How To Write a Good Technical Paper

As a member of spe writing technical paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughtss will help you share your knowledge with others thus fulfilling the spe mission to share and disseminate technical knowledge. It will also benefit the industry. Your company and your career however as an engineer writing may not be your specialty. But don’t worry we have the information you need to write a good technical paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts first. Let’s examine what makes a paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts good. You need a concise title a standard outline a coherent writing style useful data and results and references to solid work. Although you will be referencing prior work be sure to present new technology or information as well. Innovation is a key in having a conference program committee or journal review committee. Accept your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts another key to increasing your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughtss. Chances with the program committee if you’re submitting a paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts for presentation at a conference is your abstract. The abstract is a concise summary of the paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts topic. It should be around 350 words and should explain what makes your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts unique include significant new information and state your conclusions. You only have one chance to impress the committee so catch their attention with your abstract. If you’re interested in getting your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts published in an spe journal an additional peer review process is required. Most paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughtss published in spel. ZAR first presented at spe conferences. Although this is not required at the end of this presentation will cover information on the process of submitting paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughtss to spe conferences and journals. A good paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts starts with a good plan. Relate the paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts to the scope of the meeting or journal and present useful information. Explain some type of methodology in your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts ensure that the information you provide is technically sound and use solid evidence to support your conclusions now. Let’s discuss some do’s and don’ts of writing a good technical paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts do organize your thoughts compose simple sentences. Use common language. Industry terminology is fine but steer away from company lingo proofread proofread and proofread some more.

Make sure your story is technically sound. Finally clearly show the contribution. Your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts will make don’ts include the following making grammatical or spelling errors and including commercial or sales pitches. You should keep a few things in mind when planning your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts be sure to organize your thoughts. So they flow in a coherent way conference. Paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts authors should review as pease author kit where one can find a list of resources and deadlines as well as a manuscript template survey the existing literature 1. Petro is an excellent source for paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughtss related to your topic and remember the ABCs attraction which includes your title abstract conclusions headings and graphics balance between technical content and writing quality and finally content include the perfect amount of detail which should include a sufficient explanation of your methods and a practical application to your situation. Continue planning your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts by asking yourself 5 questions. What lesson have you learned. What should the reader understand from your work. How does your work differ from similar paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughtss. What useful information did you derive from the literature survey. Who is your target audience. When planning and writing your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts be sure to identify your target audience and write for them. Basic audience needs include knowing the problem or the reason you conducted the project the solution or what you’ve contributed to industry knowledge and the value or why the audience should listen to you. For example. Will they make a profit from your idea or save money because of it a basic manuscript outline is another important part of planning your conference or journal paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts in your outline you need to lay the groundwork for your title abstract introduction theory and definitions equipment and/or processes data and results conclusions acknowledgments and references. The title is the first part of your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts that people see so make it good.

You should focus the reader’s attention on paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts content. The title is also necessary for archived searches. It should be succinct not too short or vague but also not too wordy. These are some examples of good and bad titles in the abstract state the paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts objectives and scope describe the methods. You used summarize your results and state your principle conclusions. Do not use your proposal abstract instead. Write something new. That better reflects your full-length paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts in your introduction describe your contribution clearly present the nature and scope of the problem you investigated review the pertinent literature and state your method of investigation and justification the materials and methods section is necessary for both theoretical and experimental or case study paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughtss in theoretical paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughtss. This section should include a hypothesis assumptions theoretical developments and arguments to demonstrate applicability in experimental or case study paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughtss this should include the purpose of the experiment or case study a description of the apparatus or equipment procedures an explanation of the data and observations and inferences based on the data presented. The core of your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts will be the results section use representative data but avoid using redundancies. And too many tables and figures as for the tables and figures themselves. Do not tabulate. Supplementary data lab numbers results of simple calculations columns showing no significant variation or unrelated data. The grouping of data should be logical. Do not turn any of the described data into figures instead graph data that show trends. Now you’re finally ready to start writing your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts. You might think that you should begin at the beginning but in fact you need to start with the conclusion. Focus on what you’ve learned it’s easier to work back from the known and build the paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts accordingly. Describe how you got your results. And the process and methodology. You used present the theory.

That explains the process. Remember to write simple sentences. Use common terminology and avoid directly promoting your company or using in-house jargon once you finish your first draft you need to carefully evaluate what you’ve written. Is it thorough. Ask a colleague who didn’t work on the project to read the paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts. Then ask a colleague who did work on the project to read it. Consider any feedback. They might have on how to improve your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts fill in any remaining sections except for the abstract. You’ll write that once. You’re sure the paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts is complete. An acknowledgment section isn’t always necessary. But if you do include one keep it short. After every section is complete. The editing process begins. Edit your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts several times any writer will tell you that. The first draft is nowhere near the last edit for clarity remove any run-on sentences and spelling errors cut extraneous information and stick to the main topic. Ask other people to read your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts for clarity if English isn’t your first language ask a native or fluent English speaker to read your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts and make suggestions or use a fee-based service to help improve the quality of your written English ensure a balance in the clarity and technical content of your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts throughout the writing process. Keep one thing in mind avoiding plagiarism. According to the merriam-webster dictionary plagiarism is the act of using another person’s words or ideas without giving credit to that person essentially plagiarism. Is stealing someone else’s work to avoid plagiarizing others cite your sources. You might be tempted to plagiarize because you think you can’t say it as well as the original author but paraphrasing your own words in a style consistent with the rest of your work as you’re finalizing your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts. Consider these tips from writing experts. Support your arguments with references. Always keep your audience in mind. Read your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts aloud to yourself to make sure it sounds smooth and consistent constantly.

Ask yourself if you can improve your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughtss readability. When you’ve finished your paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts you need to submit it through the proper channels. Follow the spe author kit instructions for conference paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughtss and use. SPS Microsoft Word template you can include figures and tables in the manuscript or create them separately see SPE s. Prepare for a conference and journal submission pages for more detailed instructions where you can find another video detailing how to submit a paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts to an SPE peer-reviewed journal now that we’ve covered the basics of writing a good technical paper international journal of applied engineering research, international journal of creative research thoughts. What are you waiting for. Go out there and start writing.

Where to find great research papers?

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You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.


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