is available or you’re unsure whether you can get access to a particular data set then please uh we encourage you to get in touch with the country team. They can guide you on that um anvisha basu from igidr in mumbai asks how methodologically intensive do the proposals sample research proposal need to be.

Can the proposals sample research proposal be just a research idea or does it have to be detailed. With descriptions of the data and methodology that one intends to use. Yes so it has to contain a clear description of how you’re going to execute projects so it cannot just be a research idea or research question it has to be like it has to have all the details of how you would execute the project. There can be a couple of changes down the road depending on on issues with some data or with uh kind of as the as the project progresses. The methodology changes a bit. But you need to show what is at that point sample research proposalin time how you plan to execute execute the project. I would say if you just have a research idea. And you have a tentative plan of how you would execute that you don’t necessarily have the data. I think early on when the coffer proposal sample research proposal opens send just a half pager to our country team. Saying i’m interested in that in that issue in this country i would. I think i would go in that direction to answer that research question. What do you think. And um to try to develop the proposal sample research proposal a bit further before the deadline for submitting the applications enoch bulimi from economic policy research center asks would it be ideal to undertake a preliminary analysis of the proposed study before embarking on writing the proposal. There is a tendency by some researchers sample research proposalto work backwards these days. Yes so we we have in the past and in particular for this upcoming call funded a lot of scoping work or pilot work. That is a project in in its very early phases. We don’t fund desk research. I think this was one of the message that chris woodruff mentioned the best research. You should do before you apply for funding at the igc. Uh but it can. We can fund kind of scoping work in the sense of. I’m thinking about doing this. Intervention in the form of an rct. I would like to pilot it small scale or i would like to do a round of survey first uh in the country or in that population to understand whether my intervention would be meaningful.

That’s that’s totally. That’s totally fine. And and we we funded a lot of scoping or pilot work in that sense okay. So it’s not my turn to revert questions to you. So um from tanzania ask whether the applicants must come from igc countries must be resident in igc countries. Yeah no applicants can come from anywhere. We strongly encourage research to be executed in igc countries and to be about a policy issue in igc resident countries but researchers sample research proposalcan come from anywhere in the world then sadia hussain asks. How important would covid protocols. Be in designing. Your survey design estimation strategy ie social network design seem difficult to implement in such a context. Yeah so i mean. We commissioned a few research projects over the past year um during the covet pandemic and we asked applicants that were accepted to provide us with a description of how they would execute their research under um under the covered restrictions in their country uh and execute the research in a safe and responsible manner. And we’ll continue to do that because um the covet pandemic seems to be going up and down in developing countries certainly and with vaccination rates quite low as well this would certainly be uh an issue um so yes uh executing your research especially field research in an ethical and responsible way and that complies with covert guidelines would be very much something that we look for. Okay then antonia would delay ask. Is research design necessary when one is to use secondary data. Yeah um research design is important whether you’re using primary data or secondary data if it’s secondary data or administrative data your research design still needs to explain um how you’re going to use the data and analyze the data to answer your research questions so it’s equally relevant. Uh then one asked that i think the it’s not phrased probably but i think the question is can igc funding be used for data collection in igc countries.

Yes then parcel geogra asks. How likely is it for igc to fund a replication study especially when it has never been done before in the country of interest. Yeah i don’t know mature if you want to take that one um i we haven’t funded that many replication studies in the past. Um yeah i’m i’m not entirely sure. Uh so i think if you if it’s just pure replication. You’re taking the same project you’re doing exactly the same thing. Um it has a low chance of going through i would say in the sense of it not being very competitive if if it is pure replication but it is because you have an interaction with a policy maker who specifically asked to have that work replicated in the country that has a much higher chance of going through. And then if you’re if you’re replicating a project but adding even a very small component of novelty into it and you have um you have a strong policy maker demand for the project i would say then you have. You have a very high chance of going through. We’ve we’ve had projects that are not exact replications but are close replications of existing projects that are done in a new country but with strong policy maker demand then these projects typically go through. Uh sorry so back to me um uh so someone asked whether um you can be eligible for getting funding if uh you work for an ngo rather than i think a research organization. Yeah typically no um if the ngo collaborates with an academic institution and we’ve had many many such instances in the past. Then that’s fine. Um but i don’t think we’ve funded many if any applications. That are purely from an ngo so i would encourage you to collaborate with an academic partner. Um so i think this is a question. Maybe that’s been asked in the past but probably worth saying it again. There’s the igc fund proposals sample research proposal that are being partially funded by other grantors. Um for instance if it’s a project that has a fairly large budget and the researchers sample research proposalare applying for multiple smaller grants is that something the igc would potentially fund.

Yeah so um the the short answer is yes we’ve funded projects in the past that um form a component of a larger project budget so part funded projects um but um what i will say. Is that if if that is the case for your project. Uh say you’ve got a hundred thousand pounds already funded um by another funder and you’re looking for an additional you know 30 or 40 000 pounds and you’re applying to the igc or 20 000 pounds. In this case due to the cap we will fund. We will take into consideration the marginal value added by the igc’s funding. So if um the money that you’re asking for uh is being used um in a way that um is uh valuable from an academic and policy perspective and adds incremental value to the questions that you’re asking um then yes. We will consider funding it so for example if you’re running a randomized trial uh and you think that there are interesting questions that need to be asked um if you extend the trial by an additional year um because you’re looking at you know medium term or long-term effects of something and that’s academically and um uh academically interesting and interesting from a policy perspective as well. Then yes. We’d consider that or if you want to add a new treatment arm something like that um we would consider funding something like that. There’s a question about the type of contract that we issue after for the project between institutional versus independent or individual. Is it okay if the researchers sample research proposaland the pis are all independent researchers sample research proposalwithout any institutional affiliation so we would strongly encourage um applicants to be affiliated with an institution preferably an academic institution. If you’re a phd student or an early career researcher the institution would be the one that is employing you. Um we do fund applications uh from uh individual slash independent researchers sample research proposalon an exceptional basis. Um but if you are an independent researcher uh i would strongly encourage you to partner with another researcher who’s affiliated with an institution.

Um sorry um so there are a couple of questions about the countries the idc countries you you can refer. We’ll have that video posted on the website very quickly. So you’ll be able to re to refer to that um yeah we’ll have guidance on um the call put up on the website shortly which will give you a list of igc countries. Uh and then um if you go onto the igc website and you look at the. Each country has a specific web page. You’ll you can also find contact information for the countries and the country economists. So you can get in touch with them. So there’s a question about project timelines. Uh and how. How long should project last. Um there’s no hard set rule on project timelines um in generally uh on average igc projects last between one to three years um very rarely do we have projects that go beyond the three-year mark um and very rarely do we have projects that go below the one year mark as well so i would say between one and three years is kind of average timeline. Uh then there is someone asking whether master student are eligible for the for the for this. Call um so. Typically we do not fund master’s students uh the way um we could fund master. Students is if master’s students collaborated with um phd students or more senior researchers sample research proposalbut not as a lead pi but perhaps as a research associate um and so then we would have funding in there for the research association so generally generally no but but high quality high performing masters students can work as ras on projects. Then there’s a question about idc funding rct. So yes we do fund our cts and if yes then what things should be kept in mind when designing and writing such a proposal. You want to go for that. Yeah so i think the first is. Large-scale rcts are expensive. So for this call we’re limiting at 20 000 which i think unless you’re you’re finding a ways to run a lot of things in-house will be hard. It will be hard to do an rct for that for that cost.

Uh so that’s probably the first thing to keep in mind for this for this car. It’s it’s possible but it it might be difficult to do a full rct with that budget. Um the the other thing to keep in mind is is just being clear kind of um like everybody understand what an rct is so. Don’t don’t go too much over the methodology but explain clearly kind of your your interventions. Explain whether you approach this rct as being a whether an intervention works whether an intervention is cost effective. So you plan to do kind of cost benefit analysis at the end or whether uh it’s a kind of what i would call mechanism or ct so an rct that is here to better understand mechanism. Uh um rather than checking that intervention works or is cost effective. Uh so explain really what question you’re trying to answer through your rct what are the different interventions. And probably that you’re going to be powered to detect. Uh what what you’re trying to detect through the rct. Yeah only one thing i’ll add to. That is um because we’re capping costs at 20k like matthew said um i would encourage applicants to think uh more cost-effective more novel ways to capture data and collect data um so thinking beyond you know your traditional kind of enumerators in the field asking you know long surveys one or two hour surveys which can be very very costly so think a little bit out of the box about how you can collect data um more cheaply. Um i think we’ve gone through pretty much. Uh oh so someone asked how to address the policy stakeholder question. Um first thing i’ll say is go go back to the webinar sample research proposalthat we just conducted on policy stakeholder engagement that should give you some guidance on it and then we will also have guidance in the application form on each question. Uh so i would pay attention to that as well. I don’t know matthew. Do you want to add anything. Uh no no i um i think the key is showing uh not only that you have a policies uh maker in mind who who might be a client for the project but also showing that either.

You’ve already engaged with that policy maker. Uh and that you have a good idea of what the channel to having policy impact might be but you can refer to the webinar sample research proposalthat we’ve done specifically on that someone asked whether it is necessary to get and attach an official letter from the implementation partner with the proposal. We don’t require that we don’t require that we’ve found in the past that getting letters of support can often be meaningless. But if you feel compelled to submit that with your application please go ahead uh and then someone asked whether the copyi i think on on the proposal sample research proposal can be an emeritus professor um for this call yes the copier. Yeah yeah okay. I think that’s it. I can’t see any more any new question popping into the chat. Okay great i think we got through quite a few questions um so uh yeah this is the last in the series of webinars. Um but um i think for all all participants thank you so much for attending these um good luck with putting together your proposals sample research proposal. Uh we again strongly encourage you to uh like matthieu said at least share a few lines maybe a paragraph or two about your research idea with the igc countries um to then start a conversation about um you know how to best put together a proposal. That would be interesting for the igc so thanks everyone and thanks matthew. Thanks everyone.

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