How To Read Scientific Journal Article Effectively || The Most Efficient Research Paper Reads

Before you ever open a journal article science and technology journal, science research to start reading it stop and make sure that you know the question. You’re trying to answer by reading that journal article science and technology journal, science research if you don’t know me. I am Dr Elena eister. I am my PhD in chemistry and on this channel. I make videos to help you become more efficient in research and the number one way you can waste time in research is by reading tons of Journal article science and technology journal, science researchs to get nothing out of it. If you don’t have a question that you are trying to answer by reading a journal article science and technology journal, science research you’re not likely to remember a lot. That’s going on in that journal article science and technology journal, science research now your questions can be super broad or super narrow. They can be things like what is my field. What is going on in my field or they can be something specific as how do. I measure estrogen concentration. But before you even go looking for. Journal article science and technology journal, science researchs you want to make sure you know what you’re trying to get out of those Journal article science and technology journal, science researchs because it’s so easy to fall into the Trap of feeling like you’re productive because you’re reading hundreds of Journal article science and technology journal, science researchs and you’re not actually gaining anything out of it so first detail out your question that you want to to know and then pick the keywords from that and use something like Google Scholar or research wrap it and I’ll have tutorials to both of those Linked In the description below to then be able to search for specific article science and technology journal, science researchs. That are likely to answer your question. So once you’ve found a journal article science and technology journal, science research it is time to start getting into it and the second thing we want to do is make sure that this journal article science and technology journal, science research is actually going to answer our questions. So the first thing we’re going to do is go to the abstract of the journal article science and technology journal, science research and we can read through it and what we’re looking for is one. Is it actually on the topic that we’re interested in for example if I’m looking at this paper and I’m really interested in learning about dtims which is a specific type of ion mobility and I look at this paper and in the abstract they’re talking all about twins okay.

Then that’s telling me that this might not be the specific paper. I want to read to answer my question. So what do I do from there so what I’m going to do is make sure that this is in a spot. That is searchable for me. So in that case for me that is either my notion organization template or zotero and I will also Link videos below about how to use both of those at a minimum. You do want to make sure the abstract is searchable. But if you want to go one step further you can actually use an automated summarization tool like paper. Digest or scholar seat to add in additional information into that to make it more searchable as well now if for example in this paper if I am actually interested in Twins and maybe I’m thinking about how does twins separate out steroid isomers then looking at this abstract. I know that this is actually going to be relevant. They’re showing that they actually separated out steroid isomers from this so. I just want to go through and make sure that this is going to be super relevant before I dive into the meat of the paper so what I’m going to do is go all the way down to the conclusion section and in the conclusion section. This should tell me their key findings if it doesn’t tell me it in the abstract and their main impact of the paper what. I want to be doing here is not only thinking about. Is this related to the question that I have but also thinking about what other research ideas can. I develop from this and so if you want more help with developing out. Those research ideas download my 30 day research jumpstart guide that is going to be in a link in the description below so from there looking at this conclusion this is still talking about steroid separation so. I know that I’m good to go on here. And you can feel free to highlight in these abstract and conclusions as well if you find something really interesting the reason why. I’m not going to teach you how to highlight or make notes on your PDFs is because honestly I have whenever I have done that.

I’ve never gone back to them and actually looked at it so I put all that time and energy into it and honestly in the future I usually just search find what I’m looking for and then move on with whatever I’m doing so putting all that time and energy into highlighting and notes doesn’t work well for me and you need to know you and whether that’s actually an efficient use of your time so now we get to jump into the meat of the research paper. We think that this is going to answer our questions so the very first thing. I always do whenever I am reading a research paper is. I’m going to the results section first and what I’m doing doing is I’m actually looking at the figures from the results section so I’m going to go through each figure understand what it’s trying to tell me and then what I will do is if I don’t understand something that it’s trying to tell me. I will read that section of the results section to see what is it actually trying to show or is there something additional that. I should have known from it now the reason I skipped the introduction and the method section is because the result is telling me what I actually want to know and my introduction and Method section is going to be there more for reference so whenever I’m looking at a result section I’m like oh this is the graph that I want to create in my paper. How did they do that. I’m jumping back up to the method section and looking at. Oh they use this technique to do that or if I’m looking at the results section and I’m like wait a second I don’t know what this word means or I don’t understand this relationship here. I can jump back up to the introduction section to look at that background knowledge or if they’re talking about a specific paper I can always jump up to their introduction section to understand what was that paper about and then come back to the results section. I’m using the introduction and the methods mainly as a reference section for me mainly what I’m doing is going through all of my figures making sure I understand what they are trying to tell me and then I can make my own notes that are also searchable within zotero or my notion literature organization template on these figures as well once.

I understand all of the results. I’m going to jump into the discussion and really understand. How does this relate and try and answer my question even more if I haven’t already answered it from the results oftentimes if I’ve already answered my question from the results section. I won’t read the discussion section but if I want to get more information or if I find that this is a really really intriguing paper I will actually read the discussion section and understand what they’re actually finding why certain things happen. And and how does this compare to the what’s been published before in my field specifically a lot of times we have our results and discussion sections as a single section so as I am reading the results I can actually go ahead and see the whys to a lot of those conclusions in the figures that I am looking at so overall using this method. I actually only spent about five to ten minutes reading research article science and technology journal, science researchs but I’ve covered the conclusion what I need from the introduction and methods and then I know the basic results that they’re getting and the whys and context of those results from the discussion personally. I don’t make a lot of notes on my papers and I do a lot more of creating notes within zotero or notion to be able to search for it later rather than just highlighting something which I rarely ever come back to. I realize this is probably a really efficient system and not what a lot of people will teach you because they’ll want to go deep in depth into every single paper but honestly that always tends to be a waste of time for me so if you want to work on this even faster and you want to learn how to automatically summarize your research article science and technology journal, science researchs using AI you can check out a video on scholar C up here.

It will provide a long form summary or a video on paper digest right here. That’ll provide a shorter summary. If you found this video helpful click the like button below if you’re interested in more content on how to do your research. Efficiently subscribe to my channel.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.



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