What are preprints? Should you publish your scientific research paper as a preprint?

Transcript Preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india Hello scientific writers! In today’s video, we’re  going to talk about preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india: what are preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india,   where did preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india come from, how are they used  right now, are there benefits and drawbacks to   preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india, and all of that will wrap up into  answering the question: should you publish   your research as a preprint. Hi, this is Brian  from the Grants and Publications YouTube channel.   Thanks for joining me today. Now in this video,  I’m going to cite a lot of sources. All of my   sources are in the description below, so take  a look at that if you would like to dig deeper.   What are preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india? First let’s have a definition.  So one of the best definitions I have seen comes   from this article. “Preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india are versions of  manuscripts made public, often on a preprint   server, before the conclusion of a formal,  often journal organized, editorial process.   Using preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india to separate in-depth review from  the initial act of sharing can increase efficiency   while requiring minimal extra work for authors,  and presenting science in a format that is easily   recognized by readers.” That basically covers what  a preprint is. It’s when you take your completed   manuscript, and you publish that manuscript  with no peer review. So you’re releasing it   into the wild, and you’re hoping that colleagues  in your field will read that preprint and give   you some feedback so that you can make it  better before you submit it to a journal,   so that when you do submit it to a journal the  review process will be more smooth and you’ll   have fewer criticisms because you’ve already  caught those criticisms and addressed them. So   that’s the general concept behind a preprint.  Preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india started in 1991. That’s a long time   ago! A lot of you watching this video might not  have even been born when preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india first started.   And they were started by the physics community  with a server called rXiv. Physics was the only   one doing this for a long time. Eventually the  life sciences community started bioRxiv in 2013,   and then the chemistry community started  chemRxiv in 2017, and then medRxiv started   in 2019.

This is an article from Nature in 1999  talking about US biologists proposing a launch of   an electronic preprint archive. This effort did  not take; as I told you just a few seconds ago,   bioRxiv didn’t start until 2013. So  it took a few tries to get it going.   And one of the reasons it didn’t take, we see over  here in this highlighted text: the main obstacle   facing the archive is the fear that publishing  an eprint will preclude later publication in a   peer-reviewed journal. But eventually the bioRxiv  was started. This is an article describing the   chemRxiv from 2020, and it’s talking about the  success of the chemRxiv following its beginning   in 2017. This article from the BMJ discusses the  medRxiv preprint server and this was published in   2019. Now so far I’ve talked about rXiv, bioRxiv,  chemRxiv, and medRxiv, but those are not the only   preprint servers out there. This article from  2020 searched for preprint servers and found 44   preprint platforms having a biomedical and medical  scope. So there are a lot of preprint servers   out there, it’s not just the four that we’ve  talked about so far. When I mentioned the 1999   proposal to start a preprint server for biology,  I showed you that there was some resistance from   the journals. What about now? This is an  editorial from 2019: Clinical Orthopedics   and Related Research, the Bone Joint Journal, the  Journal of Orthopedic Research, and the Journal   of Bone and Joint Surgery will not accept clinical  research manuscripts previously posted to preprint   servers. So as recently as 2019, we still have  some journals that are resisting preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india.   However, this study in 2020 examined  the top 100 ranked clinical journals,   and the results of this study were that they found  that 86 of these top 100 journals allow preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india,   13 of the journals have a case-by-case  determination, and only one of the   top 100 journals had an outright prohibition on  preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india.

What about funding agencies? This is   a recent article from late September, 2021: the  Australian Research Council up until very recently   had not allowed applicants to cite or even mention  preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india in their application or the application   was withdrawn. In fact in the most recent  funding cycle before this article, more than 30   applications worth 22 million Australian dollars  were ruled ineligible because they had cited   preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india. Researchers were furious about this,  and so now the ARC has reversed their policy and   they allow applicants to cite preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india. In the  United States, the NIH is a bit more proactive;   as of 2017 they were allowing preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india to be  cited in applications for funding. In fact,   they say “the NIH encourages investigators to  use interim research products such as preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india   to speed the dissemination and enhance the rigor  of their work”. Now, let’s look at the adoption   rate of preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india. Let’s go back to this article  from 1999 and look at this graph right in the   middle of the slide here, that shows the monthly  submissions to the physics rXiv from 1992 to 1999.   And you can see that there’s a quite a steep slope  on this submission rate. So it was being rapidly   accepted by the physics community. When we look at  bioRxiv from the beginning of 2014 through October   of 2019, you can see the number of papers that  have been submitted to the archive each month,   and that is basically increasing month by month.  And a lot of those papers are being revised. On   the right side of the slide we see the cumulative  number of papers. And by 2019, the cumulative   number of papers was approaching 70,000. In this  2020 article from JAMA we see the submissions and   downloads of preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india over the first year of  medRxiv by the second half of the year really   started to pick up and we had a lot of manuscripts  that were being posted to the preprint server.

So   it appears that it is being accepted by a certain  percentage of the medical community. Let’s   discuss the pros and cons of preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india. In this  infographic from ASAPbio we see another definition   of a preprint: it’s a scientific manuscript that  is uploaded by the authors to a public server.   And these are the benefits that ASAPbio claims  for preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india. You can get a priority claim.   So if you are in a competitive research situation  where you want to be the first to publish,   getting it out in a preprint is much faster than  getting it out in a journal publication where   you have to go through the review process which  might take several months, or even several years   in some cases, and a preprint is going to be a  couple of days. They claim that you can increase   citations by using preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india, that you can also  receive feedback, and that you can use it as proof   of productivity. Now we’ve already mentioned  receiving feedback when we defined preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india,   and we’ve also mentioned proof of productivity in  grant applications. Let’s look at some additional   pros and cons of preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india. This is an article  called “10 simple rules to consider regarding   preprint submission.” They go over some of the  same points we just saw in the previous slide,   but there are some new ones too. Preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india speed  up dissemination. They should be licensed in   format to facilitate reuse. In some of my other  videos I have talked about copyright issues;   when you publish your article in the traditional  model you give up the copyright. If you’re using   a preprint you retain the copyright and you  license it with a Creative Commons license.   Preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india provide a record of priority preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india  do not lead to being scooped. Some authors might   worry about that; if I release my results as a  preprint before I’ve published it, can’t some   other researchers go and copy my experiments and  publish before me? According to these authors,   that is not likely to happen.

Rule 5: Preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india  provide access to scholarly content that would   otherwise be lost. So this point is getting at the  fact that sometimes it’s really hard to publish   results, even if they’re good results.  So maybe they are negative results,   or maybe it’s just some results that don’t make up  enough of a story to have a complete publication.   So you can still submit those to a preprint server  and other researchers can access that information,   and even cite it. Rule 6: Preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india do not imply  low quality. So some researchers, especially early   on when the concept was being introduced, thought  that releasing preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india before peer review would   mean that low quality research is being published,  because peer review is a form of quality control.   And we’ll come back to this point in a few slides  and look at the quality of preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india compared to   journal articles. Rule 7: Preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india support  the rapid evaluation of controversial   results. Number 8: Preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india do not typically  preclude publication. Now we’ve already looked at   the top 100 clinical journals, and 99 of those  allowed or would consider preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india. Number 9:   Preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india can further inform grant review and  academic advancement. And we’ve already talked   about that with the ARC and the NIH. But one  of the cons they bring up is point number 10:   Preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india: one shoe does not fit all. Some  information is just not really suitable for   preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india. If you would like more details  about when preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india are not appropriate   as these authors describe, all of my sources are  linked in the description below. Let’s look at   some evidence for citation rates are higher for  articles that have been released as preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india.   This is an article that was published in 2019 in  e-life, and they show that releasing a preprint   is associated with more attention and citations  for the peer-reviewed article. So when you release   a preprint and then you subsequently publish it in  a journal that journal article gets more citations   than if you had gone directly to the journal.

Their evidence for that is shown here. They   looked at a wide number of journals. All of these  have a journal impact factor of greater than five.   I have a previous video on journal impact factor  I’ll link to that up above. And you can just   glance over this data and see that for almost  every journal, when there was a preprint first,   the citations tend to be higher. Now sometimes  they’re not very much higher, but overall they   average higher. Another article that looks at  the same research question was published in QSS,   and it’s about the relationship between bioRxiv  preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india citations and alt metrics. In this   article they found that bioRxiv deposited journal  articles had sizably higher citation in all metric   counts compared to non-deposited articles. And  their data for that is shown in this figure. The   blue line shows the citations per paper per  month for articles that had been deposited   in bioRxiv and the yellow line below shows the  citations per paper per month for articles that   were not released as a preprint prior to  publication. And then in panel b we see   the difference between those two curves. How  about quality? This article published in 2020   showed that peer-reviewed articles had on average  higher quality of reporting than preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india,   although the difference was small. And they  also suggest that publication in a peer-reviewed   journal is associated with improvement in quality  of reporting, and the quality of reporting in   preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india in the life sciences is within a similar  range of that of peer-reviewed articles, albeit   slightly lower on average. So these results are  in line with the assertions that we read earlier   that the quality of preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india is not lower than  the quality of peer-reviewed journal articles.   Although this this result says they’re  slightly lower, you would expect that   because typically preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india are revised before  they are submitted to the journal articles based   on feedback that they get from readers prior to  submission.

But the fears that the quality of   preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india are going to be substandard just didn’t  come true; they’re only slightly less quality   than published journal articles. So how are the  authors getting feedback on these preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india? This   is from the 2019 publication on bioRxiv, and this  figure is showing that over 40 percent of authors   are getting feedback on their preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india through  Twitter, and more than 35 percent are getting   feedback by email, more than 30 are getting  feedback by talking to colleagues, about 15   are getting feedback through the bioRxiv comments  section, and nearly 30 didn’t get any feedback   at all. So it appears that most authors are  getting at least some feedback on their preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india   that they can then use to improve their final  article. Now the question might come to your mind;   why do authors publish preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india? So we’ve  talked about a lot of the benefits and a few   of the downsides, but in this study they asked the  authors themselves. 3189 authors were surveyed for   this graph, and we can see the reasons why they  are going to submit preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india. The top reason is   to increase awareness of research. The second most  highly cited reason is to stake a priority claim.   The third reason is to help meet new people in  the field, so to expand the network. The fourth   reason is that the authors felt it would  help them enter or progress in the field. It   initiated new collaborations, helped them receive  a conference invite, helped them receive a grant,   or a job offer, or attain tenure. And probably for  most authors it’s a combination of these reasons.   So we get to the main question now: should you  publish preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india? Based on the information   that I presented to you, I would say yes, you  should strongly consider publishing your research   as a preprint.

Probably not going to get scooped,  you’re probably going to get some good feedback   that you can use to improve your work before you  submit it to a journal, and you’re probably going   to get more citations on that eventual publication  if it has been out as a preprint, and you’ll   probably get more attention for your research.  And if you’re not getting your research out and   people are not seeing it, it’s not going to have  an impact in your field. So I think overall it’s   clear that in 2021 and beyond, preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india are  the way to go. I’d like to show you one more   publication. This article looked at preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india  during the first year of the COVID-19 outbreak,   and within that first 10 months there were 125,000  COVID-19 related scientific articles published.   And more than 30,000 of those were hosted  by preprint servers. Now if you want more   information, I suggest taking a look at  this paper. They provide a lot of data   showing that during COVID-19 the role of  preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india really increased in importance.   There was increased scientific and public  engagement with preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india, COVID-19 preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india   were accessed more than non-COVID preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india,  they were cited more, and they’re shared more   on various online platforms. And some of this  changing relationship with preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india due to   COVID-19 is probably going to change additional  policies. So I think those journals that are now   resisting preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india are eventually going to become  accepting, and they’re going to allow publication   of journal articles that were previously released  as preprints sanskrit newspapers, self publish in india. I think that’s just inevitable   at this point. I hope this video was helpful  to you. If it was, please leave a thumbs up   and consider subscribing to the Grants and  Publications YouTube channel if you would   like to see additional scientific writing related  videos. Thanks for watching, and happy writing! you.

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