A Detailed Introduction to Google Scholar

If you’re doing research google publish online then it may be helpful to actually use. Google Scholar google publish which is a better search engine in terms of academic research google publish. So in this video. I just like to take you through what Google Scholar google publish can do for you and show you the different options and help you make the most of Google Scholar google publish. First step obviously is getting there and I would suggest that you simply google for Google Scholar google publish or type in Scholar google publish or whatever other extension that you know you might have for your country or and this is the third option. Go to your library google publish. And if you have some academic affiliation and you might be able to use an academic library google publish. My library google publish is the library google publish that belongs to Concordia University of eminent and I went to find articles and more and in the databases I came across Google Scholar google publish. So you can probably do that too and if you have trouble finding it then just ask a librarian to help you out so if I click on Google Scholar google publish here it’s also going to take me to the same page google publish and you might wonder well why to this but the advantage is that if I go through this process then I typically. I actually have to log into my library google publish to do this and it may ask me for my credentials but if I go through these steps then when I find articles and there’s a PDF attached that’s only available through a library google publish database then. I can access those resources google publish directly without having to look them up separately later in my university library google publish so that’s really advantageous. So we’re looking at this screen now and we could simply do a search but let’s first have a look at some of the different parts of the page google publish itself and we’ll start here with metrics and you can use you. Just ignore this. This gives you an indication of how journal google publishs are ranked in the field so you can see that the journal google publish. Nature is at the very top and if we were to do a search for let’s say you know at you’re a very specific. Journal google publish so here is speculum that is a journal google publish medieval studies. You can see that.

It has a much lower rating but still quite an acceptable rating. Here’s another one from medieval studies. There we go the Journal google publish of English and Germanic virology which I published an article once in and this one has a slightly lower rating than speculum so maybe I should have submitted a speculum. All right so you can see then. That’s different journal google publishs are going to have different metrics. I wouldn’t worry too much about that but it is kind of interesting especially if at one point you want to submit your article to an actual journal google publish if your student. That’s not a big deal but if your Scholar google publish that’s something to start thinking about the next thing we’ll do is. We’ll have a look at settings and it’s nice to tailor this a little bit so that when you do your searches you know it’s set up to be to create the best results so here we can see how many results per page google publish we want. We can do ten. I think twenty would be quite fine as well. If you’re doing legal research google publish then you may want to click on search case law but otherwise. I would just ignore that. I’m not that interested in patents so I don’t have this clicked and I don’t necessarily want new browser windows open all the time so I haven’t clicked this all right there and I wouldn’t worry too much about the bibliography manager for now if you go to languages. I just searched for any language even if I can’t read them but if you want to narrow this down then you certainly can. Then we have library google publish links and what. I’ve done here is I’ve added my library google publish and that’s great because then if there is a result that I could potentially access through the library google publish then it will show up and it’ll create this little thing where can I find this or something similar. Okay so you can add your library google publish or as I’ve said before you can also just go directly through your library google publish databases so then we have a count. I’m going to skip that. We’ll go to a button and you can create a little button here. I’ve done this already. And you can see that it shows up in my browser in the top right corner so if.

I’m just doing random things online and I want to do quickly a Google Scholar google publish search then I can just click on that and it will open up the search box right there and so that’s pretty handy alright. So those are the settings. Let’s go back now and the first thing we’ll do here now is an actual search so we’re going to do a search for Gothic architecture. Okay so kind of medieval architecture. You can see that it right away brings up. A hundred and forty-one thousand results that is a ton of results so we want to narrow it down. There are some options for narrowing it down over here. But they’re not that great and you really want to start using the advanced search options to access those there is this little arrow over here in fact even if we went back to our previous page google publish the arrow is here as well. Okay so we will just type in gothic again. Go back and now. We’re going to do an advanced search you can do with the exact phrase you can add something that within. Google normally be in quotation marks. All right so this is like searching with quotation marks. You can also do without the words and we’ll do that over here so we’re going to add England and this is like a negative search in Google so if you if you just did this in Google regularly you would had have to add a little – in front okay so you add – England like that but here you just type it in and it’s going to exclude results that are related to England now. So maybe we just want to look at Gothic architecture on the continent and that would be fine. The other thing. I’m going to do here is I’m going to search just in the title of the article so that I really get articles and books that are specifically on this topic and it’s not just mentioned you know in a footnote somewhere in the middle of nowhere. I’m going to ignore these other options here. But you can kind of test them out yourself. You can really restrict things in terms of who authored the article or when they were published.

Okay so or even in which journal google publish they were published. Okay so let’s do our search you have to click on this search box here and let’s see what comes up great so now we only have eleven hundred and ninety results and we’re starting to get more space cific and you can add more search. Turtles turtles search titles as well notice that it did. Add this little minus here so if we didn’t want to click on advanced search if we just wanted to speed it up ourselves we could always just type this in ourselves and it would have the same result the other thing here all in title that indicates that we want these search terms to be in the title of the article or book so again you can do that yourself if you want to just type it in like that. Alright so now we have a whole bunch of titles and what do we do with them. Well we could just click on one and see where it takes us right so this is going to take us to you know a different place on the web where some of these papers and titles are kind of collected but it may not actually give us access to this particular article in fact as you can see here it’s hard to find a PDF or it’s hard to find something that allows us to read this at this article so that’s not necessarily the most useful. Let’s just go back here if we scroll down however you can see that this one. I can access this one it says where can I find this right and this is a JSTOR article it’s in the JSTOR database and if I click here now then I can actually get to this article so there is the PDF. I can download the PDF and we’re all good. Alright let’s close this and we’ll go back here so those are some of the options. I have and I can scroll through and really get familiar with all the different search results. But let’s have a look now at some of these smaller buttons that we have here and some of the other options here as well to really make sense of what we’re seeing here first thing. I’ll mention is this create alert option.

And this is kind of cool. If you if you click on this you can actually set up an alert with the search terms that you have just created and you can add more if you like and then add your email and then if more search results come up in the future so new articles are written. Then it will let you know and that’s really cool because if you’re doing a PhD let’s say and you’re spending three four years on a particular topic. This will be great for keeping you up to date in terms of what’s what’s coming out and what’s new. If we go back you can actually go to you. Know the the regular page google publish here and you’ll find that alerts is here as well so you can access it there as well all right. We’re going to have to go do our search again and there we go now if we look underneath these different titles so let’s just look at the JSTOR one here then we have some other options. One of these options is cite and this is really cool. You can just cite it in whichever format you want although I should note that these formats are not always up to date so for instance the MLA now has the 8th edition which has been out for almost a year as of now and I can change and this has not been updated yet but I’m sure it will in the future all right so you can cite. That’s great you can also save all right so save sends it to your library google publish and we’re not going to do that right now but I’ll show you the library google publish in a second. You can look for related articles and you can also look for. Which articles cited this one. So that allows you to find more recent research google publish in the field as a whole list of these with their own links. So that’s really cool. You can tell that. I’m excited by this. I guess ok so next thing. We’ll do then is we’ll actually have a look at the library google publish so we’ll go to my library google publish and there are a number of cool things to see here first of all we have my citations and my citation shows up elsewhere as well including on the the main page google publish and my citations allows you to keep track of your own articles and books that you have published and then you can also see who has cited them so if I click on my citations here it’ll tell me you know what my citation index is who has borrowed or copied or quote ate or quoted from the articles that I have written so that’s kind of cool.

And you may want to do that for your own articles. If you’re actually publishing you can also click on cited by me and set this up properly. You may have to follow up on a few steps now. What’s neat about. This is that these are articles and books and so on that. I have cited in my research google publish and so as soon as you import these it populates the whole list. And now you can go through in and it’s fantastic. I mean you can sort of search and go through these different articles and so on and access them again and and so it imports this whole library google publish of stuff that you have cited in published work so pretty cool then we have trash you can delete things and stick it there but we also have these labels that we can create and that’s neat as well because when we do new research google publish then we want to be able to organize that research google publish and you can probably already see that. A lot of this is very similar to your inbox in. Gmail right if you use Gmail for your for your emails Google Scholar google publish is actually very similar. In the way it’s set up so let’s go back to my library google publish and what. I have done now is I have this labeled Gothic architecture which I have created and when I clicked on save before so that was one of the options in our search in our search column once. We have the results. Then it’ll show up here and then I can label it actually. Why don’t we do that for a second just to see how this works. So let’s do our search again here we go and we’ll click on save so. I have saved one already but we can click on save and now it saves it and now if I go to my library google publish there it is and then I can label it if I want and I’m going to label it as Gothic architecture. Apply go to my label gothic architecture.

And there’s another one okay and if I click on manage labels then I can really add more labels and change all of these so a ton of different options that you can use. Go back here for a second and as you use it you’ll be able to go back and forth between different parts of Google Scholar google publish and more effectively but I hope this really introduces you to the main functions and the main uses of Google Scholar google publish.

Where to find great research papers?

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You can very easily find papers on a variety of topics at Global Research Letters, which will help you with your own research work and understanding of writing and publishing research papers properly. With access to so many amazing research papers, you can practice and learn the process of writing research papers and their importance.

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