Basics of journal publishing: a pre-workshop video – YouTube

Hello everyone. I’m Nick Hawk word and I’ll be working with you one of publications workshop or master class in the next coming weeks. I’ve prepared this video for you to watch before the workshop in order to reduce the amount of time on the day that you spend sitting and listening to me talk to slice and to maximize the chance we have a group discussion of the things that are particularly relevant to you. Some of what’s included in what follows might be a bit basic to. You are already known. It’s always good to be reminded of these things and I even found it useful putting it together what I’d like you to do is to come to the workshop with some notes about the key learning points you took from it if the worse time. I hope so some questions you have or things you’d like some more information about or if you knew all this stuff already some notes about how you’ve been going about choosing journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications and finding information about how journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications compared with each other so please come to the workshop with over some key learning points. Some questions all ready to discuss how you’re doing some of the things that I’ve been talking about on we go thank you one of the first things. I’d like to discuss briefly is the importance of copyright and intellectual property issues as you can see from these two diagrams here when you submit a paper to a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication you have to promise that these are submitted solely to that journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication and not published impress or submitted elsewhere that means you absolutely cannot submit the same paper to two journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications at once at the same time. It shouldn’t be logical to have exactly the same text going to two different journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications anyway but this is really a frowned upon thing and the chance to be getting course are quite high. You also can’t send to a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication something that’s already in the public domain and that may count for some kinds of conference papers. You can avoid that by making a conference papers shorter drafts of papers that you then rework and develop and submit.

That’s normally are okay. Things like putting things on blogs or chapters and sharing them as well can mean that you can’t take these buttons and confirm that this is not already in the public domain so the importance of managing your copyright and intellectual property. Right from the word go. I cannot stress enough I want to use this slide briefly to help scituate what I think the most value of the workshop you’re going to attend will be and that’s partly by making sure that in the workshop. We don’t cover things that you can find out more efficiently and easily elsewhere many of the questions that. I’ve ever had from participants in workshops in the past have fallen under this so firstly. You’re all really smart people where the students or established academics. And there’s a lot you can find out on your own initiatives or many of you are. German webpages are so important and have so much information about impact factors style guidelines word limits if the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication. You’re thinking of doesn’t have a work webpage with that information. I’d be thinking twice about submitting to the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication peers. If you’re a doctoral student then talking to other students about their publishing process is most likely to be valuable. Because they’re the closest to you in terms of their direct experience other academics. I’m constantly badgering colleagues about information about journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications. Who they know is editing them and things like that and if you are a doctoral student obviously your supervisors will be able to give you quite spiel specific information. This is part of making the point that in choosing journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications and beginning the publication process. Doing a huge amount of homework is really important but a lot of that can be done outside of workshops like this and I hope that the workshop will focus on things that are really unique and that you can’t find elsewhere. Many people have questions about choosing a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication and absolutely the most important thing is the fit or the match between the paper that you want to write in the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication that you want to publish in there can be a great paper.

Sent to the wrong journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication will get rejected. Okay so no. It’s not just a question of how good your writing is all your paper. It is a question of fit. And that’s what the edges are there to police them to make. Sure i suggest you create a short list of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications before you write your paper but after you have an idea of what you’re going to write so maybe you’ve got an abstract developed or you think well the papers going to kind of make this sort of argument then you think. Well we’re like that fit you start creating a short list of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications as you’re doing so you’re thinking what conversation are you joining. Most journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications will not want to accept a paper. That’s the first paper ever in that journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication to address a particular issue and to be showing that you’re joining and on growing conversation that’s happening in that. Journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication you might want to ask about the status of the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication and I’ll talk through all the sorts of different ways you can assess the status of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications. It’s quite a complicated thing. But a very doable thing. Once you understand it you’ve also got to think about. Who do you want to read this paper. You may be that publishing in the highest status. Paper is not where the people that you want to read. It are going to find it and so that’s a very important thing to bear in mind. You must also absolutely do your homework. Things like word limits who the editors are and if you look at the names on the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication web pages then. Google those names find out what their publishing find out if they have a kind of mission to shape the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication in a particular way you also want to find out what the time to publication is and whether that includes things like online first so that you don’t have to wait for it to go in to press in social sciences. Peer review can often take nine months to 12 months and then it can be another 12 or 24 months before it’s in print but it should become online faster than that.

All that information is going to affect your choice of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication. I put at the bottom there a hyperlink to a blog which I’ve written which covers some of the information that I’m going to talk through here and should be useful to you. The question of what satus journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications have and how you know what the status or the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication is is a very important question. And here’s a summary of the information that’s going to follow next. I’ll talk a bit about impact factor. Which is a very specific measure. And that’s the average number of times average as in mean number of times that a particular paper in a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication is cited in other journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications and I put their indexed journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications. It’s not every single journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication but thomson reuters who run the impact factor measurement system have a list of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications. And the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications. That are on that list account and normally citations are done. Over a two-year period there are also citations over a five-year period of impact factor. Impact factor is in some ways what. I put their the most robust measure. It’s the one that’s most using the sciences and health fields and the mathematics and things like that it is available for most arts and social sciences journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications or for many of them but there are flaws particularly because in social sciences and arts we have outputs that are not in journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications. We get cited in books cited in book chapters and those citations. Don’t count as part of impact factor. I put their the next. One is alt impact alternative impacts and scopus sjr has an indicator which includes information like impact factor but other informations you can go on Wikipedia and look at my blog for more information about that. It tends to have a larger list of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications at least in my experience in social sciences there is also a scopus mean sites per year fact indicator which is very much like the impact factor. The third thing. I’ll talk about is the ER a zombie racks which is a way in Australia.

That all the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications or many of them were act a star a B or C and use the range of sources including impact factor and academic assessments of what the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications in their fields. Were which the good ones were there. No longer officially in use but the information is very rapidly available. And it’s good to check to know whether you’re going for something that we used to be an a star orosi. I will finally talked about a lot of soft status indicators things like who is published in the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication and who is publishing elsewhere and exciting from it with a big important messages that are at the bottom. All single measures are flawed. And you’ll need to make an informed assessment based on multiple pieces of information about the status of a particular journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication this slide is not about the details of how impact factor is calculated. But how you can find out the information of our impact factor the first and most obvious place to look is the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication webpage and it’s not hard to find out information when it is available for a particular journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication. Normally these are based on the thomson reuters impact factor measures. And so on the top left. You can see an image there. It says journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication news 2012. Impact factor 1.0 36 impact factors are normally a measure between zero and up to 10 or 20 with three decimal places. So point zero three six if you go to a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication webpage and impact factor is not on its homepage very very clearly. Another thing you can do is just put the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication name and then researchgate into google. And all of a sudden you’ll find in the results page researchgate. War studies provided it for studies in higher education. You go to the research gate page and that will show some information about the impact factor. Now if you notice here on this example got impact five-year impact and a whole load of different measures. These are actually for the same journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication. You can see that the research gate 0.98 and the one on the. Left which at one point zero three six are not the same figure so researchgate may not be totally up to date but it may have an impact value for a web air journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication which is not available on its homepage.

What’s crucial is that. The absolute impact factor value is not as important as its relative one in terms of making an assessment of the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication status. A scientist may tell you that. An impact factor of 10 or less is useless whereas in social sciences. Anything over one right. Hi so you want to make sure that you are not shaped by people outside of your discipline in terms of what a benchmark for a good impact factor might be. And you’re going to have to if you want to know this information. Use some of the databases through libraries or some of the freely available ones to check to make a list of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications by impact factor in your field so you know where the 1.0 36 is a high impact factor or not. It’s high compared to other journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications in your field not compared to every journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication across all disciplines. I mentioned already. That scopus sjr have a site alternative to impact factors an easy way to find that out for your journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication is to google the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication name and then the letters sjr and you go through the following the top link and on the this slide. I’ve shown some of the images that come up when you do that. The one on the top right shows the SGR which is the SGR indicator. The sites per doc is the one that’s rather like impact factor. How many times each paper gets cited in the other journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications and you can see their trend over five year period there. The graph at the bottom there the yellow and the purple lines is showing the same information a purple. One is sites per doc rather like impact factor and the yellow. One is the sjr indicator. So you can see where the regional is going up in the world or whether it’s becoming less important again you have to find out the relevant information which is what’s relative not the absolute value. So here’s the example for studies in higher education.

I need to go and check against other journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications to see if I set. Sjr value of 1.49 is higher or lower in the mid. You have to know the databases for your field. I’ve mentioned knowing about the relative position of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications according to their impact factor or SJ r value and as I said before. Don’t be misled by some people telling you that. An impact factor of less than 10 or 20 means a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication is rubbish in your field. The main impact factor will vary what you need to be able to do if you’re going to do this properly is get good at databases and have some proficiency and using something like. Excel what I did was. I went to web of science which I went through my university library website through the list of databases or and I also went through the URL. There for a sigh my ago which is the scope is journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication rankings in which you can grieve. I that web web link and I created. I downloaded all the information under the field of education which is hundreds and hundreds of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications and then what I did was I created a column ranks by relevant indicators so I took the for example sjr indicator which is column or this is though the one you’re looking at is actually the Thomson Reuters so column D. There was impact factor now. I sorted that list by impact factor. So that the highest was at the top and I put number one in a new column next to that and then I scroll down to three four five six. You can get excel to do that so I completed it. It went down to about 350. Something like that. That’s my impact factor rank position then if I search by say the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication title and I want to look where the Australian educational researcher is. I know that it’s rank was in ranked number 2 15 and the australian journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication of a turning wheel one highlighted in green there is ranked 217 out of however many. It was there. I did the same thing for the five-year impact factor. So you can see column G. This is a column. I created I listed by five-year impact factor from top to bottom.

I put one for the top one and scarred it all the way down increasing a number to the bottom one so I can see how this one fits you’ll notice. The australian journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication of adult learning does not have a five-year impact factor because it wasn’t part of that system for that period of time. I did exactly the same thing with the scopus journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication. Rankings created my own column for the actual rank position out of all the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications in my field and in that case it was 600 journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications. It turned out that one of the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications studies in higher education was in the top six percent of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications in that field that I published in and yet the impact factor was one point zero three six so knowing its relative position with education was really good for me to know that I mentioned it before the ER a zombie racks now for a time in Australia New Zealand. The government ranked a lot of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications. Not all of them but a lot of them either a star a B or C. Now this was an absolute measure. Didn’t have to look up. Relative information and manage interdisciplinary differences and a star in science was supposedly as good as a star in other fields in terms of its relative status. Oh it already. Can’t the difference between fields and used a battery of measures including what academics said they recognized as the best journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications in their fields. Rankings are now dead the aarc and the government has said. Please do not use them. But they’re still around and cycle damn zombie status or zombie racks. You can find out the rankings from the 2010 which was the last time the rankings were implied and is a useful extra indicator in your battery of measures that you go to use to assess the state a particular journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication. I’ve put the URL there on the slide when you click on that URL in order to go to the rankings. You have to go where. I put the red arrow and look at historical data. Once you’ve clicked on historical data. You’ll get a page. That looks a bit like this. You want to click on journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication ranking lists then.

I suggest what you do is follow the red arrow again and make sure you’re looking under er a 2010 finalized lists and click 2010 comprehensive final lists by all or part of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication name. You’ll see what happens on the next slide. What you do now is enter all or part of a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication name if you have a particular journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication in mind you can type in the full title if you just have an area or a topic or a keyword that you want to have a look at different kinds of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications that might have that keyword in then you can just type that in so for me higher education now. I know that’s the name of one journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication but I also know there are lots of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications that have that in their title and that was relevant to me at the time so you put that in and hit Search and tada. This is what you get so here you can see that. The journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication computers in higher education economics review was ranked see but the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication studies in higher. Education was ranked a star. And that’s interesting that that had we seen. I’ve been looking at an example all the way through these slides that had an impact factor of 1.0 36. I knew from the scopus that it had a high scopus. Indicator and in fact was in the top 6% when i did my database studies. And now we’re finding that the ER a used to rank it as an a-star journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication so all those things are telling me. This is a good journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication in my field. Interestingly 1.0 36 when compared to many journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications and Sciences would look terrible so the impact factor alone is not going to be useful to you if you don’t do your relative comparisons within your field. Here is a list. I looking at this list. I could easily see. That studies might be my first preference for journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication and then I had no backups. That would be a ranked journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications remembering these rags are now zombie ranks. It’s important to remember that the ER a still maintain a list of what they would deem to be quality journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications and this list is updated. We’ve just recently been through a process in Australia where you could nominate journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications to be added to the list for the next assessment of research in Australia now that list no longer has rankings but a very very crude indicator of quality is is a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication listed on the list or not it’s a binary 1 a 1 or a 0.

And you can do this. You can go back to the same. URL the original home page. I showed you earlier on a few slides back and instead of going to historical data this time you just go to 2012 final list. I expect fairly soon. This will be updated with a 2014 or 2015 list you can type in by journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication name or ISSN which is the number of like the serial number or you can look for under a particular keyword again by clicking that same hyperlink. So let’s see what happens on the next slide. If you do that you can see what we get is a list of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications with no ranking information there now if you typed in a particular journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication name or a keyword from a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication title and it’s not listed that means it’s not recognized by eera are currently as a quality journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication and unfortunately that would mean that at least in many universities including UTS your journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication publication would not be recognized actually as a publication output. It would not contribute to the income that the universities get through what’s called the herd see h er DC and nor would it be really submissive or as part of the ER a assessment of the quality of research from a particular. University is if the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication is on that list. It doesn’t mean it’s an amazing journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication but it means it at least it will be counted as a research output in Australia if you remember when I gave an overview of the different indicators of status i mentioned impact factor alternative impact metrics er a zombie ranks and soft indicators by soft. I mean they’re not reduced to a particular number or letter which is what all the ones I’ve talked about so far. Do these soft measures might actually be the most important ones for example. Who’s going to read this journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication if you publish your paper in it. If it’s a very general journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication which tend to be the ones that have the higher impact factor and higher other metrics and the higher rankings.

It may be that all the people in the particular research community that you’re interested in may not read it and it may be that some of the lower status ones are the ones that everybody that you’re working closely with internationally that you want to get to know your work. The people you see in conferences and use talks you go to read quite a specific journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication which has maybe quite low status because it’s quite a specific and small field therefore there are lots of citations to that work even though everybody in your field might be reading and citing from it. So how can you tell. Who’s reading wellick. People how you can also look at the people that you like whose research you like and see where they’re citing were in their bibliography at the end of their journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication articles. What journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications have they clearly been reading look who’s published in the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication if nobody respect has published it in the past five or six years you might want to think twice you can also think. Is the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication leading the way in taking up new ideas or theories of which you researchers but or is it lagging behind. In which case maybe your particular approach might not get a very favorable reading from the editors or reviewers or maybe you think some of the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications are accepting. What’s now very trendy rubbish and you want to go for something. We’re actually preserving some of the traditional values and standards is more what you’re trying to do. So where the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication fits in in the trends and the developments of ideas is important. There is no website or URL. I can give you to answer those questions. That’s about you knowing your field. Newing people in your field and using all the information you can including talking to other people and your sizes and talking to people in conferences and doing some digging about who’s reading what. I said this before but I’m going to say to the game indicators.

Of status are important but they shouldn’t be the overriding decision or automatically overriding decision. About which journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication you go to publishing you might want to think about who pays and I’ll talk a bit more about that on the next slide but somebody at some point pays for a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication to be published or pays to read it and that may influence your decision. You may want to consider how long it times before takes before something is published many journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications. These days have an online preview. Which means quite quickly after you’ve had it accepted you do your proofs you sign your copyright form and it goes online. It doesn’t get an issue number and pages maybe for one or two years but it has a digital object index. I number and that counts as in the public domain. The word limits are important. If you have a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication paper that an argument that takes six thousand words to develop. You can’t submit it to a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication. Only offers five thousand words. I would also on the issue of word limits. Recommend that whatever you do you submit 500 words to a thousand words below the limit. The chances are the referees. Will want more information. And if you’ve got 500 words to play with it’s quite easy to do that in your revisions if you submit to 5,000 word paper and the limit is five thousand words and the referee say would like more in the literature review with more on the method sort of like a bit more discussion and an extra thing about limitations and the conclusions. You’re going to be stuck. You might also be thinking about well. Here’s a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication which. I think might take an argument. I’m interested in but it’s not quite the one i want to make. How much are you willing to bend to fit or paper to a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication. Remembering if it’s going to be accepted there has to be that fit as well as quality. A good quality paper is not going to guarantee acceptance a good quality paper. That fits is probably going to be accepted. You get lucky with the reviewers and then of course is what happens in a review process and there’s a whole other issue and we’ll spend a lot of time in the workshop talking about that.

The question of who pays and open access and copyright is becoming a very important one in publishing if a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication is not an open access journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication you cannot put your published paper from a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication on your website and there may enable it to be freely downloaded at least not immediately depending on the copyright form that you signed which you should read in full and closely and talk to the library or your supervisor. If you don’t understand it you may be allowed to do so after a certain number of years but most publishers will have an embargo for between 35 years maybe even longer some perhaps even indefinitely now. I put on this diagram. Three different looks to discuss three different kinds of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications. The green one is the kind of standard one that most people are used to working in. This is the closed access commercial publisher. So taylor and francis route llege. Wiley all those people big companies that have standard journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication websites. They have big off often. These journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications have strong reputations. They’ve been allowed for a long time. You don’t pay to publish you. Don’t pay to have your paper reviewed but what somebody at. Some point does is paid to read the paper now many of these journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications your University will have a subscription. So it’s free to you as a student or a member of that university but anybody else looking at it will have to pay to access it maybe twenty or thirty dollars. What you can do is pay. And sometimes it’s hundreds sometimes it’s thousands of dollars to make that particular paper open access which means when somebody finds it online through the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication website. They don’t have to go and pay to go and read it and in some of the sciences. That’s what’s happening. People are paying for open access and through those commercial publishing anything that’s submitted through a scholar.

One system would be in this green category in this case the publishers. Take a hundred percent of any money made out of this. You get absolutely no money for publishing it so ever and these can have some of the best journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications as well as some near. Boston quality journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications. So just because it’s closed access and you the copyright is signed over to the publishers does not guarantee quality the blue one. I’m not sure how long these will last given what’s the pressures in the current system but there are some water open access. University linked journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications I published in one that was called the International Journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication of qualitative methods. Except that’s now in the orange category some are new. Some are quite established. They’re free to readers mean open access and free for you to publish in them. This is why. I don’t think they’re going to last very long. Because the free on both sides somebody’s paying that usually means the university is taking a hit to host the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication inter for the editors these journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications may be wanting to drum up submits so you may have a higher chance of getting in them and because they’re open access they can have a very wide readership. My most cited journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication paper with now. 80 old citations is from one of these blue town of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications. A one that used to be in this blue category and these can be quite high quality and they can be terrible quality both the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications and the papers within them and now what’s tending to happen is there are open access pay to published journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications so the person paying is the person writing the paper and currently. It’s not obvious how many us. T’s will enable people to meet this fee. It may have to come out of your own pocket. Some of these are establishes journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications. Some of them are very new. Some of them used to be free in and now charging or thurs which is happened with the international journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication of qualitative methods. And you usually. You may have to pay on acceptance some even you pay to submit whether you good and that doesn’t guarantee whether you get accepted or not you’re actually paying for the peer review process.

Some of these could be good quality. Some of them may be bottom quality. Now here’s an email. I received last week from the Journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication of Education and Training studies. It looks like it’s addressed to me personally dear dr. Nick Hawkwood and somebody’s read a couple of my papers and it looks like quite a personal email and it’s asking for submissions to the terminal. Now if you’re looking for a really high-quality journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication if the editor is having to send things to you asking for something asians generally meaning that not. Many people are sending in articles to that journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication. Now if it’s new journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication with good editors and a good strong mission is nothing wrong with contributing to that but on the whole if a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication is sending begging letters to authors. I’d be worried about it and it’s not as personal as it is. I had a couple of these. Come through where you can clearly see that this is done through a database. It’s an automatic email that gets generated a very young be very surprised if the editor actually had read my paper and wanted to personally send me this. It could have been a personal kind of decision by the editor but I was somehow doubt it. So what looks promising. Doesn’t it you know. I’ve been reading your paper. I’m an editor of this new journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication. It’s highly peer reviewed and we’re looking for some high quality papers well. I’ll show you what came later in the email on the next slide when I look down at the details you look at number F says publication fee is paid so this is one of those journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications. It’s in the orange category from two slides above ok so I would submit my manuscript online. The editor will check it. It will go for peer review. Double-blind system the decision is made. And then if i accepted i have a the fee and then for me that means no. I’ve not got the money to pay the fee. I’m not going to go for a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication where I have to pay the fee.

Some people will feel that. That’s an ethical thing to do because it means it’s free to the readers at the moment. I’m not in a position to actually pay that money and I don’t know how much the fee will be so. I’ve talked a lot about the choice of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications because it’s very important to men. You’ve had questions about that and we can talk more about it in the workshop. I’d just like to briefly touch upon. Now what happens so you’ve chosen a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication. You’ve got a short list. At least i would say double. Check your choice and have a backup in case of rejection so paper. I’m currently working on. I have one journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication. That’s going to be my target journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication if we get rejected from that. I know which one second choice will be but I can only send it to one at a time. Then you read all the instructions including the style guidelines the aims and scope. All the information you can on the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication homepage. I would always print off a couple of recent papers look at their formatting. Look at the kind of language they’re using particularly they close to the conversation that I’m joining. You really got to make sure you know which papers came closest to your article or your topic in that journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication in the most recent years. If you haven’t already you register for the online submission system you have a. Maybe you do a double you run and see what they go to ask you to do. And then if they don’t have a word template to download and many of them do an insist that you use it. I would set up a word template so that you have the headings right and formatted and you make sure you send note to yourself about the references and create yourself a formatting checklist. I do that for different things for different journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications. Or it’s like this one. They want the figures names underneath or they would have been separate files and then. I would skeleton my paper meaning heading by headings and subheadings and there may be the first sentence of each paragraph always remember that that choice about the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication and the fit between your paper in the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication may change as you actually come to write.

The paper don’t assume just because it was the right fit at the beginning. If your argument changes or the literature aspects that you draw up change or the theory or the methodology becomes slightly differently expressed or you’re drawn different. Bits of your data. You constantly have to go. A check is the paper. I’m writing of good fit for the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication. I’m not able to tell you how to write a good paper. I’m assuming you all very smart and you have good supervision relationships and I have a good idea good research and you know the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications in your field. I can say briefly some things about how I think the writing process usually folds out and it is multiple drafts you draft and redraft and you redirect your paper. I would normally send it to one or two trusted colleagues or peers for some feedback and I wouldn’t just say here’s my paper. What do you think personally if. I’m asked to do that. I think is a very open-ended task and I’m reluctant to do it if you can give some feedback and say do you think the literature review works or do you think have understated my conclusions or do you think. I’m good enough on my limitations. If you give someone in particular focus that makes the task easier for them and then you redirect your paper again asking yourself. Does it still fit the journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication. If the fit is no longer there then you either have to change the paper or change your choice of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication. A paper good paper that doesn’t fit will not be accepted although I said you draft and Yuri draft and Yuri draft. Don’t try and perfect your paper before submitting it. You’ll never write something that’s perfect. Nobody ever does. And anyway the reviewers are pretty much a hundred percent guaranteed even if they’re going to accept it to want to see some changes. It’s very very unusual for the paper to be accepted as it is. I’ll say but more about that in a second.

There’s no point perfecting it because the people reading it won’t see it as perfect and that we changes made so write it and leave some space in the word count for those changes that reviews were going to one. The finishing touches are very important and from poor experience of my own. I’ve had papers rejected or bounce back because I didn’t do these things properly. You have to check your paper. Something that appears sloppy is if it gets past the editor is going to annoy the reviewers and it can change a reviewer from somebody who might offer constructive criticism and suggest minor revisions to somebody who goes for a rejection. So check your paper. Check the word count and check. What counts if it’s over the word limit and editor can just send it straight back to you and say we advise you to resubmit your paper when it’s within the stated word limit. That shouldn’t be a problem for you. If you follow my advice of submitting something at least 500 words below the affected limit check your title. Check the abstract check. The keywords is there a structure for the abstract. How many words you allowed in your abstract. How many keywords do you need is a database of keywords which you can draw from them. Are you supposed to have separate tables and figures. What’s the file kinds. They allow the tables and figures all that has to be checked. If it’s a double-blind review system you’re going to have to submit an anonymized version which may mean going to. Microsoft Word and taking your name out of the properties of the file. Meaning when you cite yourself you make it anonymous and you don’t put any acknowledgments in you need to check your references and checking references is boring kind of able work but you have to do it. And if it’s not done properly they may well just send your paper straight back. Checking all the ticks that you cited in the main arguments and the paper our list at the end and all of those that listed at the end are cited.

There should be nothing that you put in brackets in the paper. That’s not at the bottom in a bibliography and nothing in the bibliography. There’s not cited in the paper check. The format are the dots after initials are the doc and comma after multiple authors and initials is the initial go. Before or after the surname for editors are the DOI numbers digital object index numbers after journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication articles which they are for example in it now. APA 6th formatting what’s italicized where the capital letters is recovered a letter after a colon. Where’d you put the chapter page numbers if it’s a conference where’d you put the dates all that stuff. Check it and get it right. Don’t worry this is the next to last slide now and the last one is just some instructions to remind you of what to bring to the workshop. This is just to introduce you to how the peer review system works. And we’ll come back to it when we do the workshop. So you start you submit something and it goes to the editor to review. I’m assuming you’ve done all that good stuff about making a choice of journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication and there’s a good match between a journal for paper publication, journals for paper publication and the paper now it may be if you look at the red square after this at the editor rejects it straight away some journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications that could be fifty percent of what sent in some. It could be a higher than that some it could be lower if it does get rejected. One thing that can happen as the paper just dies which is not a very good things. It’s a waste of your time on the edges time. Otherwise you modify your paper when you submit it elsewhere and then it goes to review again by the editor. Hopefully yes it ascends your paper out to review. It doesn’t mean they think is going to be accepted they just mean it’s worth getting some of the reviewers who are not paid to have a look at this paper it may be the reviewer. One hates your paper if you were to quite likes it and says minor revisions and reviewer three. If there are three of viewers says major revisions which may well be different from the revisions of reviewer 2 said or you could get to reviewers that.

Bose a major revision. But they did quite different things if you’re asked them to do some major revisions by the editor. Well to none things can happen. Firstly the editor can say even if they ask for major revisions the edit continues to reject it or because one person says reject and the other ones has minor revisions. The editor mates used to reject the editor may say please revise and resubmit your paper and will spend a lot of time talking about that in the workshop of what you can do you. There may go revise and resubmit your paper and the editor then may reject it or it may go back for review and then get rejected. There are other options about what to do. If you’re asked to revise and resubmit which we’ll talk about in the workshop in there may go for more review and you have the same thing again it may go back to the same review as it may go back to one of the same reviewers or different reviewers. This time some of them may want more revisions. It may go back review again. You can go through that cycle twice once. I went through the cycle three times and then was rejected by an editor which I don’t think was particularly good editing. I may be that then. You’re lucky enough to hurt. Your paper accepted well. You shouldn’t expect is submit your paper and to get it accepted. That’s really not going to happen. I will be making an argument in the workshop. This whole process involves a messy set of compromises about who does the reviews and who responds to them and Juliet. What the editors do to help you. This is why it’s no point perfecting a paper before you said to do because it’s going to get changed by what reviewers say anyway the best you can hope for or should hope for. I think is that you could ask to make minor revisions. If you get a rejection. You have a backup paper. You rework the paper quickly and you send it out if you got s to make major revisions.

I will be celebrating. We’ll talk more about this in the workshop and so we come to the end of the pre workshop video just to remind you. I’d like you to come with either. A list of some of the key learning points. You’ve taken from the video or things that you already knew. That have been emphasized for you or any questions that you have our issues you’d like to discuss more in the workshop or be ready to describe some of the approaches that you’ve been taking to select journal for paper publication, journals for paper publications when you’ll be publishing or assess their relative status if you’ve already been doing that. I look forward to meeting you all very soon bye-bye.

Where to find great research papers?

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