How To Search & Download Research  Paper ? ~Free Resources~

Are you a post-graduate student doing your master by research researchgate downloader, researchgate download or doing a phd have you ever thinks of what other search engine to find research researchgate downloader, researchgate download article related to your research researchgate downloader, researchgate download area or related to your study hi today i’m gonna show you how to use a search engine google scholar to locate research researchgate downloader, researchgate download article related to your areas and i will also show you how to use a boolean operators in order for you to locate and to find your research researchgate downloader, researchgate download article accurately and efficiently today’s hearing i’m gonna show you how to search your journal article using a google scholar as well as using a boolean operators to simplify your searching and make it more efficient so first you go to google and type google scholar and make sure it’s google i’ll click the google scholar and here we see this is the google scholar so the first thing you need to look at is these features i’m going to show you how are you going to use this google scholar for your general searching first you need to know what is the keywords for your research researchgate downloader, researchgate download so um for example i’m gonna show you on i’m gonna look into the article related to vibration energy harvesting and as we can see here this is the pop-up keywords once i’ve typed these keywords and you can see all the pop-ups so this pop-up might help help you as well to narrow down your stitching so we have here while vibration energy harvesting review vibration energy harvesting system device piezoelectrics application and so on so um first thing first i’m gonna look on the vibration energy harvesting generally so just click here and then this is uh the features you are going to come across to this kind of features so first look at this side um this is the the time you may specify this the time of the publication uh since it is important in our this is writing or our article writing the publication should be within five years from the current years so that is the the most important thing that you need to know right so uh what we are going to do i’m going to write um that i click on the custom range just now and then i’m going to specify the year from 2016 until 2021 so and these are going to narrow down the search up to all the article only from the 2016 up to 2021 and we click search here so as you can see the search engine will narrow down to up to all the publication only published in between the 2016 and 2021 and second um as we can see here the two check box here include patterns and include citations so include pattern is if your might want to include your search with all the patterns then you can click here but as for me i’m not looking into the pattern i’m more focusing on the general article so i will take out this search and then it will leave us with only the include the citations and all all the citations of the general article except for the patterns okay another thing to look at is that this site in which you can see uh as this one is written as html science direct so this publication will have the only the html from sciencedirect.

Com and this this one can have the pdf version from research researchgate downloader, researchgate and this one also is the pdf is also come together and for those line with no uh mentioning here meaning that there is no uh there is no uh full publication full paper here only the the abstract and uh the title of the paper so we can go down and look uh the example as i mentioned previously okay so this one without any mentioning of the pdf or the html version so what we have here is okay we only come down to this the the title the abstracts and the general information of the paper so if you want to have the pdf you need to get get access and you need to pay for this publication meaning to say that this is not an open access publication so and we go to another example so this one if i click this one with the html signs direct from what we have here is okay so uh this is the html uh version from and this is the pdf version that we can download see what happens if we if we download pdf version so again download this article download full issue so i’m just wanna download this article download free full issues is we are going to download the whole issues including this one this article as well so what we’re gonna do is we only want to download this article and we click and see what happened so this is the full article that is downloadable so another example is that so another example is here with the one mentioning the pdf version and from research researchgate downloader, researchgate downloadgate.

Net so we click here to see what happen again okay so this one and uh it brings us to this signs direct as well and if you click here purchase this article okay you need to purchase this article or access via your institute institutional login if your institution have this access to a science direct so next i’m gonna show you what is boolean operator boolean operator is basically the end and the or okay so using the boolean operator will specific your searching and will make it efficient as i said earlier so i show you we are using the first boolean operator which is the n so and we need to type capital letter n so vibration energy harvesting and electrical energy so this one uh what is this supposed to mean it is it means that i’m i’m gonna look for the vibration energy harvesting and electrical energy all of the article or general article that comprises of these two items the vibration energy harvesting and the electrical energy will come out will show up on this search okay so i click here so as you can see the vibration energy harvesting and the electrical electrical will be highlighted highlighted and only the these two the article with these two keywords will show up here so as you can see here so the second one is the mechanical modulation for enhancing energy harvesting and on the abstract section we have the electrical energy here as well on the title we have the vibration energy harvesting and we have the electrical as well in the abstract section okay and second example.

Of the boolean operator is the use of all so or as you know it’s either one so meaning to say here if the article has either the vibration energy harvesting or the electrical energy will show up in this search so it’s either one it’s either the vibration energy or it’s either the electrical energy any of this has in those uh article or journal so it will show up here so as you can see the vibration energy and either one as i said is the one will show up in your search engine so this is these are two boolean operators that you really need to use in searching your related article that will really um make your search um research researchgate downloader, researchgate download searching efficient um another thing um you will need to look before um taking any publication um that is related to your research researchgate downloader, researchgate download is on this um cited on this section the cited section so as you can see um the the number of citation is different from one article to another so the more the article has been cited it is assigned or is one of the popular publication in the area of uh in the area of uh research researchgate downloader, researchgate download so you might as well uh need to look into this citation total citation numbers uh for you to know which article has influence in your related research researchgate downloader, researchgate download area i hope this sharing will help you in your research researchgate downloader, researchgate download thanks bye salaam alaikum.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.


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