Case Study in Research Design

Hello and welcome to this module which is on case study. The search design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design case study research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design excels at bringing us to an understanding of a complex issue or object and can extend experience or add strength to what is already known through previous research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design case studies emphasize detailed contextual analysis of a limited number of events or conditions and their relationships the case study is a useful tool for investigating trends and specific situations in many scientific disciplines the case study method has been especially used in. Dietetics social sciences psychology anthropology and ecology. It is a common approach in healthcare research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design. This is because the units of interest in healthcare research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design are patients practice or health system can often be easily bounded and seen by the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer as a case coming to the definition of case study case study is defined by individual cases not by the methods of inquiry used. The case study approach allows in-depth multifaceted explorations of complex issues in their real-life settings the investigators identify the boundaries and these boundaries. What is and what is not a case are continually kept in focus according to Baxter 2008 a case may be simple or complex. It may be a single patient a practice a health care system. Research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers may study a single case or multiple cases in multiple case studies research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers study cases in depth individually as well as look across cases for similarities and differences types of case studies according to the sampling unit. The sampling unit can be a person. The study of one single individual generally using several different research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design methods the sampling unit can be a group the study of a single distinctive set of people such as a family or small group of friends. It can be a location. Which is the study of a particular place and the way that it is used or regarded by people. The sampling unit can be an organization the study of a single organization or company and the way that people act within it.

The sampling unit can be an event the study of a particular social or cultural event and the interpretations of that event by those participating in it coming to the type of case studies. According to the objective of the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design stake 1995 identifies three types of case studies. They are the intrinsic. The instrumental and collective type intrinsic type of case studies are aimed at understanding a particular case because the case itself is of interest example. How one person managed a stroke. A case may be of interest because it has particular features or because it is ordinary the instrumental type of case study is aimed at providing insight into an issue or problem or to refine a theory in this instance understanding the complexities of the case is secondary to understanding something else example case study of a problem with health care next is the collective. The collective type is a number of case. Studies are studied jointly in order to understand a phenomenon population or group condition often referred to as a multiple case study example 15 primary care practices are studied as single but conjoined cases in order to understand how obesity is discussed in this city. The main characteristics of case studies are as listed by case 2000. A descriptive study is one in which the data collected constitute descriptions of psychological processes and events and of the context in which they are occurred that is the qualitative data next. The main emphasis is always on the construction of verbal descriptions of behavior or a experience but quantitative data may be collected. Third high levels of details are provided in the narrowly focused case studies. The characteristics are they are typically a case study that offers a description of only a single individual and sometimes about groups often the case study focuses on a limited aspect of a person such as their psychopathological systems. Combines of objective and subjective data research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers may combine objective and subjective data all are regarded as valid data for analysis and as a basis for inferences within the case study the objective description of behavior and its context details of subjective aspects such as feelings believes impressions or interpretations.

In fact the case study is uniquely able to offer a means of achieving an in-depth understanding of the behavior and experience of a single individual. Next we come to the process oriented method of case study. This method enables the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer to explore and describe the nature of processes which occur over time in contrast to the experimental method which basically provides a still snapshot of processes case. Studies may be continuing over time like for example the development of language in children over the years case study research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design often involves the use of multiple methods for collecting data by using multiple sources of data and both qualitative and quantitative data research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers may attain the richest possible understanding of a is the qualitative method of participant observation and interviewing are used for data collection. In case studies. We shall first look. At the participant observation method the objective of participant observation is to help research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers learn the perspectives held by study population as qualitative research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers. Presumes that there will be multiple perspectives within any given community. The research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer would be interested both in knowing what those diverse perspectives are and in understanding the interplay among them qualitative research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers accomplish this through observation alone or by both observing and participating to varying degrees in the study communities daily activities participant observation always takes place in community settings in locations believed to have some relevance to the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design questions. The method is distinctive because the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer approaches participants in their environment rather than having the participants come to the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer participant observation data consists of the detailed field notes that the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer records in a field notebook although typically textual such data may also include maps and other diagrams.

Such as kinship or organizational charts. Another method used for data collection and case studies is interviewing. There are three fundamental types of research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design interviews they are structured semi-structured and unstructured interviews structured. Interviews are essentially verbally administered questionnaires. The research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer has a list of questions which will be asked with little or no variation and with no scope for follow-up questions two responses that warrant further elaboration. This method is relatively quick and easy to administer and may be of particular use to provide clarification of certain questions if required or if there are likely to be literacy or numeracy problems with the respondents however by their very nature they only allow for limited participant responses and are therefore of little use. If in depth is required the unstructured interviews do not reflect any preconceived theories or ideas and are performed with little or no organization in this type of interview. The research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer starts with an opening question. Such as can you tell me about your experience in the local market then. The interview will progress based primarily upon the initial response. This method is very time-consuming often lasting several hours and can be difficult to manage. The interview is not guided by predetermined questions on what to talk hence. The research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer should have had a good training in the area and previous experience. For example a dietitian will have the expertise in carrying out a case study relating to food and nutrient intake of hospital patients. Semi-structured interviews consists of several questions that help to define the areas to be explored but also allows the interviewer or interviewee to diverge in order to pursue an idea or response in more detail.

This interview format is used most frequently in healthcare as it provides participants with some guidance on what to talk about which may be helpful. The flexibility of this approach particularly compared to structured interviews also allows for the discovery or elaboration of information that is important to participants but may not have previously been thought of as pertinent by the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design team to substantiate the information on a case support of data from sources such as letters newspaper articles administrative records patient health records archival records like census records survey records nameless physical artifacts like tools objects instruments and other artifacts often observed during a direct observation of the subject are valuable. Now let us see how to design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design and conduct a case study the first foundation of the case study is the subject and relevance in a case study you are deliberately trying to isolate a small study group one individual case or one particular population. According to in 2004. His studies can be design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designed in three steps as follows. The first step is to define the case that you are studying. Arriving at even a tentative definition helps enormous lis to organize your case study. Generally you could stick with your initial choice because you might have reviewed literature or developed research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design questions specific to this choice however a virtue of the case study method is the ability to redefine the case after collecting some early data. Beware when this happens. You may then have to backtrack reviewing a slightly different literature and possibly revising the original research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design question a second step calls for deciding whether to do a single case study or a set of case studies the term case study can refer to either single or multiple case studies. They represent two types of case study design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designs. You also can choose to keep your case. Holistic or to have embedded sub cases within an overall holistic case for example your holistic case might be about a diabetic patients glycemic control and the family’s food habits could serve as an embedded sub case for which you also collect data.

A third step involves deciding whether or not to use theory development to help to select your cases. Develop your data collection protocol and organize your initial data analysis strategies. In general the less experience you have had in doing case studies the more that you might want to adopt some theoretical perspectives without them and without adequate prior experience. You might have trouble convincing others that your case study had produced findings of any value to the field conversely highly experienced case study. Investigators may deliberately avoid adopting any theoretical perspectives hoping to produce a break. The mold case study. Now let us look at some guidelines for conducting a case study first plan and design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design how you are going to address the study. Make sure that all collected data is relevant. Unlike a scientific report there is no strict set of rules so the most important part is making sure that the study is focused and concise. Make yourself a shortlist of four or five bullet points that you are going to try and address during the study. For example case studies in clinical research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design can be in principle being used to test any theory that has implications for individual patients 5 with a case study even more than a questionnaire or survey it is important to be passive in your research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design be an observer rather than an experimenter even in a multi subject case each case can be treated individually and then cross case conclusions can be drawn. Here is an example of a case. Study outline for a hospitalized patient case study outline following is a brief outline on which a registered dietitian would develop a case. Study to plan the medical nutrition therapy for a patient. First look into the patient profile then pathophysiology treatments and medical nutrition therapy standards of practice in this section.

The dietitian will provide general information about the medical conditions and treatments that would be utilized in evaluating and planning care for the case study patient patient history and clinical course nutrition assessment anthropometric biochemical clinical and dietary assessments nutritional interventions evaluation and monitoring. Which is the cap plan composing the case study report. A case study can be documented in many forms a case study is generally a story it presents the concrete narrative detail of actual or at least realistic events. It has a plot exposition characters and sometimes even dialogue the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers address each step of the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design process and attempt to give the reader as much context as possible for the decisions made in the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design and for the conclusions drawn contextualization of the case study. This is a detailed explanation of the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers theoretical positions of how those theories draw the inquiry or led to guiding the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design questions this can include the participants background the process of data collection the training and limitations of the coder along with the strong attempt to make connections between the data and the conclusions evident condensation of the narratives. The research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer may have recorded exhaustive descriptive information from the participant observation or interviews. This has to be summarized in different sections like for example in a diet history case at least the following four questions must be answered in separate sections in corporate headlines that encapsulate information from text provide summary on nutrition assessment noting. Any assumptions made identify and justify the optimal clinical goals and objectives of dietary management in order of priority include quantifiable goals outline a client focused approach for implementing these goals including suggested changes finally prepare a plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention implications because case studies tend to be exploratory most end with implications for further study here.

Research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers may identify significant variables that emerged during the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design and suggest studies related to these or the authors may suggest further general questions that their case study generated format of a case report develop the case report completely and in a logical manner. The report is to be retained in prose silo. Do not reiterate the question on your paper and then answer it. This is a technical report and should contain medical and scientific terms used in an appropriate fashion also. The research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer must indicate what has been learned about the disease process example and their nutritional implications therefore in parentheses briefly. Explain what your terms mean so that it is readily evident that you understood what you have been describing example hypoglycemia low blood glucose how to analyze the results in case studies analyzing. The sirs tend to be more opinion based than statistical methods prepare analytical summaries with supporting data. Appendices the usual idea is to try and collate your data into a manageable form and construct a narrative around it use examples in your narrative. Wise keeping things concise and interesting it is useful to show some numerical data but remember that you are only trying to judge trends and not analyze every last piece of data constantly. Refer back to your bullet points so that you do not lose focus. Present data and colorful and/or unique graphic representations strengths of case study design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design one of the greatest strengths of the case. Study design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design is its adaptability to different types of research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design questions and to different research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design settings the use of multiple sources of evidence allows triangulation of findings which according to n 2009 is a major strength of case study design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design case studies also offer the benefit of studying phenomena in detail and in context particularly in situations where there are many more variables of interest than there are observations.

Another potential advantage of case studies is that the format may make the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer accessible to wider readership than some other design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designs. However there are some weaknesses of case study design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design as well nevertheless case study research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design has its limitations one technical issues a variant of what is known as selection bias whereby the choice of cases biases the findings of the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design particularly with respect to excluding cases that contradict favored theory. Another concern raised is generalizability particularly of single case studies certainly if the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design findings need to be generalized. Statistically then a case study approach is not suitable. Although other forms of generalization may be employed a further concern about case. Study design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design is that since neither experimental nor statistical controls can be used in case study the search internal validity at least as it is understood in quantitative research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design may be hard to establish to conclude case study can be used. As a method of data collection in research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design in specific situations qualitative data is predominantly collected in this method which is frequently substantiated with quantitative data. The person conducting the case studies the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer most often and having training in the relevant field and previous experience in conducting case study are desirable skills case study. Data can be analyzed by presenting the data as trends. Usually such information gives rise to a hypothesis. Which has to be tested by carrying out further research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design thank you.

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Hello and welcome to this module which is on case study. The search design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design case study research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design excels at bringing us to an understanding of a complex issue or object and can extend experience or add strength to what is already known through previous research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design case studies emphasize detailed contextual analysis of a limited number of events or conditions and their relationships the case study is a useful tool for investigating trends and specific situations in many scientific disciplines the case study method has been especially used in. Dietetics social sciences psychology anthropology and ecology. It is a common approach in healthcare research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design. This is because the units of interest in healthcare research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design are patients practice or health system can often be easily bounded and seen by the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer as a case coming to the definition of case study case study is defined by individual cases not by the methods of inquiry used. The case study approach allows in-depth multifaceted explorations of complex issues in their real-life settings the investigators identify the boundaries and these boundaries. What is and what is not a case are continually kept in focus according to Baxter 2008 a case may be simple or complex. It may be a single patient a practice a health care system. Research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers may study a single case or multiple cases in multiple case studies research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers study cases in depth individually as well as look across cases for similarities and differences types of case studies according to the sampling unit. The sampling unit can be a person. The study of one single individual generally using several different research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design methods the sampling unit can be a group the study of a single distinctive set of people such as a family or small group of friends. It can be a location. Which is the study of a particular place and the way that it is used or regarded by people. The sampling unit can be an organization the study of a single organization or company and the way that people act within it.

The sampling unit can be an event the study of a particular social or cultural event and the interpretations of that event by those participating in it coming to the type of case studies. According to the objective of the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design stake 1995 identifies three types of case studies. They are the intrinsic. The instrumental and collective type intrinsic type of case studies are aimed at understanding a particular case because the case itself is of interest example. How one person managed a stroke. A case may be of interest because it has particular features or because it is ordinary the instrumental type of case study is aimed at providing insight into an issue or problem or to refine a theory in this instance understanding the complexities of the case is secondary to understanding something else example case study of a problem with health care next is the collective. The collective type is a number of case. Studies are studied jointly in order to understand a phenomenon population or group condition often referred to as a multiple case study example 15 primary care practices are studied as single but conjoined cases in order to understand how obesity is discussed in this city. The main characteristics of case studies are as listed by case 2000. A descriptive study is one in which the data collected constitute descriptions of psychological processes and events and of the context in which they are occurred that is the qualitative data next. The main emphasis is always on the construction of verbal descriptions of behavior or a experience but quantitative data may be collected. Third high levels of details are provided in the narrowly focused case studies. The characteristics are they are typically a case study that offers a description of only a single individual and sometimes about groups often the case study focuses on a limited aspect of a person such as their psychopathological systems. Combines of objective and subjective data research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers may combine objective and subjective data all are regarded as valid data for analysis and as a basis for inferences within the case study the objective description of behavior and its context details of subjective aspects such as feelings believes impressions or interpretations.

In fact the case study is uniquely able to offer a means of achieving an in-depth understanding of the behavior and experience of a single individual. Next we come to the process oriented method of case study. This method enables the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer to explore and describe the nature of processes which occur over time in contrast to the experimental method which basically provides a still snapshot of processes case. Studies may be continuing over time like for example the development of language in children over the years case study research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design often involves the use of multiple methods for collecting data by using multiple sources of data and both qualitative and quantitative data research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers may attain the richest possible understanding of a is the qualitative method of participant observation and interviewing are used for data collection. In case studies. We shall first look. At the participant observation method the objective of participant observation is to help research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers learn the perspectives held by study population as qualitative research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers. Presumes that there will be multiple perspectives within any given community. The research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer would be interested both in knowing what those diverse perspectives are and in understanding the interplay among them qualitative research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers accomplish this through observation alone or by both observing and participating to varying degrees in the study communities daily activities participant observation always takes place in community settings in locations believed to have some relevance to the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design questions. The method is distinctive because the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer approaches participants in their environment rather than having the participants come to the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer participant observation data consists of the detailed field notes that the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer records in a field notebook although typically textual such data may also include maps and other diagrams.

Such as kinship or organizational charts. Another method used for data collection and case studies is interviewing. There are three fundamental types of research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design interviews they are structured semi-structured and unstructured interviews structured. Interviews are essentially verbally administered questionnaires. The research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer has a list of questions which will be asked with little or no variation and with no scope for follow-up questions two responses that warrant further elaboration. This method is relatively quick and easy to administer and may be of particular use to provide clarification of certain questions if required or if there are likely to be literacy or numeracy problems with the respondents however by their very nature they only allow for limited participant responses and are therefore of little use. If in depth is required the unstructured interviews do not reflect any preconceived theories or ideas and are performed with little or no organization in this type of interview. The research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer starts with an opening question. Such as can you tell me about your experience in the local market then. The interview will progress based primarily upon the initial response. This method is very time-consuming often lasting several hours and can be difficult to manage. The interview is not guided by predetermined questions on what to talk hence. The research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer should have had a good training in the area and previous experience. For example a dietitian will have the expertise in carrying out a case study relating to food and nutrient intake of hospital patients. Semi-structured interviews consists of several questions that help to define the areas to be explored but also allows the interviewer or interviewee to diverge in order to pursue an idea or response in more detail.

This interview format is used most frequently in healthcare as it provides participants with some guidance on what to talk about which may be helpful. The flexibility of this approach particularly compared to structured interviews also allows for the discovery or elaboration of information that is important to participants but may not have previously been thought of as pertinent by the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design team to substantiate the information on a case support of data from sources such as letters newspaper articles administrative records patient health records archival records like census records survey records nameless physical artifacts like tools objects instruments and other artifacts often observed during a direct observation of the subject are valuable. Now let us see how to design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design and conduct a case study the first foundation of the case study is the subject and relevance in a case study you are deliberately trying to isolate a small study group one individual case or one particular population. According to in 2004. His studies can be design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designed in three steps as follows. The first step is to define the case that you are studying. Arriving at even a tentative definition helps enormous lis to organize your case study. Generally you could stick with your initial choice because you might have reviewed literature or developed research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design questions specific to this choice however a virtue of the case study method is the ability to redefine the case after collecting some early data. Beware when this happens. You may then have to backtrack reviewing a slightly different literature and possibly revising the original research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design question a second step calls for deciding whether to do a single case study or a set of case studies the term case study can refer to either single or multiple case studies. They represent two types of case study design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designs. You also can choose to keep your case. Holistic or to have embedded sub cases within an overall holistic case for example your holistic case might be about a diabetic patients glycemic control and the family’s food habits could serve as an embedded sub case for which you also collect data.

A third step involves deciding whether or not to use theory development to help to select your cases. Develop your data collection protocol and organize your initial data analysis strategies. In general the less experience you have had in doing case studies the more that you might want to adopt some theoretical perspectives without them and without adequate prior experience. You might have trouble convincing others that your case study had produced findings of any value to the field conversely highly experienced case study. Investigators may deliberately avoid adopting any theoretical perspectives hoping to produce a break. The mold case study. Now let us look at some guidelines for conducting a case study first plan and design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design how you are going to address the study. Make sure that all collected data is relevant. Unlike a scientific report there is no strict set of rules so the most important part is making sure that the study is focused and concise. Make yourself a shortlist of four or five bullet points that you are going to try and address during the study. For example case studies in clinical research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design can be in principle being used to test any theory that has implications for individual patients 5 with a case study even more than a questionnaire or survey it is important to be passive in your research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design be an observer rather than an experimenter even in a multi subject case each case can be treated individually and then cross case conclusions can be drawn. Here is an example of a case. Study outline for a hospitalized patient case study outline following is a brief outline on which a registered dietitian would develop a case. Study to plan the medical nutrition therapy for a patient. First look into the patient profile then pathophysiology treatments and medical nutrition therapy standards of practice in this section.

The dietitian will provide general information about the medical conditions and treatments that would be utilized in evaluating and planning care for the case study patient patient history and clinical course nutrition assessment anthropometric biochemical clinical and dietary assessments nutritional interventions evaluation and monitoring. Which is the cap plan composing the case study report. A case study can be documented in many forms a case study is generally a story it presents the concrete narrative detail of actual or at least realistic events. It has a plot exposition characters and sometimes even dialogue the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers address each step of the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design process and attempt to give the reader as much context as possible for the decisions made in the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design and for the conclusions drawn contextualization of the case study. This is a detailed explanation of the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers theoretical positions of how those theories draw the inquiry or led to guiding the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design questions this can include the participants background the process of data collection the training and limitations of the coder along with the strong attempt to make connections between the data and the conclusions evident condensation of the narratives. The research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer may have recorded exhaustive descriptive information from the participant observation or interviews. This has to be summarized in different sections like for example in a diet history case at least the following four questions must be answered in separate sections in corporate headlines that encapsulate information from text provide summary on nutrition assessment noting. Any assumptions made identify and justify the optimal clinical goals and objectives of dietary management in order of priority include quantifiable goals outline a client focused approach for implementing these goals including suggested changes finally prepare a plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention implications because case studies tend to be exploratory most end with implications for further study here.

Research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designers may identify significant variables that emerged during the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design and suggest studies related to these or the authors may suggest further general questions that their case study generated format of a case report develop the case report completely and in a logical manner. The report is to be retained in prose silo. Do not reiterate the question on your paper and then answer it. This is a technical report and should contain medical and scientific terms used in an appropriate fashion also. The research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer must indicate what has been learned about the disease process example and their nutritional implications therefore in parentheses briefly. Explain what your terms mean so that it is readily evident that you understood what you have been describing example hypoglycemia low blood glucose how to analyze the results in case studies analyzing. The sirs tend to be more opinion based than statistical methods prepare analytical summaries with supporting data. Appendices the usual idea is to try and collate your data into a manageable form and construct a narrative around it use examples in your narrative. Wise keeping things concise and interesting it is useful to show some numerical data but remember that you are only trying to judge trends and not analyze every last piece of data constantly. Refer back to your bullet points so that you do not lose focus. Present data and colorful and/or unique graphic representations strengths of case study design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design one of the greatest strengths of the case. Study design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design is its adaptability to different types of research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design questions and to different research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design settings the use of multiple sources of evidence allows triangulation of findings which according to n 2009 is a major strength of case study design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design case studies also offer the benefit of studying phenomena in detail and in context particularly in situations where there are many more variables of interest than there are observations.

Another potential advantage of case studies is that the format may make the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer accessible to wider readership than some other design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designs. However there are some weaknesses of case study design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design as well nevertheless case study research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design has its limitations one technical issues a variant of what is known as selection bias whereby the choice of cases biases the findings of the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design particularly with respect to excluding cases that contradict favored theory. Another concern raised is generalizability particularly of single case studies certainly if the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design findings need to be generalized. Statistically then a case study approach is not suitable. Although other forms of generalization may be employed a further concern about case. Study design types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design is that since neither experimental nor statistical controls can be used in case study the search internal validity at least as it is understood in quantitative research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design may be hard to establish to conclude case study can be used. As a method of data collection in research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design in specific situations qualitative data is predominantly collected in this method which is frequently substantiated with quantitative data. The person conducting the case studies the research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research designer most often and having training in the relevant field and previous experience in conducting case study are desirable skills case study. Data can be analyzed by presenting the data as trends. Usually such information gives rise to a hypothesis. Which has to be tested by carrying out further research types of research design pdf, research design slideshare, elements of research design thank you.

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