How to Remove Plagiarism from Research Paper

I am dr mohammad. Zaid mumtaz erd and assistant professor in the field of microbiology plant. Sciences environmental sciences and soil sciences. Um expert subject expert in soil science especially in soil microbiology and environmental sciences. So today i’m going to elaborate how to remove plagiarism research paper plagiarism checker free, free plagiarism checker for research paperss. In research article uh this is a very introductory class you can say in your introductory lecture about the uh removing of plagiarism research paper plagiarism checker free, free plagiarism checker for research paperss. In your research article i have checked here below the research article. I have checked the plagiarism research paper plagiarism checker free, free plagiarism checker for research paperss. Of this article this is here. It is the 10 newton software. You need to do login through your email and password. Then sign in and hit the legend checking. Uh you you need to purchase this account and you need to purchase either officially or either student account. Uh after that you can check your plasma of the documents so before starting this video i will request you to hit like and subscribe my channel. Which is this psylactic. Please hit bell icon to get alert from the videos. So let’s go. What is apologism here is the plagiarism research paper plagiarism checker free, free plagiarism checker for research paperss documents. Which is showing the color contents here. It is showing uh color of numbers. 22 3 3 3 3. This is showing 5 3. Five five what these color means. I am going to the end of this documents. Let’s go and of this documents here. It is end of this documents. Uh run it. In software provide a report which will show the original uh original originality of this documents that is showing 18 is plagiarized and other out of 100. It is showing not otherwise 100 minus 18. 82 percent is not plagiarized 82 you can say 82 percent is original and 18 is supply rise among plagiarized person is 18 among 80 percent. Eight percent is from internet. Eleven percent is from the publications and nine percent is uh belong to the uh student paper. What the color means uh previous one. This color one red and two purple is showing the different sources of the plagiarism research paper plagiarism checker free, free plagiarism checker for research paperss. Here it is. The red color shows that uh various type of student papers submitted in the higher education commission of pakistan belong to the uh plagiarized person which is the whole documents showing in up to 85 percent and other paper from fs publisher friends science publisher organization.

Uh paper is also showing the plagiarism research paper plagiarism checker free, free plagiarism checker for research paperss. So you have taken the two person sources from this paper and two perspectives from this book source and one person one person others. They are showing various color with along with their numbers so you can identify them through their numbers for examples. I go there and it is showing eight for eight numbers which is the on eight numbers. Here it is on eight per number which is the pathjazz dot com. Uh we have taken less than one percent from the project so you can identify uh from where you have copied the material. Uh first you need to identify which area need to remove the plasma before doing that. I want to tell you that about the this report. Either you need 19 to submit your paper but here it is 18. I want still i want to remove plagiarism research paper plagiarism checker free, free plagiarism checker for research paperss. Uh uh from this documents it may be up to the 15 percent. Uh why i’m doing this. I’m doing this to reduce the plagiarism research paper plagiarism checker free, free plagiarism checker for research paperss. Chances in upcoming days because many number of papers are being submitted on daily basis in the research journals which may become part of the plagiarism research paper plagiarism checker free, free plagiarism checker for research paperss. In my documents so i want to reduce the probability of the plagiarism research paper plagiarism checker free, free plagiarism checker for research paperss. And increase the chances of acceptance of my research papers. So you can do this in your thesis in your research article content writing everywhere you want to remove the plagiarism research paper plagiarism checker free, free plagiarism checker for research paperss. So uh where i want to remove this two percent uh two to three percent i want to remove from the red part definitely from that part so it is. It is also for for the uh example to demonstrate this lecture here. Uh let’s go to the red part you can here. It is the red part source one. Here is the source one. There is the source one. So um introduction. These are four other sources which is 17 7 23. Here is the source one and the source.

That is not is very difficult to remove so here it is the source one plugin apart so how i will remove this plasticism. Let’s go to the word document or trial. It is the portrayal. In methodology section. It is the portrayal and here is the plagiarized part which i am in text you can see here. At maturity plant were harvested and washed. So i will rephrase this part and you can. Rewrite it at physiological maturity physical majority of the plant is that or stage with in which all stages of the part are completed and going to die and going to be a terminal stage in which you can harvest the plant at geological maturity platform uh harvested and watched no need to mention here to watch uh harvested and analyzed. You can write and analyze for for the growth attributes parameters you can change these parameters with the attributes analyze for growth attributes and heavy metal accumulation. Is something else. Uh here it is in your paper you have right about the concentration have metal concentration in different parts. Uh you can you. You need to be specific here and no need to write different parts. Uh because uh in specificity i have i have determined. The heavy metal concentration in plant roots and shoots part in plant roots and shoots was measured not or were observed that will be a perfect sentence will were observed so it is done. Uh here so same way you can remove the plasticism of other parts so you need to check the 10 10 rgsm report. Where is the source funds. Here is the source. One spinach plant treated with severe waste. Water reported maximum increase in. Shoot fresh weight and refresh weight here. You can combine the root fresh and drive it so go to our document here. It is the plant growth attributes. Here is the fresh weight. So you need to rephrase it refresh and just remove this one and drive it compared to mixed and canon water simply it will change the structure of your sentence. Yes this is. It is in part of antioxidant enzymatic activity so just for your understanding.

I am using this darkness. Here here it is describing the plagiarism research paper plagiarism checker free, free plagiarism checker for research paperss. Part so you can. You can write or change the structure of this sentence. Uh through changing the structure of this sentence plagiarism research paper plagiarism checker free, free plagiarism checker for research paperss. Part will also and we cannot treatment. Yes definitely put the comma here. Uh pod activity for the activity. You can mention the effects effects but for the effects uh i checked the effects of bacteria. What about the bacteria let tolerant bacterial strains yes. Yeah increase promoted promoted pod activities. Third sentence. You have already uh reported promoted. So don’t need to report about was purely activities ranging range not range it’s ranging from eight to ten percent computer on an operational control. Yes it definitely removed the plagiarism research paper plagiarism checker free, free plagiarism checker for research paperss. Surely it will remove the plagiarism research paper plagiarism checker free, free plagiarism checker for research paperss. Uh you can write here not the letter and bacteria here you can write these. Bacteria strains also cause causes us causes and increase. Ah now you can try also promoted sod activities ranging from four to seven percent in comparison. Yeah yes you need to change this. In comparison you can write it. Compared to the better control. It will definitely remove the plasticism of your document so it’s sufficient to remove the plagiarism research paper plagiarism checker free, free plagiarism checker for research paperss. So but you have changed this part this one. Hope you and how you can remove the pleasure from your search article how you can you can. Uh use this technique research communication any any of the scientific paper and content writing. Hope you have like uh my videos are requested. Subscribe my channel which is sick and hit the subscribe and like button hit the bell icon to get alert from the coming videos. So thank you so much bye oh.

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