Understanding of ISI Journal Indexing Services Part 01

Today we are going to discuss a new topic that is very important for scientific publishing in isi journals. This lecture entitled understanding of isi journal indexing services. We are going to discuss the h index of journals journal impact factors. What does it mean why we need the h index of journals impact factors where we can find it. What is the h index of journals definition of the h index of journals impact factors of any journal and how to calculate it. Then we’ll talk about the h index of journals thomson. Reuters formally called ice. I wave of science and then we’ll see other journal ranking factors such as eigen factor and shimago journal rank then we’ll talk about elsevier’s corpus and the h index of journals impact factor of h index. First of all. Let’s see the h index of journals important abbreviation you are going to see when you are dealing with the h index of journals scientific publication like ahci. This stands for arts and humanities scientific index i f stands for impact factor isi stands for institute for scientific information gcr stands for journal citation rewards scci stands for science citation index and ssci stands for social sciences citation index and sjr shimago journal rank and finally snip stands for source normalized impact peer paper. What is the h index of journals definition of cited journal journals are of two types cited and non-cited there are many advantages for cited journals such as the h index of journals research is reviewed or evaluated by two beer viewers at least the h index of journals research content is of high quality research is published online often. Online articles is not accessible for free. Often publishing is free of charge. Sometimes there are some articles that can be accessible free which is called open access journals measuring research performance to measure the h index of journals quality of your research. There are many different things that can test or measure the h index of journals research performance or the h index of journals quality of your research such as number of citations. The h index of journals h index the h index of journals impact factor and scopus and sci actually on the h index of journals top of article impact is the h index of journals web of science or sci considered at the h index of journals top at the h index of journals top of article impact. The h index of journals web of science actually contains more than eight thousand six hundred twenty journals in stm field.

Stm stands for science technology medical fields or areas of research and to find article impact. There is something called journal. Impact journal impact can be calculated by impact factor or shimano journal rank or snip as we mentioned before to measure the h index of journals quality of journal itself we have to look into different things related to the h index of journals journal. Embed such as impact factor sgr and snip to find the h index of journals researcher. In fact we have to look into the h index of journals h index so h index measured the h index of journals researcher impact while impact factor sgr nsip measure the h index of journals journal impact. There are different types of article impact rather than wave of science such as scopus scopus has more number of journals compared to the h index of journals web of science it has at least 20 000 journals in all subjects and also we have. Google scholar contain journals on the h index of journals web. So these are the h index of journals three main categories for the h index of journals article impact either web of science scopus or google scholar. We are going to list the h index of journals journal impact in this table as we discussed previously in the h index of journals previous slide the h index of journals impact factor coming from the h index of journals source web of science and it is calculated every two years the h index of journals last two years and you can access the h index of journals impact factor of a journal from this website. There is a link for this website genre citation reports or gcr and this is related to the h index of journals sci journals as we mentioned sci journals stands for science citation index journals for sgr or snib impact factor these two impact factors coming. They are coming from the h index of journals source corpus and they are evaluated every three years instead of two years here sgr stands for shimago jonah rank and you can access it from this website shimero journal rank and it’s in ip stands for source normalized impact paper and you can access it from this website. Finally related to the h index of journals google scholar there is impact factor called h5 index. And from its name. H5 index is evaluated. Every five years you can access it from google scholar.

Metrics here this website. These are the h index of journals three main categories for the h index of journals journal impact. Of course the h index of journals isi or the h index of journals web of science is the h index of journals top or the h index of journals highest quality for journal indexing services so we can classify the h index of journals major journal indexing surfaces into the h index of journals three top ones the h index of journals first top one the h index of journals highest quality one is called web of science isi and it cover a small amount of papers or articles so the h index of journals coverage is low el sevier scopus from the h index of journals quality point of view it has the h index of journals second highest quality after ice i web of science but it has higher coverage compared to isr finally. Google scholar has the h index of journals lowest quality but has the h index of journals widest coverage compared to the h index of journals number of articles in the h index of journals google scholar. So you have the h index of journals choice either to proceed with the h index of journals web of science ice. I join as if you are looking for the h index of journals high journal indexing service as a second high indexing service you have to proceed with the h index of journals severe scopus then the h index of journals last journal. Indexing service is the h index of journals google scholar so now the h index of journals question is what is ice. I ice i stands for institute for scientific information. It was founded by dr. Eugene garfield in 1960 it was a part of thompson reuters company in philadelphia united states of america now it is owned by clarified analytics eyes eye covers thousands of academic journals which are available via ice. I web of knowledge which is a part of web of science database service and this is the h index of journals logo for clarified analytics and the h index of journals look for web of science and isi web of knowledge journal citation reports the h index of journals top three indexing services nice i science citation index scci or science citation index expanded s-c-i-e. The h index of journals second one is social sciences citation index or s-s-c-i. The h index of journals third one is arts and humanities citation index or ahci a new indexing service launched in 2015 named as emerging source citation index or esci. These are the h index of journals three top indexing services and the h index of journals new indexing service how to find an isi index journal. If you proceed to the h index of journals website of ice i and you access the h index of journals web of science here website.

There is a ice eye master list. You can you can when you are looking for a journal or you search for a journal. There is something called master journalist and you can search for any isi index journal and here is the h index of journals link you can search and then submit the h index of journals journal name or you can print the h index of journals issn number most of the h index of journals time you use issn number of any journal to check. It’s in the h index of journals isi database or not. This is a way how to find an icy index journal. Let’s take an example. If we have a journal name wireless personal communications with this issn number 09296212 this is the h index of journals print version and for the h index of journals electronic version 1572834x after you access the h index of journals isi or web of science website and then you search for this journal name or by issn number. You will see something like this. This is the h index of journals journal and all information about the h index of journals journal. You can find it here. It’s published by springer and you can find its impact factor is written here. It’s 2018 impact factor 0.929 for example. So with this method. You can proceed and look for any isi index journal if you are intended to publish in any journal and you wanna make sure that this journal is. I signed exit or not so first of all you collect information about the h index of journals journal journal name or its issn number then you go to the h index of journals isi website the h index of journals web of knowledge or web of science website. And then you search for this journal if you find it. So that means it’s it’s in the h index of journals isi in dixie journal database. How to check ice. I journal here is the h index of journals web of science link and what we did is we wrote the h index of journals journal name wireless personal communication and we click search then it will give us the h index of journals search results here. There is only one journal. Found one is personal communication. And here you can find the h index of journals information about the h index of journals journal. The h index of journals publisher the h index of journals issn or electronic issn number the h index of journals categories the h index of journals keywords of this journal. It is related to telecommunications computer sciences telecommunication technology and it’s indexed in the h index of journals science citation index expanded.

So as we mentioned before. So it’s indexed in s-c-i-e indexing service. So now we are going to talk about the h index of journals journal citation reports. What is the h index of journals jcr. Jcr is an annual application by clarificate analytics previously called thomson reuters as we mentioned before jcr lists actually an impact factor for each of the h index of journals journals that it tracks the h index of journals impact factor is a measure of the h index of journals frequency with which the h index of journals average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year or period in other isi ranking journals so the h index of journals impact factor is published every june and corresponds to the h index of journals previous year’s data so all impact factors of all journals are published in the h index of journals journal citation reports on the h index of journals cloud level analytics website. So jcr has been integrated with the h index of journals web of science and it is accessed from the h index of journals web of science core collection. It is published annually in two editions. Jcr web of science edition which contains data from about five thousand seven hundred donors in the h index of journals area of science and technology or the h index of journals other edition is jcr web. Social sciences edition contains data from about 1 700 journals in the h index of journals social sciences field. The h index of journals ice i also published a list of highly cited researchers one of the h index of journals factors included in the h index of journals academic ranking of warner universities. So now how to check the h index of journals gcr. Impact factor in this website. You can access the h index of journals gcr of the h index of journals clarity with analytics. And with this link you can enter the h index of journals url name once you enter the h index of journals journal name you are going to see. Its impact factor of the h index of journals journal published on the h index of journals jcr reports. Let’s see an example for example this website and we search it for the h index of journals journals by rank for example we click on search and journals by rank. It will it will give us the h index of journals list of all journals ordered by their their rank or their impact factor. You can see that. The h index of journals highest impact factor is 223 for cancer journal and for nature review materials the h index of journals impact factor almost 75 and so on. So you have the h index of journals choice to order all jonas by rank and look for your journal or you search directly for your journal or the h index of journals impact factor of your journal directly.

You can find it here what we did is. We searched it for our journal listed before. What is personal communication and it give us this report inside the h index of journals jcr reports about all information about what is personal communication journal and you can find the h index of journals journal. Impact factor in 2018 and all previously calculated impact factors year by year. So you can find all information about impact factor of any journal in the h index of journals journal citation reports on the h index of journals web of science. Isa here also. It has been found more information about how they calculate the h index of journals impact factor. So they calculate the h index of journals impact factor by this tool and based on these calculations it they provide you the h index of journals impact factor in 2018 of the h index of journals journal final. Here we are going to discuss the h index of journals ice. I proceedings for conferences actually ice i proceedings if an index to the h index of journals published literature of the h index of journals most significant conferences symbolsia seminars workshops and conventions in a wide range of disciplines it enables to track emerging ideas and new research in specific area. It is known as the h index of journals conference proceeding citation in dick sciences or cpci s. And this is its slogan. So this is we discussed previously the h index of journals isi web of science indexing service. Now we are going to talk about this kobus indexing service you can access the h index of journals scope as indication surface from this website from this website. You can search for any article. Is it indexed in their database or not from this tool on their website and the h index of journals google scholar indexing service. Actually you can exit from the h index of journals google scholar website. And you can find that. The h index of journals h index quantifies both the h index of journals scientific productivity and scientific impact of a scientist the h index of journals index is based on the h index of journals set of scientists most quoted. Papers and number of citation that they have received in others people’s publications the h index of journals index was suggested in 2005 by george harris.

This is an example for a google scholar website and h index since 2014 and each index. All and the h index of journals number of citations year by year how it goes on there is something called unique author identifier in the h index of journals context of research. Unique authors. Identifier are one way to solve the h index of journals problem of author ambiguity. Three main unique author identifiers are the h index of journals first one is researcher. Id developed by thompson reuters. The h index of journals second one is scobus author. Id developed by elsevier and used in scopus and related products. Orcid this is the h index of journals last one developed by orc. Id incorporation which is a non-profit community driven organization researcher. Id you can access it from. This website is used to identify authors and enables users to build the h index of journals publication profile as we mentioned before each endits and generate citation metrics from the h index of journals web of science. This is an example for the h index of journals researcher. Id and how it looks like in the h index of journals web of science website regarding the h index of journals scope as author. Id you can access the h index of journals scopus website. You look for the h index of journals author name and it will give you all information about the h index of journals author name the h index of journals total number of citations each index the h index of journals co-authors and also it will show you the h index of journals graph of citations here by you. Finally the h index of journals orc. Id it does the h index of journals same thing and here is an example for the h index of journals orc id that creates a central registry of unique identifiers for individual researchers and it is now becoming a standard and it is supported by many publishers. It can be associated to researcher id and scope is id as well thank you for your listening and see you in the h index of journals coming presentation. Thank you so much and have a good day you.

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