How to Write and Publish a Journal Article

Welcome to how to write and publish a journal article publisher india, indian publishing for those of you. Who are new to academic coach. And don’t know me let me start by introducing myself. Hello my name is Dr Melanie Smith and I’m also known as the academic coach. My mission is to help. PhD students and academics become happier writers. I had a career of 17 years in Academia. I was a tenured academic in a Russell group University in the UK as part of this role I have authored books. I have edited books. I have authored many papers chapters in books conference papers and I’ve also written numerous reports in my role as an advisor to the European Parliament. I launched academic coach in 2019. Because many of the things that I valued in my academic job that is mentoring other academics and phds running writing courses and workshops to improve colleagues is writing and also their experience of writing was not given time in my paid hours. I could see so many people needed this training and mentoring so I started academic coach whose mission it is to help people become happier writers. I’ve now helped thousands of clients. Individuals universities corporations to become happier writers helping them get the skills. They need and the outcomes they want whether that’s promotions. Publications job offers prizes. Career advancement values driven publication strategies. And so much more. My overriding mission is to help academics. And phds get their writing done in a way that maximizes their happiness and minimizes procrastination perfectionism and avoidance. Now one of the things. I’m asked about again and again is Journal article publisher india, indian publishing writing so imperative for a successful academic career yet so little training is offered for people in this discipline now. I’ve been doing this training on a one-to-one basis and getting my clients the outcomes they want for years but not everybody can afford in time or resources that kind of intensive commitment so I’ve now put together all of the resources that I use with my one-to-one clients into this course how to successfully write and publish a journal article publisher india, indian publishing today.

I’m going to give you a little taste of that course and we’re going to do a bit of a training session on five things you need to know about getting your article publisher india, indian publishings accepted and I want to give you a sneak preview of some of the cast material and we’re going to start with ideation. Let’s get started. Let’s begin our training today on how to write and publish a journal article publisher india, indian publishing. Let’s start at the beginning. Why is this discipline so difficult. It’s difficult because Journal article publisher india, indian publishing writing is a specific genre it is not the same as doing a PhD or writing a chapter in a book or writing a Grant application or any other kind of writing. It is a specific genre which has very specific skills attached to it and these skills are not taught to you on a PhD program. And they’re not mentored to you when you’re a junior lecturer or early career researcher when I talk to clients about what it’s like for them. Um writing a journal article publisher india, indian publishing these are the kinds of things that I hear from them so they feel like it all just takes too long. The process takes too long. They want to become faster. They want to become more efficient. They feel like they never really know if what they’re doing is the so-called writing or if they’re kind of just bumbling about and kind of you know happening upon things but they never really know if the system if indeed they have a system that they have in place is the right one to produce good results they get rejections and then they’re very frustrated by those rejections because the reviewer always seems to be quite far from what they wrote so it feels like the reviewer wants a different article publisher india, indian publishing to the one that you actually produced. Um they feel like they stay in the literature too long so they stay researching and reading for far too long. Because they’re avoiding the writing because the writing is so painful they feel like they should be faster at writing and producing.

Publications sometimes they feel like their voice and their argumentation is lost in the text or they’re specifically criticized by the reviewers because their voice and their argumentation is lost in the text and they would like more specific training on this particular genre of writing they want training and if I can provide it. They want specific how-to templates in order to shape their writing more efficiently now in today’s training. I am going to start helping you with this genre of writing. I am going to make sure that you know two things by the end of this video firstly. I’m going to provide you with a checklist of why. Journal article publisher india, indian publishings get rejected and I’m going to explain the meaning behind these phrases that are written in rejection. Now you can use this checklist as a guide to help improve your own writing. I’m going to talk about the these five things that you have to check for constantly as you execute the research and writing of your paper and it’s all the way through the writing process by the way it’s not just at the beginning and it’s not just at the end. It’s all the way through the writing process. I’m going to give you a little preview of the course how to write and publish a journal article publisher india, indian publishing by inviting you to think about writing and Publishing in a different way in particular I want you to think about the beginning stages of when you decide you’re going to write a journal article publisher india, indian publishing that is the ideation stage because it’s here that a lot of things go wrong and it’s here that academics pay the least amount of attention to what the final product is going to be and then I’m going to talk a little bit about the course and the course offer at the end of this training so let’s get started. Let’s think about why papers get rejected. The reason we need to know this obviously is that we so we can construct a process of writing and research that ensures that we don’t make these simple mistakes. This alone will give you an easier path to publication.

Success this is what the course itself brings to you so my costs will bring to you a total system of production that guarantees. You won’t make these mistakes when you’re writing your Journal article publisher india, indian publishing these mistakes are made all the way through the process. It’s not just the area that I’m going to talk about today. So why does rejection happen. Let’s start at the end. So rejection sucks. We all know that. And let’s be honest. We have all marveled at the downright stupidity of reviewer 2. Who just doesn’t seem to get our clear and obvious genius now. Once we get past that expected an entirely natural moment of shock. Despair rage sulking. It’s time to think about why papers get rejected and what we can do to avoid repeating that same writing. Behavior again of course. It’s entirely natural that you get minor. Corrections this is just like a PhD. Hardly anybody now passes through the gates of a journal without any Amendment at all being asked of them because the peer review process must be seen and heard through the amendment of your submission. So you get out of your head right now that you’re ever just going to get this seamless. Journey where you submit a paper and it gets published as is and then you go on with your life. That’s never going to happen. You’ll always get some amendments. The aim is to make those amendments as minor as possible. So getting amendments to. Your submission is not personal. It happens to everybody but what we want to avoid is outright rejection or even major Corrections so at the beginning of this training let’s think about these common pitfalls. Why does why do. Journal article publisher india, indian publishings get rejected after talking with Journal editors reflecting on my role as a reviewer so why did I reject papers and my role as an author why did I get rejected. The list of reasons appears to be both obvious and rather consistent and believe me when. I tell you it doesn’t matter whether you’re in physics. Chemistry social sciences politics law arts dance all my clients across the entire spectrum of disciplines and it is always the same reason that people have gotten rejected before they come to me.

I might add. It’s always the same so your discipline is not special. Your discipline does not mean that these five reasons don’t apply to you. This is universal so these are the five reasons that people get rejected. Now the thing about this is that it’s almost never the idea. So it’s all it’s not the research or the idea that gets rejected. It is just the way it’s been communicated so it’s the presentation of that idea that gets rejected. It is the lack of a bridge between your brain and your vision and what you actually wrote on the paper and then the other bridge between what someone what you wrote down and what someone actually understood of what you wrote down so there’s two bridges of these understandings that you have to navigate when you are a writer you have to close the gap between those bridges. Ask small as possible when those bridges are not sturdy when they are wobbly. Indiana Jones type plummet to your death Bridges then you get rejected. Because there is a miscommunication the reviewer cannot understand what you’re actually doing so it’s a communication problem that gets you rejected. Which is the good news because writing problems are fixable good succinct. Journal writing is not a magical art. It’s incredibly formulaic. And it does need a certain amount of time to get right. So here’s the five reasons for rejection now. I want to say this out loud. These are not always the literal things that are written in the rejection feedback so these might not be stated explicitly. Your rejections can take many farms. And sometimes even the reviewer doesn’t have the exact words to pinpoint why it’s not quite there but they have trouble articulating. Why this thing isn’t quite right so. I’m now going to spell out these reasons for you and the if you like the reasons behind the reasons that are given so the first reason that you get rejected is insecurity.

This happens when you are trying to say all of the things. You’re trying to say it all because you feel insecure and defensive about your contribution so if what. I’m talking about is this if you find yourself in this thought process so I need to tell them X great but wait before I tell them X. I’ve really got to set out ABC. Because they won’t understand and appreciate and follow why. X is so important. This is what defensive writing looks like and sound like. That’s one type of defensive insecure writing the other type is where you are trying to anticipate every possible sidebar objection. So it’s like you can see this imaginary reviewer in your mind and they’re constantly on your shoulder looking for things that could be misinterpreted so oh they might get that wrong or they might get this wrong and so you explain it to death with all the possible caveats in place. So you know ta-da they cannot pull you down on this particular statement but with all this caveating and explaining it to death. What happens in your writing is that you have convoluted an unclear. Exposition so they reject you on the fact that you have convoluted and unclear. Exposition not on the fact that they didn’t get you so I know what you’re thinking. Now you’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t right. No there is a way to walk this line and that is about. Clarity of exposition. It is not about the length of your explanation so. I’m going to say that again. It is about Clarity of exposition. Not the length of your explanation. These two things are often seen as the same thing that you know. You’re being clear when you talk something to death. You are not being clear when you over explain so if they can’t understand you with all your circling and where. Falls and thuses. They cannot accept the paper. Clarity requires concise communication so that is reason number one insecurity reason number two is Journal fit. You picked the wrong people to have this conversation with so you went wrong right at the beginning of this process where you should have researched the journal properly.

That’s pretty self-explanatory three argumentation now your argumentation was absent unconvincing or modeled now. This is often related to two things firstly lack of a banner message the Red Thread through the paper. The main message the take home or and related to number one reason there were too many things in this paper that modded the message. The paper was inexpertly crafted so the message gets buried or lost beneath the technical detail. There’s a lack of confidence in standing your ground and declaring what you think all of these things affect the clarity of your argumentation and if your argumentation is modded on convincing or absent your paper will get rejected. Reason number. Four unclear approach now. I’m always a little baffled that this still exists because you would think this is very very simple yet. I can’t tell you how many papers I have read where the research question was not clearly articulated. The contribution was not mentioned. The approach to solving the problem was unclear or unconvincing or that it lacked depth or quality now that does seem to me fairly straightforward requirements of a journal article publisher india, indian publishing paper yet many papers that I have read fail at the first hurdle they fail to frame their inquiry. Clearly and concisely so this is a really important part of writing your paper and then finally significance reason number five. The significance is not made clear. It’s not obvious to the reviewer that this is important to know you have to make the case you have to make the sales pitch for what you are saying that this is important that this is significant knowledge. You have to convince the reader that this matters new knowledge new facts. New data is insufficient in and of itself. It’s all very well but it’s not convincing somebody of why they need to know it. Just because it’s new doesn’t make it significant.

You have to make that sales pitch now these five reasons. This is pretty important knowledge so if no one has ever ever told you this then you have been writing with a blindfold on because if you don’t know what not to do. How are you supposed to have a good process in a system for writing a journal article publisher india, indian publishing right so. I don’t want to Breeze past these insights. You need to have a system of writing. That makes sure that you check on these five reasons all the way through the writing process and then of course at the end. Because if you have that then rejection should be a thing of the past you have to consciously address these concerns at each and every stage of your writing process in your Drafting and in the technical parts of constructing a paper so that it can pass the gatekeeping of Journal editors so now we know what we are striving not to do right. We know that these are the things we need to avoid. These are the things that make a paper go wrong so now we have that knowledge. I want to ask you this. How can you implement this knowledge in your text so. I’ve given you this super important information. Five reasons. That papers get rejected five things. You need to consciously look for at every stage of your writing process so I want you to think about now how you’re going to take away that knowledge and implement it in your own approach to journal article publisher india, indian publishing writing and I can’t say this enough. It is not enough to do this at the end. This is a checklist that has to be deployed at the start in the middle and at the end it has to be deployed at every single stage of drafting. Your paper. So you have to keep bringing yourself back between these lines that are created by these. Check this checklist over and over and over again so. I just want you to have a little think about what you might do. Um in your own. Writing Practice right now to make sure that you implement these five reasons and that you use them to make sure that none of these apply to the current work in progress that you have that the current text that you have or the next paper that you’re going to write so I want to now look at a small part of the course and this is a tiny part of the course the courses ten and a half hours long of tuition because it takes you right from the beginning so from ideation all the way through to minor Corrections and the thing coming out into print so it takes you through every single thing you might ever need to know.

This is a tiny tiny sliver of the course materials but I wanted to start with ideation because this is something that’s never really talked about in any of the books or the guides that I’ve seen on writing a journal article publisher india, indian publishing. This is not mentioned. And this is the place you will make your first mistakes in writing a journal article publisher india, indian publishing that lead ultimately to either flat out rejection or a very torturous rewrite and major revisions process further down the line. This is so underrated in my opinion. Because it’s a major area where Scholars go wrong all the time. You can have the most beautifully crafted piece of writing but if you stumble here at ideation it will be such hard work getting this piece of beautifully crafted prose into publication. So we need to start by making sure that the idea is and of itself not the obstacle to publication. So what do. I mean by that I mean does this idea have an audience okay so these are the elements that I want you to consider. Does it have an audience. It is not enough that you are intrinsically interested in it. You need to have found the audience for this piece. That’s the first thing the second thing is. Can you approach this particular thing. This question this puzzle this problem in a way that clearly speaks to that audience so it speaks to that audience. Because you’re looking at it from a particular conceptual framework or theoretical framework or it. You take a particular methodological approach to the question. Um you’re asking and answering the question within a particular framework of ideas that this audience know understand and can grasp um and besides all of that will it work in this particular format.

Some ideas just won’t work in the journal format for a whole number of reasons. So can you approach this in a way that will fit in the journal and that will be understood by the audience that you have selected third. Do you have a clear question and a clear answer. I mean this I think is not brain surgery right. You need to have a clear question and then you need to make sure you answer that question. Do you have a clear question and a clear answer in other words. What kind of piece is this. Do you know what you are doing when you begin this piece of of work so are you doing a theoretical piece is this an empirical write-up of a project are you going to take a few pieces of data that provide a rich context for a theoretical contribution you know are you bringing together key literatures in a theoretical piece. Now you might want to do all of those things in one. Journal article publisher india, indian publishing but you can’t you have to decide. What is the clear question. And what is the clear answer that you are going to provide and that requires you to trim down what you are doing so that you have one clear contribution you have to decide on the one thing that this particular piece will do. So if you have a question that has many answers or many approaches or there are many different things that you can do with this particular data set. You have to choose the one thing that you’re going to do in that journal article publisher india, indian publishing piece and you need to write another article publisher india, indian publishing to tackle the other things that it could do. This is the critical starting point where things go wrong trying to do too many things in in one article publisher india, indian publishing. It doesn’t work. You have to decide on the one thing the banner message the Red Thread that is the one thing that this piece of work is going to do now. I want to talk a little bit about how you start making some of those choices that I’m asking you to make there in order that your idea is easier to handle from the start of your publication Journey and there is something I have to tell you about Journal article publisher india, indian publishing publishing and this brace yourself because you might find this surprising and you might not necessarily like what I’m going to say but there are easy projects and there are hard projects so not all.

Journal article publisher india, indian publishings have the same percentage chance of success. At the end of the day. There are easy projects. There are hard projects. There are projects that are short and sharp and there are giant unwieldy multi-disciplinary team type of projects. There are easy empirical projects and they’re a very hard conceptual and theoretical projects so there are easy. Publications and there are hard Publications and I think it’s important that you understand that distinction and what the operational consequences of that distinction are for Journal publishing the hard truth of Journal publishing is that it is conservative and incremental in nature. Big leaps forward are not welcome here now. I think I need to repeat that. Big leaps forward are not welcome in journal article publisher india, indian publishings the editorial board and the reviewers don’t mind seeing a little bit of novelty when it is a chip further on from what they already know so they can situate that novelty within the landscape of their knowledge. But anyone who wants to change the Paradigm or move the needle too far need not apply not to a journal article publisher india, indian publishing not unless they are a venerable professor of age and are the editor of that journal now. This is an unstable political fact. I just said it. Maybe nobody has ever mentioned that to you but it. It’s important that you kind of come to terms with this early on so you know where to put your effort in when you are thinking about making choices you need a bit of a reality check not just what and where do. I want to publish. But what and where will it be accepted for publication right. That is a completely different question from the first one.

If you want to be radical write a book write a chapter in a book do a conference paper. Don’t attempt to do that in a journal article publisher india, indian publishing because the editorial board and reviewer 2 are going to jump all over you if you do if you want to publish a journal article publisher india, indian publishing you have to think differently now. I can hear you all thinking. Wait what what is this. I know I am sorry to be the bearer of this incredibly bad news but what is even more perverse is that it is of course the junior Scholars the young scholars the phds that all have all of the radical new research. Zeal and rarely. Is it the old professors. It’s the New Kids on the Block with all the spark yet. They have to wait forever to get it accepted. And that is why the wheels of academic knowledge grind so very very slowly. There are lots of outlets for your radical. Zeal but Journal article publisher india, indian publishings are not that place. The only reason you publish in journals is because your career metrics mandated. That’s all that is the only reason to do this. Your career requires it if you want your work to be read widely. You don’t publish in a journal because journals are only accessible by a very very very tiny number of people right. The only reason to publish. Journal article publisher india, indian publishings is because your career metrics mandated incremental movement of knowledge gets published here. That doesn’t mean it can’t be novel or if you’re in the UK 4 star in nature. Of course it can you can put important quality research in a journal article publisher india, indian publishing it. You don’t have to wait until you’re old to do that. That’s not what. I’m saying you can publish some really excellent stuff. But the novelty has to be calibrated. Remember chip further on not radically moving the needle so back to ideation deciding the parameters of your project is critical. Which kind of publication is this going to be. This is the critical decision making stage. And if you don’t get this right this is why you get rejected like two years on from now right so here.

Is you know this is for the marbles here your idea your first idea is too big. I don’t even need you to tell me what that idea is our ideas. Our initial ideas are always too big. So you will need to work out. How many things you can cut that initial idea into is it two pieces is it three. Is it ten. You know it’s quite likely to be a lot. Because our academic brains want to tell everybody everything we know because we’re convinced without all of the things they won’t get it but you have a word count to respect and you have to start with that workout and work backwards. What can I get into X thousand words. I’m telling you you can only get one idea. You cannot cover all the things you have to pick just one just one thing. There are things you can do to test this idea. You can mind map it you can write down in boxes are the component parts the main parts ask yourself. Is this one question and one answer or is it six um can. I do this in you know X thousand words now where we get skewed here is asking you know what do I want to deliver what do I want to say what do I find interesting. And then we set off writing our piece and then we end up with Frankenstein’s monster because we did not engage the scalpel early on. It’s about taking away at this stage at the ideation stage. You are taking away your ideas. Not adding to them. You already have too much so if you don’t edit this is what you end up with at the end and you get rejected because it’s all a bit of a mishmash and then you have to go back and you have to do that. Scalpel work after the fact and believe me when. I tell you it is so much more painful to do that afterwards. It is much easier to start at the beginning and narrow down your idea to just one thing. So how do we do that. How do we. Goldilocks that idea. We just need it to be the right size not too big not too small the perfect size well first. I want to ask you where you are in your career. Where are you in your publishing history.

Do you have a lot of. Publications behind you in the so-called write journals. Have you established a solid reputation in your field if this is you if I’m describing you right now then you can go. Have a go at consciously taking on the harder more difficult. Publications this is your time to shine. If you are a little light on the back catalog then it is time to salami slice those ideas into these. Goldilocks size projects and build up some bulk. Publications catalog quality matters but so does tangible. Progress and steady incremental advancement in publishing a trajectory is incredibly important for your career. Now it’s okay and I would say it’s absolutely crucial that you have a mix a mix of the easy and the hard it depends where you are in life you know sometimes all we have. This quarter is a book review and there’s no shame in that it keeps the ticker moving along and the the writing habit alive so you have to think about where you’re at personally you do you. As those books say make conscious choices though and understand if I pick this this is going to take me much longer because this is difficult if I pick this. This is much easier. This is probably easier to get published. This will have an easier time in with reviewers you know there are like. I said at the beginning not two. Journal article publisher india, indian publishings of equal quality do not have the same percentage of chance of publication success. They just don’t it’s not some things are easier to publish than others right. So make conscious choices about what project you’re going to do and when. I mean if you feel this. Is your time to tackle the magnum opus. Have at it but not in a journal article publisher india, indian publishing. A magnum opus requires a book. Unless you’re reasonably well established try not to hit too many controversial buttons when you’re doing your publishing because again the review process you’re inviting trouble in. I mean sometimes you just have to get these things out because something is bugging you way too much.

I tend to save that for chapters in books rather than Journal article publisher india, indian publishings. Because it’s just much easier to get that published so if you want to annoy somebody find a nice book chapter instead stay out of the journal. Arena so I guess what I’m saying here is that you need to understand a couple of things if you’re going to. Goldilocks your idea. One is the path. What kind of project is this and is some part of it suitable for this particular path of publication so this particular Journal path of publication. Two your position where are you in your career and life. Is this a time for hard or a time for easy. Are you in a position to salami slice up that empirical project into 10 different pieces and publish away on your data. Which is pretty easy if you already have the data or are you about to dive into some big conceptual work in different literatures. That you’ve never engaged with before now. All of these choices are valid. Decide what is right for you and you have to keep making these decisions over and over each time will be different. Lastly um the shape and size so will it fit. Journal article publisher india, indian publishings are deep and narrow. Is the idea the right weight for the piece that you are making so. I want to Circle back here to our five reasons for rejection to illustrate just how critical the ideation stage is in shaping your ultimate chance of publication success as you can see here on this slide ideation hits four of the five reasons for rejection. So if you don’t get the ideation right you are going to hit in review for out of five reasons to reject this piece. This is why it’s so critical. This is why. I wanted to talk about this today. If you don’t get your ideation right you are going to try to say too much. There will be too many ideas in the paper. Because deep down you feel that one idea isn’t enough. It’s not original enough. It’s not sexy enough. You’re not making enough of a contribution. You’re going to pack this paper full of all the things so you know.

No one can accuse you of being lightweight or any of these other insecure internal narratives that we have as academics ultimately that that insecurity makes you put too many things inside the paper too many ideas. You did not get the scalpel out. You did not go deep and narrow you had too much stuff. This occurs at ideation it occurs first at ideation it can also creep in later in the piece but that’s for another day so first make sure you don’t do this ideation second the journal fit. You didn’t pick the right people to have the conversation with so the idea or ideas did not match the audience so you did not remember my far box checklist about checking whether there was an audience for this and how they understood this problem and were you speaking to them with the right language. Were you situating your idea. Within their sort of knowledge landscape you did that badly and that occurs at ideation stage. So you framed your question and your answer badly at the ideation stage third argumentation. So when you have too many things in the paper too many ideas are you badly executed the idea and the audience you start to get modeled in your argumentation. The scope the shape. The size of the project is all wrong. Your ideas and your argument gets buried beneath all of these different ideas. You have swimming around. So everything is modded and muddled unclear approach. Your research question was not clearly articulated at the ideation stage because it was too big. You got the shape and the size and the scope wrong when you originally designed your paper so you badly executed that at ideation and what this means is that you then have an unclear approach because if actually you’re asking two or three questions and then at the end of the paper you try to pretend you’re only asking one question. The whole thing gets modded. The whole thing becomes modeled because you’re actually not asking one question and giving one answer. You’re asking three questions and giving six answers.

And so the whole approach to the problem becomes difficult for an outsider to understand so the only thing that is not um included at the ideation stage is significance. That is something that you need to tackle a little bit later in the project. Um so yeah ideation hits four out of five reasons that people get rejected now as I said at the beginning I was going to talk a little bit about the cost that I have written to solve all of these problems for you. So the cost in the shop how to write and publish a journal article publisher india, indian publishing takes you through a Fool Proof process of how to execute publishing in the journal format it gives you processes and systems of writing that you can rely on not just in relation to journal article publisher india, indian publishing but throughout your career it will show you the process of writing from ideation to publication. It retrains how you do the Preparatory work so that you become more efficient at writing so no more asking yourself. Why is this taking so too long. Why am I so slow. Um it’s going to make explicit all the unspoken rules of academic Journal publishing so that you don’t fall far of them like for example one of the ones that I mentioned today which is not too much novelty right. Stay inside of the journal box. That is not something people tell you very often. It will also provide you with reliable templates on how you write the component parts of a journal article publisher india, indian publishing so these things as I said at the beginning are incredibly formulaic. You know every. Journal article publisher india, indian publishing has the same three or four paragraph introduction. The same conclusion template the same way of doing headings the same way of writing link text between sections so. I set out all of these templates so that you can follow them step by step and the format of this course is asynchronous so you can download and start that course immediately so you can use it immediately on the work that you have either in preparation or if you’re starting from the beginning even better you know you can use this course to structure your entire approach to doing your research.

Um it the cost comes in a mix of videos of me talking to you. And then text and downloadable templates for you to use so. I’ve now given you some really um valuable information here and you can take some of this information away like the five reasons for rejection and you can try to implement them. So how are you going to implement that learning that we’ve done today. I know that some of you are thinking yeah like I need this course and I am ready to buy it right now. And if that’s you you can click the link here in the Box. I know that some of you are going to try and go away and try to implement this course by yourself but you’re going to do that with only if the fraction of information that you actually need to be really successful so you know. I’d encourage you to think about that. I don’t want you to waste your time. I want you to be able to get the full set of knowledge that lies behind this. I know some of you will attempt this alone and then be unsuccessful. Are you going to get really frustrated. Because you’re going to feel like you’re wasting your time. It is really difficult to do this without quite a bit of training and the cost is ten and a half hours tuition. So there’s a lot of knowledge that lies behind just the small preview that. I’ve given you today in this training. I know some of you are going to consume this information right now and think. Yeah that was really great. And then you won’t do anything with it. You’re going to think that you’re going to use it later but you’re not actually going to use it at all. I want you to be successful. I want you to be able to get where you want to be in your career. I want to help you write your Journal Publications so my diary is open. I have slots there you can book a call with me to have a chat through this course and whether you think it’s the right course for you. This course is for both phds and academics who want to publish more and publish without the pain and misery of the difficult reviews and rejections if you want to accelerate your career and you want to master this particular technique of writing this course is for you it can deliver you fast results so that you can rework your current papers into viable.

Journal article publisher india, indian publishings so no more desk draw work it’s got proven templates and processes that work across disciplines. It’s going to provide you with that crucial training that you need to be successful in publishing. I hope you found this training useful. I hope you’re going to take it away and implement it and get some great results and I hope to see you here again at academic coach soon.

Where to find great research papers?

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You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.



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