How to read a scientific paper – YouTube

And they’re lovely people so today we are talking about how to read scientific paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering researchs you know. I mentioned in my last video. That scientific paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering researchs is the way that science is advanced because it’s the medium that scientists use to communicate their work with other scientists and I’ve just recently come across a technique. That is helping me so much in the way that. I read scientific paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering researchs. So that’s what. I’m talking about today so the method that I’m going to explain to you to do is not necessarily the be-all and end-all it’s not the only way and it’s not necessarily maybe the best way to read a scientific paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering research and lots of people like to read paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering researchs in very different ways and so dependent on you person needs but also it depends on where you are within your research but regardless there are two very important things to remember when you are reading a scientific paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering research the first is that you need to retain the important bits of information so you need to install all that important information somewhere in your brain and the second is that you have to think critically about the paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering research so don’t necessarily take it on its face value. Think about it go a bit deeper and for me personally. They’re retaining the information but is very difficult for me because my brain is like a serve if I read a book today and I read it again in a year’s time I will have forgotten most of it so I’ve actually been taking kind of summary notes as I go along through our reading the paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering research and I’ll show you how I do that and how it’s really been helping me so first up and I think this is what most people do. I read the title and the abstract first and I’d like to read the abstract because it gives me a quick overall view of what the paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering researchs going to be about and it helps me to decide if the paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering researchs going to be relevant to me if I actually want to read the paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering research I will then read it through from A to Z. I like reading it. In order from introduction to methods to resolve to discussion and a lot of people don’t like doing this they prefer to jump around but for me it follows the most logical flow and.

I like to do it that way but you can do it whatever way you want and so. I will start off with the introduction and I will read the introduction again. This is the detail that you go into is dependent on. Thomas reading your stack so if you’ve done quite a bit of reading in this area and there are certain sections you know and it’s just being repeated from what you’ve read before you can skim through that briefly but if you haven’t read this area of research before really go into it with some fine detail and also notice the references because the more you read you’ll notice that some references keep getting mentioned again and again and again and this helps you to pick up the groundbreaking or the most important paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering researchs within this area that you are reading about so as I’ve gone through the introduction. I will write one sentence. That is the overarching theme of the paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering research. So it’s got no detail in but what is the big big question that the authors are trying to answer and once. I’ve done that. I will write three to five summary sentences of the introduction and this really helps me to just you know provide some concrete basis in my brain about what has come before in this area and what is missing and what the authors are trying to do so after. I’ve written these summary sentences I will break up my page into a number of columns and this is dependent on the number of aims that the authors have so if the author’s are trying to answer three questions I will then break up my page into three columns and it was in each column write the questions that the authors were trying to answer next up is the method and material section and for me. This is a love-hate section so it is often the most difficult to understand because it’s the most technical but it is arguably the most important section in the paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering research because if your methods are sound and up to scratch the rest of your paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering research is not really going to mean much so regardless of how much reading.

I have done in the specific research area. I will spend quite a lot of time going through the methods and materials and making sure I understand everything. If the author’s ran an experiment. I will try to understand the experimental setup I will try to understand how they connected data and always I will try to understand how they analyze their data because yes inevitably you’ll come across the same and entities again and again and again but most of the time authors will just change one or two small things or they might do something a little bit differently and you could pick up something that could be helpful to you or make you think of things in a little bit of a different way and once they’ve done that under each of my columns where I’ve written the aims of the authors. I will write down the methods just briefly I will write down the methods that the authors are using to answer those questions onto the results section and now a lot of people again will spend quite a lot of time here they will look through in quite a lot of detail. I don’t necessarily do it this way. You know results are obviously important but I feel that the exact numbers the fine fine scale details on not really that important. I’m never going to remember it so I kind of just skim through this very briefly obviously I will look through the graphs and the tables make sure I understand the results that the authors are reporting and then in each of my columns where I have my aims etc I will write down the main results that authors have found so again. I’m not writing down detailed numbers but I’m just putting all the pieces of the puzzle together before I move on. Finally we’re on the homestretch. We’re almost at the end. We’ve made it to the discussion and I need to be perfectly honest here and say that this is quite variable for me. So if the authors are going on this long-winded tangent and they just go on and on and on and on oftentimes.

I’ll just skim through it and I always really read it in much detail but sometimes you get fantastic discussions that are written so well. The authors are to the points. They do a great job of interpreting their results they do a great job of relating it back to what other people have found and this then. I will read in quite a lot of detail sometimes. I won’t even write down anything on my paycheck. But if there’s an interesting point or if there’s something that I hadn’t thought of or considered before then I’ll just and that’s it. I’ve made it through a scientific paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering research so I’ve only been using this technique for about a month or two but I find it’s really been helping me. Yes it does take a little bit longer because you writing as you go but at the end of it you land up with one a four piece of paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering research. That’s got everything written down on it. It allows me to really visualize what’s going on in the paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering research and then it allows for this critical thinking process because you can sit there. See what’s going on and you can think to yourself maybe. I would have shown that a little bit differently or Wow what those authors does was really interesting maybe I could try something like that. So it allows for the visualization of the internalization of the paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering research and allows for critical thinking and for me. It’s just been working really well that’s all. I have to say on the matter. I hope this is going to help some of you out there. If you like this video please give it a thumbs up. Subscribe to my channel. If you have any questions you know you can always leave them down in the comments below and until next time. I hope you go out to recertify. Public paper international journal of recent scientific research, journal of engineering researchs expand your knowledge and have a happy day.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.



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