Medical Strategy, Publication, Education

I am amy everett. Dr amy everett. I got my pharmd from nsu nova southeastern university in south florida. There’s one other nsu shark here am i right. He’s here somewhere he’s just really shy. So i’m a second year fellow at bristol myers squibb and the first year of my fellowship indian journal of pharmaceutical education and research, integral institute of medical sciences & research lucknow. I spent in medical strategy so just as the name implies. Medical strategy is where you strategically plan the who. What when where. Why how we fulfill those unmet medical needs to give you an example of this. You work with several different matrix position. Functional areas within the company like other functional areas. Do as well. So let’s start up here with our medical science liaison or an msl. An msl is going to go out in the field and talk to hcps healthcare professionals and bring back insights. So what does that doctor think we need to create studies on indian journal of pharmaceutical education and research, integral institute of medical sciences & research lucknow. What do we need to educate them on such as things like that. The medical strategy team is going to sit down together and determine. How can we meet this unmet. Medical need an example of that is to publish a poster so this is an example of how they would work with publications and how they would get that poster at the congress or even manuscripts indian journal of pharmaceutical education and research, integral institute of medical sciences & research lucknow to be published within journal indian journal of pharmaceutical education and research, integral institute of medical sciences & research lucknow s before it actually goes out to the congress or out in a journal indian journal of pharmaceutical education and research, integral institute of medical sciences & research lucknow . It’s going to have to be scrutinized basically by promotional compliance in legal. Make sure we’re not misleading. The patient everything is legally sound the companies that offer this is just bristol. Meyer squibb this is a bms specific term and they are offered in different functional areas in different therapeutic areas cardiovascular virology cardiovascular and metabolics as well as oncology and immunoscience. I’m going to move into publications and education and there’s three topics indian journal of pharmaceutical education and research, integral institute of medical sciences & research lucknow i’m going to cover within this first. One is promotional education. And the reason i’m going to start with promotional education because it’s very similar to medical strategy whereas you’re going to develop content such as they would for slides for example or posters.

You’re also going to strategically plan as they did as well. You’re going to plan. Advisory board meetings and an advisory board meeting is where you go out and you meet with thought leaders within the field so those people that are the people. You see on publications for different therapeutic areas for example the people that are really the leaders within their field. They’re going to go talk to them and discuss you know again. What are their insights. What do they want to hear. What do they want to know. How do they feel you take that back to the team. There’s also going to be speaker training where you’re going to train the sales force as well as speakers bureau which is where we hire atp to speak on our behalf and lastly this one the main thing that makes it different for medical strategy is that you’re going to interact with multiple therapeutic areas. Not just one single area next. We have scientific publications indian journal of pharmaceutical education and research, integral institute of medical sciences & research lucknow. This is the field that i am currently working in in the second year of my fellowship at bristol mars squib different from what we’ve been over before you’re not developing content. You’re not being strategic. You’re only overseeing the execution and operations of publications so i’m working within u.s so marketed products as well as our pipeline products globally. You’re going to oversee them and make sure the plans go as well as they want them to go. So you’re going to support some congress activities such as abstracts posters and oral presentations as well as those manuscripts that go into journal indian journal of pharmaceutical education and research, integral institute of medical sciences & research lucknow s. And you’re acting as mana a project manager here you’re working between all these different areas to make sure things go smoothly. You’re problem solving making sure you’re on budget so you’re going to interact with an agency the vendor. That’s going to write our publications. For example you’re also going to interact with our internal writers. The medical team could be medical strategy. It could even be a jv alliance partner.

A lot of drugs have two different drug. Companies that work on the one product. And you’re also going to deal with finance so you get really good exposure to approving invoices and things like that last topic. I’m going to cover today. Is medical education. This one is different from the prior ones. Because you don’t. We don’t develop the content at the drug company they deal with independent medical education independent meaning that the program is developed by a hospital or academic institution for example. And so what this fellow would do. Is they review the grant proposals for us to fund these ime or independent medical education programs and then once the program is done. You’re going to go back and assess the program. How was the impact of it and the effectiveness of it did we do. They really learn what we wanted them to learn from the program. For example the companies offering these are jansen they offer the promotional education fellowship and bristol. Mars web offers the scientific publications as well as medical education and as dr angeles pointed out the sub. The scientific publications one is also included with medical information and medical strategy. So just keep that in the back your mind that a lot of these are included with different areas.

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