Articles: 4 – Types of psychology articles, journals and databases

Okay so a little bit on the types of article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journalss available to you one important distinction to make is between secondary and primary sources so a primary source is what most article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journalss are. This is when researchers are going in and and researching or studying a specific question and one. That’s never been answered before or you know. In some cases they’ll be replicating result. But usually it’s it’s looking at a novel question so a primary source is going to really exemplify the exact type of article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals that we’ve been discussing so far. So they’re going to have an intro section a methods results in discussion section and the main thing that separates the primary source from a secondary source is. They’re talking about original research. That has actually been done by the authors so author goes okay. Here’s an interesting topic. Here’s a question we thought of. And here’s the specific test. We created to test that. Here’s of course our results and ways in which this could be applied to the greater. You know topic so this is different from a secondary source. The secondary source takes a lot of primary source article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journalss and basically reviews them. So usually what you’ll find with the secondary source article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals is they’ll start by saying this is a review of this topic and we’re gonna talk about you know 30 studies that have been done on this topic and a relatively new way of doing this. That’s come up in our meta analyses. A meta-analysis actually do introduce some statistics to this. But they’ll be doing is statistically analyzing the results of you know maybe 30 studies that were done by other authors anywhere from you know maybe just 10 studies to hundreds of studies depending on how large the meta-analysis is but again an important distinction. Here is that with a secondary source. The authors aren’t discussing an original research neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals project that they themselves did. They’re discussing lots of different research neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals projects that other authors did so. That’s why it’s a secondary source you’re sort of hearing about all these results secondhand so usually for you know reports that you’re being asked to do for class or for your own lit reviews if you do your own research neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals project you’re usually more interested in getting into primary sources you may want to look at a secondary source like a review article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals to sort of catch you up on what’s been done in a certain area.

Or what is the general you on this theory. Then you want to get into the primary sources of what individual article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journalss have actually found as again the more you get away from the actual article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journalss themselves from the primary sources. The more you have to worry of that an article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals has been presented in a biased way. Or maybe in an inaccurate or incomplete way so if you just read about you know one sentence or two sentences about a specific article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals in another study. Let’s say a secondary source. It doesn’t mean you have a really good idea of what went on that article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals what they found until you actually dig up that article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals and read it for yourself. So it’s always a better idea to to read the primary sources than to just depend on a secondary source to sort of you know encapsulate maybe 30 studies or you know 50 or 100 studies so again. Primary sources are a better more detailed less biased view of what research neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals is really about versus a secondary story in which they are really trying to review and encapsulate a lot of studies into one small article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals. Okay and also an important thing especially for you guys who are going to be looking up. Research neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journalss is where do you go. What where do you go to to look for individual article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journalss. Well of course you’re going to go to an article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals database for that and databases operate a lot like how Google operates so Google is basically a giant database for the entire Internet whereas something like psycinfo. Which is what we’re going to be using in class is a database specifically for psychology article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journalss. So yeah you can use. Google to look up a psychology topic.

But you’re probably gonna get a lot of stuff outside of you. Know actual published article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journalss in main top tiered psychology journal neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journalss. So you’re gonna get things from just you know anywhere from some crackpot who has his own website who you know maybe has a biased view on a topic all the way to maybe a scholar who’s been researching it for years so you know. I was highly suggest you know not going to Google but going to places like psycinfo or pubmed. If you’re interested in maybe a medical topic you know. They have databases for biology for physics but going to specific databases in specific fields when looking at scholastic research neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals on those topics but just like Google. These databases are going to make article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals searchable by their keywords. You can look up specific specific article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journalss and then a really good aspect of these databases is. If you find an article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals that you’re interested in you can find all the article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journalss that are cited in that article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals so instead of looking at an article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals and you know digging up through the resources or references you know what article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journalss are cited in there. They’ll usually have that in the database itself with hyperlinks linked to all those article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journalss. So you know if you’re looking at the article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals. We reviewed just now and you find. Oh here’s a citation by Montag. Oh at all 2008 about you know my space and idealized self hypothesis if you find that in the database itself. It’ll usually have a link right to the article neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals right there so you don’t have to go and try to dig it up by looking at the reference. Also usually you can use a combination of search terms so for example you want to find everything by this specific author you know mono or. Montag oh I forgot. His name is anything by this specific rather having to do with online sites so you can look at mono go and you know online or network or something like that some keyword that has to do with that research neuroscience journals, nanoscience and nanotechnology journals topic that can be a good way of winnowing. Down your results into something that you’re actually interested in.

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