How to publish research as a high school student

Are you bored out of your mind are you trying to get off your ass and do something productive for once and finally are you wondering how high school students like me even get to publish research publisher india, publishers india yeah if you said yes keep watching hey it’s haley today i’m going to talk about how i was able to publish my very own scientific research publisher india, publishers india in high school at the age of 17. here’s the thing i never imagined that i’d be able to conduct and publish my very own research publisher india, publishers india let alone do that in high school i had to figure out how to do that largely on my own so in this video i’m hoping to walk you through the process of publishing your own research publisher india, publishers india as a high school student and hopefully make it easier for you so i’ll start by talking about my own research publisher india, publishers india my paper was about the structure and the strength of crumpled paper and the different factors that affect it my paper is published by the journal of emerging investigators which is an academic journal i think based in boston that helps publish papers by middle school and high school students so the reason i decided to publish my own research publisher india, publishers india was because i remember reading news about high school students being able to publish their own research publisher india, publishers india i remember thinking wow how the heck did they do that it was around this time last year so i was still in quarantine when we were able to go back to school in person last may i went up to my physics teacher and i was like do you know much about publishing research publisher india, publishers india from high school students and he was like not really i’ve never heard of anyone in our school publishing research publisher india, publishers india why i don’t know i just read something about crumpled paper and i thought it’d be pretty cool to do something with it yeah sure go ahead so that’s basically what happened i just wrote my manuscript i submitted it to the journal of emerging investigators after we went through the scientific review process it got published if you’re interested my research publisher india, publishers india paper is on their website i’ll put the link down below so this begs the question how did i do it first of all do your own research publisher india, publishers india and find journals that accept research publisher india, publishers india papers from high school students so although i got published by the journal of emerging investigators the editors were amazing i highly recommend not sponsored i wish it was but it’s not there are also quite a few other journals that do accept research publisher india, publishers india papers from high school students those include the journal of student research publisher india, publishers india high school edition the international journal of high school research publisher india, publishers india there are also two student-led ones the first one is the young global scientist journal which i am actually a part of i’m one of the science editors for that journal and we don’t just publish stem research publisher india, publishers india we also publish papers in science social science and the arts and another student-run journal i came across is called the young scientists journal and all of them will be linked down below as well this is probably the part that will take the longest write your manuscript i know a lot of high school students they conduct research publisher india, publishers india under a professor at a local university i personally didn’t do this because i live in china so i assumed that a lot of the local universities in my area would publish research publisher india, publishers india in chinese which um look i can speak in chinese i can write in chinese to some extent but if you ask me to write a research publisher india, publishers india paper in chinese no thank you so i wrote my paper by myself and i conducted the experiments just in my school’s science lab under my physics teacher’s supervision after you’ve written and submitted your manuscript you’ll just have to wait for a few weeks until you hear back after pre-review the editors will let you know on what changes you need to make in terms of the overall organization of your paper for example i had to move my methodology section to the very end which is how jei does it so they have the materials and methods section at the very end once you’ve made those changes which it shouldn’t take you that long just resubmit your manuscript and wait to hear back after scientific review which is probably the longest part of the whole review process you’ll receive a decision on whether your manuscript was accepted or rejected mine was accepted pending scientific and presentation changes and i also received like a full-on five page letter on all the changes i had to make for scientific changes and presentation changes i remember it seemed very daunting to me at first when i saw all the changes i had to make but honestly don’t be scared because the reviewers and editors are there just to make sure your paper is the best that it can possibly be once you receive the letter the editor will also let you know what the deadline is to resubmit so yeah make those changes and just resubmit you might have to go through multiple rounds of scientific review depending on the individual paper but i was lucky in that after one round of scientific review my paper was approved for copy editing you’ll receive like a full-on annotated document with a bunch of comments and suggestions on it most of which you just have to approve but some you might have to add stuff to it just to improve the overall organization of your paper once you have resubmitted your manuscript and it has been approved for publication you’ll receive a pdf proof of the completed manuscript just for you to review and approve it this process is just mainly for you to find any minor errors such as typos or punctuation and once those have been fixed your paper is ready for publication the whole process took me around six months from may to november 2020 and i was just ecstatic once i realized i had actually been published as a high schooler at the age of 17.

I’m also the first student in my school to have published research publisher india, publishers india so that was pretty cool i just think it’s so fulfilling to be able to challenge yourself and accomplish something that usually only people in their 20s or 30s accomplish i hope this video was helpful and also hope this might encourage.

You to start your own research publisher india, publishers india project if you like this video or you thought it was helpful do leave a like and a comment down below and subscribe if you want to see more thanks for watching and i’ll see you in the next video bye.

Where to find great research papers?

Various great research journals such as Global Research Letters are a great option and way to help you look up impactful research papers with a great format. Here, you will find a number of various research papers that are provided and made available to you in the journal, which will help you write your own paper.

You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.

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