How to source academic journal articles

The following video is one of the chapters of my skillshare course on how to read an academic paper. Hopefully it is helpful to you here on youtube in isolation but if you click on the link below the video you can go to the skillshare course and watch all of the different sections okay so the first thing we need to do is find out where we can source and locate academic papers. So there’s going to be a number of different sources and i’m going to run through a list and then i am going to show you some of the websites for each of these sources so the first and often easiest source is from databases. So there’s a number of databases that link to lots of different gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals. Unfortunately you can normally only get hold of these via a institutional library so somewhere like a university. Some public libraries do have access but because they’re very expensive. This is not all of that common so if you are at a university or have access to a university library they will normally have a page which links to various different databases and within that you can search for the types of gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals or topics or things that you are interested in if you are not at a university or higher education institution then things get a little bit trickier. So we’re going to run through a few different other sources and then once we’ve got through those sources uh if you still don’t have any luck with finding a particular article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal i have a tip for you. That will help very much okay so after databases the next place we would normally have look. Is google scholar so google has its own specialized search engine for academic research. Google’s definition of academic research is a little bit broader than what we would normally expect from the databases at a university so it will come up with different papers that are just on websites that people have written that it may be not peer reviewed uh or quite as rigorous it tends to be a bit broader. But it’s just free for everyone like the rest of google to jump in there and use it will give you normally the abstract and authors and a little bit of information about the article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal but it won’t always give you the article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal itself sometimes when it can.

It’ll provide a link but sometimes these end up going behind pay walls so it may be that you use google scholar to find a particular article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal but then you need to use other means in order to actually get hold of it and read it okay. Our next one is pubmed so a lot of medical gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals are more likely to be published in a way where the general public can access them so pubmed uh is a website and it is an index of lots and lots of different medical related gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals so if the topic or the area that you are interested in is medical related. This is definitely somewhere for you to go and search for the topic or search for authors. And hopefully you can find some very useful information with the actual papers themselves being publicly accessible. The next one is called jstor so jstor is a digital library. It’s been around since the 90s. Uh and it has a mix of uh paywall article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals but also free article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals. The free ones tend to be a little bit older for you. Those of you that are doing perhaps a masters or a phd. This can actually be quite useful because it gives you access to article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals that have maybe been scanned from papers say in the 1960s and 1970s so for my research i found this was a good place for finding older article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals that perhaps were not uh because they were so old were not on some of the paid databases. There’s an increasing movement now for what’s called open access gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals so here i have a link to a list of lots of different open. Access gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals an open access gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal is a gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal where the article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals themselves are published in the public domain. So you can go and you can read them. One thing to be a little bit. Careful of is there is a whole lot of what’s called predatory gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals where they are very low quality and not very good at all and they were often prayed as open access.

Uh and so in a little bit i will talk a little bit more about quality but basically something we really do need to watch out for uh is the quality of the gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal so someone could just make a website invent a name for a gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal and then start publishing and the content’s probably not going to be very good so when we’re dealing with open access it’s really important for us to be able to evaluate the quality so something that is sometimes useful not always useful. There’s a few different sites like researchgate and these are a little bit like kind of a social media linkedin type thing but for researchers and academics. Sometimes academics will post a copy a draft copy which doesn’t have copyright on it of their article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals on here so this is a way that you can access article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals that are just shared by the authors. It’s not really a reliable place for going and just searching but sometimes it can be an avenue for finding particular article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals often. These will come up in a google scholar search or a regular google search. So my tip. That i mentioned earlier is if you can’t access because of paywalls a particular article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal for many article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals in fact most article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals and most authors contact them directly sometimes they might have moved institutions. So you may need to do a little bit of detective work to hunt for where they now are to get an email address um but unless they are particularly famous or i guess maybe a little bit rude or maybe very busy uh most authors are actually quite thrilled when someone contacts them and says look. I’m really interested in this thing that you wrote. Um i’ve seen the title but i can’t access it. Could you please send me a copy and quite often they will send you a draft copy so when a gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal gets published immediately before getting published. You receive a draft copy for you to check and confirm that it’s all correct and so. This is something that i still get from my article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals even those that are dating back 15 years ago and very happy to just send people copies of those.

So that’s really my number one tip if you can’t easily access gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal don’t do this if you can just download it off. The web. Don’t be lazy but if you can’t find it anywhere else most authors are very happy to help you out okay so we quickly want to consider the idea of quality so there are some gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals that are very famous. You might have heard them mention in the news a lot so if we were say looking at medicine gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals like the british medical gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal or lancet are some of the most uh well-known gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals of our academic literature and so we would generally regard those as being pretty high quality from there. There’s kind of tears of quality of different gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals. Sometimes you can get a good article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal from a not quite as good gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal but there is a point as you kind of go down the rankings. Where you’re just less likely to get useful information so there is a number of different metrics that tell us uh different ways of evaluating a gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal. So there’s ones called impact factors another one called citation indices. And if you google search those and i will show you a couple of examples we can see lists of gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals and they’re ranked by things like how often they are referenced and cited and so these are proxies for how good the quality is if a lot of people are referencing a particular article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals in a particular gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal. Then this would suggest that the quality of them must be pretty good. This is not as helpful for newer gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals. Because they just haven’t been around as long so they may not have been cited very much because they just are very new in that case it can be a little bit harder really just looking at a gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal website though can give you a lot of information. So earlier i mentioned predatory gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals and so these are typically ones. Where someone’s just set up a website and they’re really aiming at academics and researchers who are not very good but have kpis are expected to publish their material but the material can’t get published elsewhere.

Uh very often you will see things on the website like four hundred dollars and we will publish your article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal. So it’s kind of a little bit of a pay-to-play model where they will not be particularly critical of your article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal because you gave them some money for the top tier gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals. This is not the case top tier gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals. There is the authors. Don’t get paid. Uh which is a common misperception uh so the authors don’t get paid the reviewers don’t get paid but when the author submits their article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal they’re not having to pay to get it published. It’s a few little exceptions. But this is generally the rule with the predatory gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals. They expect you to pay. They don’t really review it particularly hard or at all in some cases. And then they just whack it up on their website. So it’s more of a money-making venture lets people say. Oh i published all of these different article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals or for other people to say they were an editor or they held some sort of position of esteem within an article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal within a gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal quite often you’ll see things like spelling mistakes on the websites. If you have a look at the couple of the article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals you’ll see the quality is really bad there’ll be there’ll be typos and grammatical errors and things like that so really what. I’m saying the vibe of the website and the vibe of a couple of article gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journals will give you a pretty good indicator of whether the gastroenterology journals, electrical engineering journal is any good or not for those that are a little bit more established then you can look at metrics like the citation indices and the impact factors and they will help you to decide okay. So that’s where we can find. Uh our papers. Let’s have a look now on some of these websites do a little bit of a tour and then we will get into some more details on. What a paper actually looks like. Thanks for watching this video. Please like and subscribe to support more academic content for masters and phd students who are embarking on their research. Journey also see below the video for links to our youtube facebook community and skillshare.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.



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