How to Identify Research Gaps? How to Start Research? Findings the Right Research Topic

Foreign so how do we identify the research gaps example gaps. Not every article published is a good article. Remember this not. Every journal is a good journal. Not every database is a good database. There are few that is agreed upon and are generally accepted as quality databases and journals. So what are those accepted quality data quality databases and journals now in the database. There are different journals. For example emerald has over 300 journals. Sage has got a number of journals springer science direct wiley taylor and francis all these they have number of different journals linked to these databases normally a paper published in these journals or journals that are indexed in web of science. They are quality journals. So how do you search web of science for journals for example. Let’s say we go to journal list and if you find a paper on a particular topic maybe on google scholar or somewhere else and you want to find out whether that journal is a quality journal you just write the name of the journal here by going into master journal list. So how do you search a journal. Let’s say i’ve read a paper on a particular journal and the journal is let’s say product development journal. Is it a good journal. Let’s see let’s say. This was the journal i was searching for and it is in the master journal list. So yes it’s a good journal and you can read the papers published in the journal. Moving on what are explicit research gaps example gaps. Something that is openly available. The first thing is how do you explicitly. Or where are these explicit research gaps example gaps. How do you identify them. Read or review the introduction. What has been the focus of latest research gaps example. And why so if you are reading latest research gaps example if you are reading current research gaps example just read the introduction of that paper read what they have mentioned read why they think that this particular topic is important. Let’s say i’m talking about corporate social responsibility and let’s say the top other variable is team outcomes so if you want to research gaps example on corporate social responsibility and team outcomes read our latest research gaps example that is published in that area not just their limitations and future research gaps example direction as to what they have recommended but read their introduction that how they are expressing the importance of the topic.

How are they explaining why this particular topic is important so instead of just focusing on a very limited things what we should do is we should read a few papers in much more detail. So read the introduction of the paper in order to identify that what has been the focus of latest research gaps example and why this particular topic has been the focus of research gaps example. Why are scholars focusing on this particular topic because in the introduction you explain or the author normally explains why this particular topic is worth research gaps example. What’s the importance of this particular topic. Why this particular topic should be studied and most importantly you will learn how to write. You will learn how to create this story. You will learn how to create a proper flow of arguments because that paper is already published the second thing in order to identify the gaps. Is you have to go through the limitations and future research gaps example directions now read through the limitations and future research gaps example directions. Why shall we read through the limitations and future research gaps example direction. Because in that particular limitations and future research gaps example directions the author would have summarized what were the limitations of their research gaps example both in terms of conceptual limitations in terms of methodological limitation analytical limitations. And what they propose for future research gaps example scholars as to what should be done in future. What variables may be started in the future. We need to assess the recommendations from existing research gaps example by looking at what are the recommendations by these research gaps example scholars so where is this limitations and future research gaps example direction. Let’s look at a paper. Let’s say this is a paper and you are interested in further working on the relationship between csr and organizational performance with the mediating role of team outcomes.

Now once you read through the introduction. You will know that. There is a debate currently going on between csr and organizational performance. And yes. The relationship is yet to obviously be conclusive so you will know that. There is no conclusive evidence as to whether the relationship between csr and op is positive or negative or there is no relationship so there is a ongoing debate so you can add to that debate by situating your research gaps example in this area. So what other variables can you study. So once you read the introduction and you know what the debate what the debate is all about you can go to this particular section here limitations and future research gaps example directions and if you read through this. This study is one of the few of the earlier studies using symmetrical and non-symmetrical methods in combination. So this is one of the contributions of this. This particular research gaps example future studies could gain all from also applying this approach so this is one of the earliest studies. So there are very few studies that have combined both of these approaches symmetrical and asymmetrical approaches. Furthermore the model should also be tested in other cultural setting again this is just replication so instead of just focusing on replication there should be other inclusion of other variables as well. The study focused on four team outcomes. Future studies could also take into consideration other team level outcomes such as team formation team communication or team leadership and assess the impact of csr on these outcomes and utilize these as actual recipes for identification of configurations. That could lead to organizational outcomes so there are three new mediators proposed so you can take these mediators and conduct your research gaps example but be cautious about it. Why i’m just going to explain this a little later. Now if you are conducting research gaps example on a particular topic what you can do.

Is you can read through systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Why shall i read through systematic literature review on a particular topic because a systematic literature review would summarize years of research gaps example in a single paper. So you do not have to go through or read. Maybe 200 300 papers. Rather if you just read that one particular paper you will have the summary of all those papers. Let me give you an example. Now let’s look at this servant leadership a systematic review and call for future research gaps example so a systematic literature review will have a detailed call for future research gaps example. And where is this call now. Let’s look at this paper. Here is the summary of publications by ear and type of papers. Here are the journals that are publishing. This particular topic here are the conceptualizations. Furthermore here are the studies on the number of studies conducted in different countries. Now have a look here so this can be obviously. Let’s look at here pakistan just five studies. Let’s look at some place else. Let’s say uk only three studies. Vietnam one study moving on what variables have been started and what was the level of the variable individual level group level or organizational level. This is the logical network of servant leadership research gaps example. Now this particular network here so what variables have been studied. What mediators have been studied. What are the outcomes that have been studied. What are the antecedent now. Look have a look at the antecedents. Very few antecedent to servant leadership now you can focus your research gaps example on antecedence of summit leadership look at the moderator. Not too many. Maybe you can combine the variables in a different form and assess new relationships now. Most importantly let’s look at this here. Look at this here. They have identified the theory. They have identified the focus. They have identified the research gaps example questions that can be taken into account for future research gaps example.

Now if you can combine one or two or three questions then you can formulate your own new and original research gaps example. That’s the reason i was saying. It’s very important to look for systematic literature review because not only that they summarize the whole 10 years 20 years of research gaps example they propose detailed future research gaps example directions similarly you can search for meta-analysis as well. It’s not a good idea that you keep on reading without documenting what you are reading because obviously you will forget things. So it’s always a good idea to prepare an excel sheet whereby you write from. Where did you get this particular gap. What was the source of the paper. What was the journal. When was the article written. What was the methodology utilized. What was the sampling technique. What were the analysis techniques so something like that just a brief overview just a brief summary of the paper so that you know later from where did you get these gaps. Do not just take gaps from one single study. This is very important. What if you use this particular research gaps example here for your future study and based on this one study you develop your own model now. Let’s say somewhere in somewhere. Let’s say in america. Somebody would have studied this or read this paper as well maybe somewhere in saudi arabia. Maybe somewhere in russia they have created the model they have collected the data. They have analyzed it. They have written the whole paper and they have submitted to the journal while you are still writing the literature review. So what’s the solution. Instead of taking gaps from one particular paper. Try to get gaps from multiple papers. Maybe two three four papers. How shall i go and collect gaps from multiple papers. So let’s say if i use this particular paper to develop my model. Now let’s say this is my iv these are my two three mediators and this is my db now. The word of caution is obviously do not base your model on just one paper. The reason being somebody else might have already or might be doing it somewhere else and they might do it quicker.

So how do you search for new gaps based on multiple papers. So what i can do is i can look for papers on csr or maybe any other papers on csr and team outcomes and in their future research gaps example directions. Let’s say they have recommended that in future research gaps example one should also take team. Collaboration other team outcomes than this. Let’s say they have already mentioned something like team quality. That should be taken into account so now you have studied another paper and from that paper you have taken two more mediators. Let’s say if i go on and i select or read. Another paper on organizational performance or csr and organizational performance and they have recommended a moderator. And let’s say they have recommended the moderator as knowledge leadership for example. Now i am taking on now. My gaps are from three papers so this is my iv this is or these are my mediators this is my dv and this is my moderator between csr and op and my gaps are coming from three different papers now. It’s highly unlikely that somebody somewhere in the world would have studied the same papers and would have or would develop a similar kind of model so this is how you get out of this particular situation where your model is exact replica of someone else working somewhere else now another thing that is very important or can be categorized as explicit research gaps example gap is call for papers now journals regularly call for papers and they present the topic that they are interested in publication so instead of searching for gaps yourself what you can do is you can look for other explicit research gaps example gaps as call for papers now. Where are these call for papers. Let’s say i write emerald call for papers call for papers by emerald publishing similarly. You can search for sage wiley and other journals or databases or within other databases. And let’s see you sorted by most recent and look at this. You can obviously select the subjects.

I’m interested in education. Hr let’s say marketing tourism and hospitality. And let’s say apply now. These are a recent call for papers in these particular four areas or four subjects. Now have a look which one interests you. Let’s say i’m interested in ethical consumption and climate change in hospitality and tourism. Now here are the details. Here’s the background of this. Call for papers. There are potential topics that you can work on detailed list of topics and based on these topic search relevant literature. What shall i search on. You should search on these particular things using these points you can develop your own model. And then there are submission procedures the review process the timeline and then critical references that can help you in formulating your research gaps example topic. So this is how you can use call for papers to produce or to present or to propose your own research gaps example model for future research gaps example now. Explicit research gaps example gap is something that is written that is out there. Implicit research gaps example gap is identified through reading the more you read in depth on a topic the more you will be able to identify. Implicit research gaps example gap for example. My area of interest is corporate social responsibility knowledge management and. Let’s say project success so i’ve written papers on project success i’ve written papers on knowledge management. I’ve written papers on corporate social responsibility while i’m searching. I couldn’t find anything on how social responsibility affects project success. Now nobody might have written about it that okay. Future research gaps example shall focus on social responsibility and project success. Maybe they have written about it but i haven’t read it yet but certainly it strikes my mind that okay. These particular topics have not been related with each other. Obviously this is something that is difficult but this will come with reading more and more on your topic on your area of interest so the first thing that you should do is search whether this is a viable topic or not.

The easiest way is just go to google scholar and let’s say i write corporate social responsibility and the other variable is. Let’s say project success. Let’s see if there any study. Is there any research gaps example on corporate social responsibility and project success. Well it doesn’t look so but let’s make our research gaps example a bit more specific. Let’s put this in inverted commas and let’s write all in title so these two words should appear in the title of the paper any paper on this. No how did i come up with this idea that these two particular concepts shall be related with each other reason being. I’ve been working on this particular topic or these particular areas for the past three four years. I’ve been reading on them. I’ve been writing on them. So implicit research gaps example gap will come to your mind or you will. You will be able to identify implicit research gaps example gap. Something that is not written something that is not out there when you keep on reading on these different concepts let me give you another idea. Let’s say no. There is not anything or there is no such paper on corporate social responsibility and life satisfaction. Let’s say another area that i’ve been working on. Let’s say if there is something on knowledge management just one single paper but corporate social responsibility is known by other words as well business social responsibility corporate social responsibility so let’s see a knowledge management perspective of corporate social responsibility. Here’s one paper. Human resource management model aspects of knowledge management and corporate social responsibility. But obviously have a look here not many papers so there is. There may be a significant gap in this particular area. That one can work on so this is how you search for implicit research gaps example gaps. Moving on an important step is consult a subject expert. This is very important because the subject expert would know the subject in and out. That particular research gaps exampleer would have worked on this particular area for the past five.

Six seven eight years. He would know that if this particular topic is a viable topic or not. If it’s a strong enough topic or not now once you have proposed your model obviously you have to probe your model assess each relationship. How many of these relationships have been tested before. How many of them have not been tested before. So you know that if you are making a viable contribution to the research gaps example or not so i just mentioned a strong research gaps example topic. What do we mean by strong. A research gaps example topic. A strong research gaps example topic would mean that there are strong variables in your study variables that the reader wants to read about for example. Let’s say we have a topic. Impact of employee satisfaction on commitment in this case both of these variables are individual level variables. They are not contributing too much towards the organization maybe to a certain extent. They are weak. Variables there is too much research gaps example on these particular topics. These variables have been extensively research gaps exampleed on. So what’s a strong variable. A strong variable is something that is more or less. An organizational variable or organizational level variable like csr like leadership like sustainability is a new area. There’s very little research gaps example on this particular area. A variable is strong. If you’ve got maybe journals on that particular topic for example we’ve got a journal. Corporate social responsibility and environmental management so this particular concept of corporate social responsibility is a strong topic. It’s a strong area. Why because there is a whole journal on it not just journal there are journals on it on this particular topic leadership quality but i do not think so if there is a talk there is a there is a journal on commitment or satisfaction. So your topics should be strong enough. There should be something that people would like to read on. They must be. Obviously you can use these topics or these areas in your research gaps example.

But they should be combined with organizational or group level variables. Something that is worth reading for the readers for the academicians for the research gaps exampleers for the business community as well you.

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